Daily Broadside | Vaccines Don’t Work the Way You Might Think

Daily Verse | Isaiah 48:11
For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this.
How can I let myself be defamed?
I will not yield my glory to another.

Happy Monday, my friends. I’d be a bazillionaire if I could cork black holes.

The block party on Friday night was a rousing success. The forecasted rain held off until the event was over. We had a crowd that stayed for the whole thing and we met a lot of people up and down our street we had never met before. A few families from a street north of us and a street south of us also came, so we got to meet people on other blocks in the larger ‘hood. Feedback was consistently positive that this was “a great idea” and “we needed this” and that we should do this “every year.” Which I think we’ll do. Others were inspired to pull the group together again as soon as an Oktoberfest is appropriate.

Nobody wore masks during the event, even though there were kids under ten to adults over 70 who were there. Unfortunately, the CDC and the illegitimate junta in the White House are sabre rattling about renewing mask mandates, requiring vaccine passports, and threatening to lock everything down again. In light of the renewed pandemic posturing, I want to call your attention to a couple of resources.

The first is called the Warrenton Declaration, a document of 36 statements which was “created in order to provide doctrinal clarity and coherence on issues of biblical authority and ethics related to medical mandates.” When I say that this blog is about “faith, culture and politics,” a document like this is the perfect blend of all three as the church comes to terms “with what it believes related to the intersecting areas of biblical ethics [faith], authority [culture], and medical mandates [politics].”

There are two main sections of the declaration: 1. “Authority” and 2. “Application to Medical Mandates.” The first section covering authority can be summed up as affirming that all authority everywhere belongs to Christ Jesus, and that all offices of human authority are subordinate to, and derivative of, his full authority.

The final statement in section one affirms that disobedience to authorities is “permissible should any command be given outside of the jurisdiction of the particular authority. For example, throughout history, civil governments have sought to force individuals into certain vocations, foisted improper controls over affairs of the church, and imposed restrictions over the number of children that a family is permitted to have. Frequently, these kinds of orders are claimed to be for the “greater good” of the public. To whatever extent these commands would not have required anyone to sin, obedience is still not morally obligated since these commands are outside the jurisdiction of the authority making the commands” (my emphasis).

Section two is the application to medical mandates of the affirmation and denial statements in the the first section. This section is made up of 21 statements, at the core of which are these (with my emphasis):

XXIV. WE DENY that the existence of communicable viruses, viral testing mechanisms, or the invention of vaccinations creates a new standard of morality whereby a healthy person simply conducting their affairs in society without vaccination, viral testing, or wearing a mask is evidence of criminally or morally reckless behavior. Moreover, if such a standard for violation of medical freedom is adopted, conceivably, civil governments could permanently regulate and restrict every facet of life since according to this same rationale, various flu-like viruses can be unknowingly spread at all times. Further, there are a host of other far more deadly dangers such as heart disease, which, like virus-related hospitalizations, also place a burden on the health system. The civil government does not then gain authority to ban soda intake for obese individuals.

XXV. WE AFFIRM that a biblically faithful view of the civil government sphere as well as the ecclesiastical government sphere provides no lawful jurisdiction for civil magistrates or ecclesiastical authorities to mandate or in any way coerce individuals to inject substances into themselves or their children or cover their mouths, noses, face, or any combination thereof, with masks.

XXVI. WE AFFIRM that any civil or ecclesiastical authority that attempts to coerce individuals or their children with any form of public banishment, fine, imprisonment, social ostracism, or other forms of coercion for not wearing a mask or injecting a substance into their bodies are ascribing to themselves authority not delegated by God and are in grievous sin (Matt 19:14Tit 3:101st Cor 1:10Rom 16:17).

In other words, there is no biblical support for civil or ecclesiastical authority that tries to force you or your children to inject a vaccine into themselves as a moral obligation or otherwise. I encourage you to read the whole thing.

The second resource I want you to listen to is this brief primer on respiratory viruses from Dr. Dan Stock during an Indiana school board meeting. It will be educational and underscore how anti-science the CDC and other leading “authorities” are being with their recommendations.

His conclusion? The CDC, NIH and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving Hoosiers counter-factual guidance. It is excellent because he knows his material, speaks without notes and there isn’t a hint of pretense. If you think you need the vaccine, by all means, get it. But do it with informed consent, not as a result of government coercion.

My biggest fear is that our “authorities” recognize the Peking Lung Pox as an opportunity to train the populace to obey their mandates. There really is no scientific or moral reason behind the panic over Covid. So why are the politicians and drug makers and Bill Gates’s and Dr. Fauxchi pushing the vaccine so hard?

It’s about power, control and money. Reject the intrusion of government mandates on our Constitutional rights.

One thought on “Daily Broadside | Vaccines Don’t Work the Way You Might Think

  1. Great piece this morning Dave. Thank you for writing it and providing the two resources. Have a blessed week!

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