Daily Broadside | Biden Tells Country That White Supremacists Are ‘Most Lethal Terrorist Threat’

Daily Verse | 1 Chronicles 29:14
“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

A very happy Thursday to you, Broadsiders. Ignorance is something I don’t understand.

Can you believe that today is the 100th day that Resident Biden has been in the White House? It’s been one hundred days of radical malfeasance, lies and misdirection. And last night the Resident himself stepped up to the mic and gave a glowing report on the state of the “union.”

It was an odd event given that the chamber wasn’t even half full, and those who were in view of the cameras were social distancing with masks in place and giving each other knuckles and elbows in greeting. If I was there, I’d be giving knuckles and elbows, too, but not in greeting.

There was the historic seating of two women behind the Resident as he gave his speech, the first time in U.S. history that has happened. It’s just too bad that it was these two anti-Americans that held the seats.

Honestly, it had all the feel of a reunion of an iconic rock group you used to love, like The Who or The Rolling Stones, but in a mausoleum. You want it to live up to the hype and grandeur of what you remember, but it’s all just going through the motions and the players can’t deliver like they used to.

It just seemed like a lot of empty theater.

So what did Biden say? Well, it wasn’t so much a “State of the Union” speech as much as it was an “A List of All the Spending I Want to Do to Wreck the Country So Get the Bill to My Desk” speech. His theme was “Crisis and Opportunity.” He painted us as a country in crisis when he took the oath of office and now “America is on the move again” — whatever that means.

Biden touched on everything from the Chinese Lung Pox to eliminating child poverty to job creation to health care to bringing home our troops to white supremacy to gun violence to racism to the right to vote. In every case it meant taking more money while promising not to burden the middle class with more taxes.

He started off making an absurd claim that the Capitol Hill breach on January 6 was “the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war.”

I’d point out that the protesters were allowed in by the Capitol Police, they were unarmed and the only person killed as a result of violence was an unarmed Trump supporter who was summarily executed with a bullet to the neck by a still-unnamed Capitol Police officer. Biden called it an “insurrection,” which it clearly wasn’t. Not to mention all the lies about Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick’s death, which was hyped as the result of a thrown fire extinguisher when in fact he suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day later.

As Tyler O’Neil points out, “The Capitol rioters did break into the U.S. Capitol and vandalize it, stealing Nancy Pelosi’s rostrum. However, they did not kill anyone or stop the certification of the Electoral College vote in the 2020 presidential election.” It seems to have been a mixture of antifa agitators, Trump supporters and right wing agitators. On the other hand, how many thousands of anarchists raged through multiple cities over the last year, burning police stations and federal court buildings without being labeled extremists?

The moment causing me the most cringe was when he talked about the American Jobs Plan that includes building highways and bridges and railroads and he announced that Value Pick Harris would lead the effort. You mean the same VP Harris that you put in charge of controlling the border that’s really not under control?

Cue cynical, disbelieving laugh.

The worst of it all — besides the unfettered spending and intrusion of government into the lives of our children by suggesting that there be “free” pre-school education and another “free” two years of college after your standard 12 years of education for a total of 14 years of indoctrination — was when Biden said that white supremacy was now the greatest terrorist threat to the United States.

And, we won’t ignore what our own intelligence agencies have determined – the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.

Really? Exactly what does that phrase, “white supremacist terrorism,” mean? He didn’t define it and as a category, it’s rather vague. White supremacy means what, exactly? The Proud Boys? The KKK? White Evangelical Christians? Normal Americans who think the election was fraudulent?

And “terrorism.” Exactly what evidence do you have that such political violence is “the most lethal threat” to the our country? Show us the events, the body count and the massive plans you’re disrupting from these “white supremacists.”

This is part of a campaign to smear white, patriotic conservative Americans as a threat. Yes, there are white supremacists and yes, they occasionally commit some sort of crime. But they do not have the numbers to materially disrupt our safety and security. Therefore, that vague term, “white supremacist terrorism,” will be used to classify anyone who disputes or disagrees with the direction we’re headed.

Biden’s speech was mendacious, amounting to little more than a wish list that will take more money and more power from the people and transfer it to the government. It was a sad affair and makes me long for the day Resident Biden moves out.