Daily Broadside | We Know What Time It Is

Happy May 1. Hard to believe we’re already 1/3 of the way through 2023. Of course, changing the months does nothing to cure the abysmal state of our union, other than bring us closer to voting the current abomination of an administration out of office in 2024.

WASHINGTON (AP) — [So-called “President”] Joe Biden on Tuesday formally announced that he is running for reelection in 2024, asking voters to give him more time to “finish this job” and extend the run of America’s oldest president for another four years.

Biden, who would be 86 at the end of a second term, is betting his first-term legislative achievements and more than 50 years of experience in Washington will count for more than concerns over his age. He faces a smooth path to winning his party’s nomination, with no serious Democratic challengers. But he’s still set for a hard-fought struggle to retain the presidency in a bitterly divided nation.


“We — you and I — together we’re turning things around and we’re doing it in a big way,” Biden said. “It’s time to finish the job. Finish the job.”

He’s turning things around in a big way to the 1970s.

Do Americans really want to give Brandon another four years to “finish the job” he’s doing? To give him four more years to finish the job he’s had “more than 50 years of experience in Washington” to finish?

The soulless moron LARPing as president “finishing the job” means to thoroughly wreck our already shambolic presence on the world stage while forcing us all to bow to the cult of climate change by doing away with gas stoves, gas cars and gas lawn mower and airplanes. He’ll accelerate the dilution of our unique American culture (which is already irreparably damaged) by leaving the southern border open to a foreign invasion of peasants from third-world countries. He’ll keep pushing trans-mania and the grooming of children in our schools, which are little more than Marxist indoctrination camps. China and Russia and Iran will rise to eclipse American dominance as forces of global instability. The surveillance state will continue being built while the Normals (men and women who believe in the nuclear family, God, personal responsibility, merit and other Judeo-Christian values — especially those who are white) are constantly demonized as “domestic terrorists” and the gravest threat to our democracy (*spit*) since the Civil War.

“If voters let Biden ‘finish the job,’ inflation will continue to skyrocket, crime rates will rise, more fentanyl will cross our open borders, children will continue to be left behind, and American families will be worse off,” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

It’s a boilerplate statement saying not much — and it’s Ronna McDaniel — but it’s accurate.

Neither of the current front runners say they’re going to debate as incumbents. Trump has already said he won’t.

“I’m leading by 40 points. A lot of people say, ‘Why would you do a debate when you have people at two and three and fifteen and fourteen [percent]?’” Trump told John Catsimatidis, host of the “Cats & Cosby Show” on WABC 770. 

“People don’t debate when they have these massive leads. They say, ‘Why would we debate?’ I would have a hostile group of anchors — a hostile network — asking questions. Why would I do that?” the 76-year-old former president said. 

The DNC has declared that it will hold no primary debates, which would protect Brandon from having to face Robert Kennedy Jr. or Marianne Williamson, the other two Democrats who have declared themselves as candidates for president.

Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson and others criticized a lack of Democratic primary debates as “undemocratic” and “unfortunate” as President Biden is preparing to announce his re-election bid.

“The DNC ‘plans no primary debates.’ As though there simply ARE no other candidates … no other ideas we should discuss about ways to win in 2024, or other ideas we should discuss about ways to repair the country. Too many people are too smart to accept this,” Williamson said. 

Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator and co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign, said the DNC’s decision was “undemocratic” and that it “robs voters of choice.”

I don’t think a majority of Americans want what Brandon offers, but (some) polls put him in a dead heat with Trump.

Frankly, I won’t be getting my hopes up. Since the farce that was the 2020 election when Brandon “won” with the greatest number of votes in American election history — 81 million “votes” — and Trump’s 74.2 MILLION VOTES set the record for the most votes ever received by a sitting president … we can’t trust our system of elections.

Brandon can sit in the White House basement and he’ll beat anyone the Republicans put up against him because the entire institutional apparatus is rigged against a fair election. Maybe they’d let a RINO like Nikki Haley or Mike Pence “win” to douse the fires of doubt, but they’ll do whatever they need to to keep mavericks like Trump or DeSantis out of office.

That doesn’t mean I won’t vote, but I know what time it is. And so do you.

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | We Know What Time It Is

  1. It’s was so frustrating to read your post Dave, and that’s because you spoke the truth about what’s really happening in our great country. You’re absolutely right about the time, we ( and that means everyone who loves our country) has to get involved somehow and push back (peacefully of course) against this attempt of a Marxist takeover. If you watched even a small segment of the WH press corp speech by our “president” last night, you will see what the “rats” have in store for us. It’s not Republican verses Democrat, it’s good verses evil.

    • It’s also tough because it isn’t always clear “what” we can be doing. Get involved at the local level if you have time; write letters, knock on doors, volunteer on voting days. Thanks for reading, Jim.

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