Daily Broadside | Skeevy Son’s Honey Trap Lust Is a National Security Threat

Daily Verse | Haggai 1:9
“What you brought home I blew away. Why?” declares the Lord Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house.”

Thursday’s Reading: Zechariah 1-7

Remember that time Rep. Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) was banging a Chinese spy and was forced to resign? O wait, my bad. He wasn’t forced to resign from Congress or give up his position on the House intelligence panel after it was revealed that he’d been having sex with an officer of China’s premier Ministry of State Security intelligence service.

Nor was Sen. Diane Feinstein when she was discovered to have a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years.

It’s good to be the nomenklatura.

Turns out Feinstein and Swalwell weren’t the only ones who were national security threats because of their relationship with a Chinese spy. The skeevy, whoring, drug-addicted, grifting offspring of Resident Brandon was in a close personal relationship with a Chinese-American woman named JiaQi Bao who served as his secretary when he went into business with Patrick Ho, secretary general of Chinese oil giant CEFC.

And she may have been a spy.

‘National Security Nightmare’: GOP Rep Says Hunter Biden Had An ‘Eric Swalwell Situation’

Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky called new revelations about Hunter Biden a “national security nightmare” during a Monday evening Fox News appearance.

“Have you ever wanted to see a spy movie? You don’t even have to go to the theaters. Go to Washington, D.C., where Chinese spies just bait and hook gullible people in power. Sometimes all it takes is a honey trap. We saw it with Eric Swalwell who got caught sleeping with Fang Fang, the spy who stole his heart,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said in introducing Comer, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee. “Swalwell wasn’t the only person to have a Fang Fang in D.C. Turns out Hunter Biden may have dabbled with a Chinese spy, too. Her name is JiaQi Bao.”

As Victoria Taft writes:

JiaQi directed the then-vice president’s son to a scheme to “sell natural gas to China in 2017”–you know, as your secretary does. Bao reportedly told him “where the Chinese wanted to purchase the gas from,” according to The Daily Caller.  

JiaQi also gave Hunter pointers on oppo-research for the “big guy’s” White House run. Sure, homegirl offered “opposition research for Joe’s White House run and encouraged him to draw funds from the company’s accounts when the joint venture collapsed and even ended up with Hunter’s military dog tags.”

The Daily Mail reported in May of 2021 that “flirty messages” on Hunter’s laptop — you know, the one those crack 50 national security experts said was “likely Russian disinformation” — confirmed that Hunter was holding his special “dog tags” for his “secretary” in his CEFC deal with his contact, a “spy chief of China.”

Just like any secretary (I thought we were to call them “administrative assistants” now, like calling stewardesses “flight attendants”?), Bao told Biden where to make the purchases of gas and then offered oppo research to GET TRUMP when his father ran for president after she encouraged Hunter to get “Uncle Joe” to run. Don’t all business secretaries do that?

Where do you suppose that oppo research came from?

Here’s Jesse Watters discussing this national security embarrassment threat with Lee Smith.

WATTERS: “Is the whole government compromised by China? Is this what we’re dealing with?”

SMITH: “Absolutely. The whole government has been compromised by China. Actually, the political elite as well as the corporate establishment has been compromised by the Chinese Communist Party for decades now. Joe and Hunter Biden are just a manifestation.”

The Bidens are EVERYTHING (and more) that the Left claims Trump was. They are the national security threat. They are on the payroll of one of our greatest enemies. They are the compromised. They are the grifters. They are the fascists. They are the anti-American threat that is running amok in our country today.

They are the ones who present the greatest threat to our safety and security.

But where are the DOJ and the FBI? Busy squashing the Biden laptop story, running entrapment schemes to kidnap the Michigan governor, arresting Catholic dads who oppose abortion, ‘tagging’ parents they consider threatening at school board meetings, “padding” domestic terrorism data, “altering its categorization of Jan. 6 defendant cases to create the illusion that domestic terrorism is far more prevalent than it actually is,” stealing lock box treasures, raiding a former president’s home based on false premises, and harassing “normal” Americans as though they’re jihadists plotting the next terror attack.

Normal Americans are looking at the complete dissolution of their constitutional government into a law unto itself. There’s only a couple of ways this can end, and one of them involves a lot of innocent citizens in gulags.

The other is worse but only by degree.