Daily Broadside | Illegal Aliens Will Be Counted in the Census and Swing Power to the Democrats

I wrote Friday about an outrageous and frankly, illegal, criminal scheme that the Democrats are engaged in: flying illegal foreigners directly into the United States of America and depositing them in 43 different cities. Some 320,000 illegals, who have no legal right to enter the United States, have been secretly flown in by the Democrats since late 2022.

Here’s why they’re doing it, and you should be outraged.

Most Americans do not know that the US census currently counts, for purposes of voting power, all people in a district, regardless of citizenship! Senate Democrats just voted unanimously to defeat an amendment that would have stopped counting illegals for congressional seat apportionment and electoral college (presidential) votes. Since illegals are mostly in Democrat states, both the House and the Presidential vote are shifted ~5% to the left, which is enough to change the entire balance of power! This is a major reason why the Biden administration is ushering in record levels of illegals and doing so few deportations.

Democrat traitors are making a power grab that will give them permanent electoral power. This is how Tucker Carlson describes the scheme:

  • Fact 1: 22 million illegal aliens in the US (I personally think it’s much, much higher).
  • Fact 2: Democrats are calling for the legalization of all illegals in the country with citizenship voting rights.
  • Fact 3: The overwhelming majority of first time immigrant voters vote Democrat.
  • Fact 4: The largest margin in US presidential history was 17 million votes.

In other words, historically conservative, traditional Americans will be subject to the Democrats’ radical policies, as we already are in much of the country. But it will get worse: we will be dispossessed of anything resembling our current freedoms, rights and citizenship if we oppose our rulers.

What we are experiencing is a silent coup d’état or a silent putsch, an overthrow of the current structure of governmental power, largely out of sight, and it is being executed by literal traitors in our government.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Winston churchill

I’m afraid we’re past the first two and quickly moving through the third. Trump, should he win in November, may grant us a moment’s relief, but we are looking at perhaps being confronted with that last option.

Daily Broadside | White House Occupant Secretly Flying Illegal Aliens Directly Into US From Foreign Countries

A word about last night’s “State of the Union” address. I didn’t watch it due to a prior commitment. But everything I’ve read about it fits Biden’s MO. Todd Starnes labeled it a “rage speech.” Biden blamed everyone but himself for the sorry state of our disunion. He lashed out at Republicans. He threatened to make abortion rights the law of the land. He lied about how many jobs he’s created. He lied about how much of deficit cutter he is. He lied about Republicans wanting to cut Social Security. He lied about the SCOTUS Dobbs decision paving the way for Alabama’s state supreme court decision on in vitro fertilization. He flubbed Laken Riley’s name.

If that charade wasn’t enough to fry your bacon, I promised you a post that would. Here it is:

Brandon — the Dimwit in Diapers, the Geriatric Jerk, the head of the Biden Crime Family — is known for blaming Republicans, the State of Texas, a broken “system,” a lack of money, and President-in-Exile Donald Trump, for his “inability” to “fix” the southern “border” crisis.

All are lies, of course.

On his first day in office, Roomba Joe targeted Trump’s immigration policies for reversals, including reissuing protections established under DACA, stopping the $16 billion wall and rolling back immigration enforcement. In his first year in office, “[o]f Biden’s 296 immigration actions, 89 […] reversed or started to undo Trump policies, making clear the administration is doing more than unraveling his predecessor’s policies.”

More than 10 million foreigners have illegally infiltrated the United States since the Meatpuppet was installed in the White House as the result of a fixed election. Worse, it’s not that our border is overwhelmed by the sheer number of foreigners illegally walking, climbing, crawling, or scaling their way into the country, although it is. It’s that the miscreant in the oval office is making it as easy as possible for foreigners to skirt laws by flying them directly from their countries of origin to the city of their choice in the United States.

Efforts by open-border Democrats to blame the growing big-city migrant crisis on Texas and its program of busing illegal immigrants north are being upstaged by a new investigation showing that [so-called] President Joe Biden has secretly flown hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities.

