Daily Broadside | Planning to Fail: No Good Way to Get All U.S. Citizens Out of Afghanistan

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 15:1
Then the Lord said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people.”

It’s Thursday, my friends. Styrofoam cups do not a good flotation device make.

I wish there were other things to write about this week, but the catastrophe in Afghanistan remains the top story as even more bad news continues to surface in the wake of our incompetent Washington fool’s monumental failure in that stone age disaster of a country.

When Joe Biden was running for president, he hid in his basement for the majority of his campaign. We all knew that if he couldn’t handle the rigors of the campaign trail, he couldn’t handle the rigors of the office. Now that he’s been installed as Resident, he’s proved the assumption. After being summoned from his vacation to address the American people, he fled back to Camp David after making a threadbare speech that blamed everyone but himself for the disaster in Kabul.

Now we’re told that he cut his vacation short, returning Tuesday rather than on Wednesday as originally planned. Gosh, that had to be tough! All those pesky politicians disturbing his rest over a little intelligence failure and some lost armaments.

*shrugs* Big F***ing Deal, amirite?

But the lie that anybody but Joe Biden is responsible for the calamity in Kabul ain’t gonna hold. The National Pulse dropped a rather interesting story yesterday claiming that the Biden administration killed funding for a Trump-era “critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul.”

It wasn’t about Afghanistan per se, but it was about situations just like the one we’re facing in Afghanistan. A couple of key graphs:

In a lengthy article in Vanity Fair from May 2021, the Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) – also referred to in overlap with a predecessor/partner bureau called “OpMed” is described as a “little-known team of medics and miracle workers—hidden deep within the U.S. Department of State.”

“Even before COVID reared its head, OpMed was finding ways to do all sorts of things, serving as the hidden hand behind daring and often dangerous operations to rescue Americans from peril abroad,” the article states, before going on to quote Secretary of State Tony Blinken on the importance of the program’s goals.

“The Bureau of Medical Services’ Directorate of Operation—or ‘OpMed,’ as we call it—is a lifeline for the Department of State and the American people… Though perhaps lesser known outside of the Department, it’s vital to our operations. That’s because OpMed provides the platform and personnel to save American lives around the world, especially in times of crisis. During the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, OpMed was integral to our evacuation and repatriation of 100,000 Americans to the United States as countries began locking down their borders.”

But The National Pulse understands that career officials inside the State Department objected to the Trump-era aim of creating a Contingency and Crisis Response bureau with the express purpose of avoiding a future Benghazi-style situation for Americans overseas.

Instead, Biden’s team revoked the funding and the approval for the plan, even as the COVID-19 crisis reasserted itself, and and Afghanistan withdrawal loomed.
(Emphasis mine.)

“Career officials.” And now we’re hearing that the State Department has no plan—at least one based in reality—for evacuating American nationals or Afghans who want out.

President Joe Biden’s pledge to evacuate thousands more at-risk Afghans who worked for the U.S. government will run into the cold reality of a fast-closing window of time, insecurity all over Afghanistan and major logistical hurdles.

As one U.S. official told Reuters “too many things have to go 100 percent correctly” to execute the plan to move out those going through the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) process. The Pentagon is aiming to evacuate up to 22,000 SIV applicants, their families and other at-risk people.

But officials and refugee resettlement groups said that number, while admirable, will be much more difficult to reach now that the Taliban have seized the capital Kabul and most of the country.

Biden’s Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, who’s chasing “white supremacists” (read: wrong-think conservatives) out of the armed forces, seems to confirm that, really, if you’re in Afghanistan and want out, you’re on your own.

In another report, Secretary Austin admits, “We don’t have the capability to go out and collect up large numbers of people.”

Biden the foreign policy expert! Wisdom gained after more than 50 years in Washington, right fellas? So wise! So stunning! Why, it’s almost as if the American draw down was planned this way!

Wait—maybe it was! Remember the little dust-up over the Hunter Biden laptop left at a Delaware computer repair shop? Remember his emails outlining his deal with a Chinese-funded company that included “10 held by H for the big guy,” the “big guy” being then-vice president Joe Biden?

The Biden criminal family is owned by the Chinese. And guess who benefits from the collapse of American support in Afghanistan?

Gropey Joe pulled out of Afghanistan after 20 years, zillions of dollars, and thousands of lives were lost. China stands to gain a great deal from this evacuation. The same China that has funneled tens of millions of dollars to Hunter Biden since 2009, and really kicked things into high gear in 2015 when Gropey Joe was vice president. Coincidence? You decide! You’ll have to do so without asking any questions because Biden, VP Harris, and Jen Psaki are all mysteriously AWOL.

The reason the Chinese are first in line as America exits is that they are pursuing world domination through their “Belt and Road” initiative, a program that has to run straight through Afghanistan, where there lies “an estimated trillion dollars worth of rare-earth minerals under its soil.

Either China has Biden by the short-hairs, or he’s a incompetent moron. Or both.

But at least the tweets are nice, right? We all good with that?

Give me so-called mean tweets, gas for $1.96, and a strong military over this milquetoast pretender any day. I truly wonder if we’ll survive until mid-terms in 2022.