Daily Broadside | The Rank Hypocrisy of the Left on Full Display in New Document Revelations

Friday the 13th. Black cats and bad luck, apparently. Meh.

So, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the Resident, who was found to have two different stashes of classified government documents; one at Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center (his “think” tank … *snort* *giggle* *LOL*), and one at home in his garage alongside his, get this, Sting Ray Corvette.

The Washington Post:

Robert K. Hur is a former U.S. attorney from Maryland who served as a senior official in President Donald Trump’s Justice Department. His appointment comes after lawyers for President Biden said additional classified material was found during a search of his home in Wilmington, Del. Garland’s decision means special counsels are reviewing the handling of classified material found at the homes and offices of both the current and most recent U.S. presidents.

Why is this important? Because it’s EXACTLY what Garland’s GestapoTM and the haters in Washington have been all over Trump about, but it’s arguably worse.

The documents are from when he was vice-president, not president. Only the president, as chief executive, has the power to declassify any document he so chooses. Biden was not vested with that power over these documents.

The Trump documents were kept under lock and key in an inner room in his estate. Biden’s were in two different places with minimal security — especially the set in his garage with his Sting Ray Corvette.

Trump knew what documents he had. Biden didn’t know what he had or how the documents got there.

They media is treating this as a nothing burger whereas with Trump it akin to treason. As Ace says, “Tucker Carlson pointed out that MSNBC’s pet pop historian Michael Bechsloss suggested that Trump should be put to death like the Rosenbergs, and former CIA director Michael Hayden agreed.” Think he’ll suggest the same for Biden?

With Trump, they conducted the first-in-history DOJ raid on a former president’s home, even though the documents were known. You think a SWAT team will be breaking down Biden’s door at his personal residence or nah?

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley, meanwhile, wrote directly to Garland on Wednesday saying “[i]n President Trump’s case, that retention [of documents] triggered an unprecedented raid on the home of a former president, rationalized with a thicket of partisan doublespeak. President Biden has not experienced anything remotely similar.”

“Every conservative out there is completely disgusted with the standard that exists in America when it comes to conservatives and everybody else,” he further asserted, per The Hill.

Just like Trump had classified documents at his home, so did Biden. The difference in how the media whores and the politicians are treating the two instances is all you need to know about our rulers.

I’ll be traveling this weekend so there will be no Broadside on Monday. Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The Ugly Truth About Speaker Pelosi

Daily Verse | Romans 11:25-26
Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.

Monday’s Reading: Romans 12-16

Last week Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek re-election to leadership among the Democrat caucus. She’s led the Dems since 2003 and was the first female Speaker in U.S. history. She held the gavel from 2007-2011 and then again from 2019 until now.

“And with great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

While she’s achieved some historic accomplishments, I say “good riddance.” The defining moment of her “leadership” for me came during Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech, when she methodically ripped up her copy of his speech while still on the podium after Trump had concluded his speech.

In that moment she disgraced her position of power and allowed whatever personal animus she had toward Trump to express itself publicly. Instead of the decorum the office deserved, she used the occasion to deliver a moment of ugly disrespect to both Trump and the millions of Americans who supported him.

It was childish, boorish and beneath the dignity of her office. It was also par for the course. She led two highly politicized efforts to oust him via impeachment, both of which failed. Her intent to smear him was evident when she said, “He just got impeached. He’ll be impeached for ever. No matter what the Senate does. He’s impeached for ever because he violated our constitution.”

Whatever personal vendetta she had, she had no right to use the political power she was entrusted with to persecute Trump.

Lots of people praise Pelosi for her tenure as speaker. I don’t. She was and is a disgraceful partisan hack who did more damage to the American political institution than any speaker before her.

She deserved to be gone long before now.

Good riddance.

Daily Broadside | Meet the New Boss; Same As the Old Boss

Daily Verse | Acts 27:37
Altogether there were 276 of us on board.

Wednesday’s Reading: Romans 1-3

Welcome to Wednesday and mid-week. The days just clip by, don’t they?

