Daily Verse | Leviticus 22:31
“Keep my commands and follow them. I am the Lord.”
Thursday’s Reading: Leviticus 24-27
Thursday and I have to correct the record. I wrote here that you’d have to wait until March 2033 to have some fun with numbers like we did on February 2, 2022. A friend reminded me that we have one more opportunity this month on February 22, 2022.
Even better! Make your plans now.
With that public service announcement out of the way, have you noticed that the Democrats and the media—yes, I’m aware I’m repeating myself—have suddenly done a 180 and are now proclaiming that it’s time to lighten up on The Necessary WuFlu Remedies Based on The Science? It’s like everybody suddenly discovered what conservatives and other freedom-loving people have been saying for the last two years: masks don’t work, the lockdowns didn’t work, and we’re just going to have to learn to live with it.
Gee, what could have prompted the sudden turnaround?

Oh. Ohhhh.
“The Science.” The science says that we should move on from Covid.
No, silly, not the “Covid Science.” The Political Science.
Democrats understand that they are facing a massive wipeout come November (notwithstanding the cheating, lying, irregular schemes the crime family known as the Democrats will pull). Brandon is under 40-percent approval rating, which means that he’s an utter disaster in the eyes of the country.
Even his own party is ignoring him.
Four states, all of which have Democratic governors, have announced in recent days that they are going to lift mask mandates for schools. Separately, deep-blue California is going to end its policy of requiring vaccinated people to mask while indoors next week.
But the Biden administration has promised to follow the guidance of scientists, specifically those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has not yet issued any change to its guidance on masking.
That leaves Biden in a bind.
The White House risks looking overly cautious on restrictions if it sticks with the status quo — a dangerous political position in a nation that has grown frustrated and restless after two years of pandemic restrictions.
On the other hand, the White House doesn’t want to sound an all-clear that turns out to be premature.
So much science!
Add to that a Monmouth poll showing that 70 percent of Americans agree with the sentiment that “it’s time we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.” Everybody is tired of the two weeks to flatten the curve and the ineptitude of a lying Resident who promised he’d shut down the virus.
Now, some 500,000 deaths later under Brandon’s watch (396,442 people died while Trump was in office), the idiocy of that bit of hubris is plain for all to see. Brandon had to mark the grim milestone of more than 900,000 Covid deaths in the U.S. a week ago.
The main difference in the sense that it is time to move on is due to partisanship – ranging from 89% of Republicans and 71% of independents to 47% of Democrats.
An overwhelming majority of the country wants to move on, but not the Democrats!
This was and is a purely Democrat psyop—especially the Karen corps. My wife was ghosted in person by a US Postal Service Karen just yesterday who asked her to put on a mask and my wife refused. We later learned that USPS employees are required to serve all customers. But this government worker took it upon herself to enforce her personal Karen standard: no mask, no service.
And we fund that Karen’s paycheck.
The Democrats are in flames and they know it. They’re now embracing the idea of moving on from the Peking Lung Pox for the sole reason that they’re going to get demolished at the polls come November. It has nothing to do with “science” and everything to do with saving their cushy seats in the power centers of this country.
They’re hoping you and I forget everything they’ve put us through come the 2022 midterms. But this is not a time to “forgive and forget.” They’ve abused their power for not just “two weeks” but for two years. They’ve destroyed businesses, abused children, killed the elderly, and used the “pandemic” as a pretext to rig a national election.
Far from forgetting, we need to remind them that we’ve watched what they’ve done as they have extended their power beyond anything the U.S. Constitution recognizes and keep them from ever putting their hands on the levers of power again.
This about-face on Covid is a salvage operation. They abused the power that we entrusted to them, and that power needs to be taken away from them.