Daily Broadside | Brandon Isn’t the Hero We Need Right Now

Daily Verse | Malachi 4:2
“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.”

Monday’s Reading: Matthew 1-4

It’s October or, as one of the local FM stations I listened to as a kid used to say, “Rrrocktober!” I’m sure radio stations all over the country used to say that but I only heard mine.

We’re also on our way with the last quarter of Bible reading, starting Matthew in the New Testament today. If you’ve been reading through the Bible with us this year, congratulations and stay strong through the finish. Almost there!

A friend of the blog referred me to a quote at the end of The Dark Knight, in which Lt. James Gordon says about Batman, who is on the run:

Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

“So we’ll hunt him. Because he can take it.

“Because he’s not our hero.

“He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector.

“A Dark Knight.”

The meaning of that first sentence is hotly debated in the fanboy subs of Reddit and on Quora. I’m not a Marvel or DC Comics guy so I’m certainly not an authority on the dialogue, but after reading a number of interpretations, I get the impression that the meaning runs along these lines:

Gotham deserves a hero like the Batman who operates with the best interests of the city at heart, even at great personal cost. He’s done more for the city than anyone with a badge, including protecting it from the League and the mob—but he had to do it outside the law, operating at night and “bending” the rules.

What the city needed was Harvey Dent, who was the public face of the results—not Batman. Dent is perceived as having cleaned up the city without breaking the law or sinking to the level of criminals to achieve safety for his citizens. Referred to as the White Knight, Dent “proved” that right prevails over evil (personified in the Joker)—even though he is corrupted by the Joker.

The quote came up in reference to the feeble-brained, mush-mouthed, ethically challenged sock puppet desecrating the White House, who would have you believe that he’s in complete control of his faculties and could still take you out behind the barn and beat you to a pulp without breaking a sweat or his aviators.

I’m talking “Dark Brandon,” as in “Dark Brandon is the hero America deserves but not the one it needs right now,” a distortion of the original quote with the bad guy being referred to as the hero.

Here’s what it means, according to me.

America deserves Dark Brandon for at least three reasons, the first being those who voted for him. I don’t care how much you hated Trump; if you voted for the pathetic little man, you deserve him and the complete wreck he’s making of the place. How are you liking your 401(k) or your home value or the cost of a dozen eggs or a gallon of gas? Enjoying the groomers in your child’s classroom or at the public library? How about the hundreds of illegals being shipped to your small town?

You know some of those voters are thrilled and wave away any concerns. They hate America.

It’s not just those who voted for Brandon that deserve him. It’s also those who didn’t bother voting for Trump. As Hugh Hewitt wrote, If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat. Brandon “won” the general election by 4 percentage points. But in the states that mattered, it was a photo finish as, for example, in Arizona, a traditional Republican stronghold. Brandon beat Trump there by only 10,000 votes—a 0.3% margin that put electoral votes in the Democrat column for only the second time since Truman.

It was close enough to cheat. But if you chose to sit out the election even though you were eligible to vote, Dark Brandon (and the misery he’s inflicting on you) is the hero you deserve.

America has abandoned its institutions to the Left. I’m not sure how, but the cultural Marxists have completed their march through the institutions. Somehow, some way, conservatives gave up on conserving and progressives finally filled the vacuum. (My guess is that it was largely a matter of a religious and virtuous life of duty to God, country and your fellow man being cast aside in the pursuit of wealth and sex and entertainment and a life of ease.)

Well, those institutions conspired to “save” the election of 2020. They admitted it. And those institutions deserve their hero. They own him and everything he’s done to this country. I hope that, some day, they will get their comeuppance for the misery they inflicted on themselves and the rest of us.

The rest of us.

The rest of us are Americans, too. We don’t deserve Dark Brandon. There are still large swaths of the populace who are patriotic and believe in the promise of America. It is they to whom the last half of the quote belongs: “Dark Brandon is the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now.”

The hero we need right now is someone in the mold of Donald J. Trump or Ronald D. DeSantis. Someone who is constitutionally literate. Someone who is unafraid of the Left (or the enemies in his own party). Someone who can give as good as he gets. Someone who governs with common sense. Someone who stand for what is right and good and for the benefit of the American people.

We need someone who is going to take the fight to the swamp. A hero who, like Superman, stands for Truth, Justice and the American Way.