A few things of note happening amid the fallout of the midterm elections. First, RINO leaders Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell have both been elected to lead in their respective chambers, McCarthy in the House as speaker and McConnell in the Senate as minority leader. I wish I had more confidence that they will get things done and clean up the mess that is Washington, D.C., but they won’t.

More precisely, they won’t be able to in the Senate, because Republicans won’t have the votes after the midterms. Best they can do is a 50-50 split, advantage Democrats with Kamala Harris the tie-breaking vote.

Some U.S. senators realize that there needs to be change. Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) plans to challenge McConnell for the leadership post, and he’s supported by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rick Scott (R-FL), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Hawley even tweeted: “The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new.” But McConnell says he has the votes and will win the post.

Republicans have won back the House with at least 218 seats. Some project that the GOP will wind up with 222. McCarthy was challenged (briefly) by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) for the speaker’s gavel, but has won the nomination with a vote of 188-31. The 31 votes will make it hard for McCarthy to get to 218 votes on the floor vote come January, so there may yet be some horse-trading.

The second thing to note is that Donald J. Trump has announced that he’s running for president again in 2024.

“In order to make America great and glorious again. I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” Trump said to a crowd of devoted supporters outside of his Mar-a-lago home in Florida.

“But just as I promised in 2016, I am your voice. I am your voice. The Washington establishment wants to silence us, but we will not let them do that. What we have built together over the past six years is the greatest movement in history because it is not about politics. It’s about our love for this great country, America, and we’re not going to let it fail,” he added.

I’ll save my comments for now. There will be plenty of time to discuss Trump.

The one thing I will say is that there is bad blood developing between the Trump and DeSantis camps. I’ve been reading some concerning reports on DeSantis being heavily wooed by the GOPe. That would be a disaster if he ever succumbed to their overtures.

Big League Politics has reported about the RINO globalist mega donors currying favor with DeSantis, cajoling him to run for president in 2024 to upend the America First movement and divert grassroots energies into supporting traditional Republican politics:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is quickly becoming the favorite of the globalist RINO mega donors who want to “move on” from Donald Trump.

Major RINO weenie Paul Ryan is also big on DeSantis. Paul Ryan frittered away a House majority and couldn’t get Obamacare overturned while we had the House, Senate and presidency. He’s not a true conservative.

Finally, there are a lot of bloggers and others who openly fret that our elections are fraudulent and it may not be possible to fix them. Here’s one sample:

In fact, for the past twenty years you could have made a lot of money betting on the Democrat in any election where the vote tally was either delayed or disputed (requiring a recount). Since Democrat Al Franken beat Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota in 2008, when late in the recount enough Franken votes in Democratic Party strongholds were suddenly found to put Franken over the top, the pattern has been repeated over and over again. If the vote is close, suddenly a lot of questionable Democrat ballots are “discovered” and always counted. Or if the vote is close the counting process suddenly slows, or even stops, so that more time is gained to “find” more Democratic Party votes.

And in between elections the Democratic Party has aggressively resisted any reforms that would stop such abuse, with the Republicans only weakly fighting them. Thus, nothing gets fixed, and the abuse becomes more blatant and obvious from election to election, so that we have now reached a point where the Democrats always win these disputed elections. Always. Statistically, this is impossible. The results should go both ways in recounts. They haven’t now for two decades.

In other words, the evidence points to Democratic Party malfeasance that is more and more in control of our government

We’re running out of time to get the system fixed. Can we do it with the new boss being the old boss?

Daily Broadside | Brandon Isn’t the Hero We Need Right Now

Daily Verse | Malachi 4:2
“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.”

Monday’s Reading: Matthew 1-4

It’s October or, as one of the local FM stations I listened to as a kid used to say, “Rrrocktober!” I’m sure radio stations all over the country used to say that but I only heard mine.

We’re also on our way with the last quarter of Bible reading, starting Matthew in the New Testament today. If you’ve been reading through the Bible with us this year, congratulations and stay strong through the finish. Almost there!

