Daily Broadside | Red, Blue and The Color of Politics

Daily Verse | Matthew 1:5-6
Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab,
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse,
and Jesse the father of King David.

Tuesday’s Reading: Matthew 5-7

Tuesday and enquiring minds want to know: why red for Republicans and blue for Democrats? Who made that decision?

I think we can all agree that the red and blue have their origins in our flag of red, white and blue. Blue was also associated with the north during the Civil War, while gray was associated with the south. But how did we get to the current associations?

I always thought the designation of red for Republicans was because both red and Republican start with the letter “R.” Easy to remember.

But then there’s blue and Democrat. That doesn’t work. Where’s the alliteration?

I tried to name a color that starts with “D” but not “dark.” Red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, gray, orange, brown … there really isn’t a common color that starts with “D.” I had to go to a box of 64 crayons to find “Dandelion,” which is a muted yellow that leans orange, or “Denim” which is a vivid blue.

But no one is going to refer to, “red states and dandelion states” or “red states and denim states.” The first sounds like Democrats need to weed their garden. I mean, they wouldn’t do it themselves, but they’ll pay Pasquale who just crossed the southern border to do it. The second raises the question of whether Democrats wear jeans. They do if they are these jeans.

The point is that it’s not about alliteration. So, how did the colors come to be associated with each of the parties?

In the presidential election of 1976, our bicentennial year, NBC was the first network to debut an electronic electoral map using light bulbs that could turn red or blue. The colors followed the scheme used in Britain, where red was associated with liberal parties and blue was associated with more conservative parties.

The bulbs on NBC’s map turned red for Jimmy Carter, the Democrat, and blue for Gerald Ford, the Republican—exactly the opposite of what the colors mean today.

Over the next 25 years or so, multiple TV networks offered colored maps of the states during an election, with each network choosing its own color scheme. That proved confusing for the general public, since they could watch one network with one set of colors, and then see another network with a different set of colors.

That all came to an end in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore, the Democrat, and George W. Bush, the Republican. That was the election of the hanging chads in Florida, and it dragged on for weeks while each side fought a legal battle over how (and if) the ballots would be counted.

As coverage of the controversy continued with persistent graphics over many weeks, a consensus emerged among the major networks to use the same designations with blue for Democrats and red for Republicans.

The red and blue designations cemented themselves in the mind of the public and has remained that way ever since.

Red is for Republicans; blue is for Democrats.

With the deep political divide in our country, the two colors are an efficient way to refer to states which tend to consistently vote one way or the other. It’s too broad a brush, of course, because even “deep blue” states, like New York, have hundreds of thousands or even millions of conservative voters living there—much to Kathy Hochul’s dismay who, if she had her way, would empty the state of them. And even deep red states, like Arizona, have liberals living among them who (*ahem*) “flipped” the state blue in 2020.

But the associations of red and blue have stuck. Not only are they an efficient way to designate the general voting patterns of a bloc of people, they also represent a way of life or a political philosophy.

If I say, “Texas is a red state,” I mean that it is a conservative, patriotic, fiercely independent, Second Amendment-loving population, even if Austin is a sour blueberry in a strawberry patch. If I say, “California is a blue state,” I mean that it is a smug, liberal, anti-American, fascist-loving, ideologically driven land of fruits and nuts on the Left coast.

Guess where I’ll move if I am forced to choose between the two?

The red and blue designations reinforce the divide between Americans of different political persuasions even as they are helpful as shorthand to talk about our differences.

Vote red in November.

Daily Broadside | Have We Restored Our Norms Yet? Oh. Never Mind

Daily Verse | Hosea 4:12
My people consult a wooden idol,
    and are answered by a stick of wood.
A spirit of prostitution leads them astray;
    they are unfaithful to their God.

Thursday’s Reading: Hosea 8-14

Thursday and we’re at the halfway point of September. “Thirty days hath September …”

When I say that the Left is all about sowing chaos and shattering norms by forcing their warped vision of “norms” on the country, I mean things like Resident Brandon’s appointment of Dr. Demetre Daskalakis as the White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator.

This guy seems helpful and informative.

Oops, wrong media. My bad.

This guy seems … disturbed.

Just like “Dark Brandon” is the jokey side of the Resident, so here we have Dark Demetre. But this isn’t funny. The National Pulse has an in-depth article about Daskalakis.

Daskalakis is known for his efforts in the world of HIV and other diseases affecting the LGBTQ+ community, having attended New York University Medical School, followed by a residency, fellowship, and additional masters degree from Harvard Medical School. In an interview with The Atlantic in 2014, he said “I learned my bedside manner from East Village drag queens.” He attended Columbia University as an undergraduate and was a “general and religion double major.” Raised by Greek Orthodox immigrants in Arlington, Virginia, a review of Dr. Daskalakis’s social media presence reveals a penchant for pentagrams and other Satanic symbolism, The National Pulse can reveal.

