Daily Broadside | Bidding Farewell to Those Slipping “This Mortal Coil”

Daily Verse | Joshua 14:7-8
“I brought [Moses] back a report according to my convictions, but my brothers who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt with fear. I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.”

Hello friends — my wife and I are moving into that era of life when the generation previous to ours is being “shuffled off this mortal coil.” We were intimately involved in two funerals late last year, and we’re now moving on to our third in six months with the death of my mother-in-law.

We grieve the loss of relationship in the here and now but believe that those in Christ will be reunited some day at the glorious throne of God Himself.

There will be no Daily Broadside for the remainder of this week as we travel east.

Thank you for your readership and support. The DB will resume next week once all has settled.


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