Daily Broadside | Somebody’s Lying About the Coronavirus

I’m not one to post content that I know little about, but I want to recommend that you watch the following video that features Dr. Dr. David Martin in an address at the International Covid Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels. I’m sharing a shortened version of his remarks that’s available for free on YouTube. However, you can learn more at London Real, a media site that says about an inteview with Dr. Martin,

What David has uncovered is mindblowing information that suggests Covid-19 was far from being an overnight phenomenon, but has actually been orchestrated over the course of more than five decades! It is a remarkable narrative, the timeline of which David outlined in detail at the recent International Covid Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels.

David believes that Covid-19 was and remains an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race, and explains that coronavirus was first identified as an infectious replicable viral model that could be modified for “a whole host of reasons” in 1965.

I can’t vouch for all (or, if I’m being candid, any) of what Dr. Martin says in the video below. But I can say that what he says seems to fit the facts that we know better than the stories we’ve been told by the government. For example, why did Dr. Anthony “I’m the Science” Fauci and other “experts” continue claiming that we should all get vaccinated, boosted, then boosted again and again, when it became apparent that the Covid vaccines didn’t do anything?

Millions died of the disease, including people I knew personally. None of what we’ve been told makes any sense unless Covid was a deliberate act of violence against innocent people.

Watch the whole thing.

Daily Broadside | Your Vaccine Compliance is Being Noted

It feels like the world is spinning off its axis, especially here in America. We’ve got a mentally incapacitated fool in the White House who is delivering a third term for B. Hussein Obama, selling off our national oil reserves, gifting billions of dollars of the world’s most advanced military equipment to Russia and China via Afghanistan, and denying his drug-addled, whoring son’s ties to Chinese and Ukrainian money; we have Chinese spy balloons hovering over our Minuteman missile silos, trains derailing and spewing toxic waste into the atmosphere and waterways, trans-mania corrupting impressionable children and women’s sports, reverse racism parading as some kind of virtue, a lawlessly open border that allows third world peasants to invade at will, kids who can’t read or do basic math being failed upward in what passes for “education,” homeless people living in our nation’s largest airport, talentless stroke victims being elected to national office, mass shootings every other day, and unelected bureaucrats demanding that we mask our kids even though masks are proven to be useless at stopping disease and are actively harmful for a child’s development.

Did I miss anything?

Why yes. Yes I did.

I forgot to mention that your government is now tracking you if you’re unvaccinated or only “partially” vaccinated against the Chinese Lung Pox.

  • The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • The program was implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the United States starting January 2023.
  • Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system.
  • These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs.
  • The government is also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and has implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. It’s also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling.”

My emphasis.

Hmm. What could “vaccine safety counseling” mean? Perhaps attending a “reeducation camp” or a “struggle session”?

Even more chilling is that the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting, if not instigating, the surveillance program. As reported by Robert W Malone, MD, MS, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is now being leveraged to track vaccine compliance here in the United States.

This is important, as the WHO is authorizing the US government to modify the classification system to meet specific needs. The ICD classification system is run by the World Health Organization, not the US government.

In April 2022, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced a new set of codes relating to vaccination status that are cause for concern. These ICD codes are not based on a disease or illness, but are based on COVID-19 vaccination status. It took almost a year, but in January 2023 these codes became available to nearly every medical clinic and hospital in the USA. (Emphasis his.)

That’s Dr. Malone’s screenshot, but I added the highlighting and red underlining. He goes on to say:

Let me be even more specific, Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy. There must be choice and that choice must be private. (Emphasis his.)

Once a person’s vaccination status is coded and uploaded into large data base, it can be accessed by government and private health insurers alike. The administrative state officers at the CDC have not made immunization status a reportable disease (yet) but immunization status is listed as one of the reasons for mandatory reporting. They are just one step away from being able to collect this information without your permission. Ergo: vaccine passports made easy.

Again, his emphasis.

This is straight up tyranny. There’s no other way to describe what is happening. There is a mad rush to force us all into compliance with a vaccine protocol that makes zero sense to impose now that COVID-19 is no longer a “pandemic.” Didn’t our illustrious Resident tell us on national television that it was over last September?