Daskalakis’s social media presence is disturbing, to say the least. Alongside his partner Michael MacNeal, the pair launched a “goth” gym in New York, which originally ran out of the high-profile Equinox gym chain, before spinning off into its own brand based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan: Monster Cycle.

Monster Cycle’s social media pages are full of references to Satanism, the devil, burning crosses, and pentagrams, and more. While the gym got fawning coverage from the New York Times (below) in 2014, its review on “SweatConcierge” made references to “alarming” imagery and “terrifying” co-ed locker rooms.

Daskalakis’s appointment is consistent with this administration’s hiring proclivities. From Rod Dreher at The American Conservative:

Are there any limits to the weirdos this Democratic administration will hire for important positions? You might have thought the baldheaded cross-dressing sadomasochist Sam Brinton was the outer limits (Biden appointed him to head an office within the Department of Energy). And, of course, transgender assistan Secretary of Health Rachel Levine:

Image: The American Conservative.

It’s bizarre. These men—all are biological males—apparently have strong capabilities in their areas of expertise but are perverted and just … weird. As Dreher asks, “Why?” Why does Brandon insist on elevating these people to positions of influence? I mean, he can appoint who he wants, but all three are sexually depraved in the extreme.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis cofounded a gym called The Monster Cycle. A Facebook post on that page from 2014 says, “We’ll Steal Your Soul.”

That’s what Daskalakis peddles.

And they call us extremists.

Daily Broadside | Illinois Leads the Ranks of States with Insane Crime Bills

Daily Verse | Daniel 4:17
“The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Daniel 7-12

Tuesday and if you live in Illinois like I do, have you heard that The Purge will be a 24-7-365 reality starting January 1, 2023?

This is, in fact, very real. It’s called the SAFE-T Act which, as all laws the Democrats produce, is nothing short of a monstrous lie. Here’s how Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau describes what’s coming.

The new law eliminates cash bail for 2nd-degree murder, kidnapping, and armed robbery. Any criminal with an ankle bracelet can’t be pursued for 48 hours if they don’t show up in court. Talk about a head start! As Pekau says, “They can almost drive to Alaska, before we can even look for them.”

Worse for private residence or business owners, police will no longer be able to remove trespassers who decide to squat on your property. Ominously, Pekau says, “Someone could decide to live in your shed, and all we can do is give them a ticket. You have to decide what level of force is required to remove them. And whether or not it’s legal.

This is more of what the anti-American, anti-law, anti-Constitutional criminal party of mobsters known as the Democrats are doing to destabilize society and sow chaos. It’s not unreasonable to say that Illinois residents now feel less safe than before.

On January 1, 2023, Illinois will open the prison doors and release anyone charged with almost any crime but who can’t make bail. Think of the victims of rape, or assault or robbery. Their attackers will walk free.

Furthermore, this denies crime victims their constitutional rights. Article 1, Section 8.1 of the Illinois Constitution, codified in the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act, mandates that crime victims shall have the right to have their safety and that of their families considered in denying or fixing the amount of bail, determining whether to release the defendant and setting conditions of release after arrest and conviction. Eliminating bail clearly contradicts previously established and superior law, places crime victims at a greater risk to be re-victimized, and unnecessarily subjects witnesses to threats and intimidation.

Chicago has always been corrupt, but this is taking it to another level entirely. It’s spreading the joy across the whole state.

And why?

To level the ground for all criminals. As the thinking goes, “Why should some criminals get to pay their way out of a cell, but others can’t?” It’s so perverted and twisted and warped, catering to criminals at the expense of the law-abiding, exactly the opposite of a safe and well-ordered society.

Don’t be surprised if you see a mass exodus out of Illinois in coming months. In the meantime, if you live here, arm yourself, buy ammo, and get networked with your neighbors. When everything falls apart, no one is coming. Or, if they do, there’s not much they can do.

You’re on your own.

Daily Broadside | “Democrat” is Now Just a Euphemism for “Communist”

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 20:9
But if I say, “I will not mention him
    or speak anymore in his name,”
his word is in my heart like a fire,
    a fire shut up in my bones
I am weary of holding it in;
    indeed, I cannot.

Friday’s Reading: Jeremiah 21-25
Saturday’s Reading: 26-29

Friday and I’d like to end the week with a synopsis of a short essay by Steve Rose over at American Thinker. In it he touches on an idea that has been forming in my head but hadn’t crystalized yet. As I was doing my daily reading, I came across the title of his article which immediately resonated with me.


Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists” accelerated my coalescing thinking, bringing clarity to many statements I’ve made over the last few years. I’ve called the Democrats “cultural Marxists.” I’ve called them “anti-American.” I’ve called them tyrants. I even wrote a column that called Democrats “Communists.” I’ve called for the Democrat party to be outlawed. I’ve even said that I’d rather be an American than a Democrat.

But Rose’s title-statement is a bold declaration that we’re no longer dealing with Americans who have a slightly different view of how to govern this great land. We’re dealing with an altogether different creature when we talk about today’s Democrats.

This is no longer the party of FDR, JFK, or even Bill Clinton, and it’s time to start calling a spade a spade…

One of the many challenges real Americans now face is to start calling “Democrats” what they actually are. They’ll protest. But if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck, we need to call it a duck.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that communism is just a myth, that it isn’t real, or even if it is real, it only exists in faraway places like China, and anyone who mentions it is a conspiracist who deserves ridicule.

I think he’s right that it is very difficult for the average American to wrap his or her head around the reality that there are functional communists who are not just living among us, but who operate in the highest levels of our society and its institutions. They have their hands on the levers of power.

I think we all know that we’re not living in our father’s America, but it’s really difficult to accept that it is, in fact, happening. But, as Rose writes, you only need to look at what the Democrats are doing to understand who they are. As the old adage goes, if you want to know what I believe, don’t ask me, watch me.

  • They’re raiding and jailing their political opponents.
  • They’re turning the FBI, CIA, and IRS against American citizens.
  • They’ve come out against freedom of speech, religion, press, the Second Amendment, and other core American ideals.
  • They’ve abandoned the rule of law, and now have one set of laws for themselves and another for the rest of us.
  • They’re deliberately trying to bankrupt us—sometimes directly (through shutting down businesses), sometimes indirectly (through wasting trillions of our dollars.)
  • They’re indoctrinating our children with radical ideologies.
  • They celebrate infanticide.
  • They’re making secret deals with foreign entities against our interests.
  • They’re deliberately keeping our borders wide open to erase our national identity.
  • They mandate groupthink and conformity and punish anyone who doesn’t parrot their chosen narratives, however absurd.
  • They’re purging the best from our military and converting what’s left into a tool of Wokeism.
  • They’ve transformed our once-great American cities into crime-ridden hellscapes.
  • They relentlessly stoke division between everyone and never miss the slightest opportunity to accuse someone or something of being racist, sexist, phobic, supremacist, etc.
  • They constantly work to slander, cancel, and erase our Founding Fathers, American heroes, and America itself. (E.g., they removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the American Museum of Natural History.)
  • They want to defund the police, release criminals from prisons and disarm the rest of us.
  • They defend terrorists. (Joe Biden: “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.”)
  • They’ve ignored the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, which was written in the aftermath of WWII, and which explicitly prohibits coerced consent for experimental medications. (See, e.g., here or here.)
  • They’ve tried to corrupt elections on a national scale.
  • They’ve openly stated their desire to abolish the family structure itself.
  • They’ve threatened to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and dismantle the electoral college system.
  • They’re criminalizing normality on multiple fronts.
  • They’ve taken down American flags and raised other flags in government buildings and city streets, symbolizing their stealth political takeover.
  • Their leaders have literally kneeled to one form of the cause they actually serve in the Capital building.

As he acknowledges, there’s lots more that could be listed here, including the shocking six-year harassment of President Donald J. Trump that continues almost two years after he “lost” the fraudulent 2020 election. This list is unprecedented law-breaking and social norm-busting in which the highest law enforcement branches in the land have been weaponized against one part of the population — conservatives and MAGA supporters.

The problem is that while we can see what is happening, no one knows what to do about it. It’s become dangerous and risky over the last few years to express dissent from the imperial rulers’ official narrative, which is concocted by Democrats and amplified by Democrats through their Democrat mouthpieces in the media.

So concerned citizens are reluctant to point out what they see happening and for sure don’t want to speak out about it. Yet, that fear is exactly what communists want.

Tyrants don’t simply announce themselves openly and honestly. “Hi! I’m trying to become a tyrant, and I’d like to enslave you. Will you start obeying everything I say?” The serpent in the garden of Eden didn’t say, “Hi! I’m trying to turn you against the Almighty. Eat this, please.”

Instead, they make lofty, inspiring speeches. They promise free things. They appeal to our sense of hope, fairness, and justice. They claim to hold the solution to racial harmony, violence, and the literal death of the planet. They bribe the corrupt, seduce the gullible, and slander, disarm, and imprison everyone else.

Once they’re in power, the mask comes off. But by then, it’s too late.

That’s why I have been warning for years about some kind of open conflict erupting, and I’m not at all inclined to change my mind. In fact, I’ve only grown more certain that such a conflict is coming. How it will happen and what form it will take are unclear, but it only takes an incident like Mar-a-Lago to ignite the simmering anger of those it represents.