A friend of the blog referred me to a quote at the end of The Dark Knight, in which Lt. James Gordon says about Batman, who is on the run:

Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

“So we’ll hunt him. Because he can take it.

“Because he’s not our hero.

“He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector.

“A Dark Knight.”

The meaning of that first sentence is hotly debated in the fanboy subs of Reddit and on Quora. I’m not a Marvel or DC Comics guy so I’m certainly not an authority on the dialogue, but after reading a number of interpretations, I get the impression that the meaning runs along these lines:

Gotham deserves a hero like the Batman who operates with the best interests of the city at heart, even at great personal cost. He’s done more for the city than anyone with a badge, including protecting it from the League and the mob—but he had to do it outside the law, operating at night and “bending” the rules.

What the city needed was Harvey Dent, who was the public face of the results—not Batman. Dent is perceived as having cleaned up the city without breaking the law or sinking to the level of criminals to achieve safety for his citizens. Referred to as the White Knight, Dent “proved” that right prevails over evil (personified in the Joker)—even though he is corrupted by the Joker.

The quote came up in reference to the feeble-brained, mush-mouthed, ethically challenged sock puppet desecrating the White House, who would have you believe that he’s in complete control of his faculties and could still take you out behind the barn and beat you to a pulp without breaking a sweat or his aviators.

I’m talking “Dark Brandon,” as in “Dark Brandon is the hero America deserves but not the one it needs right now,” a distortion of the original quote with the bad guy being referred to as the hero.

Here’s what it means, according to me.

America deserves Dark Brandon for at least three reasons, the first being those who voted for him. I don’t care how much you hated Trump; if you voted for the pathetic little man, you deserve him and the complete wreck he’s making of the place. How are you liking your 401(k) or your home value or the cost of a dozen eggs or a gallon of gas? Enjoying the groomers in your child’s classroom or at the public library? How about the hundreds of illegals being shipped to your small town?

You know some of those voters are thrilled and wave away any concerns. They hate America.

It’s not just those who voted for Brandon that deserve him. It’s also those who didn’t bother voting for Trump. As Hugh Hewitt wrote, If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat. Brandon “won” the general election by 4 percentage points. But in the states that mattered, it was a photo finish as, for example, in Arizona, a traditional Republican stronghold. Brandon beat Trump there by only 10,000 votes—a 0.3% margin that put electoral votes in the Democrat column for only the second time since Truman.

It was close enough to cheat. But if you chose to sit out the election even though you were eligible to vote, Dark Brandon (and the misery he’s inflicting on you) is the hero you deserve.

America has abandoned its institutions to the Left. I’m not sure how, but the cultural Marxists have completed their march through the institutions. Somehow, some way, conservatives gave up on conserving and progressives finally filled the vacuum. (My guess is that it was largely a matter of a religious and virtuous life of duty to God, country and your fellow man being cast aside in the pursuit of wealth and sex and entertainment and a life of ease.)

Well, those institutions conspired to “save” the election of 2020. They admitted it. And those institutions deserve their hero. They own him and everything he’s done to this country. I hope that, some day, they will get their comeuppance for the misery they inflicted on themselves and the rest of us.

The rest of us.

The rest of us are Americans, too. We don’t deserve Dark Brandon. There are still large swaths of the populace who are patriotic and believe in the promise of America. It is they to whom the last half of the quote belongs: “Dark Brandon is the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now.”

The hero we need right now is someone in the mold of Donald J. Trump or Ronald D. DeSantis. Someone who is constitutionally literate. Someone who is unafraid of the Left (or the enemies in his own party). Someone who can give as good as he gets. Someone who governs with common sense. Someone who stand for what is right and good and for the benefit of the American people.

We need someone who is going to take the fight to the swamp. A hero who, like Superman, stands for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

Daily Broadside | Tighten Your Seatbelt Because It’s Getting Rough

Daily Verse | Jonah 4:11
“But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?”

