Daily Broadside | Democrats Have a Death Wish and They May Get it This November

Daily Verse | Proverbs 10:19
When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.

Wednesday’s Reading: Proverbs 14-17

Wednesday and while I’ve written something similar before, I still feel like a captive on a runaway train careening out of control down steep tracks that curve sharply away from the lake at the bottom of the mountain. Debris is flying off the rods and pistons and we’re all holding on for dear life while yelling at the engineer to apply the brakes, but he’s a self-absorbed poser who’s ridden trains his entire life and thinks being a passenger makes him fit to drive one, but really has no idea what he’s doing.

“YOU take YOUR seat,” reads his instruction booklet.

If it weren’t for God, I might be inclined to worry more than I am, but that’s not to say that I’m not concerned. The Biden Crime Family and the Democrat Crime Syndicate have messed up our nation in a matter of months, ramming through their sick vision of America completely severed from the U.S. Constitution. Or, as White House economic adviser Brian Deese put it, the “future of the liberal world order.”

Joe Biden is everything that the progressive Left accused Trump of being — only worse, and it turns out Trump wasn’t anything like they accused him of being.

Fortunately, evidence continues to build that Resident Brandon has already outstayed his welcome not just with conservatives, but with Democrats, who are facing a massive set of losses in November. They may be so large that the Democrats, like the Whigs of the mid-1800s, get completely shattered, never to rise again.

One can only hope (and pray).

Just a few days ago, Brandon hit his lowest mark ever in a Civiqs poll. Only five presidents fell into the twenties during their time in office: Harry Truman (22%), Richard Nixon (24%), Jimmy Carter (28%), George H.W. Bush (29%), and George W. Bush (25%).

The Real Clear Politics average of all approval rating polls has Brandon at 38 percent approval and 56 percent disapproval.

As if those numbers aren’t bad enough for Brandon, almost two-thirds of voters in his own party don’t want him to run for reelection.

President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer in the 2024 presidential campaign, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll, as voters nationwide have soured on his leadership, giving him a meager 33 percent job-approval rating.

Of course, that doesn’t matter to the oldest U.S. president in history, who has repeatedly pledged to run again. Even his base is abandoning him: “Just 56% of African Americans — the Dems’ most loyal voting bloc — signaled their approval” in the Civiqs survey.

None of this means that voters want Trump back. When it comes down to it, most Democrats would vote for Biden over Trump, even though they want someone different on the ticket in 2024.

Still, the poll found Biden narrowly ahead of Donald Trump if the 2024 election were a rematch of the 2020 race, with 44 percent of voters choosing Biden compared to 41 percent going with Trump.

Among Democrats, 92 percent would side with Biden if he were up against Trump in 2024.

That number astounds me. The hatred of Trump is pathological.

On our drive home from the east coast, I saw a pickup truck with the words, “Don’t blame me. I voted for Trump,” soaped on his rear window. Right. Yet with as bad as the economy is, Dems would still give the finger to Trump even though he was the one who had our economy roaring.

To round out the polling results, Independents disapprove of Brandon by 68 percent, Black support is softening, and neither the Roe v. Wade reversal or the January 6 debacle have swayed the electorate. The economy is the biggest concern and nobody thinks Brandon is doing much of anything to address the pain they feel at the pump or the grocery store.

And just to drive home how horrible Brandon is perceived to be:

Biden’s 30% overall approval was far below the 39% that Civiqs registered in 2017 as President Donald Trump’s lowest-ever number — and not even in shouting distance of the 44% approval rating Trump notched at the same point in his presidency.

I can’t wait for this clown to be thrown out of office, and for his hands to be tied this November.