And if Trump is indicted — and I’m hearing that the DOJ is moving that way — I’m afraid that will set off a nationwide outburst that will lead to the government cracking down on we citizens in what will become a military-style lockdown. Think of the protesters who were at the Capitol on January 6 and did nothing more than wander through the hallways taking selfies. The vast majority of them are still held in jail without due process.

Think the State won’t do that to you if you’ve so much as voiced an opinion contrary to the current junta that’s in power?

You say they wouldn’t?

Why not? They’ve already gotten away with jailing the January 6 protesters. What’s to stop them from expanding their definition of what constitutes a threat to our precious (*spit*) democracy?

If they do it, who’s going to stop them?

I think Rose is right, that we’ve got to start calling them what they are. In the same way we’ve been calling transactivists and other members of LGBTQUERTY+ “groomers” for trying to corrupt our children, it’s time to call the Democrats what they are: communists.

We’re definitely under threat in the United States, but it’s not from foreign adversaries. It’s from right here among us. Their name is “Democrat”, but they are thoroughly communist. Make them own it.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Our Only Option is to Go Scorched Earth on the Democrats in 2022 and 2024

Daily Verse | Isaiah 58:4
You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.

Wednesday’s Reading: Isaiah 60-62

Wednesday and the audacious attack on Trump under the flimsiest of legal cover in our multi-tiered system of justice continues to astound and shock. Any illusions that America as founded still exists was shattered with this latest in-your-face jackbooted stomping of precedent and the rule of law.

How anyone can still believe we’re not at least approaching DEFCON 3 is beyond me. If sabotaging 2016’s election results with the Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion hoax, the two counterfeit impeachment trials, the rigged and stolen election of 2020, the January 6 Reichstag fire and illegal sham trials haven’t convinced you that unconstitutional covert operations designed to short-circuit our liberties are being run out of formerly trusted institutions, I’m not sure what will.

What makes this even worse is who hasn’t been raided by the DOJ and its mini me, the FBI.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden: The FBI has been in possession of Hunter’s laptop since 2019, which contains evidence that Hunter used Joe’s position to conduct lucrative foreign business. He also cut his dad into deals and commingled their funds.

Hillary Clinton: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on a private server she likely used to hide efforts to use her office to raise money for her family’s foundation. She was infamously excused by the FBI…

Black Lives Matter: Amid evidence that the left-wing group has been abusing its charitable status, even liberal states issued warnings to the group. But though the movement’s scope is nationwide, the FBI or DOJ have yet to do anything about it…

By contrast, Trump allies past and present — such as Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and others — have been subjected to spectacular raids, often leaked to friendly media ahead of time, over relatively minor or unrelated allegations.

I’ve warned for years now that we were heading toward Civil War 2.0. The unprecedented invasion of a former president’s and most likely future presidential candidate’s and current private citizen’s home on the pretext of searching for “classified” documents from his time as president pushes us a great deal further toward that eventuality.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that was part of the calculus involved in planning the raid. The great danger is that some far-right activists or MEAL Team 6-types will take the provocation as permission to plot a counterattack. But as one of my favorite bloggers and pastors, Douglas Wilson, wrote in a discussion about this very thing,

“And so the takeaway lesson for conservatives is: don’t take the bait. Under no circumstances should we take the bait. I think I may have mentioned before that we should not take the bait.”

You should read the whole thing and you should also not take the bait. So should the extremes on the Right.

What we can do is really the only thing legally permissible right now, and that is to vote out the grifting ankle-biting dead weights who are part of the problem, who say they’re Republicans but act like Democrats. People like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and any of the 14 House Republicans and 15 Senate Republicans who voted to interfere with our Second Amendment right to bear arms because teenage criminals don’t obey our laws.

Fortunately, voting them out that seems to be happening, especially in races with Trump-endorsed candidates.

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.), one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump last year, has conceded in her tough primary contest against Joe Kent. Kent is a Green Beret endorsed by the former president and is expected to advance in Washington state’s all-party primary…

Herrera Beutler, who voted to impeach Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, would be the third such House Republican to lose in a primary this year, joining Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.), who was defeated last week and, Rep. Tom Rice (S.C.), who lost last month. Two Republicans have advanced — both from all-party primaries: Rep. Dan Newhouse (Wash.) and Rep. David G. Valadao (Calif.). Four others decided not to seek reelection.

The final House Republican to face a primary is Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who will go before voters Aug. 16. She faces a challenger running to her right who is backed by Trump.