Thursday’s Reading: Micah 1-4

Thursday and deeper we go into the madness foisted on the country by the junta fraudulently installed in Washington through a conspiracy of business and left-wing activists to “fortify” the 2020 election. Don’t @ me, bro. That’s what Time magazine said.

Three weeks ago, the empty suit who can’t string a sentence together without copious amounts of Risperadone stood in front of a national monument symbolizing our founding as a society of free men and labeled anyone who voted for Donald J. Trump as an existential threat to that very society. Remember what he said?

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic…

“And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They do not recognize the will of the people…

And, folks, it is within our power, it’s in our hands — yours and mine — to stop the assault on American democracy.”

That is an invitation to the rest of the country to fear the “MAGA Republicans.” And if you fear something, you’re going to do whatever you need to do to protect yourself from the threat.

Nolte: Man Admits to Killing Teen He Claimed Was ‘Republican Extremist’

Forty-one-year-old Shannon Brandt said he was afraid 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was “part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were ‘coming to get him.’”

So he allegedly killed Ellingson with his car.

After visiting the scene where the incident happened, deputies went to Brandt’s house in Glenfield, ND, which is about 12 minutes from the crash scene. Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.

Court documents say just before the crash, Ellingson called his mom and asked if they knew who Brandt was. She said yes, and told her son she was on her way to pick him up. A short time later, court documents say Ellingson called his mom again to say that “he” or “they” were chasing him. It was after the second call that Ellingson could not be reached again.

Brandt has been charged with vehicular homicide and drunk driving.

You can’t tell me there isn’t a direct correlation between what this man did and what Resident Brandon said three weeks ago. A drunk man killed a teenager because he was afraid of his political party affiliation.

The kind of rhetoric that Brandon employed has been building against conservatives and Republicans for years, whether Maxine Waters encouraging a crowd to tell Trump administration officials, “they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” or Barack Hussein Obama proclaiming disdain for small town Americans who “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion,” or Hillary Clinton who called half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” and “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic,” or Grumpy Brandon who called some conservative Trump supporters “forces of intolerance” and “some of them the dregs of society.”

Brandon doubled-down on his rhetoric again just a week ago during the ironically named “United We Stand” summit.

President Joe Biden on Thursday said that modern day conservatives were part of a “through line of hate” that has been at the root of the American experiment since its inception…

According to Yahoo News, Biden used the summit to reinforce his administration’s false assertion that white supremacist terrorism is the greatest threat to America. As The Post Millennial and other sources have reported, that assertion originated from a government report sampled across only one year, parts of 2018-2019, in which white supremacist extremists were only compared to other homegrown and domestic violent extremists.

Prior to his “through line of hate” remarks, Biden had promised to combat “hate-fueled violence” and said the current threat is rightwing hate in America. He invoked Charlottesville, Trump, and a broader conservative coalition he deemed as threatening. 

“Unfortunately, such hate-fueled violence and threats are not new to America,” Biden said, linking modern conservatives to his through line of hate.

If you’re a conservative, a Christian, want to Make America Great Again, support Donald J. Trump, oppose the current regime, or believe the 2020 election was fraudulent or stolen, then you have a target on your back. You are being intentionally demonized, marginalized and “othered.”

Buckle up.

Daily Broadside | The White House Lied About Prior Knowledge of the Raid and What Else is New?

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 37:2
Neither he nor his attendants nor the people of the land paid any attention to the words the Lord had spoken through Jeremiah the prophet.

Wednesday’s Reading: Jeremiah 40-45

Wednesday and the panty raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home seems to have involved the Brandon White House, even though they lied said they only heard about it through the news, a la tactiks Barack Hussein Obama.

Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump’s estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president’s claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.

The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump’s Florida home.

By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor’s claims to executive privilege, a decision that opened the door for DOJ to get a grand jury to issue a subpoena compelling Trump to turn over any remaining materials he possessed from his presidency.

The machinations are summarized in several memos and emails exchanged between the various agencies in spring 2022, months before the FBI took the added unprecedented step of raiding Trump’s Florida compound with a court-issued search warrant.

