Daily Broadside | U.N. Brings Pedophilia A Step Closer to “Normal” in New Report

Yesterday long-time Baptist minister, televangelist and one-time president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Charles Stanley, died at the age of 90.

He had been the pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia since 1971. I remember regularly listening to his radio program, In Touch with Charles Stanley, in the late 80s, especially as I considered vocational ministry after college. His ministry wasn’t without controversy, his wife having divorced him in 2000 after multiple attempts at reconciliation. His son, Andy Stanley, leads another megachurch in Atlanta called North Point Community Church.

If you haven’t yet heard, the United Nations affirmed its support of pedophilia in a report titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”

A shocking report issued by international legal experts with the backing of the United Nations appears to open the floodgates to normalize sex with minors. 

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists wrote in March with an assist from UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

This follows on the heels of a number of disturbing developments.

The shocking recommendations from international legal elites underscore a number of major recent events in the United States and around the world that have unfolded with bewildering speed. 

Each development suggests people in positions of authority have worked to break traditional legal bounds, societal structures and once-universal taboos for the purpose of sexualizing children.

Among them: The disturbing case of Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted of running an international prostitution ring, reportedly provided underage girls to global power players.

There is also the sudden dramatic rise in the number of transgender people and normalization of transgender culture, fueled by popular culture and public education, defying all known historic precedent. 

In addition, educators in many instances now brazenly state that parents have limited rights over their children while their classrooms grow increasingly sexualized. 

What is it with these Leftist pinko commie elites and their obsession with sexual perversion and the destruction of all sexual norms?

Cheong links indirectly to the document, which you can find here; I’ve screenshotted the relevant pages below.

So this is interesting, because “Principle 16” doesn’t give any minimum age of consent — it just says “persons under 18 years of age.” Does that mean that we should consult a five-year-old about whether he wants to have sex with a 51-year-old man? And don’t throw at me the “due regard to their age, maturity and best interests” (whatever that means) — these are very subjective markers. How does one evaluate “maturity” or “best interests”?

Note too the way it’s positioned: for the benefit of children. The “enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity” of anyone under the age of 18 … those people currently referred to as “underage” for a reason.

Some of the groups involved in this five-year endeavor of evil include the usual suspects of global Marxism: the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and of course, no global nod to legal pederasty would be complete without the World Health Organization (WHO).

Again, this comes as parents in the U.S. fight LGBTQ+ groomers in school classrooms, pornographic books in school libraries, and drag queen shows at public libraries and in the classroom.

We’re watching the unraveling of our society right in front of our eyes. All of us should be drawing immovable red lines in our hearts and minds.

It always starts subtly, then grows larger and more obnoxious once it has a foothold.

One thought on “Daily Broadside | U.N. Brings Pedophilia A Step Closer to “Normal” in New Report

  1. Ahh, the slippery slope they said wouldn’t happen. Stanley is lucky to be with the Lord while we’re left here to watch Rome burn.

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