Daily Broadside | Lawlessness is a Feature of the New Normal

Daily Verse | Isaiah 43:11
“I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.”

Happy Thursday, my friends. What time should we invade Canada?

Look, we all know that the man sleeping in the White House with his Doctor Wife is an unprincipled fraud, a charlatan, a poser and a grifting opportunist whose brain is sputtering as it withers on the vine. As bad as all that is, none of it compares with the damage he’s doing to our country with his blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, which he swore to uphold on January 20.

We are a country of laws, which means that from the most powerful to the lowliest person in our society, everyone is to follow and be judged according to our laws, meaning that everyone is equal before the law. Even the junior commies spout, “No one is above the law!” when it suits their purposes.

Yet we are forced to watch as our ruling class flouts the law for partisan outcomes and no one in a position of power does anything to maintain law and order or hold the bastards accountable. Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Andrew Cuomo are three that immediately come to mind. They should all be in prison by now.

But close on their heels is none other than Resident Joey Biden, who shouldn’t be anywhere near the levers of power in this country but who was installed after the disgraceful coup staged by the openly corrupt Democrat machine planted across the fruited plain.

Joey Lawless is a law unto himself, refusing to enforce those that exist and making up those that don’t. For instance, we have laws governing who is allowed into the country, who isn’t, and how those who come here are processed. While there have always been border jumpers, Joey Lawless not only allows them to freely swarm in, but actively invites them to do so.

Although there’s a southern border on paper, for all intents and purposes one doesn’t exist in Biden’s reality.

Did you know that under Biden’s rule, the government has released more than 50,000 illegals since March without giving them a court date? That’s 50,000 people who are now de facto permanent residents. But wait! That’s not all!

A senior federal official who spoke with the Free Beacon expects Biden to end Title 42—a law used by former president Trump’s Centers for Disease Control to block migrants from entering the country—sometime this month. As part of the preparation for that policy reversal, senior Department of Homeland Security officials warned staff that they will have to process up to 1,200 family units a day. That number of family units works out to 312,000 a year, assuming the border does not see any future surges. Following their release from custody, those migrants are in effect free to stay, said one DHS official, because many immigrants skip their immigration court hearings sometimes scheduled two years after they are initially detained.


The internal directive further damaged morale within national security agencies where staff already feel overwhelmed with initiatives ordered by the Biden administration. These policies all seem focused on the singular purpose of letting in as many migrants as possible and forcing staff attention away from security threats entering the country.

Those who spoke with the Free Beacon described an agency undergoing a dramatic transformation under Biden and Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Some now question their mission as they prepare for humanitarian crises on the border after the end of Title 42 and Trump’s “Remain in Mexico Policy.”

“All of these people will become permanent residents. There’s no political will from the Biden administration to deport families once they’re already admitted. The White House knows that,” a DHS official said. “The end of Title 42 will result in de facto open borders.”

He chose not to end Title 42, but it will eventually. My emphasis on “312,000 family units per year,” which, if you assume an average of just 4 people per unit, is well over one million people who “will become permanent residents.”

This deeply angers me because it’s not natural population growth in our country. It’s now population displacement. These new residents will join what is most assuredly more than 30 million other illegals now sunk in our society and, while we can all agree that being compassionate toward the truly abused is as American as apple pie, we are not obligated to receive anyone and everyone who simply wants to come live here.

We are not the world’s homeless shelter.

We can argue over what is the right approach to immigration, but the bottom line is that we expect our government to protect its citizens. They are to defend our borders and provide security for its citizens, and our government, led by an illegitimate executive, is not only not doing that, he’s actively facilitating open borders.

For more detail on the impact that illegal aliens have on our society, read these two articles (Part I and Part II) by Jonathan Clay de Hale over at Illinois Family Action.

You know what else Joey Lawless is doing? He’s openly, willfully ignoring the unconstitutionality of an extension of a moratorium on evictions across the country and allowing his administration to enact a “targeted eviction moratorium after a wide-ranging federal ban expired over the weekend.”

Biden was asked multiple times about the impending announcement at a news conference on Tuesday afternoon. He insisted he did not want to get ahead of the CDC, but seemed to acknowledge the new order is likely to face legal challenges.

“Whether that option will pass constitutional measure with this administration, I can’t tell you. I don’t know,” Biden said. “There are a few scholars who say it will, and others who say it’s not likely to. But, at a minimum, by the time it gets litigated it will probably give some additional time while we’re getting that $45 billion out to people who are in fact behind in the rent and don’t have the money.”

My emphasis to underscore that the dementia patient sitting in the Oval Office is now gaming the system to get what his junior commies want: to put small mom and pop rental properties out of business and allow big conglomerates to buy them up at low cost and then pimp them out to the government to fill their coffers. It’s always — always! — about the money. Just throw it to the courts and let nine unelected bureaucrats justices determine if it’s legal or not, then clap the dust off your hands and move on.

You can’t have a country without borders and you can’t have a free country with a government choosing winners and losers. This administration is pro-foreigners, pro-commie and anti-American and anti-law. They choose which laws they want to enforce or not enforce, instead of doing their constitutional duty and carrying out the will of the people expressed through legally binding laws and, the grand-daddy of them all, the U.S. Constitution.

Joey Lawless can’t be trusted to carry out our laws unless it’s to make false charges of sedition or insurrection and hunt down elderly citizens whose only crime was wandering around the People’s House taking selfies. We are experiencing a reset in our country that does not favor the patriot or the proud American citizen. Lawlessness becomes anarchy, and anarchy inevitably leads to violence, death and destruction.

We the People are eventually going to be backed into a corner and will have a decision to make. Be ready.