Daily Broadside | Free and Fair Elections May Be a Thing of the Past

Daily Verse | Hebrews 7:6
This man, however, did not trace his descent from Levi, yet he collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises.

Friday’s Reading: Hebrews 8-10
Saturday’s Reading: Hebrews 11-13

After the mid-term elections in November my suspicions that our elections are no longer trustworthy were further hardened by results in the governor’s race in Arizona, where Kari Lake is challenging the results with what seems like strong evidence of fraud. I would love to believe that she will prove that the election was fraudulent, but I don’t trust the courts anymore, either.

Last night we had some friends over for a small Christmas celebration and I ended up talking with a woman who is involved politically. She told me that she no longer believes that our elections are free or fair and she is also discouraged by Republican leaders who really only seem to be in it for the money.

As I prepared this post, I came across a couple of articles that seem to reinforce our commiseration. Here’s an analysis of RNC spending since 2017—as if we needed more reasons to withhold money from these grifting RINOs.

According to FEC filings, since 2017, the RNC has spent:

  • $3.1 million on private jet services
  • $1.3 million on limousine/chauffeur services
  • $17.1 million on donor mementos
  • $750,000 on floral arrangements
  • $80,000 in alcohol-related expenditures

Nearly $400,000 has been spent on event tickets and other entertainment activities, including $30,000 for a private box at a Las Vegas Raiders game, $13,000 for Broadway shows, $9,400 at Madison Square Garden, and $43,000 at Top Golf locations in Texas, Nevada, Virginia, and Maryland …

… Under the current leadership, the RNC has spent more than $150,000 on what could be considered non-essential office expenses, including $25,000 on Commonwealth Joe coffee, $7,000 on cupcakes, nearly $7,000 on candles and diffusers, and $75,000 total at Pottery Barn, West Elm, Restoration Hardware, and Crate & Barrel. In addition, the committee’s FEC reports show expenditures totaling $381,000 classified as “Furniture Expense” during the same time frame.

More than $100,000 was spent at high-end clothing stores such as Rhoback, REI, Nordstrom, Vineyard VinesFootjoy, Ralph Lauren, Carhartt, and Smathers & Branson. An RNC vendor tells RedState that the Vineyard Vines expense ($12,000) was likely for embroidered jackets RNC staffers recently received.

Yep, middle-American schlubs like you and me fork over hard-earned after-tax money in response to the desperate emails and texts we get from the RNC about how they’re being beaten and we only have until midnight to get a 3x match. Then they blow it on fancy clothing and entertainment and tchotchkes for their friends.

I also came across this from one of the blogs I read regularly, which pretty much sums up where I am.

No, the only thing I care about is that we have free and fair elections in this country, and right now I have no confidence that we do. Do you? That should be #1 for anyone who even pretends be right or right leaning. I specifically excluded the Never Trump crowd earlier because they have no function except to attack Trump. They don’t matter. They’re jesters in America’s political court. But the people I’m talking about should care, and they don’t. If tomorrow Trump climbed aboard his star ship and headed for the skies, we’d still be in deep doo doo, because in their zeal to eliminate Trump from public life because they think it’s important for the future, they’ve ignored the only thing that really matters.

Free and fair elections. The foundation of a representative democracy. Without that, and as I said I have no confidence that we have them anymore, we have nothing. There’s no “Republic” to conserve.

Of course, there are others who don’t think all elections are rigged (and neither do I, but clearly there’s some cheating going on). Stephen Kruiser, who lives in Arizona:

I am not full tinfoil hat about every election in America, but what happened in Maricopa County was not just a weird glitch. It’s the most populous county in the state and contains a game-changing number of Republican votes. The fact that the problems with the tabulation machines all happened there stretches coincidence to the point of breaking.

As I’ve mentioned before, we didn’t have any problems with the machines here in Pima County, which is safely blue. Republicans are known for being Election Day voters and the fact that they were the people most affected by the “anomaly” in Maricopa County is what makes this whole thing more than suspicious.

Kari Lake deserves some answers and it is obvious that she’s not going to stop until she gets some. I don’t know if she can get the election results set aside, but it isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

Even if Lake can’t get this nightmare thrown out, my hope is that Maricopa County officials will be embarrassed enough to change the way they do things. That would require the Arizona GOP to be more functional and vigilant, and I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen. Perhaps Kari Lake can goad the party into fighting mode.

I don’t believe our elections are free and fair anymore, not after what I’ve seen in the last two election cycles. I believe that there is some kind of collusion and cheating going on, because what we see on the ground doesn’t match what we see in results—by a long shot.

What’s the answer? A better ground game from the RNC would help. Making I.D. mandatory, along with same day voting with minimal exceptions, like for military personnel posted overseas.

But I don’t know how you keep the Dems from cheating and there’s no way I want the GOP to cheat. We either win clean or we don’t win. But that may be difficult because it appears both parties are involved in the racket.

Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes …

The left and their RINO allies, along with who-knows-how-many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated electoral fraud system in history.  Every step of the voting process — from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported — is compromised.  They are so far into their corruption that being exposed is not an option.  They will do literally anything to avoid being caught.

Read the whole thing and have a good weekend.