Daily Broadside | The Invasion of America Will Accelerate

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 22:34
But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armor.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 1-3

It’s Tuesday of Holy Week. As millions remember Jesus making his way toward the cross on that Friday some 2,000 years ago, millions more today are anxious and angry that the current administration is planning to remove the final barrier to a flood of illegal aliens surging over our southern border.

Illegal entry and squatting in the United States is one of the subjects that severely triggers me when it comes to the issues we face. I absolutely loathe our government that not only allows the current invasion of foreigners to flood our nation, but actively encourages it, nay, invites it.

It’s a crime that’s being perpetrated on us by those in power who don’t give a rat’s patootie about American citizens.

The Biden government has publicly admitted that something bad will happen at the southwest border: an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 migrant apprehensions a day (versus the record-breaking 6,000 average now), or up to 540,000 a month (170,000 a month lately), and maybe six million by the end of 2022 (compared to the nationally historic two million apprehensions at the end of 2021). A Washington Post headline craftily understated that Biden’s Department of Homeland Security was bracing for “unprecedented strains.”

No one seems to be asking why as some 540,000 illegal migrants per month will soon be jumping the borders in all the front-line states. The overlooked real reason they will come is to defraud an American asylum system that Title 42 denied them but will now be returned, more prone than ever to abuse.

Title 42 was invoked during the Trump administration as a protection against the pandemic, denying illegal aliens access to the American asylum system and immediately expelling them from the country. But now that Joe Brandon and his handlers have decided to let Title 42 expire, foreigners are gathering in Mexico like Secretariat in the starting gate at Belmont.

Clues about the true reasons for Title 42’s demise can be found throughout the communiques of pro-illegal immigration organizations. It was never that the public health crisis had passed, only about reopening full access to the American asylum system. Why?

Because as it stands, the asylum system provides a reprieve from mandatory deportation and all but guaranteed release into the United States. An apt term for this is “Remain in America.” It allows almost anyone on U.S. soil who utters “I want asylum” to a federal officer to dodge otherwise mandatory deportation and get in for years.

So foreigners are already making their way here through Mexico because once they’re in by claiming asylum, they’re as good as settled, even though they are here illegally once they blow off their hearing.

Word about the end of Title 42 has already spread among smugglers and other migrant networks. As a result, thousands upon thousands of illegal migrants will trek to the U.S. southern border in coming weeks in hopes of filing an asylum claim and getting released into the United States for years.

Under the administration’s current policies, most of the illegal crossers will get into the United States — and be allowed to remain — without significant consequences. As my colleague John Daniel Davidson wrote earlier this week: “ending Title 42 under these circumstances means every migrant who gets over the border and claims asylum will get to remain in the United States, legally and with work authorization, for years. As a matter of policy, it is effectively indistinguishable from open borders.”

Due to these concerns of a rapid migrant surge at the end of May, there’s a small chance that the federal government will halt or at least delay rescinding Title 42. Keeping it, however, won’t deter illegal migrants who have heard the news from surging to the U.S.-Mexico border.

But who cares, right? Why should we be concerned?

“We’re getting to a tipping point,” Scott said. “This many people being released into the U.S. this fast is going to change the demographics of U.S. cities because nothing stays at the borders.”

This is a cause for concern for many states struggling with the criminal effects of an open border, not just states that sit close to Mexico. As Morgan noted in our conversation, “the overwhelming majority of illegal migrants do not stay in the border towns and states.”

“What happens and what comes through our borders does not stay there. The border cities and states there, they receive the additional brunt of it, but they’re just the throughput,” Morgan explained. “And it doesn’t matter what the danger is whether that’s an invasion of illegal migrant, or drugs or gang members or criminal migrant, or a threat to our national security vulnerability, the border towns and states are the throughput but they’re making their way to every town, city, and state.”

When illegal border-crossers are released without significant repercussions and without being forced to report to an immigration facility, it endangers the entire nation. In 2021, approximately 47,000 migrants were released into the United States because of Biden’s policies but did not report to ICE on time or at all, as they were required to do.

That’s the key. We’re facing the resurgence of a foreign invasion that has been going on for years but has increased in volume from hundreds of mostly third-world countries involving millions of people. This isn’t natural, organic growth that our institutions and communities can keep pace with.

It’s like dumping an Evergreen container ship full of invasive fish like the Asian carp into the Great Lakes. Here’s how one source describes the impact invasive species have on a native ecosystem.

Invasive species are any living organism, such as plants, animals, fungi, or bacteria, that have been unnaturally introduced into an ecosystem, and would not otherwise live in it.

Invasive species can negatively impact an ecosystem’s economic, agricultural, environmental, and public health. Non-native species change the structure of entire food webs and decrease biodiversity by adding to the competition of finding food among native species.

Invasive species affect all of the plants and animals living in an ecosystem, and can also hurt fishing industries.

Tell me how that’s any different from people all over the world rushing to our southern border and into the interior. They compete for resources with the natural population, often in the form of welfare. They overwhelm our health care and educational systems, often requiring teachers to diminish their standards for kids who don’t speak English as their first language. They compete for jobs, undercutting even the lowest wages, hurting the very citizens the Democrats supposedly champion: unskilled blacks and Hispanics. Other countries send us their very worst, releasing criminals from their prisons to find their way here, where they continue their criminal patterns and become our problem—as though we don’t have enough of our own.

I know, I know. You’re all uncomfortable with me comparing “illegal immigrants” and their impact to an invasive species. Listen to me closely: I don’t care. I’m not about nuance right now. This is an invasion, an intentional corruption of the American way of life that will affect our country not just now, but irreversibly for hundreds of years to come (assuming the United States still exists then).

It’s already too late to avoid a significant impact. And if you’re more concerned about the metaphor I’m using than the issue of foreigners spilling into our land by arrangement of the cultural Marxists, your hero is David French.

When people who come from poor, totalitarian, underdeveloped cultures are transplanted en masse into a free and prosperous country where they don’t ever take an oath to their host nation and illegally live in the shadows without integrating into society and break the laws by gaming a corrupt system, they will become a drag on that society and culture. It’s inevitable.

Resident Brandon and the cabal in Washington, D.C. should all be impeached and removed from office for their dereliction of duty. All of them. But it won’t happen because those in power, both Left and Right, won’t let it happen.

But you and I and our families, and our children’s families, and their children’s families, will experience the downstream impact of these anti-American decisions from those who make them and the cowards who refuse oppose them.

It won’t be the America we grew up in.