Daily Broadside | The Latest Victim of Cultural Marxism: Human Dignity

Daily Verse | Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Tuesday and the beat goes on, especially the crazed society previously known as “America.” Earlier this month I wrote a series of posts on the roots of Critical Theory, which is a philosophy dedicated to tearing down a capitalist society to make way for communism.

The latest target of woke criticism is Anthropocentrism, the view that human beings are the centerpiece of creation. According to Ellie Gardey in The American Spectator,

The nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association, held its annual meeting last week, and suffice it to say that the measures the delegates passed were radical.

One measure passed by the delegates warrants special attention.

The measure called on the union to issue a study criticizing “empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”

This is the group of busybodies who, instead of teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, are preoccupied with undermining our society by first, studying these nonsense issues, then incorporating them into the classroom. If you haven’t pulled your kids out of the public schools yet, you still have about about six weeks.

The inclusion of “anthropocentrism” on their list is a direct attack on the the biblical teaching that mankind was God’s crowning achievement during creation.

The National Education Association’s inclusion of anthropocentrism as an oppressive ideology to be done away with marks a turning point in the success of radical animal rights activists. The movement to disrupt the fundamental Western principle that humans should be treated with dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God is going mainstream.

The principle of the Imago Dei is the foundation of our society. It’s inherent in the Declaration of Independence’s statement that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What the author calls “the fundamental Western principle” is grounded in Judeo-Christian values and teaching. Ultimately, that’s what the progressive Left is after. They are undermining our society, but our society was built on Judeo-Christian principles, which means they have to destroy the roots, i.e. Christianity.

Thus, to dismantle anthropocentrism would be to dismantle the basis for our rights. The focus of government and society would no longer be the dignity of man — that would be replaced with a plan to prioritize leftists’ views of what’s best for nature at all costs. To achieve that vision, climate policy will trump human flourishing and efforts to decrease the human population, whether by euthanasia or abortion, will be central.

It’s ludicrous, but where is it all coming from? To understand the basis for Critical Theory is to understand the system that we’re facing, which wants to replace everything distinctive about America with something diametrically opposed to it.

Why does it matter? A nation is to a large extent defined by its symbols and associations, the holidays, rituals, heroes, and history — the mystic chords of memory — that constitute its collective self-understanding. This is how a nation tells itself what it is and what its priorities should be.

As the 20th-century liberal historian Arthur Schlesinger explained with regard to accounts of the past in particular, “as the means of defining national identity, history becomes a means of shaping history.”

“We need to know who our enemy is,” says Mark Levin, and his new book, “American Marxism,” is the first resource I recommend. Below I’ve embedded a couple of discussions of his book. He calls attention to the danger we’re in by educating us on Marxism in the U.S. Watch them both.

If you’re interested in hearing about Christianity and Wokeness, listen to this podcast of “In the Marketplace with Janet Parshall,” in which theologian Owen Strachan discusses his book of the same title.

I strongly encourage you to educate yourself so we can better stand against the enemies of freedom we face.