Daily Broadside | Resident Biden Comes to Town and Conservatives Protest—Including Me

Daily Verse | Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.

Thursday and as I wrote in yesterday’s Broadside, Resident Biden visited my neighborhood yesterday. I didn’t think I’d be able to make time to participate in any demonstrations, but it just so happened that I was between personal appointments and had the day off when the Biden event occurred. So the Missus and I grabbed our “Trump 2020” flag, hopped in the car, and drove over to where the Thief in Chief was making an appearance at McHenry County College (MCC) in Crystal Lake, IL.

According to the Patch:

McHenry County is the only Chicago-area county that picked Donald Trump for president during the November election. Biden received 78,153 votes in McHenry County during the last presidential election and Trump had 82,257 votes.

There were a few dozen Trump supporters holding a protest of sorts outside of MCC, most just waving American flags and Trump flags, making their presence known. There were only one or two Biden supporters, including one woman in a car with a sign taped to the inside of her windshield that read, “Trump lost. Get over it.” The poor, deluded commie.

We never saw the Resident, who flew in from O’Hare on Marine One. I did get to meet Gary Rabine (pronounced rā’bīne), who is running for Governor of Illinois. We had a good seven- or eight-minute chat in which he laid out his vision for Illinois and pitched himself as a builder who can turn the state around. Maybe I can help him unseat Pritzker.

I’ve never been to a protest or a demonstration opposing or supporting a United States president (I suppose I still haven’t, since Biden didn’t win) but I’m so angry at the outright lies, communist sympathies and extremism of the Left that I feel I have no choice but to get involved somehow.

Waving a “Trump 2020” flag wasn’t stunning or brave. But it was a step of activism and I was able to express my opposition to the fraudulent Biden administration. Not because I want Trump in office (although I do) but because it’s an act of defiance against the ruling junta.

To the Left, I’m just a white supremacist for wanting to Keep America Great. But after learning so much about cultural Marxism over the last few weeks and sharing it with you, I’m more convinced than ever that every one of us needs to take action of some kind. We can’t just allow the Left to occupy more and more of this country without putting up any resistance.

At least, I can’t.