Did I say that the White House lied? Why no, no I didn’t. Let me offer an update: THE WHITE HOUSE LIED—and they lied big.

Brandon and his team are ground zero in launching the criminal probe of Donald Trump that ignored two hundred years of precedent and resulted in a denial of executive privilege and the home invasion conducted by the FBI under approval of Merrick Garland, the sulky, rejected SCOTUS nominee.

This is a conspiracy. Not a conspiracy theory, but a true, blue conspiracy. Emphasis on blue.

Brandon and his illegal junta conspired to set Donald Trump up to be raided and indicted. But so much is off about the raid that I wonder if it will hold water. Trump is punching back by demanding a special master (a third-party attorney, i.e. a watchdog) to manage the review of evidence seized from his home by the FBI and that federal investigators’ work related to the evidence is paused until the review is done.

Most of the outlets I read talk about “classified” or “top secret” documents taken in the raid, but as the highest executive in our government, Trump can declassify whatever he wants to.

“The story says the National Archives found the documents had classification markings on them. That doesn’t mean that they were not declassified. All previously classified documents have classification markings on them; it shows they used to be classified. It’s petty bureaucracy at its finest, government simpletons not following a president’s orders to have them marked ‘declassified.’ The president has unilateral authority to declassify documents — anything in government. He exercised it here in full,” Patel explained.

I don’t claim to be a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV. However, even a simpleton like me can see how this looks. It looks like another attempt to GET TRUMP. I don’t know how this will play out, but given the last six years, it’s very hard for me to tamp down my cynicism and see this as just another ploy to keep Trump out of the White House.

Even Liz-ard Cheney said that keeping Trump from becoming president was her goal on the J6 Klown Kommittee, and that’s her goal even now, after being shown the door in Wyoming. She’s also made herself the decider about which other Republicans are “unfit” for office, including Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Ron DeSantis. She has a clear case of TDS and should seek medical intervention.

Trump is a threat not to the United States of America, but to the oligarchy of men and women, like Liz-ard Cheney, who have a stranglehold on our government and want it to remain just the way it is. It’s the Establishment and those who benefit from being a part of it. It’s the trillions of dollars of grift that flow through that Establishment, enriching those “public servants” (*spit*) who feed at the public trough.

You know how much Anthony “I AM THE SCIENCE” Fauxchi will make every year once he steps down in December? Ready? $350,000 per year. $350,000 of our tax money. And that greasy pint-sized Frankenstein secretly and illegally funded gain-of-function research that led to the Chinese Lung Pox that killed millions of people around the world. Then he exercised dictatorial powers over every facet of life here in the US for two years, literally killing people and businesses.

I am not okay with that. Are you? Why Trump didn’t fire that medical midget is beyond me and strikes me as one of the gravest errors of judgment in his presidency.

Brandon and his minions want Trump sidelined and they don’t care how they do it. Cheney and other “conservatives” like her also want Trump out of the picture.

The Mar-a-Lago raid is just one more attempt to make it happen.

Daily Broadside | Pence is the Quintessential Nice Guy, But He’s Not Presidential Material

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 31:19
After I strayed,
    I repented;
after I came to understand,
    I beat my breast.

Tuesday’s Reading: Jeremiah 34-39

Tuesday and there’s more than enough craziness in this country to power my blog for another ten years. Not that I necessarily want to keep cataloging and critiquing our government and the people who run it. I’d much rather that the partisan institutional power brokers are rooted out and we return to some semblance of nonpartisan governance. But that’s not happening anytime soon, and my fear is that we’re right on the cusp of crossing into a socialist society from which we won’t be able to extricate ourselves.

I don’t know Mike Pence at all except what I’ve learned of him in the news and from one of my friends who knows him. As far as I can tell, he’s a solid conservative Christian man of principle (Roman Catholic).

You may remember the outrage over his “I don’t dine alone with a woman not my wife” rule. Virtue Pick (VP) Kamala Harris had a case of the vapors over his approach, disingenuously suggesting that women’s rights suffered from men who ostracized them and limited their opportunities. Of course, when has Kamala been right about anything recently?

