Daily Broadside | Killer Kids and the Absence of Conscience

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 14:3
He did what was right in the eyes of hte Lord, but not as his father David had done. In everything he followed the example of his father Joash.

It’s Monday and believe it or not, there’s only one more weekend in April. Also, only dead fish go with the flow.

You may or may not have heard of Mohammad Anwar. Anwar is the 66-year-old Pakistani immigrant who made his living as an Uber Eats driver. On March 23, two girls, ages 13 and 15, carjacked him in Washington, D.C. They tasered him and then, as he climbed on top of the girl in the driver’s seat in an attempt to keep them from driving off with the car, the 13-year-old reached over from the passenger seat, turned the ignition and put it in gear. The 15-year-old floored it, the car careening down the street with Anwar hanging on outside the driver’s side door, which remained open. After racing down the wrong lane, slamming the open door against a light pole, the car made a sharp right around a corner at the end of the block and crashed, passenger side up.

Anwar was thrown from the car and lay crumpled on the sidewalk, up against a wrought-iron fence, with broken bones and fatal head injuries. Both girls climbed from the car and then the 13-year-old said, “My phone is in there! My phone!”

It’s disturbing but you can watch the video here.

It’s also disturbing that none of the papers reported that the two girls were Black. It wouldn’t be disturbing except that race is all the rage today, in case you hadn’t noticed. If the two girls had been white, that is the first thing that media reports would have made sure we knew. But if the perpetrators are Black, the media simply leaves that fact out.

Don’t believe it? Here’s another example:

“The videos are graphic and shocking. In January, a local television station showed footage of a young man sprinting toward, then violently shoving to the ground, a man identified as Vicha Ratanapakdee, 84, who had been out for a morning walk in the Anza Vista neighborhood of San Francisco. He later died.”

The Times piece never reveals the name or race of the perpetrator: Antoine Watson, a 19-year-old black man.

Concludes Danusha Goska,

When African Americans, including children, commit shocking, violent crimes against the elderly, against women, against Jews, against harmless working class immigrants, these stories are not given the same coverage. In something so simple as vocabulary choice, these stories are suppressed.

Because legacy media (The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and others) are populated by cultural Marxists, it is in their interests to amplify the races of white-on-minority crime, but not minority-on-white or minority-on-minority crime. That’s disturbing because readers are left with the impression that only whites are perpetrating racially-motivated crimes (something also known as propaganda).

Setting aside the race baiting tabloids, however, the most disturbing thing about the crime is the utter lack of conscience demonstrated by either of the two girls. They had just stolen a car, wrecked it and killed the victim. Yet the youngest was pre-occupied with her phone. Her phone.

It’s astounding.

How is it that in today’s culture, two young girls can commit strong arm robbery in broad daylight, kill a 66-year-old man and then walk away unruffled except that their phone is still in the car they wrecked? No concern over their victim. No shock over having just survived an overturned car. No fear of being caught. No impulse to run away. No terror over what the consequences might be. In just over a decade of life they had grown from innocent baby girls into savage killers impervious to the gravity of the crime or the suffering they had just caused.

This is why scripture says that fathers are to bring their children up “in the training and instruction of the Lord” and why we are to impress the Lord’s guidance on our children. It is the parents (and fathers in particular) who are to instill in their children an understanding of right and wrong based on the character and nature of God.

Our culture won’t truly heal until we do.