The unusual program, kept from the public, involved at least 320,000 illegal immigrants the administration admits are “inadmissible” immigrants, far more than previously reported.

Despite facing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has refused to identify the 43 airports it is dumping immigrants at after direct flights from Latin America.

Do you understand what’s happening? This is CRIMINAL CONDUCT. Biden and his administration are engaged in a criminal enterprise of flooding our country with foreigners who have no business whatsoever being here.

“The program at the center of the FOIA litigation is perhaps the most enigmatic and least-known of the Biden administration’s uses of the CBP One cellphone scheduling app, even though it is responsible for almost invisibly importing by air 320,000 aliens with no legal right to enter the United States since it got underway in late 2022,” said Todd Bensman, the report’s author.

“Under these legally dubious parole programs, aliens who cannot legally enter the country use the CBP One app to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports. The parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization,” he wrote.

In just 2023 they flew 320,000 illegals into the U.S. But that’s not all.

The direct flight program is in addition to another one that gives CBP One users a green light into the U.S. That program, the report said, “has brought in another 420,000 immigrants from nearly 100 nations from May 2021 through December 2023.”

These criminal executives are subverting law and order, the social contract, and the U.S. Constitution. They’re acting like a cartel engaged in human smuggling. This isn’t just an impeachable offence; it’s treason.

Coming to the United States involves a long, difficult, strenuous, expensive and dangerous journey for most aliens. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans provide natural barriers on either end of the country, with the Atlantic wrapping around the southeast into the Gulf of Mexico. The only border we have on the south is with Mexico, which does nothing to prevent illegals from walking up through their country to our border.

And now we have a chief executive who was sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution from its enemies—both foreign and domestic—abusing the power of his office to carry out an unconstitutional, oath-breaking attack on the citizens he was sworn to protect.

He should be arrested, tried and sentenced to life in prison (or worse), along with the other criminals in his administration.

How long will we stand this assault on our country?

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The “Democratic” Party Should be Outlawed

The party of Democrats should be outlawed in America. It’s called the Democratic Party, but there’s nothing remotely “democratic” about them. Like everything else they tell you, it’s a lie.

There are a lot of reasons to abolish the Democrats as a political entity in the U.S., not least of which is their support for and active facilitation of a foreign invasion over our southern border. A number of foreigners larger than the populations of 36 US states has illegally poured over our border since the pathetic imbecile in the White House was installed by anti-American Leftists in 2020.

Have you noticed the crimes being committed by these illegal foreigners yearning to breathe free health care, free transportation to anywhere in the United States, free driver’s licenses, free housing, free legal defense, and a “free” $10,000 debit card or some other amount on a voucher? I was going to list them myself, but I came across this commentary by Kevin Downey Jr. over at PJ Media, and he not only gives a similar (and more complete) list, but he also steals some of my thunder because I was going to write about my interactions about illegal immigrants with progressive Christians on social media who do exactly what he describes.

First, here’s Downey’s list of the latest offenses that these criminal aliens have perpetrated on American citizens and their families. He starts with, “12 illegal immigrants tied up and gang-raped three young girls, the youngest of whom was only 11 years old, in the rural town of Bemidji, MN,” then lists the other recent atrocities.

  • This illegal immigrant was arrested and released just in time to sexually assault a 14-year-old girl in Virginia
  • This convicted sex offender raped a girl under 14 years old
  • Georgia nursing student Laken Riley had her skull disfigured by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Various Marxist news sites “forgot” to mention he is here illegally
  • A Honduran “cultural enricher” was arrested for raping a 14-year-old girl and stabbing a man during an armed robbery
  • An animal from El Salvador — who faced deportation but somehow remained in the U.S. — shot and killed a two-year-old toddler and was finally arrested. His buddy was arrested and released twice, and the sanctuary utopia of Montgomery County, MD refused to hand him over to I.C.E.

As Trump said, “They’re not sending their best.” But we knew that, didn’t we? That’s kind of the point. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Violent crime was a crisis in Venezuela as recently as 2019, but their crime rate has dropped like a rock. Guess where all those criminals have gone?

