Daily Broadside | Man Can Donate Blood if He’s Not Pregnant

Daily Verse | Psalm 59:16
But I will sing of your strength,
    in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
    my refuge in times of trouble.

Tuesday’s Reading: Psalms 60-66

Good morning my friends. It’s Tuesday and we’re only ten days away from the end of June — already! I’ll soon be taking a two-week break and my good friend, Bruce Gust, who has filled in for me before, will be taking the keyboard starting Monday. He’ll bring you into July and I’ll pick up again a few days after the fourth of July celebrations wind down.

A story I read in the New York Post yesterday caught my attention because the title seemed so absurd: “Man denied giving blood after refusing to answer if he was pregnant.” Is the progressive brain disease known as “being woke” so pervasive that blood banks are now asking men if they’re pregnant?

They are in Scotland.

It’s not as clear cut as a guy sitting in a chair with rubber tubing wrapped around his elbow as the technician is plumping an artery while asking, “Are you pregnant?” But it’s close.

Leslie Sinclair, a 66-year-old father of two, had donated some 125 pints of blood over five decades before he was barred from his altruistic efforts during a trip Wednesday amid a push for new donors, Daily Mail reported.

Sinclair, of Stirling in central Scotland, was told to complete a form asking whether he was with child or had been pregnant in the last six months, prompting him to reply that the question did not apply to a man in his late 60s.

So he’s filling out a form and comes to a question that asks if he’s pregnant. Like this:

Obviously, he’s not. He’s a man, of the male variety. Men don’t get pregnant.

Now I suppose that if I had been filling in that form and came to that question, I would just check “No” because I’m a guy and I can’t be pregnant, not even “in the last 6 months.” And I would assume that the question is there because both men and women donate blood and 99 percent of the questions are the same and this one is different, so they just include it rather than creating a separate form for women only.

But not our hero, Leslie Sinclair.

Sinclair told a staffer at the Albert Halls clinic in Stirling it was “impossible” for him to be pregnant, but soon learned that he needed to answer the query in order to give blood …

“I told them that was stupid and that if I had to leave, I wouldn’t be back,” Sinclair said. “And that was it, I got on my bike and cycled away.”

Sinclair said he was angered since “vulnerable people,” including children, are in desperate need of donations.

“But they’ve been denied my blood because of the obligation to answer a question that can’t possibly be answered,” Sinclair told Daily Mail.

Actually, he can answer it with “No.” But I get his point. By answering the question, he’s validating it. If we didn’t live in a Woke World, I think my assumption that it’s a woman’s question on an otherwise identical form would be reasonable.

But it turns out Mr. Sinclair’s irritation is justified.

Anyone who has given birth in Scotland must wait six months before donating blood. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service officials said all donors are now asked whether they’re pregnant as part of a “duty to promote inclusiveness,” according to the report.

“We appreciate the support of each and every one of our donor community and thank Mr. Sinclair for his commitment over a long number of years,” SNBTS director Marc Turner told Daily Mail.

Ah, yes — ideological conformity over common sense while kicking a long-term blood donor in the teeth. Punish the non-conformist, even if it means losing a reliable source who has been giving blood for nearly 50 years in the midst of a donor shortage.

The stand-off took place as NHS England launched a campaign earlier this week to recruit a million more blood donors over the next five years after numbers fell during the pandemic. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) began a drive earlier this month to find 16,000 new donors in the coming year.

It emerged last night that all potential donors are asked if they are pregnant to ‘promote inclusiveness’ and because pregnancy is ‘not always visually clear’.

When you cater hard to wokeness it takes you out of the realm of reality and into the realm of fantasy. Mr. Sinclair is clearly not pregnant: not yesterday, not today, and not tomorrow. But a numbing bureaucratic regime insisting on conformity is willing to put the health and safety of children and adults who need blood at risk for the sake of satisfying mentally unwell women who believe they are male “birthing persons.”

We need a million blood donors, but not any of those icky people who believe that men can’t get pregnant, thank you. Step aside.

You may not be interested in the idiocracy, but the idiocracy is interested in you — and you will be made to care.