Daily Broadside | We’re Not Vetting the Afghans Being Resettled Here

Daily Verse | Micah 2:11
If a liar and deceiver comes and says,
    ‘I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,’
    he would be just the prophet for this people!

Happy Friday, Broadsiders! Some of you have an unhealthy preoccupation with potato salad.

If you’re wondering why America is no longer looking like America, you have to search no further than the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. Sponsored and pushed through the Senate by uber-liberal Ted Kennedy, the immigration act “snuffed out the generous quotas for immigrants from the countries that had traditionally populated America—England, Ireland, and Germany—and added ‘family reunification’ policies, allowing recent immigrants to bring in their relatives, and those relatives to bring in their relatives, until entire Somali villages have relocated to Minneapolis and Muslim cabdrivers are refusing to transport passengers with dogs or alcohol.”

These days, leveling any criticism against the immigrants coming into our country is verboten, especially by middle-aged white men. It doesn’t matter that up until 56 years ago, the majority of immigrants were white Europeans who came from similar cultures and that the “browning” of America was a deliberate government policy to bring in new Democrat voters who would be dependent on the government.

Thus, unskilled third-world peasants are favored immigrants. That’s why we have more than 30 million Mexicans and other Latin American immigrants here illegally, with hundreds of thousands more arriving over the southern border and released across the United States by the illegitimate junta in Washington, D.C.

None of the oligarchy in D.C. care about what these immigrants from third-world nations are doing to our national culture or what the downstream effect might be on natural-born citizens. Nowhere is this clearer than in the thousands of Muslims we’ve imported from across the Middle East and Africa and, most recently, Afghanistan.

We’ve resettled some 60,000 Afghans to the territorial United States. If you think that those refugees have been vetted, you’d be 84 percent wrong. Here’s what Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said:

Of the over 60,000 individuals who have been brought into the United States—and I will give you approximate figures and I will verify them, approximately 7 percent have been United States citizens. Approximately 6 percent have been lawful permanent residents. Approximately 3 percent have been individuals who are in receipt of the special immigrant visas. The balance of that population are individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval who may qualify as SIVs and have not yet applied, who qualify or would qualify—I should say—as P-1 or P-2 refugees who have been employed by the united states government in Afghanistan and are otherwise vulnerable afghan nationals, such as journalists, human rights advocates, et cetera.

In other words, more than 50,000 of those refugees are now on American soil and have not been vetted. Why is this important? There’s this:

They didn’t leave Afghanistan very long ago, and so it is understandable that Bahrullah Noori and Mohammad Haroon Imaad, two Afghan evacuees at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, would behave as if they were still there. The Justice Department announced Wednesday that a federal grand jury in Wisconsin charged Noori with “attempting to engage in a sexual act with a minor using force against that person, and with three counts of engaging in a sexual act with a minor, with one count alleging the use of force.” Imaad was charged with “assaulting his spouse by strangling and suffocating her.” The alleged crimes took place at Fort McCoy, where Noori and Imaad have been staying in anticipation of being placed in some lucky American neighborhood. The Justice Department said nothing about how both men were just following religious and cultural norms that other Afghan refugees are likely to follow as well, or about the implications of that fact for the entire Afghan refugee resettlement project.

And there’s this:

There is another reason why both the administration and the media would rather have this story go away, amid the chaos at the Southern border and just after the catastrophe in Afghanistan: Alowemer, 23, came to the United States from Syria as a refugee when he was 18. Yet he doesn’t exactly fit the image of a grateful refugee, eager to become a part of our glorious multicultural mosaic. He told investigators, according to the criminal complaint against him, that “his motivation to detonate a device at the Church was to support the cause of ISIS and to inspire other ISIS sympathizers in the United States to join together and commit similar acts in the name of ISIS.” He added that he “also targeted the Church, which he described as Christian and Nigerian, in order to ‘take revenge for our [ISIS] brothers in Nigeria.’” Christians are suffering fierce persecution from Muslims in Nigeria, but as far as Alowemer was concerned, this meant only that they were infidels at war with Allah, and he thirsted for revenge.

So we have three Afghan Muslim [updated 9/26] refugees who have brought they’re values here to the United States. Exceptions? Maybe, but I wouldn’t place any money on it. The elite oligarchy hates us normal Americans and could give a rip about what some unrefined immigrant might unleash on Christian churches or on an unsuspecting teenage girl.

Diversity and inclusion are our strength!

There are tens of millions foreigners here illegally in the United States and our lawless Resident and his staff of junior commies are bringing in tens of thousands more every month. They aren’t vetted; they’re just given a date at which to show up to court and then released into the interior of the United States until their court date, for which only a small fraction of immigrants show up.

The Left gets to celebrate the invasion of our country and the destruction of our unique American culture, while the Right is shamed as racist for questioning the policies. We’re not allowed to say, “Why is so much immigration a good thing? What’s wrong with ‘white’ American culture? I LIKE American culture,”—or we’re called racist and xenophobic.

Nevertheless, those are questions we should be asking and demanding answers for.

Have a good weekend.