All to create chaos in what used to be the most peaceful country in the world, so that the elites can clamp down on us with the power of the state.

Here’s the thunder-stealing part.

A Marxist will read a story about children being raped by illegal immigrants and say something useless like, “We already have plenty of American child rapists, and studies show illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than Americans, anyway.” Then they’ll call you a bigot.

I am part of the “one is too many” crowd, and we are long past “one” victim. Ironically, women, whom the left pretends to hold dear, are ignored by the Pravda press after they are raped or murdered. Call them “inconvenient truths.” Ditto kids.

I’ve had a conversation on social media that went exactly like that. Exactly.

Nearly word-for-word.

With a “Christian” no less.

It absolutely boggles my mind that any American (much less a “Christian”) can dismiss the criminal violence — not to mention the mere criminal presence — of foreigners who are here illegally. The simple logic is that if the border were secure, these four girls, and many others like them, would still be alive.

But Americans are beginning to show that they’ve had enough.

A recent Monmouth University poll reveals that a majority of Americans now support the construction of a southern border wall, with 61% viewing illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’. This marks a significant shift in public opinion compared to previous years, reflecting growing concerns over immigration policies under President Biden’s administration.

Key Details:

  • The Monmouth University survey found that 53% of respondents favor building a border barrier, a significant increase from 35% in September 2017.
  • 61% of Americans view illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’, with a majority of Republicans (91%) and independents (58%) agreeing with this sentiment.
  • Despite the growing support for a border wall, Democratic support for the policy has fallen 14 percentage points in the past nine years.

Enjoy your extra day today under the rule of the anti-American progressives in the Washington.

Daily Broadside | Surprise! Hyper-Partisan Maine Democrat Blocks Trump from Ballot

2024 is a presidential election year and it’s going to be one for the history books. It’s already gone south because Donald Trump lives rent-free in the heads of the progressive Marxists who make up half our country. We’ve descended into flat-out brazen and legally questionable tactics in the political sphere when it comes to the Left’s attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in this year’s presidential election.

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, announced Thursday evening that she is blocking Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot based on false claims that Trump incited an insurrection against the United States.

She’s a Democrat? You don’t say.

“I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment,” Bellows wrote in her decision. “I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection. The oath I swore to uphold the Constitution comes first above all, and my duty under Maine’s election laws, when presented with a Section 336 challenge, is to ensure that candidates who appear on the primary ballot are qualified for the office they seek.”

This deeply partisan political hack wraps herself in her “duty” to “uphold the constitution” by deciding on her own that Trump engaged in insurrection, even though he’s not been accused, tried or convicted of such. Who could have imagined that a Democrat would abuse her authority to engage in a partisan smear tactic while shielding herself from criticism with the noble intentions of her office? Not me!

“The events of January 6, 2021 were unprecedented and tragic,” Bellows continued. “They were an attack not only upon the Capitol and government officials, but also an attack on the rule of law. The evidence here demonstrates that they occurred at the behest of, and with the knowledge and support of, the outgoing President. The U.S. Constitution does not tolerate an assault on the foundations of our government, and [Maine law] requires me to act in response.”

What “evidence” is she referring to? Is she now judge, jury and executioner?

This is naked election interference that we saw first in Colorado when their Supreme Court barred Trump from the ballot, then in Michigan where their Supreme Court rejected that effort, and now in Maine.

Bellows is right that this is unprecedented—it’s unprecedented lawlessness.

And it should be overturned in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Daily Broadside | Two Presidents in the News This Week

Now embarked on my seventh decade of life, it seems appropriate to note news that has to do with two American presidents under whom I have lived. The first is that former first lady Rosalynn Carter has died at 96.

Zoom in: The longest-married American presidential couple tied the knot in 1946 in their small hometown of Plains, Georgia, after knowing each other almost their whole lives. (In fact, Jimmy Carter’s mother, who was a nurse, helped deliver baby Rosalynn.)

