Daily Broadside | Devil Worship Takes Center Stage at the Grammys

Well, the Chinese Balloon Bugaloo was brought to an ignominious end when it was shot down over the Atlantic Ocean after it had completed its mission of surveying the United States. You can bet that the Chinese had already downloaded everything they wanted or needed off the surveillance equipment hanging from the balloon, so the fact that our military is collecting the wreckage to investigate what it was capable of is of little use.

Plus, I don’t believe a single thing anyone in authority tells me now, whether it’s Brandon, the DOJ, CNN or Pfizer. Why should I? They’ve been lying through their teeth to us for the last six years and probably for decades before that.

We no longer live in a country where you can trust your institutional leaders because your institutional leaders have proven to be untrustworthy. That’s no longer a country that’s truly free. I feel it every day — the contraction of my freedom.

It’s inevitable for a country that has abandoned God. Did you see the Grammys last night? Sam Smith, who “identifies” as “non-binary” and Tim “Kim” Petras, who got gender reassignment surgery at the age of 16, the youngest person in the world to do so, teamed up to perform a satanic ritual broadcast across the country.

Here’s Matt Walsh’s take on it.

We used to condemn devil worshippers. Now we worship them.

Despite its length, I recommend to you this article about keeping a republic by Elizabeth Eastman. Here’s a key section, but read the whole thing.

Despite Franklin’s doubts about the newly drafted Constitution, he sought to persuade his fellow delegates to sign the document. He spoke candidly to them.

I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other. I doubt too whether any other Convention we can obtain, may be able to make a better Constitution: For when you assemble a Number of Men to have the Advantage of their joint Wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those Men all their Prejudices, their Passions, their Errors of Opinion, their local Interests, and their selfish Views.

Similar to the qualification in his response to Elizabeth Powel, “a republic . . . if you can keep it,” Franklin included another qualification in his speech to the delegates: “there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred;” A well-drafted Constitution is a first step,  but his added requirement that it must be well administered is necessary for it to be a blessing to the people. Those who work in government—legislators, the president, judges, and officials—contribute to a well-administered government.

Franklin gave a vote of confidence to the work that he and his fellow delegates had just completed when he added, “I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years.” He did not say that it would be well administered forever but a course of years. Would it be 10 years, 50 years, or 100 years? Even though Franklin’s fellow delegates heard this speech more than 200 years ago, questioning whether the current American government is well-administered and a blessing to the people engages citizens in a continuous assessment of their government.

Franklin’s warning that “[it] can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other” links government to the character of the people. This prompts the question: what is required of a people to maintain a good government and their liberty?

My emphasis. What is required of a people to maintain a good government and their liberty? A good character. Remember again my favorite quote from John Adams: “Because We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Galantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

We’re no longer “a moral and religious People.” Not in the way to which Adams was referring. We’re still religous; just not toward the God of the Bible.

Performances like Sam Harris and “Kim” Petras gave us last night are ghastly illuminations of the craven depravity into which we have sunk. That we’re expected to applaud the evil so plainly displayed before our very eyes is why we can’t expect to survive as a nation of free people. We can’t govern ourselves, much less govern everybody else. It necessarily devolves into a Despotic Government.