Daily Broadside | What a Joke: Grown Men Weep Over January 6

Daily Verse | Isaiah 14:12
How you have fallen from heaven,
O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
You who once laid low the nations!

Wednesday and the national emergency we’re living through isn’t the Chinese Lung Pox and its variants, but the kangaroo court taking place in our nation’s Capitol as Granny Pelosi and Adam Schiff-for-Brains pull off the next step in their Marxist insurrection while accusing the right of the worst crisis since the Civil War.

The first day was full of grown men crying or, as Ace over at Ace of Spades put it, “Testicrying.” Seriously, it was like a group therapy session.

Here’s Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who the ringleaders of this joke of an inquiry think lends credibility to the commission because he has an “R” next to his name. As we all know, these days the only letter that means anything is the letter “D” and, if you are smart, you stay away from it.

He totally loses any credibility with his final sentences that get cut off right at the end. He says,

“And for all the overheated rhetoric surrounding this committee, our mission is very simple. It’s to find the truth and it’s to insure accountability. Like most Americans, I’m frustrated that six months after a deadly insurrection breached the United S —”

Both here and in his statement accepting the position on the committee, he labels the breach of the capitol a “deadly insurrection.” He’s already arrived at the conclusion that it was an insurrection. He can’t possibly be in a position to objectively weigh the evidence and reach his own conclusion. Hopefully this guy is ousted from his seat in 2022.

Declaring the committee a “partisan commission” or a “kangaroo court” isn’t overheated rhetoric, by the way. He just proved that by labeling it an insurrection, meaning that the commission is looking for evidence to support it’s pre-conceived conclusion. It’s going to be a nationally-televised propaganda campaign that leans on heavy emotions to win in the court of public opinion. The junior commies running the country know that we’re an emotionally fragile people who need safe spaces and think words are literally violence and do emotional harm. That’s what resonates with the Lefty electorate.

This commission is a joke. It was an unarmed mob, there are hints it was planned not by Donald Trump but by the FBI or another alphabet agency, there is video of uninformed officers inviting the “mob” in, officers standing by while the “mob” wanders through the Capitol like lost tourists, and only one person was killed during the breach and it was an unarmed female Trump supporter who was shot to death by a still-unnamed Capitol Hill police officer.

Whatever else it was, it was not an insurrection.

Normal Americans should brace themselves for the gross mischaracterizations that are coming as the Leninites reinforce the perception that we are all white supremacists and terrorists who want to overthrow the government. That will become a pretext for taking further steps toward removing us from the public square.

Just watch.