This is just one front in the war to destroy freedom and force us into compliance with what self-appointed Hitlers decide is good for us. Just in case you forgot, here’s a reminder that it’s not just WHO, it’s not just our government, but it’s organizations like the World Economic Forum, which published this gem in 2018.

You may snicker at what you think are ludicrous, brash assertions by people nobody has ever heard of and thoughts of “how do they think that’s gonna happen?” — but these “nobodies” are dead serious.

“You will own nothing and be happy.” Right. The government will decide whether you can rent that car or that apartment or that furniture or those clothes — based on whether you’ve been vaccinated or agree that you’re a white oppressor or are happy with your minimal income.

I can’t think of another time when our freedoms were under as grave a threat as they are now. The commies are hard at work and it’s paying off.

We will sooner or later have to decide whether we’ll live free or die trying.

Sorry to be a wet blanket on a Friday, but the crazy doesn’t stop.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Offering Blanket Pandemic Amnesty Won’t Stop It From Happening Again

Daily Verse | John 19:7
The Jews insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”

Friday’s Reading: Acts 1-4
Saturday’s Reading: Acts 5-7

It’s Friday and we’re only four days away from a form of electoral retribution the likes of which hasn’t been seen in 40 years. All the signs and polling suggest that the Democrats will undergo a shellacking—as long as people get out there and vote. Don’t let the highly questionable 2020 election dissuade you from casting a ballot. It’s really the only method we have for registering our views and every vote is needed.

Remember, they can’t cheat if it isn’t close.

Don’t let it be close.

I thought I’d close the week on an article that has gone viral since it was published in The Atlantic magazine on Monday. “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty” is written by Emily Oster, author and economist at Brown University.

In the column, she essentially argues that a lot of “precautions” taken during the pandemic “were totally misguided” and that “the thing is: We didn’t know.”

She’s claiming ignorance to excuse the enormous cruelty and damage done to our country and to our relational ties among each other.

The backlash to her proposal has been severe. Todd Starnes:

They closed our churches and our schools. They shut down our businesses. Many of you lost your jobs. 

They made you wear a mask that did not work — They made you cancel birthday parties and holiday gatherings. 

They left our loved ones to die alone. They sent out the police to shut down funerals.

And now they want you to forget about it. Not a chance, America. 

There will be no amnesty. There will be no do-overs. No forgiveness. We must make the Democrats pay for what they did to our nation. 

Scott McKay:

No. Hell, no. Not even a thought other than no.

And screw you.

Because we learned an awful lot about America during the COVID pandemic. We learned who loves this country and its ideals and who would defecate all over them. We learned who loves and trusts our people and who sees them as pawns to be manipulated.

Emily Burns (read the whole thing):

After we have exacted some political retribution, if there is acknowledgement of the wrongs committed and contrition for those wrongs, then we can talk about amnesty.

Leslie Eastman:

In conclusion, the only rational response to Oster’s article is to “Just Say No” and to vote on Nov. 8th accordingly.

Those who were responsible for the pandemic travesty need to be held accountable. Anything less is toxic forgiveness.

Micah Meadowcroft:

We are to give a pardon to the officials who, over and over, proved themselves blustering little tyrants, and worse, incompetent? Absolutely not. We are to erase the record of those responsible for leaving sick children to waste away in hospitals all alone, for separating husband from wife, for stopping families from holding the hands of the dying or gathering for their funerals? No, no, and again, no. After mandates forced people out of jobs, and the vaccine-turned-therapeutic failed to stop transmission, are we really to stop asking about its potential side effects, or the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the FDA? Are we really to let bygones be bygones for masking and lockdowns that will set students back for a decade, that shuttered businesses across the country, that multiplied deaths of despair? 

Zachary Faria:

“Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward,” Oster writes.

Sorry, no deal.

You get the idea. Oster says, with her own emphasis, “We didn’t know.” Here’s the thing, Emily: you and the rest of the ruling class acted as if you did know. You demonized people for not masking or refusing the vaccine. You shut down schools and masked children in pre-schools and grade schools. Remember this?


And here’s some people in authority looking like they were making “the many important choices we had to make under conditions of tremendous uncertainty.” You sure they were uncertain?

Here’s fake conservative and liberal grifter David French, who evangelical Christians may still listen to, explaining in August, 2021, that “[t]here is no religious liberty interest in refusing the COVID vaccine.”