I don’t believe that we can simply vote our way out of this but, apart from the unmentionable, it’s the only option we have right now. To some degree, it’s being effective. And at least one observer thinks the Deep State’s days are numbered:

But even if the Deep State were to succeed, they have already burnt their bridges by creating this precedent. The path is now wide open for either a returning President Trump or a newly minted President DeSantis to investigate Joe “The Big Guy” Biden and his possible history of pay for play. What a rich target, given Hunter’s lack of discretion about how the family became so wealthy on a government salary. Ditto for Nancy “I Rip Up State of the Union Addresses” Pelosi, the most amazing investor in stock market history. And what about those sexual harassment charges against old Joe?  No more “let the defeated opposition party leave town in peace” after they lose an election. When you play this high-stakes game, you had better come with very clean hands. While Trump may have been too much of a Mr. Nice Guy when it came to prosecuting his opponents, Gov. DeSantis can play hardball with the best of them.

Couple that with the ascendancy of conservative lawmakers and you have the makings of a tool that can be used to pry the shadow government out of its hole. And then whack it over the head.

The Democrats have demonized half the country’s voters for the last decade or more, with Barack Hussein Obama starting the practice with his “bitter clingers” epithet, followed by Hillary’s “deplorables” comment, and Brandon’s “dregs of society” insult. We’ve suffered their slights with patience, believing (perhaps naively) that we’d eventually have our say.

It could be coming, starting with the mid-terms and following it up with a strong showing in 2024. But the victories must be decisive and overwhelming. They must absolutely wreck the Democrat Party of Soviet Suck-ups. And we must put people in place who are willing to go scorched earth on those players and organizations that have acted like the tyrants they are.

After the raid at his home, Trump posted a video that captures what a majority of us are probably feeling.

I’ll leave Paula Bolyard with the final word.

Now that we see clearly what the problem is, where do we go from here? Sure, we can peacefully protest, send angry emails, or post diatribes on social media, but that’s not going to fix the problems that are eating away at our republic. The answer lies in winning elections. Decisively. First the midterms and then the White House in 2024. As I wrote last week, Trump did the country a great service by exposing the deep state and making Americans aware of the corruption within our government. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to drain the swamp — in part because it was constantly investigating him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last week dropped a political bomb on the ruling class by suspending woke Hillsborough County state attorney Andrew Warren, who had announced he would refuse to enforce Florida laws he didn’t like. Once we regain control of the White House and Congress, this should be our template going forward.

Daily Broadside | Biden Fiddles with Semantics While the Economy Burns

Daily Verse | Isaiah 15:27
For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him?

Wednesday’s Reading: Isaiah 17-20

Happy Wednesday, my friends.


That’s the word that comes to mind as I consider the gyrations that the current administration will go through to avoid taking any responsibility for the circumstances we find ourselves in. The latest twist by Resident Gumby is to redefine the longstanding definition of “recession.”

It is widely expected based on available data that the report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday will show that the country’s real gross domestic product shrank again in the second quarter of 2022. That will be the second quarter in a row of negative growth, which means it will come with the additional determination that the United States has been in a recession since January.

This prospect has the Biden administration in a comical sort of falling-all-over-themselves panic. That’s because President Joe Biden’s defenders are now attempting to massage the definition of “recession” so that the current economic contraction no longer qualifies.

Never mind that the term “recession” has referred to two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth each of the last ten times we’ve experienced it.

But Brandon and his Council of Economic Advisors are trying to get ahead of Thursday’s numbers, which are expected to show that the economy contracted again in the second quarter. That’s why the White House published a blog post that is meant to sow doubt on what a recession really is.

The gambit is so transparently obvious that you have to wonder who they’re writing this stuff for—the average American, who knows better, or the Left’s base, who cheer any semblance of a rational answer to the corners they keep backing themselves into.

As I say, it’s silly. But it’s also Orwellian. The cultural Marxists are corrupting our language in a bid to hide the destruction they are wreaking on the country. It’s been going on at least since William Jefferson Clinton said, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

The bottom line is that Americans on both sides of the aisle aren’t going to buy what Brandon is selling. We feel the effects of inflation and frankly, we don’t care whether we’re in a recession or not. Right now, everything is too expensive, and the squatter in the White House is to blame.

Daily Broadside | If You Believe the 2020 Election Was Righteous, You Won’t Believe It Now

Daily Verse | Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Tuesday’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 1-6

Happy Tuesday, my friends.