  • Carter called marrying Rosalynn “the best thing I ever did.”
  • The couple returned to Plains after leaving the White House and remained based there ever since — in the same house they built in 1961.
  • A graduate of Georgia Southwestern College and valedictorian of her high school, Rosalynn ran the office of the family’s peanut business.
  • She was a full-fledged campaigner throughout her husband’s political life, often traveling solo as they crisscrossed his district when he ran for state senate, then all of Georgia, and later, the country.
  • While in the White House, she was known to sit in on cabinet meetings and was the original first lady to set up a policy office in the East Wing.
  • The Carters celebrated 75 years of marriage in July 2021 with a party that included 300 guests, such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, singer Garth Brooks and civil rights icon Andrew Young.

Her husband, 39th U.S. president Jimmy Carter, is 99 years old and in hospice. While his presidency wasn’t the first I remember (that was Nixon), it was the first time a president’s faith was notable to me. Carter was a “born again” Christian who taught Sunday School classes. Having been raised in a Christian home, that meant something to me.

It wasn’t until much later in life that I learned “being a Christian” didn’t mean “conservative politician.” Still doesn’t. In fact, the term “Christian” doesn’t mean much of anything anymore when it comes to politicians.

Donald Trump is a Christian? Joe Biden is Catholic?

Huh. By their fruits you shall know them (Matthew 7:16), but I’ll let God sort that out.

Another presidential administration I (briefly) lived under was that of John F. Kennedy. The first Roman Catholic president, Kennedy was gunned down 60 years ago, on November 22, 1963. I was six weeks old.

I read an interesting article yesterday about Kennedy’s assassination in which the author helps us understand why, 60 years later, confusion still clouds our understanding of what happened that day. It turns out that the government framed the killing as a result of right wing hatred toward a man who championed civil rights.

Immediately after the assassination, leading journalists and political figures insisted that Kennedy was a victim of a “climate of hate” in Dallas and across the nation created by racial bigots, the Ku Klux Klan, and anti-Communist zealots. Such groups had committed acts of violence across the South against blacks and civil rights workers in the months and years leading up to the events in Dallas. Some declared that the same forces must have been behind the murder of Kennedy. They claimed that JFK had been killed because of his support for a civil rights bill. Kennedy family members joined in because they wanted the slain president to be remembered with Abraham Lincoln as a martyr to the cause of racial justice. The repetitive commentary about hatred and bigotry circulated rapidly through the media in the days after the assassination, almost as if coordinated or directed from a high level.

Not much has changed in 60 years. The government and its mouthpieces in the media currently blame “right wingers” and “right wing extremists” for the political unrest in our country. But, like today, those in the 1960s ignored the broader and hidden dynamics at work in the months leading up to the assassination.

Oswald defected from the U.S. to the Soviet Union in 1959, vowing that he could no longer live under a capitalist system. He pledged to turn over military secrets to Soviet authorities and may have done so. He returned to the United States with his Russian wife in 1962, disappointed with life under Soviet Communism but not disabused of his Marxist beliefs or his contempt for America. By 1963, Oswald had transferred his political allegiance to Castro’s Communist regime in Cuba. 

In April 1963, Oswald tried to shoot Edwin Walker, a retired U.S. Army general, as Walker sat at a desk in his dining room. (The bullet struck a window frame, and Walker was unhurt.) Walker was the head of the Dallas chapter of the John Birch Society and a figure then in the news because of his opposition to school integration, his criticisms of President Kennedy, and his demand that the United States overthrow the Castro regime. The rifle Oswald used in his attack on Walker was the same one he used seven months later to shoot Kennedy. Oswald’s wife was well aware that he had taken a shot at Walker and had reason to think he might try to strike again. Dallas police did not identify Oswald as the assailant in the Walker case until after Kennedy’s assassination.

The point here is that Oswald was a dyed-in-the-wool communist. Now pair that with what Kennedy was orchestrating with respect to Cuba.

