Daily Broadside | Bombshell Email Reveals Who the “Big Guy” Really Is

Daily Verse | Isaiah 22:16
What are you doing here and who gave you permission to cut out a grave for yourself here, hewing your grave on the height and chiseling your resting place in the rock?

Friday’s Reading: Isaiah 24-27
Saturday’s Reading: Isaiah 28-30

Happy Friday and welcome to my last post for July 2022.

As I’ve written before, one of the biggest challenges writing this blog is that I run into limitations on my time when I’m required to be away and that’s happening again. I will be without access to the Internet next week, so the Daily Broadside will be on hiatus until August 8. I’m working on a solution to that dilemma, but not sure how it will eventually work out.

Before I sign off for the next week, I need to point out that we no longer have a fair and impartial system of justice but have rather a two-tiered system; one for the ruling elites and their people, and another for the peasants.

It’s not hard to find examples: how about Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server that she used to illegally bypass our governmental system, potentially exposing classified information or top-secret documents to our enemies, especially China? Instead of being punished, James Comey let her skate with nothing more than a harsh rebuke. Anyone lesser—a Republican, maybe—who had done something like that would have faced criminal charges and been fined or imprisoned, or both.

How about Adam Schiff-for-Brains and his outright lies about the “evidence” he claimed to have that proved Trump colluded with Russia? Or Anthony Fauci’s claims that NIH never funded gain-of-function research?

If you or I lied to Congress we’d face the consequences, including jail time. Our dear leaders, however, continue to draw paychecks and lead institutions that investigate fake insurrections or demand universal compliance with virus protocols that destroy people’s lives.

Enter Hunter Biden.

On Thursday, Miranda Devine reported that the same day the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop (in 2020), including an email “from an executive at the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, thanking Hunter for introducing him to Hunter’s then-VP ­father in Washington” …

… panicked phone calls and messages started flying between Hunter’s business partners and their advisers, even as social media giants Facebook and Twitter moved to censor the story and lock The Post’s account, while candidate Biden went into hiding.

That was because the email undermined Brandon’s claim that he didn’t know anything about Hunter’s overseas business dealings, which put his presidential campaign in jeopardy.

But whistleblowers have now shared emails with congressional investigators in which one of Hunter’s business associates, James Gilliar, unambiguously calls Joe Biden “the Big Guy.”

“It would be crazy to do that with all the information and all the facts we have [but what happens if] they try to make it ‘Oh, we were never involved. That was [Joe Biden’s brother] James’ idea . . . and try to basically make us collateral damage?” the person asks Gilliar in a message provided by a whistleblower to Republican congressional investigators and obtained by The Post.

Gilliar is unconcerned about potential backlash from the Biden family and Joe’s campaign: “I don’t see how that would work for them,” he replies.

“I think in the scenario that he wins they would just leave sleeping dogs lie.

“If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”

The communication, obtained by The Post Wednesday, is significant because it bolsters the claim by ex-Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski that the Big Guy was a code name for Joe Biden.

The only person positioned to “win” or “lose” a campaign at that moment was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

The reason the identity of the “Big Guy” is important is because it adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that Joe Biden not only knew about Hunter’s international influence-peddling scheme, but allegedly was cut in for a slice of the profits.

In an email written by Gilliar to Hunter on May 13, 2017, the “Big Guy” was allocated a 10% stake in a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

“10 [percent] held by H[unter] for the Big Guy,” Gilliar wrote.

The evidence that Hunter Biden and his father are corrupt, grifting leaches on the body politic has been building for years. Now we’ve got strong evidence that the “Big Guy” is, in fact, Joe Brandon.


Where is the DOJ? The FBI?

Why hasn’t Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the overwhelming evidence we now have?

Didn’t “whistleblowers” cause the whole of Washington, D.C. to jump all over President Donald J. Trump on the thinnest of pretexts? Didn’t a whistleblower lead to his impeachment?

Where is the urgency to root out the corruption and self-dealing of U.S. presidents that Congress and the DOJ showed during the last administration? Aren’t they still concerned about our precious (*spit*) democracy?

No, they’re not concerned about any of that because Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the right people. Donald J. Trump is the wrong people.

Imagine if the situation was reversed: Donald J. Trump is still in the White House but the evidence the Post has concerns Donald J. Trump, Jr. Do you have any doubt that Congress, the FBI, the DOJ and every other alphabet agency would be all over it like white on rice?

I don’t.

If any of what we now know about the Biden’s is true (and there’s very little reason to doubt it is) then it raises all kinds of questions about just how beholden Biden and his son are to the Chinese or to the Ukrainians. Is Biden making policy decisions based on the money he got or is still getting? How much money did Biden make off Hunter’s deals with the Ukrainians or the Chinese while Vice President of the United States? What do the Chinese or the Ukrainians hold over him or Hunter?

The answers to these questions potentially rise to the level of treason and betrayal—certainly to an abuse of office—and there’s a lot more evidence that Biden personally profited from the corruption than what was cited as an excuse to impeach Trump.

No, the system of justice has been weaponized by the progressive elites—especially the Democrats—to punish their political enemies, while they themselves get away with crimes that under a fair and impartial system would remove them from power.

It’s part of the corruption that has moved our country away from a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And that has a lot of normal Americans wondering what it’s going to take to restore our rightful form of government.

Have a good week. I’ll see you August 8.