Daily Broadside | Rich Guy Tells the Plebes It’s Patriotic to Pay More for Gas

Daily Verse | Joshua 11:20
For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Monday’s Reading: Joshua 13-17

Monday and we’re really beginning to feel the voter effect of #NeverTrump and the Democrats, and the insane globalist, racist, cultural Marxist, biology and science-defying, climate-terrified Covidiots who think utopia is just over the horizon if only we get rid of the historically reliable capitalist means that have created the once-greatest nation in the history of the world and replace them with a Tyrant.

They owe us an apology for their short-sighted and media-infected rejection of president-in-exile Donald J. Trump, who had gotten us back on our feet and made us energy-independent until the Fool they put in office cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and banned fracking on federal lands while demanding we all turn ourselves into lab rats for a medically-unnecessary jab for a virus that mainly killed the elderly and the obese while withholding proven treatments that would’ve save a lot of lives.

The allegedly 81 million Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 got played, hard. And they owe the rest of us a big apology, and a promise to never screw our nation over like this again.

Yes, Trump was a jerk. You know what he wasn’t? Dangerously incompetent. Or barely kept motoring with a personalized daily slushie of embalming fluid.

It’s time for the Americans who saddled us with this embarrassment of a president to realize that they did exactly what they self-righteously accepted from mass media they were saving our nation from: voting for a four-year national disaster.

One of my daughters sent me a picture of her latest fill up at a gas station, along with appropriate gratitude to the one who made it possible.

Gas is now over $4/gal. where I live and jumped to over $5/gal. where one of my other daughters live. She is now seriously thinking about moving to a lower-cost state.

Then there’s the self-righteous, no longer relevant George Takei, who’s worth $14M, telling us plebes to take one for the team. I won’t link you to this moron’s account, but the responses have been blistering, and rightly so.

It reminds me of a co-worker who once told me she was willing to pay more taxes to take care of illegal aliens. Government creates problems, frames fixing them as a moral virtue, then takes your money to “fix” the problems.

And if you complain, you’re EVIL.

The problem is … the problems are never fixed. And there are always more problems to be fixed, requiring more of your hard-earned money to fix them.

Meanwhile, our politicians laugh all the way to the bank.

These people are absolutely shameless, yet they claim to be champions of the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

You know who Brandon’s policies are absolutely decimating? Yeah, the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

I’m solidly middle-class, and I’m feeling the pinch. But the very people progressives claim to be fighting for are the very ones who can least afford this administration’s policies.

The Democrats are in for a shellacking this November but unless we take back all three branches of government, nothing will change. We’ve got to wipe the Democrats out—I mean, COMPLETELY OUT—in November, and then put Trump or DeSantis in the Big Chair two years later.

Then we need to go on a total law-making tear that lock in truly patriotic goals, like term limits, teaching authentic American history to our children, a balanced budget law, making socialism illegal, mandating voter ID and in-person voting on election day, completing the wall on our southern border, and outlawing the Democrat party.

I jest on that last one. Or do I?

If you want to see the change, get out there and either run for office yourself (start local) or work on behalf of a trustworthy candidate. Knock on doors and donate what you can.

It’s the only way back.