Oswald’s motives for shooting Kennedy were undoubtedly linked to his desire to interfere with the president’s campaign to overthrow Castro’s government. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy had promised to abandon his campaign to overthrow Castro by force. But the war of words between the two governments continued, and so did clandestine plots by the Kennedy administration to assassinate Castro. President Kennedy, along with Robert Kennedy, pressed the CIA to do something to get rid of the Cuban dictator. As late as November 18, less than a week before the assassination, Kennedy called on the Cuban people to throw out the Castro regime.

These undercover plots were obviously known to CIA officials who orchestrated them, but they were not revealed to the Warren Commission during its investigations in 1964. This was classified information, and in any case far too explosive to reveal to the public. (The plots were disclosed in a separate congressional investigation in the 1970s.) Lacking this information, the commission could not piece together a complete picture of Oswald’s purposes in carrying out the assassination, and thus concluded that he had acted on personal (not ideological) motives.

The author concludes:

John F. Kennedy’s assassination was an event of the Cold War. There can be little doubt about this in view of Oswald’s activities in the months leading up to it. Nevertheless, America’s liberal leadership interpreted it as an event in the civil rights crusade—an assassination that occurred because President Kennedy stood up for civil rights in opposition to far-right opinion in Dallas and across the South.

This interpretation sowed endless confusion about the motives of the assassin and the meaning of the event. It made no sense to arrest a Communist for the assassination, then blame conservatives and right-wingers for the crime. The vacuum of meaning was filled, however, by a host of conspiracy theories, claiming that JFK was a victim of right-wing plots. It was no wonder that many Americans, after hearing claims about civil rights, hatred, and bigotry in connection with the assassination, decided that Oswald must not have been the assassin after all. That idea pushed the real assassin, along with his motives and far-left ideology, into the background in accounts of the event, and it came close to airbrushing his deed out of the historical record.

If we accept this interpretation of events (and it makes the most logical sense to me) then the assassination of JFK is quite straight-forward. It wasn’t a right wing conspiracy; it was a malcontent commie doing his part to protect communism in Cuba. Kennedy was a victim of anti-American hatred.

Back then our leaders weren’t all Marxists, but still pinned the blame on “a climate of hate” emanating from the country’s right wing. I’d say that today’s leaders could learn something from that misplaced blame, but they’re not interested in learning anything from it. That history doesn’t fit their contemporary agenda.

Daily Broadside | It’s Time for the Funding Theater The Government Puts on Every Year

Every year we seem to approach a funding crisis when it comes to the government and this year is no exception. From my preferred news source, The Epoch Times:

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told reporters on Sept. 6 that he isn’t concerned about the possibility of a federal government shutdown, because he’s already “convinced it’s going to happen” since Congress is deadlocked on a new budget.

The North Dakota Republican also said the dire prospect of a federal budget deficit of $2 trillion or more, according to a Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CFRB) projection, doesn’t surprise him, either.

“Spending keeps going up, and so do regulations and bad, bad regulatory policy and enforcement policies,” he said. “And [Democrats] talked about they want tax increases, all of which would weigh heavy heavily on an economy that’s already struggling.”

More failure theatre from our rulers in Washington, D.C., who are raising the alarm about a government shut-down.

You know what I say?

Shut it down.


Close the doors. Send the Congresscritters home. Enough of this BS.

In order to be elected as speaker, Mr. McCarthy promised, among much else, a return to pre-COVID-19 pandemic spending levels and to get the House back to regular order on the budget. That means approving 13 major appropriations bills and avoiding temporary special measures such as continuing resolutions (CR) that maintain current spending levels for a set period of time or a monstrous omnibus spending bill that requires thousands of pages and gets only up or down votes in both chambers.

But, as Congress returns from its August recess, the House has approved just one major appropriation bill, funding the Department of Defense (DOD), and has sent it to the Senate. The remaining dozen spending bills are ready for floor votes, but with only 12 actual legislative work days before the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year, getting passage on all of them looks doubtful.

Consequently, Mr. McCarthy is expected to offer a short-term CR to buy time for the House to act into October and possibly November. But going the CR route angers members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC), the 42 most principled conservative representatives who have vowed an end to business-as-usual budgeting in the nation’s capital.

