Daily Broadside | I’m Not the Only One Calling Democrats Liars

Daily Verse | Luke 5:1-2
One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.

Thursday’s Reading: Luke 8-11

Happy Thursday and welcome to the blog. Thanks for joining me this morning.

One of the claims I’ve made for years is that the Democrats are liars. In fact, I wrote about that less than a week ago, here. “But Dave,” you might say, “isn’t that a little strident? All politicians lie. Surely the Democrats don’t lie all the time.”

Allow me a little humble brag, as I call your attention to a commentary from Philip Carl Salzman, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at McGill University, Senior Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and president of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. In “When Was the Last Time That the Democrats Told the Truth About Anything?” he writes,

Lies, damn lies, and Democrat Party claims.

As a sometime registered Democrat, I was astonished to discover, once I retired a few years ago and started to pay attention to national politics, that just about every Democrat Party assertion fell in the range of deception through dishonesty to outright falsity. You know them all.

We call this “getting red-pilled.” It’s when the blinders suddenly fall off and you see the Democrats and their insanity for what it is.

Donald Trump is a Russian asset elected through Russian meddling. The Trump-Russian collusion hoax was the main talking point of Democrats for years. The “evidence” was a phony document paid for by the Clinton election campaign. The Democrat FBI misled the FISA Court into granting permission to spy on Trump affiliates. Top Democrat leaders, such as the shifty Adam Schiff, claimed repeatedly that they had conclusive evidence of collusion but never produced it. Even the Department of Justice’s Special Counsel and his large team could not, after two years of investigation, find any evidence in support of the collusion hoax.

As the Black Lives Matter riots destroyed American cities across the land, with Democrat voters assaulting police, massively looting, intentionally burning vehicles and buildings, and occasionally killing anyone who resisted, the Democrat media declared that the protests were “mostly peaceful,” even as buildings burned in the background. Democrats declared their fealty to Black Lives Matter, worked to release rioters who had been arrested, and donated $80 million to the self-declared Marxist Black Lives Matter organization. Democrat business executives and university officials declared their organizations’ support of Black Lives Matter, making public declarations and flying BLM flags.

Democrats endorsed the Black Lives Matter slander that the police everywhere were racist and that they murdered blacks freely and in great numbers, libels that were endorsed by Democrat politicians across the land. Many national and state Democrats advocated that every jurisdiction “Defund/Disband the Police,” and many jurisdictions did that, for example, New York, which cut its police budget by a billion dollars.

Salzman then goes on to describe the mountains of evidence that flatly refute the claim that police everywhere are racist or that they murder blacks in disproportionate numbers.

Continuing to list the lies, Salzman writes,

Which Democrat lie is more monstrous is difficult to decide, but the Democrat New York Times “1619 Project,” an extensive, multi-article campaign, is among the worst. The thesis is that America was founded to protect and advance slavery, that its founding documents, including the Constitution, were designed with this purpose, that the country has never been about anything but slavery, and consequently that the country was and is rotten from its foundation up. There are many specific theses, such as that American wealth was built on nothing but slave labor.

He goes on to mention the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop; the false claim that the COVID vaccines would keep you from getting or giving COVID; that the new voting laws in Georgia were “voter suppression” and “Jim Crow on steroids” (Georgia is seeing record numbers turning out in early voting right now: “It was already clear after Georgia’s primary election set new turnout records this spring, but it bears repeating once again: Democrats don’t tell the truth about voting rights“); that America is “systemically racist” and why that’s untrue; that both blacks and whites use marijuana equally; “the science-denying claim that men can become women and women can become men, and that men can become pregnant, and that mutilating children is ‘health care,'” and that “the border is secure.”

Allow me to add a few more:

  • Biden falsely claimed he did nothing to slow or stop oil production in the United States
  • San Fran Nan Pelosi rejected polls that “clearly show the economy and inflation as the top issues for voters in the midterm elections” and says the top issue for voters is abortion”
  • Anthony Fauci claims “he had nothing to do with the damaging policy” of shutting down schools during COVID, when his own statements clearly show he did
  • Brandon accidentally let slip that re-joining the Paris Accords and eliminating all fossil fuels to fight so-called climate change “isn’t going to matter” because global emissions are outpacing whatever reduction we could muster.

Democrats live in the world as they wish it was, not as it is. That’s why they deliberately lie about everything.

And, no, that’s not strident—that’s the truth.