The wheels of justice turn slowly here in the U.S., but turn they do, especially when there aren’t Democrats or progressive Marxist activists involved. After 20 months of calling any dispute over the 2020 presidential election “the Big Lie,” evidence that the Democrats and Joe Biden acolytes are “the Big Liars” is being documented amid revelations from courts and investigative bodies including, believe it or not, the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

John Solomon at Just the News (via American Greatness):

But with each passing day, new irregularities, security vulnerabilities and illegalities are being unmasked by bombshell revelations from courts, legislators and other investigative bodies like the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

The latest came last week when the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared that state election regulators had no legal authority to allow voters to cast ballots in mobile drop boxes, a jaw-dropping decision that invalidated the way tens of thousands of voters — many of them Democrats — cast their ballots,

From Phoenix to Detroit, and Madison to Austin, there are now nearly two dozen credible confirmations of problems that undercut the claims of bureaucrats, journalists and Democrats that the November 2020 general election was perfect. In fact, it was quite imperfect.

You don’t say.

You Don’t Say.


See, when I questioned the outcome of the election, I was told, rather forcefully, that people were so sick of Trump that a record 81 MILLION OF THEM voted for Biden, the mendacious, racist political mediocrity who was on the wrong side of every issue during his career in the Senate, whose former boss told us not to underestimate his ability “to f*** things up,” and who couldn’t draw a crowd of more than a dozen at any “rally” he held during the campaign, who slurred his speech, was gaffe-prone, and hid after calling “a lid” at 1:00 p.m. every day.

No way.

When people don’t have a candidate they’re enthused about, they don’t vote. They aren’t motivated by the other team’s candidate to vote for their own. That’s why I don’t believe Biden got 81 million votes.

And now we’re beginning to find out where those “81 million” votes came from.

As American Greatness writes, “Just The News has compiled a comprehensive list of 21 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, with many of them coming from the handful of key swing states that ultimately determined the outcome of the race.”

Here are my top five of the 21:

ONE: The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled July 8 that “ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 election were illegal and harmed Wisconsin voters.” That means that the 570 drop boxes that received hundreds of thousands of votes were “were unlawfully approved by the Wisconsin Election Commission,” and every single vote that passed through those drop boxes are invalid (both Democrat (and Republican — ha!)). Trump lost Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes.

TWO: Hunter Biden’s laptop was a case of election interference. Solomon writes that more than “50 national security experts, countless news organizations and large social media firms falsely told American voters in fall 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop with damning revelations about Biden family corruption was Russian disinformation. In fact, it was a legitimate laptop already in the FBI’s possession, and Hunter Biden was already under criminal investigation before voters cast their 2020 ballots. The false narrative had significant impact: polling shows a majority of American voters believe the pre-election censorship of the story amounted to election interference,

THREE: 50,000 ballots in Arizona have been called into question after an extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate, “including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.”

FOUR: Given the narrow margins of victory and defeat, a not insignificant number of foreigners and other non-citizens were found on the ballot rolls in Texas (12,000), Georgia, and Wisconsin after audits.

FIVE: Ballot harvesting (a vote collection operation) in nursing homes in Wisconsin, along with a massive operation in Georgia, where an unidentified whistleblower said harvesters were paid $10 per ballot. Clearly illegal activity.

The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. (Proverbs 18:17)

I don’t know where any of this goes but, at the very least, no one can say with a straight face that the 2020 election was free from fraud.

Daily Broadside | Some Republicans Help the Democrats Be Awful People

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 12:20
Only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the house of David.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Kings 15-16
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Kings 17-19

Friday and the end of another week. Beware that next Friday is April 15, when you have to hand over everything you haven’t yet to the feds and your state gubmints. “Of, by and for the people,” my eye. No rant from me, but we’ve gotten so used to being fleeced by the people we elect that we don’t even notice it anymore.

The other thing that’s happening on the 15th is Good Friday. Don’t forget to set aside some time to reflect on the sacrifice of God’s Son for the sins of the world, including you and me. It makes seeing the rampant sin among us more bearable, knowing that it will all face a reckoning someday—soon, I hope.

Yesterday was another sorry day in our history as Judge “I’m-not-a-biologist” Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed by the Senate with the three votes of not-at-all-conservative Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and “severely conservative” (lol) Mitt Romney voting for Jackson.

The vote was 53-47. Brown Jackson would’ve been confirmed if the vote had been tied, with VP (Virtue Pick) Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. But the three liberal Republicans still sided with the enemies of American culture, conscience and freedom, voting to confirm a woman who has a proven pattern of leniency for child sex offenders, supports Critical Race Theory (CRT), and refused to define a “woman.”

Republicans who opposed Jackson did so on several fronts: her dodging of questions on whether she favors court packing; her inability to define a “woman,” insufficient explanation of her judicial philosophy and her “soft on crime” sentencing record, including those of several child pornography offenders.

Democrats celebrated (or should I say, gloated) over the idealogue they forced on the American people.

Joe Brandon:

“Judge Jackson’s confirmation was a historic moment for our nation,” Biden said on Twitter with a picture of him taking a selfie with the newly confirmed Jackson. “We’ve taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America. She will be an incredible Justice, and I was honored to share this moment with her.”