The frustration is palpable among HFC members, both because of the daunting political challenges of achieving long-term spending reforms and the immensity of a federal budget, most of which is consumed by spending made mandatory by prior Congresses.

I hope the HFC continues to be an irritant to McCarthy and the rest of Congress, but I have my doubts.

And looky here. The gubmint just found another $1 BILLION to give to Ukraine, that sinkhole of tax money that is leading us to WWIII. The government is driving us into bankruptcy.

The majority of Americans think we NEED government or somehow the country won’t work. And you know what? They may be right.

And if they’re right, then something is wrong.

Daily Broadside | Leftist Lunacy in Illinois Gives Foreigners Policing Powers

Of all the insanity and intentionally destructive acts of the anarchists who hate America and the rule of law, I give you Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzger’s latest defilement of common sense and respect for the citizens of this formerly great country.

Illinois Gov. Jay Robert Pritzker has signed into law a bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers over the objection of the biggest police union in the state, which called it a “potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement.”

Mr. Pritzker signed HB3751 into law on July 28, allowing non-citizens to apply to become police officers in Illinois with immediate effect, provided that they’re legally authorized to work in the United States.

Foreign nationals who are legally authorized under federal law to work in the United States or any foreign national who “is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process” but who is authorized to possess a firearm can now apply to become a police officer in Illinois, according to the text of the bill.

Federal law states that only U.S. citizens can serve as police officers and deputies but laws and legislative efforts in a number of states have changed that in the face of staffing shortages.

Any guess which states are having “staffing shortages”?

The biggest police union in Illinois calls it a “potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement.” You bet it is — just as the Leftists have planned. It’s just the capstone atop demonizing and defunding the police at every turn since St. George Floyd died of drug induced stress after trying to pass a forged $20 at his local Cup Foods for a pack of cigarettes in May 2020.

The Chicago Police Department (CPD), alongside many other departments across the United States, is hemorrhaging officers faster than it can find qualified applicants. Data suggests that the CPD has lost more than 3,300 officers and staff between 2019 and 2022, but has hired just 1,600 people to fill vacancies after a wave of quits by officers demoralized by the anti-police riots and calls to “defund the police” in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.

Now that the anarchists’ have achieved their cause célèbre and Democrat-run cities are dealing with a shortage of officers and out-of-control crime — like Chicago — what better way to replenish their forces than with illegal aliens who will do the jobs Americans aren’t allowed to do, like enforce the law?


Not only are Illinois elites ignoring federal law, precedent, and common sense, but they’re giving the big double-barreled middle fingers to the citizens.

Can you imagine an armed foreigner pulling you over and demanding to see your license and registration? How about arresting you for demonstrating outside an abortion clinic, now that Pritzker has also signed into law the “Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act” targets crisis pregnancy centers using “deception, misinformation, or misrepresentation to interfere with access to abortion services or emergency contraception.” Of course, what any of that means is left ambiguous, not to mention that abortion service providers are exempt from the law.

The new policing law, which gives to non-citizens the power of law enforcement over American citizens, turns any sense of civic order on its head. It would be as if I moved to Spain and was given the power and the authority — a gun and a badge — over the nationals themselves without being a citizen myself. Imagine how offensive that would be to native Spaniards.

Well, same here. It’s like outsourcing law enforcement to the U.N.

Giving foreigners a gun and a badge is not only offensive, but it is troubling, too. If J.B. Pritzker and his minions in the Illinois government are willing to flaunt federal law in favor of non-citizens, what other laws are they willing to flaunt? If a foreigner makes an error in enforcing the law, will the Illinois system of justice favor the non-citizen or the citizen?

If you have to ask, you haven’t been paying attention.

Some Illinois Republicans pushed back on the bill, but only seven out of 40 House Republicans in the 118-member chamber opposed the amended bill after it passed the Senate 37-20.

During the debates on the Senate floor in May, Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) said, “To hand the power to arrest and detain a citizen of this state, or a citizen of any state in the United States, to a noncitizen is a fundamental breach of democracy. It is antithetical to the police power of any state.”