At the same time, however, the remaining vaccine holdouts are growing more extreme, and significant parts of the Christian Right are enabling, excusing, and validating Evangelical behavior that is gravely wrong and dangerous to the lives and health of their fellow citizens. 

Us “extreme holdouts” are proving that not caving to the pressure from snakes like you was the wiser, more healthy choice.

Amnesty, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

Remarkably, the word amnesty is related to “amnesia.” Clearly she’s asking those of us who opposed all of the “experts” to just shrug it off and move on, to just forget it ever happened.

As a Christian man, I understand the command to forgive. ““If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times come back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him” (Luke 17:3-4).

What I don’t hear in Oster’s article is repentance. I hear, Mistakes Were Made. Nor does scripture say anything about forgiving those who are unrepentant. As a believer, I am willing to forgive when I see some contrition. I will forgive when there are meaningful apologies. I will forgive when I see the worst offenders held accountable for the damage they did.

What was done can’t be allowed to happen again, and just pretending that none of it happened so we can all be “friends” again will not prevent it from happening again.

What do you think?

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The “Science” Suddenly Aligns with the Election Cycle

Daily Verse | Leviticus 22:31
Keep my commands and follow them. I am the Lord.”

Thursday’s Reading: Leviticus 24-27

Thursday and I have to correct the record. I wrote here that you’d have to wait until March 2033 to have some fun with numbers like we did on February 2, 2022. A friend reminded me that we have one more opportunity this month on February 22, 2022.

Even better! Make your plans now.

With that public service announcement out of the way, have you noticed that the Democrats and the media—yes, I’m aware I’m repeating myself—have suddenly done a 180 and are now proclaiming that it’s time to lighten up on The Necessary WuFlu Remedies Based on The Science? It’s like everybody suddenly discovered what conservatives and other freedom-loving people have been saying for the last two years: masks don’t work, the lockdowns didn’t work, and we’re just going to have to learn to live with it.

Gee, what could have prompted the sudden turnaround?

Oh. Ohhhh.

“The Science.” The science says that we should move on from Covid.

No, silly, not the “Covid Science.” The Political Science.

Democrats understand that they are facing a massive wipeout come November (notwithstanding the cheating, lying, irregular schemes the crime family known as the Democrats will pull). Brandon is under 40-percent approval rating, which means that he’s an utter disaster in the eyes of the country.

Even his own party is ignoring him.

Four states, all of which have Democratic governors, have announced in recent days that they are going to lift mask mandates for schools. Separately, deep-blue California is going to end its policy of requiring vaccinated people to mask while indoors next week.

But the Biden administration has promised to follow the guidance of scientists, specifically those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has not yet issued any change to its guidance on masking.

That leaves Biden in a bind.

The White House risks looking overly cautious on restrictions if it sticks with the status quo — a dangerous political position in a nation that has grown frustrated and restless after two years of pandemic restrictions.

On the other hand, the White House doesn’t want to sound an all-clear that turns out to be premature.

So much science!

Add to that a Monmouth poll showing that 70 percent of Americans agree with the sentiment that “it’s time we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.” Everybody is tired of the two weeks to flatten the curve and the ineptitude of a lying Resident who promised he’d shut down the virus.

Now, some 500,000 deaths later under Brandon’s watch (396,442 people died while Trump was in office), the idiocy of that bit of hubris is plain for all to see. Brandon had to mark the grim milestone of more than 900,000 Covid deaths in the U.S. a week ago.

The main difference in the sense that it is time to move on is due to partisanship – ranging from 89% of Republicans and 71% of independents to 47% of Democrats.

An overwhelming majority of the country wants to move on, but not the Democrats!

This was and is a purely Democrat psyop—especially the Karen corps. My wife was ghosted in person by a US Postal Service Karen just yesterday who asked her to put on a mask and my wife refused. We later learned that USPS employees are required to serve all customers. But this government worker took it upon herself to enforce her personal Karen standard: no mask, no service.

And we fund that Karen’s paycheck.

The Democrats are in flames and they know it. They’re now embracing the idea of moving on from the Peking Lung Pox for the sole reason that they’re going to get demolished at the polls come November. It has nothing to do with “science” and everything to do with saving their cushy seats in the power centers of this country.

