Daily Broadside | Brandon Illegally Transfers Student Loan Debt to Those Who Didn’t Borrow It While Enriching Those Who Did

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 42:19-20
“O remnant of Judah, the Lord has told you, ‘Do not got to Egypt.’ Be sure of this: I warn you today that you made a fatal mistake when you sent me to the Lord your God and said, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us; tell us everything he says and we will do it.'”

Thursday’s Reading: Jeremiah 46-49

Thursday and Brandon has decreed that certain students or ex-students with outstanding loans do not have to pay them back. Loan forgiveness. It’s not that he has the power to do so; he simply declares it, and it is so. It’s like majik. POoF! Your debt is gone.

Akshully—it’s not gone. It’s just that you’re no longer responsible to pay it off. Someone else is going to pay it. Someone like your local plumber.

Better yet, just ask this union railroad worker.

But that’s not what it looks like from where I’m sitting. I’m a blue-collar worker, and when I talk to other blue collar workers about student loan forgiveness, it’s one of those subjects where no one disagrees. It gets a resounding, 100 percent “Hell no!” every time it comes up.

This isn’t because we’re anti-college. Most of the folks I work with and talk to have kids in college or have kids that graduated college. But if you ask if college students’ loans should be paid off by taxpayers, the answer is always the same: No way.

Unlike progressives, we don’t see student debt cancelation as an avenue out of poverty. We see it as a tax on those of us who chose not to go to college, who now have to pay for those who already got a big advantage in the labor market by way of their degree

How much of an elitist do you have to be not to give a damn about the cruelty of demanding that blue collar workers who didn’t go to college chip in and pay off student loans that they didn’t take out?

How much of an elite do you have to be to shove both middle fingers in the face of the middle class, too, and make them chip in to pay off student loans they didn’t take out? We’ve put four kids through college debt free because we worked our tails off and put some of the burden on them to contribute. We didn’t take out loans, although we could have. We did it with a combination of scholarships, saving money, and paying thousands of dollars a year.

Now the government is making us, and millions of others like us, pay back loans we didn’t take out, that we worked hard to avoid, and that aren’t our responsibility.

All so Brandon can buy votes for the mid-terms. And hand his White House staff a gift.

On the plus side, besides buying votes, cancelling some $300 billion in student loan debt will definitely help diffuse rampant inflation.

Nah, just kidding. Hey, Brandon! Why don’t you just add another third of a trillion dollars to the already over-taxed economy, along with the joke of the Inflation Reduction Act, which won’t reduce inflation and, in fact, will probably make it worse?

And, as an aside, get this: Democrats inserted in the climate change bill (that’s really what it is) a provision giving the EPA the right to control carbon dioxide, which SCOTUS just ruled it did not have the right to regulate, because Congress had not specifically given “the agency the broad authority to shift America away from burning fossil fuels.” Those [redacted]’s just re-empowered the administrative state to regulate CO2 across the country, which means onerous regulations on businesses and, of course, car manufacturers. (HT: Ace of Spades)

Way to go Joe Manchin!

Also, I’m told that Bradon’s action is an impeachable offense.

But as I said in the first sentence of this article, the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

Psst. C’mere. Closer—like Joe Biden is gonna sniff your hair. I’ve got a secret for you.

ThE RePUbliCanS aRE nOt gOInG tO iMpEAcH joE BidEn!

There are so many reasons to impeach Joe Biden. But what we will get is loudly worded denunciations of how unfair it all is, without nary a mention of how illegal it all is. You know, like this:

But it’s not illegal, right Mitch?

It’s all enough to make me want to pull out my hair.

If I had any.

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Brandon Illegally Transfers Student Loan Debt to Those Who Didn’t Borrow It While Enriching Those Who Did

  1. This is my FB response to ‘friends’ who have posted comments from John Pavlovitz below.

    “Conservative Christians are fully enraged at #studentloanforgiveness, missing the irony that their entire professed religion is based on the idea of a cancelled debt.
    Way to lose the plot, kids.” – John Pavlovitz

    Aside from the arguments of fairness, “I paid my loans,” “why should I pay for someone else,” and the practical arguments of what happens to borrowers 3, 4, 5, 10 years from now as well as the impact to college costs, John Pavlovitz completely misses the boat yet again while attempting to make a point about Conservative Christians and the issue of student loan forgiveness. You can not build a credible argument on faulty assumptions.

    Here’s why he’s so wrong:

    First-If you are a believer you understand that sin entered the world through fallen man (Adam and Eve) and has been a part of every human’s life by birth since the beginning. No one is exempt from being born into sin and no one (unless you believe) can be forgiven of those sins unless you are a believer in Jesus and accept the free gift of salvation. Today’s college borrowers were not born into the debt of sin (borrowing), they willingly chose to take on debt to obtain a desired goal (and are elated to avoid paying their debt); no one forced them to take on debt and no one will benefit from the debt except the borrower.

    Second-More importantly, Jesus paid the debt voluntarily and completely ‘through’ his own resources (grace and mercy.) He did not obtain resources from others to offer salvation. He did not even shift the burden back to the debtor. The Biden Administration on the other hand has ‘generously’ used only the resources of others taken through taxes or paid through debt owned by the US government. It’s always easy to offer something when you personally don’t have to pay for it, and until or unless the courts rule against the administration, they will get away with it.

    So John Pavlovitz, in the future (and I’m sure you will have future opinions) let’s try to make more sound arguments for issues you are passionate about, they might be more believable.

    • Dick, excellent rebuttal. You should start your own blog! I find that even smart progressives only make superficial connections when making comparisons. Usually, their arguments fall apart under scrutiny, because their worldview is based on how they think the world should work, not how it does work. Thanks for commenting! Dave

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