Giving people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of U.S. laws also diminishes the citizenship of native Americans, and I don’t mean American Indians. What does citizenship mean if a foreigner can exercise authority over a natural citizen?

If we’re giving police power to a non-citizen, what’s next? Can a non-citizen run for elected office? Why not? Pritzker has already given illegals driver’s licenses and has considered giving them some limited voting rights.

I have an idea. Let’s have a non-citizen run for governor to replace J.B. Pritzker.

Daily Broadside | It’s My First Post of 2023 …

… and yesterday was New Year’s Day (Observed) at my office, so I had another day off. I hope your Christmas and New Year’s celebrations were wonderful and meaningful and full of warmth and pleasant memories …

… because it might be a new year but it’s the same-old same-old in the world of politics and culture and faith. Just because everything is “merry and bright” doesn’t mean we begin with a completely clean slate once the calendar turns a new page. Well, unless you’re in Christ, then “his compassions never fail. They are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23) and, by extension, every year.

We’ll have to learn how to live in a country that is not just fraying at the edges, but is tearing down the middle. The FBI is still the Gestapo we learned about over the last six years; the Democrats are still the political mafia they exposed themselves to be; the GOP is not the opposition party but part of the swamp (with a few notable exceptions); our economy is being destroyed by the Church of Perpetual Climate Fear as war is waged on our abundance of natural gas and oil resources for some fantasy of “carbon-neutral” energy (go back to nuclear energy!); the border is still porous and getting worse because we live under a lawless regime whose sole purpose is to destroy the United States as founded; the judiciary has become a court of rubber stamps that enable progressive lawlessness; our elections are no longer free or fair, but hopelessly suspect; the DOJ and Brandon himself have demonized patriotic Americans and keeps hundreds of them locked up in violation of their due process rights; and normal Americans should be gathering by the millions to protest and agitate against all of it but such behavior is only allowed on the Left and prosecuted against the Right.

My political awakening came a couple of decades ago and I’ve invested more time in speaking out against the lawlessness than I ever have over the last three years. I sometimes see myself as a guy running up and down the brow of a rocky island jutting up out of the sea, waving a red flag, setting off flares, and yelling at an approaching luxury cruise ship, trying to get the attention of anyone on board, warning them that they’re about to run aground and sink the boat. Unfortunately, even though I’ve gotten the attention of a few people on the promenade deck, the captain and crew don’t seem to notice or care.

It’s dawning on me that there is no solution that will immediately fix the dire circumstances we find ourselves in. What I didn’t want to grant, but what has become most apparent, is that our freedoms and homogenous cultural assumptions can no longer be taken for granted. Speech is being curtailed by political and technological ideologues; deeply evil people lie and conspire to get the political outcomes they want. The spirit of our Founders once held us together as a nation, along with deeply religious communities of faith. Those have now been relegated to specialized institutions like the Heritage Foundation or Hillsdale College or to the church or the synagogue or the mosque. You’re certainly not going to find them in the halls of congress or our schools, which regularly and naturally reinforced our national values.

The Lord foils the plans of the nations;
    he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
    the purposes of his heart through all generations.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
    the people he chose for his inheritance.
From heaven the Lord looks down
    and sees all mankind;
from his dwelling place he watches
    all who live on earth—
he who forms the hearts of all,
    who considers everything they do.

Psalm 33:10-15

Nothing escapes the Lord’s notice. He’s aware of all that is taking place in our country’s capitol, in each of the legislatures in each state, of every person in a position of authority. He’s aware of the lies, the cheating, the oppression, the hatred, the incitement conflict among the people, of the favoritism and the graft and the greed.

His purpose among the nations will prevail because his plans “stand firm forever.” How I wish that we would be known as a “nation whose God is the Lord.” But those in power disingenuously say they fear a “theocracy,” even though a return to the Judeo-Christian principles that this nation was founded on would be the right thing.

They reject them at the cost of their own destruction. They are blind fools and, one day, they will shrink in horror and shame as the full weight of their foolishness bores down on them.

In the meantime, Christians should be doing three things: actively opposing the evil being done in this nation, preparing for persecution, and winning as many to Christ as they can, while they can.