They’re hoping you and I forget everything they’ve put us through come the 2022 midterms. But this is not a time to “forgive and forget.” They’ve abused their power for not just “two weeks” but for two years. They’ve destroyed businesses, abused children, killed the elderly, and used the “pandemic” as a pretext to rig a national election.

Far from forgetting, we need to remind them that we’ve watched what they’ve done as they have extended their power beyond anything the U.S. Constitution recognizes and keep them from ever putting their hands on the levers of power again.

This about-face on Covid is a salvage operation. They abused the power that we entrusted to them, and that power needs to be taken away from them.

Daily Broadside | The Frankenvirus is Now Personal

Daily Verse | Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

Thursday’s Reading: Luke 8-11

Happy Thursday, my friends. I don’t want to be there when pizza and pepperoni break up.

Well, the Kung Flu Sicken finally caught up with me. I tested positive for it yesterday. I’m in the early stages and have mild cold-like symptoms. I suppose the next few days will tell me just how bad a case I’ve caught. If you don’t hear anything from me on Friday, assume I’m laying prone somewhere as the Peking Lung Pox cycles through my body.

After nearly two years of virus-free living, having the Frankenvirus setting up shop in my lungs makes the situation super personal. It also thickens my already dark attitude about Dr. Faucistein and his communist collaborators in the Wuhan virus lab. That guy is an accessory to a crime and doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to the right protocols.

One of Trump’s biggest failures was letting Fauci stay instead of getting a real doctor in there.

Let’s go, Fau-chi!

And as much as I admired what Trump accomplished, I’ve always had misgivings about a vaccine that was rushed to production, breaking every protocol we’ve learned over the decades about how to safely roll one out. People who got any one of the vaccines are in the test group, and I’ve heard too many stories about people I know or are within one or two degrees of separation from me who have experienced devastating, life-altering results from the vaccine.

Of course, there are many who have taken the vaccine and have done fine.

The vax is just not for me, and I don’t regret not getting it. In fact, the more the government minders push us to get the vax, the more reluctant I am to get it. Listen, Fat, what’s with the pressure tactics?

Have you noticed that people who have been vaxxed are getting the WuFlu again? Did you know that natural immunity is stronger than the vaccine? Did you also know that the vaccine is good for, oh, about six months?

Statistician William M. Briggs has been tracking Covid and in one of his latest posts, he writes (emphasis his):

We mentioned these two items weeks ago, but it bears repeating.

One, the only two outcomes—and it’s really just one—worth studying are illness severity and death. All other derived measures are always a clue you are being fooled.

“Cases” are NOT an illness severity measure. Ignore ALL studies which invoke “cases”, whether they are on “our side” or theirs. “Cases” are NOT cases, but a combination of testing level (still at ridiculous levels), testing sensitivity (still too high), and multiple disease characteristics.

Look at hospitalizations for (and not after-admission-for-something-else-first either) the doom, or look at deaths of the doom. Nothing else.

Two, we cannot examine any study of efficacy without having removed from the data those people with prior infection who recovered.

How often is this done? Something close to never.

Why? Because many officials are still married to the noble lie that all should get vaccinated, even those who had the disease. And now we have the immoral, and deadly, vaccine mandates, designed to punish.

Obviously—to any scientist living before 2020—if a person has recovered and is vaxxed, you won’t know if his own body or the vax has kept him from dying. Vaccines should not even be administered before an anti-body test has been given, because of the very real possibility of harmful side effects.

I don’t care what you believe about the Wuhan Bat Flu and the vaccines—no one can deny that Big Pharma is getting filthy rich off of us. Any time you see a government pushing for something involving money, you know it’s about a transfer of wealth (usually from the middle class) to someone else or to some institution favored by the politicians, under the guise of “it’s good for you!”

You couldn’t convince me in 100 years that Joey Snow Cone cares about the American people. Neither do any of his henchmenpersons.

In the meantime, I’d appreciate your prayers for my family and me.

I’ll keep you posted.

Daily Broadside | Smart Guy Has Had Enough of the Peking Lung Pox

Daily Verse | Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Happy Wednesday, my friends. Don’t ever mistake the anti-fungal spray for the eyeglasses cleaner.

I came across a letter, by someone calling himself “Spartacus,” in which he details the nature of the Peking Lung Pox. While being an anonymous writer, it’s clear that the author has very strong knowledge of viruses and how they work.

