Daily Broadside | His Paintings Are Sold As a Brush with Fame, Not Talent — and Certainly Not with Character

Daily Verse | Isaiah 61:8
“For I, the Lord, love justice;
I hate robbery and iniquity.”

Happy Thursday, campers! “Artichoke” — why would you eat a vegetable with the word “choke” in the name?

We’ve had some rather serious weather here this week. So serious, in fact, that we lost power on Tuesday night after a particularly strong thunder storm, rendering my Wednesday morning Broadside an impossibility. This was after a torrential downpour on Monday in which we received 6″ of rain. I know because I measured the water that collected in the old kiddie pool in my yard.

Speaking of six inches — a naked Hunter Biden in a newly surfaced video confesses to a naked prostitute that while he was close to overdosing in a Vegas hotel room in 2018, Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops to blackmail him. That would make three laptops that the son of Resident Biden has carelessly lost at one time or another.

The story is from the Daily Mail and details how Biden and an anonymous hooker are doing drugs in a hotel room and Biden is telling her the story of losing the other laptop. This is a different laptop than the one he left at a Delaware computer repair shop that was featured in a New York Post story in October 2020, less than a month before the presidential election.

The president’s son told the prostitute that the allegedly stolen laptop was also full of compromising sex videos.

‘They have videos of me doing this,’ he said, referring to the filmed sex he just finished. ‘They have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex f***ing, you know.

‘My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on. And he would always put in a passcode and all that, you know what I mean? It was f***ing crazy sh**. And somebody stole it during that period of time. He did all this kind of like pretend search and sh*.’

The prostitute asked Hunter if he was worried the Russian alleged thieves would try to ‘blackmail’ him.

Hunter replied: ‘Yeah in some way yeah.’

Hunter Biden is a whoring, drug addicted, lying, grifting, hollow, shameless criminal. A chip off the old block, as they say. I don’t say that to be mean; I say that to be candid. It’s the truth and we shouldn’t be afraid to say it.

Our lousy mainstream and social media did their damnedest to kill the Post’s story on Biden’s laptop to protect his father’s residential ambitions because OrangeManBad and mean tweets. Now we’re stuck with the most radical administration in U.S. history which is flushing what remains of this once-great nation down the memory hole and moving us closer to the totalitarian state they long for.

Hunter Biden is who he is because he has no character. Forget so-called “Christian” character; he doesn’t even have good secular character. What father would let their daughter within 100 miles of this sleazebag?

The only reason he has any relevance at all is because his dad has been a serial politician for 50 years and, as a result, Hunter makes (as he brags on the video) “like a gazillion dollars.” The guy has no distinguishable talents. How the younger Biden “makes” a gazillion dollars is anybody’s guess, but we all know he’s now a “self-taught” artist who wants to sell his “abstract expressionist paintings” for half-a-million each (here, if you can stomach it).

It’s a natural pose for Hunter Biden. Just swap out paint for powdery white lines.

What absolutely galls me is the uber-hyper hypocrisy of the institutional left, which spent more than four years smearing Donald Trump, his wife and his children as Russian agents, grifters and generally immoral people, trying to take them down through lies, false insinuations, impeachment proceedings, FBI investigations, harassment campaigns and more.

Yet Hunter Biden is the exact embodiment of what they accused the Trumps of being and they not only ignore it, they expend a protracted campaign to cover it up. They protect him and his criminal activities even if it means he and his father a likely compromised by the Russians and the Chinese, putting our nation at great risk.

They’re the partisans. They’re the extremists. They’re the greatest threat to our nation.

You don’t have to hate Hunter Biden to be candid about who he is. His story is tragic, surviving with his brother Beau a car crash that took the lives of his mother and younger sister when he was almost 3-years-old. His father had just been elected to the Senate a few weeks earlier. That’s a terrible trauma to live through and no doubt it shaped who he’s become.

While it’s tragic and evokes sympathy from me for his barrel-bottom behavior, it’s still reckless behavior and any Republican candidate for president whose son (or daughter!) was caught on camera not just once, but multiple times, doing drugs and having sex with hookers or caught lying would have his campaign torpedoed then and there.

A double-standard exists in this country, and Hunter Biden is a beneficiary.