Daily Broadside | Rep. Chip Roy Rips Democrats for Anti-American Deception in the House

Daily Verse | Revelation 13:18
If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.

Thursday’s Reading: Revelation 14-16

Thursday and I found this five-minute video of Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) absolutely ripping the Democrats for what we all know is happening — backroom dealing with no debate, discussion or time to hammer out a budget. He and his colleagues are accused of “not coming to the table” and are just expected to vote on the monstrosity.

This isn’t a photo op or some grandstanding on Roy’s part. He’s a prophet shouting in the wilderness. I’d love a coalition led by Chip Roy that results in the overthrow of the anti-American forces at work in the federal government.

You want to know how our government operates? Take the five minutes to listen.

Daily Broadside | The Lying Liars Know We Know They’re Lying And They Don’t Care

Daily Verse | Mark 7:8
“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.”

Friday’s Reading: Mark 8-10
Saturday’s Reading: Mark 11-13

Friday and the end of another week. When we reconnect on Monday, we’ll be on the back half of October already.

One of the reasons I loathe the Democrats is their propensity for lying. It reminds me of what Jesus said about the devil: “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Lying comes as naturally to Democrats as breathing.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas backed up the Biden administration’s narrative last year that Border Patrol agents whipped Haitian migrants even after he knew the narrative was false, according to emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation and reported by Fox News.

DHS assistant secretary Marsha Espinosa alerted Mayorkas on Sept. 24, 2021, to a news article that said the photographer who took the images did not see any whips. “Espinosa highlighted the comments from the photographer where he directly says he did not witness any whipping,” Fox noted.

Mayorkas that same day nevertheless decided to join a Biden administration press conference that pushed the debunked narrative, and he even went so far as to call the images “horrifying” and an example of “systemic racism.” President Joe Biden, meanwhile, made a whipping motion with his hand as he said the photographs depicted “people being strapped.”

This isn’t an “unforced error” or some innocent misinterpretation of photographs. This was a deliberate hoax employed to reinforce and further the narrative that the US is irredeemably racist. As the NY Post puts it, Mayorkas must go: He smeared border agents despite knowing they hadn’t whipped migrants.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has to go. In a bombshell revelation, the Heritage Foundation obtained emails showing his own staff told him last year that reports of border agents whipping migrants near Del Rio, Texas, were false — before he went to the White House and publicly smeared his own agents as racists anyway.

Mayorkas flat-out lied. Just two hours after being informed the very photographer who captured the viral Sept. 19, 2021, pictures of mounted Border Patrol officers confronting Haitian migrants said no whipping occurred, he declared: “Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism.” 

This is an impeachable offence. We can’t have a peaceable and ordered society when those in charge deliberately corrupt the truth.

But as an executive I once worked for said, “Speed of the leader, speed of the team.” Here’s Brandon flat-out lying that we aren’t in a recession even though we are very clearly in a recession.

He and his whole illegitimate administration are trying to gaslight their way through the miserable state of affairs they’ve forced on the whole nation.

Let’s not forget his fabulism over his son Beau. President Biden incorrectly told an audience in Colorado on Wednesday that his late son Beau “lost his life in Iraq.” His son died in May 2015 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

His entire Residency is a lie. 81 million votes, the most ever in history, for this shambling poser!


It’s no wonder that trust in our government is now below 50 percent across all three branches of government.

A recent Gallup poll shows that less than 50% of Americans have trust in either of the three branches of government — President, Congress, Supreme Court — and that this marks the “first time that none of the three branches is trusted by a majority of Americans” …

For the Judicial Branch, 47% said they had trust in the institution; the Executive Branch only earned 43% trust; and only 38% of those surveyed said they had trust in the Legislative Branch. 

This isn’t the sole doing of the Democrats; Republicans rightly share blame for the lack of trust in our government. But the Democrats are shamelessly lying and don’t even try to hide it anymore.

We see what you’re doing. You know we see what you’re doing. And we know that you know that we know.

Why do we put up with this?

Have a good weekend.