Daily Broadside | It’s Not Just Me; Smarter Writers Are Now Declaring the Democrat Party Illegitimate

The Democrat Party is a radicalized, anti-American, Marxist organization that should be abolished, just like the Nazi Party after 1945. I’m not kidding and I’ve said so recently here and in some of my ramblings on X.

But now I’m pleased to hear political commentators who are much smarter than I am saying the same thing. John Hinderaker over at PowerLine blog wrote a short post the day after Trump’s trumped up kangaroo court convictions.

For the second time in their ignoble history, the Democrats have fired on Fort Sumter. Now the question is, what are we going to do about it?

I wrote my initial thoughts on the Trump verdict yesterday afternoon. I want to add to them here.

If Joe Biden is re-elected following this outrage, he will be an illegitimate president. What does that mean? It means, I think, that no one should be obliged to follow his executive orders. All such orders will be illegitimate and should be disregarded, as appropriate. Likewise, residents of the sane states, and their public officials, should be free to disregard rules and orders that come out of the Biden administration’s agencies–the Biden EPA, and so on. And rulings of Biden-appointed judges, or of panels on which one or more Biden judges were part of the majority, should not be given any precedential effect.

We have no duty to conform. In fact, it is our duty to not just resist, but to actively reject any cooperation with Democrats.

More fundamentally, the Democratic Party is now illegitimate. We should stop treating it as a normal political organization. We conservatives have played by the rules, trying to hold our country together in the face of increasingly radical and irrational conduct from our political foes. Those days should be gone. The Democratic Party is now exposed as the enemy of freedom, democracy and the rule of law, and should be treated accordingly.

Correct. And to “treat it accordingly” is to abolish it, make it illegal to reconstitute, and to politically exile its members.

I’m done with trying to reason with Democrats. I’ll talk all day about their need for Jesus, but when it comes to politics, I have no choice but to treat them like the political enemies they are. Anyone who calls themselves a Democrat, is registered as a Democrat, and votes for Democrats, is a threat to you, your family, your freedoms and your conscience.

Conservatives have been patient, have endured much abuse from those in roles of political power, and have hoped against hope that the lawfare and general acts of anarchy would be a short spasm that we could all get through. But like our international enemies, the Left sees negotiation, reasonable dialogue, and a lack of hitting back as weakness, which further encourages them to take more ground and become more inflexible.

It’s time to sever any political relationships with the Left. They don’t want it. They want to destroy the Right, no matter how close to the center you are. Conservatives, traditional Americans, Christians and like-minded allies must fully oppose Democrats at every turn. We need to make them pay for their intransigence by voting them out of office, refusing to cooperate with their laws, and actively make them feel the pain of separation.

Via Buck Throckmorton at Ace of Spades comes this helpful piece by Jeffrey Carter:

Trump should retreat to Florida.

Every single Republican should say that if NY wants to extradite Trump from their state to NY to serve jail time, they will fight the extradition. Trump can freely roam and campaign in their states. If there are fair-minded Democratic governors they could join. But, if they don’t, we know where they stand.

They are on the side of fascism because that is exactly what this is.

You might not like Trump. You might not agree with Trump. For you, this is a John Adams moment. The second president of the United States was no pal of Britain. He abhorred the idea of British troops in Boston, MA. Yet, when push came to shove he defended British troops who were accused by a mob of committing crimes they didn’t commit.

Resist and refuse to cooperate.

  • Let Trump roam free as a bird in Republican governed state. Fight any and all extradition including the use of the police force and any military that the governor controls.
  • Republican Attorney Generals need to engage in lawfare against any and all Democrat officials, including officials in their states. If you are a Republican Attorney General, and you have a Democratic Secretary of State, find something, anything to charge them with. I hate tit for tat, but tit for tat in this case is a lot better than shots being fired.
  • In heavily Republican-dominated states, make life very difficult for Democrats. Do everything you can within the rules of your state to hinder every single idea, statement, or initiative Democrats have. If you can do things without committee hearings, go for it. Shut them out. Democrats actively do it to Republicans. Hence, in Ohio, defy Governor Mike DeWine’s move to put Biden on the ballot. Leave him off the ballot in Ohio. Before this ruling, I was in favor of DeWine’s move.
  • Donate some extra dollars if you can after Joe Biden’s inflation to Trump and any national legislative race. Flip your legislature to Republicans if you can. Democrats are now the party of Fascism. They make no bones about it.
  • It is time for civil, and I stress the word civil, disobedience. That can be painful. But, it’s time to flout politically motivated Democratic rules. March peacefully in the streets. Ignore rules. Don’t pay fees if you can. We know now that Covid was an engineered crisis that was designed to get rid of Trump, not for public health. It’s time to fight all that stuff.
  • When they march in the streets, meet them. March against them.
  • If you are a contractor, maybe pick and choose who you work for. If you show up to a house and a Hamas flag is in front or a BLM sign is in the yard, maybe go to the next job and have them go down the list. Work on out-of-the-closet Republican homes or non-outwardly political homes first. Make them suffer.
  • At your establishment, put up a bumper sticker or flag. It doesn’t have to say “Trump” but it might say “Don’t Tread on Me” or something like that. Let people know. The Silent Majority cannot stay in the closet anymore. It’s hilarious that when I walk down my street, I know if an American flag flies out in front of the house I know they are conservative.

As I’ve written before (here, here, here, and here) it’s often difficult to give advice on what to do about the state of affairs we find ourselves in. Above is a list of simple things most of us can do to register our anger at those who are destroying our country.

It’s now or never.