I’m linking you to it and will share a couple of the more interesting claims the author makes. Keep in mind that I cannot verify the author’s credibility; I can only say that he obviously has more working knowledge of viruses than the average man on the street — and what he writes all sounds plausible.

To start, here is the author’s own summary of he lengthy letter, with my emphases in bold.

  • COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
  • Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.
  • Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
  • Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
  • The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
  • Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
  • There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
  • Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
  • The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.

I have a slight hesitation in sharing this, especially since the author moves from medical knowledge to a political statement in his last bullet. However, just because he understands the pandemic doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand what is going on politically. Heck, I can see what’s going on and I’m an amateur polemicist.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, here are a few excerpts from his missive (again, with my emphasis):

COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia. It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation and sloughing, coagulopathy, sepsis, pulmonary edema, and ARDS-like symptoms. This is a disease of the blood and blood vessels. The circulatory system. Any pneumonia that it causes is secondary to that.

Most of us think that COVID-19 is like a really bad cold, but the science says otherwise. It’s a blood disease, like Leukemia.

When you intubate someone with this condition, you are setting off a free radical bomb by supplying the cells with O2. It’s a catch-22, because we need oxygen to make Adenosine Triphosphate (that is, to live), but O2 is also the precursor of all these damaging radicals that lead to lipid peroxidation.

This is why we hear so much about all of the unintended (but are they?) side-effects of the vaccine, such as miscarriages, strokes, blood clots and paralysis.

Here’s what he said about Ivermectin:

India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is not “horse dewormer”. Yes, it is sold in veterinary paste form as a dewormer for animals. It has also been available in pill form for humans for decades, as an antiparasitic drug.

The media have disingenuously claimed that because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus. This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin, preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei. Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral.

In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all.

The opposition to the use of generic Ivermectin is not based in science. It is purely financially and politically-motivated. An effective non-vaccine intervention would jeopardize the rushed FDA approval of patented vaccines and medicines for which the pharmaceutical industry stands to rake in billions upon billions of dollars in sales on an ongoing basis.

About “social distancing” and other myths:

COVID-19 is airborne. The WHO carried water for China by claiming that the virus was only droplet- borne. Our own CDC absurdly claimed that it was mostly transmitted by fomite-to-face contact, which, given its rapid spread from Wuhan to the rest of the world, would have been physically impossible.

The ridiculous belief in fomite-to-face being a primary mode of transmission led to the use of surface disinfection protocols that wasted time, energy, productivity, and disinfectant.

The 6-foot guidelines are absolutely useless. The minimum safe distance to protect oneself from an aerosolized virus is to be 15+ feet away from an infected person, no closer. Realistically, no public transit is safe.

Surgical masks do not protect you from aerosols. The virus is too small and the filter media has too large of gaps to filter it out. They may catch respiratory droplets and keep the virus from being expelled by someone who is sick, but they do not filter a cloud of infectious aerosols if someone were to walk into said cloud.

About the vaccines:

The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on the virus to become less lethal. It also means that the vaccinated are perfect carriers. In other words, those who are vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated, not the other way around.

And about Fauci, all we need to know:

The vaccine and the virus were made by the same people.

I encourage you to read the whole thing, which has “the ring of truth” about it. I can’t vouch for whether everything he wrote is accurate, but as I say, it sounds logical, intelligent and free of the virtue-signaling we’re used to.

You Have to Talk to Thomas

Fact from Fiction

Apart from first hand knowledge, everything we know about the world is based on what we’ve been told.

Provided your resources are credible, you’re on solid ground in the way you formulate your convictions.

But when there’s more than one perspective being circulated and it all seems to be based on something authoritative, what might otherwise be a consensus is now a disparate group of passionate voices all convinced that they’re right and everyone else is just trying to catch up.

In such a situation, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction and what’s true becomes defined more by one’s philosophical preferences than actual events and whole conversations.

In the end, the truth is going to be defined by evaluating all the facts. That, as opposed to scenarios where the commentator is manipulating just some of the facts.

Take, for example, the Resurrection of Christ.

Personality vs Platform

You could talk to Pilate and get one perspective. You could talk with John and get something entirely different. If those two individuals are your only sources of information, in the absence of something undeniable, you will be drawn to the personality championing the platform more so than the platform itself.