The point is that Pence seems like a genuinely nice guy, the kind of even-tempered soul you’d like to visit with over dinner (with both your wives).

Recently, there’s been speculation that Pence may toss his hat in the ring for 2024. For instance, he spoke at St Anselm College in New Hampshire, where would-be presidential candidates sometimes visit. But during his speech, he said something that illustrates why he’s not the right guy for the job.

Are you kidding me? We’re in an existential fight for our existence right now as a constitutional republic and you’re scolding us for criticizing and calling out the manifestly unconstitutional war that the FBI and the DOJ have levied on Donald Trump and, by extension, all of his supporters (and many who loathe the man but loathe the FBI’s off the reservation activities even more)?

Kurt Schlichter and others are warning conservatives off voting for him.

Your problem is that you live on forever in a world that no longer exists, if it ever did. You live in a world where there are norms. You live in a world of rules and guardrails, where the institutions are at least nominally neutral and where we all share some basic premises that provide common ground. But we don’t. They hate America. They hate believing Christians and Jews. They hate the idea of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to due process, and not killing babies three seconds before they poke their heads out. They think kids should be mutilated to conform to gender delusions. They want us normals disarmed, disenfranchised, and, more often than you softies will admit, deceased.

You [and Tim Scott] want to run in 2024, but you think it’s still 2005, and you both talk like a pre-failure Weekly Standard article about “empowerment” and “opportunity.” Buzzwords like that are worse than meaningless in an environment where our basic liberties are under constant assault by these communist bastards. There’s a war on and you people want to sing Kumbaya. That’s why you cannot be allowed anywhere near the levers of power in 2024. 

You just can’t accept what time it is. The FBI, Crusty Joe’s personal Stasi, invades President Trump’s home – they rifle through his wife’s panty drawer – and Tim Scott tells CBS News that we need to wait for all the facts. All the facts? Like the FBI hasn’t spent the last six years trying to frame our president and everyone around him? “Sure, they made up a lot of things in the past to imprison Trump and his staff, but this time it might be totally true – let’s give them the benefit of the doubt!” 

Mike Pence then tells us we need to go easy on the Bureau flunkies who did the deed because, after all, the institution is full of good apples. Yeah, good apples. Where are these good apples? Who’s the guy who quit because he refused to be part of the Democrats’ political hit squad? What’s his name? Jim Jordan says 14 whistleblowers have come forward. Awesome – 14 out of 35,000. That’s a good apple tart, not even a good apple pie, much less a good apple barrel. 

You always want to give the benefit of the doubt to the institutions because to not do so pushes you outside of your comfort zone. You desperately want the system to work. But so do we hardcores. The difference is that our response to the manifest proof that the system is totally broken to the point where only drastic reforms under a ruthless leader like a Trump 2.0 or Ron DeSantis 1.0 can save our country is to accept the harsh reality. We have made peace with the fact that there is nothing left to conserve, that we must loot and pillage and fight to rebuild upon the ruins. 

But you softies, you cannot get your heads around the truth of the situation because to do so would require you to go hard, and going hard is not in your wheelhouse. It’s not your brand. So you simply ignore reality and pretend that it is 20 years ago and that if you are only a good person, good things will happen.

Over at forbes.com, Pence is quoted as saying, “We need to let the facts play out, but more than anything else, the American people need to be reassured in the integrity of our justice system, and the very appearance of a recurrence of politics playing a role in decisions at the Justice Department demands transparency as never before.”

Well, yes. Unfortunately, he’s talking about law and order while we’re watching the emergence of a police state. You really think they’re going to listen to your calls for transparency? The only reassurance some of us will ever accept is if the current Stasi-cum-FBI is demolished, which will take, in part, being defunded.

As much as Mike Pence is likeable as a person, I have to agree with Kurt Schlichter and the others. He can’t be president because he’s part of the problem.

