Daily Broadside | Dept. of Homeland Security Wants to Police Your Speech

Daily Verse | 2 Chronicles 1:10
“Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

Friday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-9
Saturday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 10-12

Friday and the last post of April. Don’t forget to use the “Like” button below my posts. It’s an easy way to let me know I’m connecting with you. (Or not.)

I am convinced by any measure that we’re in an existential fight for the future of America. Middle-America conservatives who are just minding their own business as they diligently raise their families, work their jobs, attend church and take vacations to the beach may not fully realize it yet, but any patriotic, conservative America-first constitutionalist who has been paying attention has no doubt that there are anti-American forces seizing and holding national intellectual and institutional spaces, which is creating a dystopian future right this moment that will crush freedom if it is not just opposed, but actively resisted, stopped and obliterated from top to bottom.

We are seeing it …

… in the suspension of due process being foisted on a small group of American citizens who did nothing more than walk through the capitol at the invitation of the Capitol Hill police on January 6, 2021, still being held without bail and without proof for taking part in a so-called “insurrection” when it was nothing of the sort, while the dirty Democrats and a few turncoat Republican allies conduct an inquisition in the form of the J6 committee, trying to eliminate Donald J. Trump as a threat and disqualify certain Republicans from keeping their seats or standing for reelection;

… in the totalitarian Wuhan flu lockdowns and the make-it-up-as-I-go-along-ism of Tony Faux Chi MD, the highest paid government bureaucrat in the country and his governor imitators across the states

… in the open borders that allow millions of foreigners to invade our land with impunity and live anywhere the government pleases to put them;

… in the promotion of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our high schools and colleges and in the claim from the DOJ that “white supremacists” are the greatest terror threat to this country;

… in the criminal conspiracy to undermine a duly elected, sitting president by his opponent with the collusion of the FBI trying to frame him as a Russian asset;

… in the destruction of the cohesion and discipline of the armed forces as transsexuals, homosexuals and women are forced into close quarters with men who are supposed to kill and destroy enemy armies, not be pawns in utopian social experiments run by sexual perverts;

… in the censorship of opinions and news on social media that doesn’t fit the woke narrative of the neo-marxists along with the doxxing of anonymous figures who embarrass the Left with their own material;

… in the groomers in public schools who push the sexualization and disfigurement of children as young as five;

… and on and on and on and scoobie-doobie-doo.

The latest development is almost as unbelievable as it is chilling.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that a Disinformation Governance Board had recently been created to combat online disinformation and Politico reported that Nina Jankowicz, who previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, will head the board as executive director.

The announcement comes just two days after Elon Musk struck a deal to buy Twitter—not that that had anything to do with it, comrade.

Seriously, I’m appalled. I’m not the first to use this term to describe it, but how is this any different from a “Ministry of Truth”? It’s Orwellian. It’s dystopian. It’s tryannical. It’s stinks to high heaven of a centralized nanny-state with the power to ruin your life if you step out of line.

Worse, it’s being set up by the very purveyors of disinformation that it purports to defend against.

They say its purpose is to combat “online disinformation” focused on “irregular migration and Russia,” along with fighting misinformation among minorities and will “reduce domestic threats to the United States.”

With a mission like that, I can’t imagine how it would be abused.

We can’t have a department or “board” like this defining what is misinformation and what is not. And once they do, what are the consequences of spreading misinformation? Are we all going to get January-Sixed?

The establishment of this department violates the First Amendment which, as you recall, prohibits Congress from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

And while it specifically says Congress can make no law that would abridge the freedom of speech, that does not mean that the Executive Branch of our government can take it upon itself to do so. The Executive Branch does not have law-making powers. Neither does the Department of Homeland Security.

Reaction was swift.

“A conservative movement that doesn’t fight this with everything it has isn’t worthy of the name. Or the name American.” I’m with her.

Call your Congresscritter and make some noise. Demand that they fight this “monstrosity” tooth and nail. Remind them that we’re governed by the U.S. Constitution that limits the reach of the federal government.

This is a real threat. Once established, it’s hard to kill an organ of the ever-growing Leviathan.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. And We the People are its authors. That means the elites are accountable to us. We’re the boss of them.

Never forget that.

Have a good weekend.

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Dept. of Homeland Security Wants to Police Your Speech

    • Thanks Lisa! … the “Like” button is right under the “Share this” links and above the three related articles which are right above this comment section. If you still don’t see it please let me know and I’ll get some help to make sure it is visible. –Dave

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