But at some point, you have to talk to Thomas.

Pilate sentenced Jesus to death, John saw Him die but it was Thomas who refused to believe anything as nonsensical as Jesus having come back to life unless…

…unless he was able to physically touch where the spikes had gone through His wrists and put his hand into the wound created by the spear that had punctured His side.

The NIV Text Note for this particular verses says, “Hardheaded skepticism can scarcely go further than this.”1

Unless you talk to Thomas, or at least objectively consider his experience, your take on Jesus having conquered death is going to be based more on what you want to believe than what’s actually the case.

You have to talk to Thomas.

Whether it’s COVID-19 or Donald Trump

And the same thing applies to similar situations where you have a variety of viewpoints. Whether it’s COVID-19 or Donald Trump, you have to consider all of the players involved and give extra consideration to the one that represents, not just an eyewitness, but someone whose testimony makes no sense apart from it being absolutely true.

And when you encounter a differing viewpoint who would accuse you of being biased in an effort to make their perspective appear more credible, figure out who the “Thomas” is, make sure you’re familiar with what “Thomas” said, and then say to your opponent…

You have to talk to Thomas.

1. NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985, p1637

Daily Broadside | It’s Time for Americans to Start Acting Like These Canadians

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 15:5
For David had done what was right in the eyes of the Lord and had not failed to keep any of the Lord’s commands all the days of his life—except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.

It’s Monday and the start of a new week as the lunacy continues under Hunter’s father. But I see signs that Normal Americans are starting to get sick and tired of the nonsense, especially as it concerns the Chinese Bat Flu.

I’ve got three videos for you to watch. (If you have the Daily Broadside delivered and you’re reading this in your email, I encourage you to click through to the site. You really need to watch these.)

The first two are examples of what you and others can do in response to those busybodies who try to interfere with running a business or simply getting on with your life. The third earns a language warning from me, but I share it because most of us feel the same way as the guy who originally shared it.

In the first, Polish pastor Artur Pawlowski demands that police officers and officials from Alberta Health Services and City of Calgary Bylaw services leave after they interrupted a Passover service at the Street Church in Alberta, Canada.

Most chilling is what Pastor Pawlowski said after the video went viral.

“I grew up in Poland under the boot of the Soviets, behind the Iron Curtain,” Pawlowski added to the outlet. “What I see right now, I see everything escalating and moving to the new level. They’re acting just like the Communists were acting when I was growing up when the pastors and the priests were arrested, and some were murdered. Many were tortured.”

“That’s why I say what I say,” he explained to the Daily Caller. “Because I see a repetition of history.”

We should be listening to men and women like him. Most of all, we should be doing what he did and demand that they get out. Which is what the next video also shows.

Again in Canada, patrons of Corduroy, a restaurant in Vancouver, chanted “Get out!” at two health inspectors.

Again, a group of people standing against the representation of tyranny, in this case, two health inspectors. We’ve watched over the last year as masked “Karens” (men and women) rage at others who aren’t wearing masks or aren’t socially-distanced enough for their satisfaction. It’s about time we gave them a dose of their own medicine.

I’m referring to people like the young woman in this next video (don’t know if she’s Canadian, but don’t hear any accent, ay?). Again, language warning both for what she says (especially for what she says) and for the written response of the Twitter user who shared it.

I’m actually sympathetic to the guy’s comment. Is there anyone listening to this woman’s rant who doesn’t think something similar? Seriously, she needs help.

Imagine living in such fear that you rage-shame everyone who isn’t doing what you think they should be doing to keep you safe. And your ideas of what constitutes “safe” are formed by the Covidiots who run our country even though it’s clear they don’t have a clue what the right thing is to do—chief among them “Dr.” Anthony Fauci.

You think me wearing a mask is going to help you? Have you seen the stats?

I’ve have been asked the question, “What do we do?” in the midst of the chaos. One of the things we can do is stand firm against those who try to impose their will on the unwilling. Where mask-wearing is optional or not enforced, I’ve gone into stores without one. Sometimes I have been confronted about it. In each case I’ve refused to comply.

It takes guts to do it, because you may not be successful. But then again, you might be. And if you are successful at staring down the enforcers and others see you do it, then maybe we can inspire them to do the same.