Daily Verse | Isaiah 15:27
For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him?
Wednesday’s Reading: Isaiah 17-20
Happy Wednesday, my friends.
That’s the word that comes to mind as I consider the gyrations that the current administration will go through to avoid taking any responsibility for the circumstances we find ourselves in. The latest twist by Resident Gumby is to redefine the longstanding definition of “recession.”
It is widely expected based on available data that the report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday will show that the country’s real gross domestic product shrank again in the second quarter of 2022. That will be the second quarter in a row of negative growth, which means it will come with the additional determination that the United States has been in a recession since January.
This prospect has the Biden administration in a comical sort of falling-all-over-themselves panic. That’s because President Joe Biden’s defenders are now attempting to massage the definition of “recession” so that the current economic contraction no longer qualifies.
Never mind that the term “recession” has referred to two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth each of the last ten times we’ve experienced it.

But Brandon and his Council of Economic Advisors are trying to get ahead of Thursday’s numbers, which are expected to show that the economy contracted again in the second quarter. That’s why the White House published a blog post that is meant to sow doubt on what a recession really is.

The gambit is so transparently obvious that you have to wonder who they’re writing this stuff for—the average American, who knows better, or the Left’s base, who cheer any semblance of a rational answer to the corners they keep backing themselves into.
As I say, it’s silly. But it’s also Orwellian. The cultural Marxists are corrupting our language in a bid to hide the destruction they are wreaking on the country. It’s been going on at least since William Jefferson Clinton said, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
The bottom line is that Americans on both sides of the aisle aren’t going to buy what Brandon is selling. We feel the effects of inflation and frankly, we don’t care whether we’re in a recession or not. Right now, everything is too expensive, and the squatter in the White House is to blame.