Pence seems like a genuinely nice guy, but I won’t support him for president because as nice as he is, he’s part of the Establishment, and right now we need someone who is not.

Daily Broadside | Trump Takes an Axe to the Tree of NeverTrump RINOs

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 14:7
Although our sins testify against us,
    do something, Lord, for the sake of your name.

Thursday’s Reading: Jeremiah 16-20

Thursday and I had to take a couple of days off for travel without a computer. That kind of MIA will happen again in September, October and November. Thanks for your support and continued interest.

While I was out, Brandon signed into law the legal theft of some $750 billion for a “health care, tax and climate bill” that was called the “Inflation Reduction Act.” It’s not even worth mentioning that it will do nothing to curb inflation, while it does everything to line the pockets of politicians and corporations — and the imperial rulers of our country justify their robbery of American citizens with flat out lies as they push the teetering economy that was once vaunted and strong toward total collapse.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago continues to be in the news as Trump demands that the DOJ and FBI to release the affidavit that “proved” they would find evidence of a crime if they invaded his home. While the DOJ was fine with releasing the warrant and a list of what they took — excluding Trump’s passports! — they’re not so eager to release the affidavit providing the reason why they conducted the raid on a former president and likely 2024 presidential candidate.

Personally I believe that the raid was a line nobody should’ve crossed unless there was credible, significant and irrefutable evidence of a crime, especially with the credibility of our law enforcement agencies in tatters. If they don’t come up with something like I describe, there’s going to be huge trouble.

We’re knocking on the door of a major uprising.

Speaking of uprising — and a few steps back from a shooting war that I’m afraid we’re being drawn toward with the weaponization of our federal institutions — RINO Liz Cheney went down in defeat in her Tuesday primary to Trump-endorsed candidate Harriet Hageman. But she didn’t just lose — she got demolished. Her political career as a “representative” of Wyoming is over, done, terminated, finished, eliminated, destroyed … it’s toast.

With about 95 percent of the vote reporting as of Wednesday morning, Cheney was losing by a whopping 37 points to Harriet Hageman, with Cheney drawing only 28.9 percent of the vote compared to Hageman’s 66.3 percent, according to The New York Times. Hageman was declared the winner early on Tuesday night, and the race was never close by any stretch of the imagination.

She got crushed. But the staggering humiliation she was handed by the voters of Wyoming wasn’t enough to humble her and her hatred of Trump. She is so tone deaf that she likened herself to Abraham Lincoln, noting that he, too, was defeated in his runs for Senate and the house.

“The great original champion of our party, Abraham Lincoln, was defeated in elections for the Senate and the house before he won the most important election of all,” Cheney said. “Lincoln ultimately prevailed. He saved our union and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

Only in her defeat is she anything like Lincoln, and even then, Lincoln lost to Stephen A. Douglas by a vote of 54-46, a separation of only 8 points, not 37. But Liz seems to think the threat of Donald J. Trump is akin to that of our first Civil War, and she is the Lincolnian savior, hinting at a presidential run in 2024.

To that I say: LOL!!!

Liz Cheney will never be president. She won’t even survive the primaries. And that’s if Trump isn’t running. That she thinks so highly of herself and her righteous cause is enough to motivate me to vote her down any time I might have the opportunity. And I know I’m not the only one.

With Cheney’s exit, there are two important things to note.

First, only two of the ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump survived his scorched earth tactics: Rep. David Valadao (California’s 21st district) and Rep. Dan Newhouse (Washington’s 4th district). The other eight either retired or were defeated in their primaries. Like Abraham Cheney.

Second, and perhaps even more important, Trump nearly single-handedly snuffed out four political dynasties in just seven years.

The era of Donald Trump has brought a great many changes to the political world since 2016, and the year 2023 will be no different – the dynasties of Bush, Cheney, McCain, and Clinton will hold no quarter in either statewide or national office.

With the defeat of Liz Cheney in the Wyoming Republican congressional primary on Tuesday, the franchise dynasties that have dominated the U.S. political landscape going all the way back to the 1970s came to a crashing halt.