Chucky Schemer:

This is an “amazing day not only for Justice Brown Jackson but for the United States of America,” Schumer said. On the long road to equality, Schumer said, “sometimes you take a step back, but today we took a giant step forward.”

Don’t make me hurl.

Democrats are deeply immoral people. They stole the election in 2020, then they stole a SCOTUS seat by forcing Justice Breyer to resign.

“The Left bullied Justice Breyer into retirement and now it will demand a justice who rubber stamps its liberal political agenda,” Judicial Crisis Network president Carrie Severino said in a statement, adding “And that’s what the Democrats will give them, because they’re beholden to the dark money supporters who helped elect them.”

And give it they did, filling the vacancy with a pyrsyn who doesn’t know what the definition of a woman is.

But that’s not the worst of it. The worst of it is that the regressive, cultural Marxists elevated Jackson’s skin color over her judicial record, a record which indicates that she is a radical leftist who can’t be trusted to objectively and fairly interpret our Constitution. They put superficiality over substance.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Biden’s pick Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, activist judge, one who failed to answer simple questions on her record, including leniency for child porn offenders and support of CRT. Jackson has proved to be in lockstep with the far left’s political agenda, even refusing to define what a woman is. The RNC will hold Democrats accountable this November for supporting Biden’s radical pick.”

Yep. We all know how Jackson will vote, just like we all knew how the Wise Latina and Kagan would vote.

Yet all the Democrats talked about today was “equality” and “diversity.” It’s sickening.

Still, there may be some hope in the darkness. None less than The New York Times postulates that there isn’t much Jackson’s appointment can do to stop the more conservative bend of SCOTUS from dominating.

However collegial she may be, whatever her reputation as a “consensus builder” and whether her voting record will be slightly to the right or the left of Justice Breyer’s, the court’s lopsided conservative majority will remain in charge. Judge Jackson will most likely find herself, as Justice Breyer has, in dissent in the court’s major cases on highly charged social questions.

See that? Even the NYT concedes that there’s a “conservative” bias that includes Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Comey Barrett (all three of whom, by the way, have made decisions disappointing to “conservatives” since ascending to the top court in the land). So spare me the moaning about the resistance to Jackson’s appointment.

Let’s hope that any damage KBJ has the potential to do is blunted by remaining in the minority on court decisions, a Republican take-over of the House and Senate this fall, plus the presidency in 2024.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Get Your Grubby Liberal Fingers Off My Country

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 15:22b
To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

Tuesday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 16-19

Tuesday and it’s hard to know where to start. I’m a once-a-day blogger right now and unless I become enormously popular and independently wealthy, that’s the way it’s going to stay. But there’s a thousand topics out there that could be covered skewered and I can only pick one each time I break out my keyboard.

There’s the war in Ukraine and the increasing calls for the U.S. to escalate our involvement. There’s the absolute insanity of men presenting as women winning in sports and women of the year honors. There’s Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the New York Times has finally decided was legit, so I guess we can all talk about it now. There’s Brandon’s virtue pick for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, who seems to have had “a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.” There’s the specter of renewing the tyrannical Chinese Lung Pox restrictions with the re-emergence of Dr. Faux Chi on the Sunday talk show circuit. There’s inflation and the high cost of gas, even though we could have it easily and cheaply if our government masters allowed it. There’s our southern “border” which is now just a concept, not a reality, in service to the “Great Society” of the 1960s. There’s the grooming of America’s children in public schools. And if those weren’t enough, there’s the Great Issues of Our Day being addressed by our do-nothing-good Congress, namely, hair discrimination and making Daylight Saving Time permanent—because those are the most pressing issues America is concerned about.

What’s a blogger to do?

Well, since the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat party is driving the chaos and irrationality of our current day madness, let’s pause for a moment to check on how they’re faring heading into the mid-term elections.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the elections for Congress were held today, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democrat. Just five percent (5%) would vote for some other candidate, but another seven percent (7%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

That’s fantastic news, even though the results indicate a two-point gain for Democrats since February.

The 11-point edge for Republicans in the latest poll is larger than Democrats enjoyed at any time during the 2018 midterm campaign, due both to greater GOP partisan intensity and a 19-point advantage among independents. While 94% of Republican voters say they would vote for their own party’s congressional candidate, only 82% of Democrats would vote for the Democratic candidate. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 46% would vote Republican and 27% would vote Democrat, while 13% would vote for some other candidate and 14% are undecided.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of whites, 28% of black voters and 48% of other minorities would vote Republican if the election were held today. Sixty-two percent (62%) of black voters, 36% of whites and 35% of other minorities would vote Democrat.

The so-called “gender gap” is nearly non-existent in the latest findings, with men (49%) one point less likely than women voters (50%) to prefer Republican congressional candidates.

