Daily Broadside | The Frankenvirus is Now Personal

Daily Verse | Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

Thursday’s Reading: Luke 8-11

Happy Thursday, my friends. I don’t want to be there when pizza and pepperoni break up.

Well, the Kung Flu Sicken finally caught up with me. I tested positive for it yesterday. I’m in the early stages and have mild cold-like symptoms. I suppose the next few days will tell me just how bad a case I’ve caught. If you don’t hear anything from me on Friday, assume I’m laying prone somewhere as the Peking Lung Pox cycles through my body.

After nearly two years of virus-free living, having the Frankenvirus setting up shop in my lungs makes the situation super personal. It also thickens my already dark attitude about Dr. Faucistein and his communist collaborators in the Wuhan virus lab. That guy is an accessory to a crime and doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to the right protocols.

One of Trump’s biggest failures was letting Fauci stay instead of getting a real doctor in there.

Let’s go, Fau-chi!

And as much as I admired what Trump accomplished, I’ve always had misgivings about a vaccine that was rushed to production, breaking every protocol we’ve learned over the decades about how to safely roll one out. People who got any one of the vaccines are in the test group, and I’ve heard too many stories about people I know or are within one or two degrees of separation from me who have experienced devastating, life-altering results from the vaccine.

Of course, there are many who have taken the vaccine and have done fine.

The vax is just not for me, and I don’t regret not getting it. In fact, the more the government minders push us to get the vax, the more reluctant I am to get it. Listen, Fat, what’s with the pressure tactics?

Have you noticed that people who have been vaxxed are getting the WuFlu again? Did you know that natural immunity is stronger than the vaccine? Did you also know that the vaccine is good for, oh, about six months?

Statistician William M. Briggs has been tracking Covid and in one of his latest posts, he writes (emphasis his):

We mentioned these two items weeks ago, but it bears repeating.

One, the only two outcomes—and it’s really just one—worth studying are illness severity and death. All other derived measures are always a clue you are being fooled.

“Cases” are NOT an illness severity measure. Ignore ALL studies which invoke “cases”, whether they are on “our side” or theirs. “Cases” are NOT cases, but a combination of testing level (still at ridiculous levels), testing sensitivity (still too high), and multiple disease characteristics.

Look at hospitalizations for (and not after-admission-for-something-else-first either) the doom, or look at deaths of the doom. Nothing else.

Two, we cannot examine any study of efficacy without having removed from the data those people with prior infection who recovered.

How often is this done? Something close to never.

Why? Because many officials are still married to the noble lie that all should get vaccinated, even those who had the disease. And now we have the immoral, and deadly, vaccine mandates, designed to punish.

Obviously—to any scientist living before 2020—if a person has recovered and is vaxxed, you won’t know if his own body or the vax has kept him from dying. Vaccines should not even be administered before an anti-body test has been given, because of the very real possibility of harmful side effects.

I don’t care what you believe about the Wuhan Bat Flu and the vaccines—no one can deny that Big Pharma is getting filthy rich off of us. Any time you see a government pushing for something involving money, you know it’s about a transfer of wealth (usually from the middle class) to someone else or to some institution favored by the politicians, under the guise of “it’s good for you!”

You couldn’t convince me in 100 years that Joey Snow Cone cares about the American people. Neither do any of his henchmenpersons.

In the meantime, I’d appreciate your prayers for my family and me.

I’ll keep you posted.

4 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | The Frankenvirus is Now Personal

  1. Sorry to hear, Dave. But I know in my heart of hearts that you’ll be fine. Stay strong and keep leading the charge. Your voice matters. Praying for you, brother!

  2. Your comments are correct, and the tracking of cases has been the wrong indicator since this all began. However the government, in an effort to maintain fear in people has had to find a number that ‘scares’ since the severe sickness, hospitalization and death numbers have been in decline since the release of the vaccines, coupled with the rise of natural (herd) immunity. It’s pretty sad.

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