Add to that the resignation of 31 Democrat House members (a 30-year high) and prospects for the party look bleak. The party in power typically loses seats in the mid-terms, but the economy and the incompetent moron occupying the White House are creating the right conditions for a wave election.

Of course, we’re still eight months out, we’re watching a smoldering fight in Ukraine with the potential to become a wider conflagration, and who knows what sort of evils the Left have in store for the November elections.

More than half of voters believe cheating affected the 2020 election and an overwhelming majority say the issue of election integrity will be important in the midterm elections.

You don’t say.

Well, I won’t be surprised if a toilet in a Blue State somewhere overflows and floods precincts in four or five surrounding states.

As I’ve said before, we have the wind at our backs. Don’t just read about what’s happening; donate money, volunteer time, and help America pry the pasty fingers of the Democrats off the levers of power before they completely destroy us.

Daily Broadside | These Colors Don’t Run (Unless You’re a Democrat)

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 3:19
The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 4-8
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 9-12

Friday and the close of the week. For those of you with Irish blood, I hope your Thursday was happy and green for St. Paddy’s Day.

A few days ago a Quinnipiac University poll reported that if Americans found themselves in the same position as the Ukrainians—under military attack by a foreign adversary—“only 55 percent said that they would stay and fight for this country.”

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 – 25 percent and independents say 57 – 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 – 40 percent they would leave the country.

Only 55 percent said they’d stay and fight? Wut?

More than half of Democrats would leave the country, which is surprising; I would have guessed that number to be between 60 – 70 percent. Still, that’s understandable for a group that associates with a criminal political party that hates the United States.

Shockingly, more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would cut and run if the U.S. homeland were invaded. We aren’t talking about women and children, or even some cadre of pacifists and conscientious objectors. This is most Democrats saying they’d rather leave America than defend it. Only a pathetic 40% said they would stick around.

Republicans did better. More than two-thirds (68%) said they would stand their ground. This could be a reflection of the partisan skew in the nation’s distribution of small arms. But 1 in 4 Republicans said they’d flee—not exactly the don’t-tread-on-me spirit I was expecting.

Seriously, where are the patriots?

What in the hell has happened to this country? One can hardly imagine Americans of yesteryear exhibiting such high levels of yellow-bellyism. Where have all the Minutemen gone? The Molly Pitchers? The Audie Murphys? The Todd Beamers?

Here’s the breakdown of the results:

A couple of observations about the demographics. First, 58% of whites with a college degree would not stay and fight. That’s worse than the 52% of Dems who would flee.

Second, two-thirds of those in the 50-64 age group would stay and fight. That’s likely because they still have the stirrings of a patriotism that has been slowly driven out of our children over the last few generations. The 18-34 demographic has the highest number of those who would run. Aligns with the immaturity and outright mental warp of those generations.

Third, it’s a revelation, but perhaps unsurprising, that black Americans have the lowest number of those who would stay and fight (38%) and the highest number of those who would leave the country (59%). Why stay to fight for a country you are told is racist to the core? You might even cheer its destruction.

Even more surprising is that Hispanics are the second-highest group who say they would fight (61%). Would love to know the demographic make-up of the 1,374 U.S. adults polled.

None of this instills confidence in our ability to defend ourselves against a foreign military assault on our homeland.

Jonathan Turley writes in response to the poll:

The poll shows a crisis of faith within the Democratic party, but also our country at large. People have lost faith in our common article of faith in the Constitution. That did not occur over night. There have been unrelenting attacks on our institutions and core values for years that ignore our countervailing successes. We have gone through terrible periods and faced terrible institutions and practices from slavery to segregation. However, we faced them as a people united in a common faith captured in the Declaration of Independence:

Many years ago as I watched the divisions in this country widen, I realized that we no longer had common interests. When we divide into tribes that are set against each other—women against men, religious against irreligious, rich against poor, black against white, homosexual against straight, citizens against illegals, socialists against capitalists, constitutionalists against Marxists—we lose the broader principles and culture that bind us together.

Who wants to fight for the Karens that despise you? Who wants to fight on behalf of the bitter clingers and deplorables? Will you really defend my right to say what I want when you think that what I say is “literally violence”? Who the heck wants to go to war to protect the soy boys and antifa anarchists?

What’s amazing is that 45 percent of Americans don’t even have the guts to defend hearth and home. They would literally abandon their home to preserve their life. Turley again:

If you are not willing to defend this country, citizenship becomes a status of convenience; an opportunistic association that can be shed as easily as it is acquired. It is a commitment that extends little beyond annual tax obligations.


I’m part of the 50-64 demo and, you’ll not be surprised to learn, I would stay and fight. And I know others who would stand and fight. But will it be enough?

Have a good weekend.