Whether or not the Republican Party takes control of Congress in November’s mid-term election, come January 23, there will be no politician by name of Bush, Cheney, McCain, or Clinton in the halls of Congress, the White House, or even on the state level.

This is very good news. Every one of those families were part of imperial establishment who really did no lasting good for the American people. Kurt Schlichter pulls no punches in his takedown of Cheney and the others.

And [Cheney’s] grotesque daughter was right on brand by joining the Democrats for a kangaroo kommittee that would have made Stalin blush. Her destruction of the norm of due process by putting out a TV-ready show trial with no possibility of the confrontation of witnesses, cross-examination, or counter-arguments did more damage to America than a few hundred selfie-takers in the Rotunda ever could. And this FBI raid? Chalk up the new “Sic the dogs on the previous guy” norm to the Lizard. Congratulations on making the Roman Empire great again, Lizzy, you historically illiterate mediocrity who would be nagging middle schoolers to use their inside voices if your daddy hadn’t hitched his wagon to the Bush dynasty. 

What have they created? Nothing. Instead, they wreck and think themselves special.

Don’t get me wrong; the defeat of the NeverTrump brigades won’t magically turn this nation around. Neither will Trump, although he’s got the best shot of doing so (unless DeSantis runs — then all bets are off). But getting rid of these RINOs and unprincipled men and women who won’t stand against the swamp they are a part of is an excellent first step.

Now we need to take back the House, Senate and, in 2024, the White House.

Daily Broadside | Garland Owns Raid Decision, FBI Too Corrupt to Exist Any Longer

Daily Verse | Isaiah 66:2
“These is the one I esteem:
    he who is humble and contrite in spirit,
    and trembles at my word.”

Friday’s Reading: Jeremiah 1-3
Saturday’s Reading: Jeremiah 4-6

Friday and we’re already hitting the middle of August. The days are hurtling by on the road to November and our last chance to right the ship before 2024.

So Attorney General Merrick Garland made a rare statement yesterday and took responsibility for approving the raid on President Trump’s personal residence on Monday.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said he “personally approved” the decision to seek a search warrant for former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago, saying the Justice Department has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and property receipt from the FBI’s raid, amid “substantial public interest” in the matter, while defending the “integrity” of law enforcement officials.

The raid was outrageous not just for its brazen disregard of historical precedent, or for the reported purpose of recovering potentially “classified” materials that Trump had (even though the FBI had already seen everything that he had), or even for the overkill of sending 40 agents to swarm Trump’s home.

No, the real outrage is in the selective application of enforcement and the absolutely appalling corruption that exists in agencies like the FBI, putting the lie to Garland’s defense of the “integrity” of the agency. The FBI in particular and our law enforcement institutions in general have become much too large, much to unaccountable, and much too smug.

They are a danger to the republic.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, once so popular it had its own TV show solely dedicated to its heroics, has become a hyper-politicized, jackbooted bully that no longer serves the American people or the U.S. Constitution, which its employees are sworn to protect. It has become, instead, the intelligence arm and domestic enforcer of the far left.

Did we say defund? Yes. But we don’t mean simply to cut its funding, as leftists have disastrously proposed for police forces across the country. We mean tear down the entire rotting edifice of the FBI and replacing it with a new agency that respects the Constitution and holds itself accountable to all Americans, not just the woke far left.

The Editorial Board of Issues & Insights isn’t the only group calling for a complete dismantling of the FBI. See Kyle Shideler’s recent essay at American Greatness, “For the Rule of Law to Reign, the Bureau Must Be Destroyed.”

Nevertheless, the FBI must be abolished.

The solution to the abuses we now endure is not just to subject the FBI to another fruitless inspector general investigation but to dismantle it completely. The bureau cannot be the focus of yet another congressional hearing. FBI Director Christopher Wray, like his predecessors, is more than happy to sit smirking while a handful of grandstanding congressmen and senators pound the table and yell on C-SPAN. Then he’ll jet off for a holiday vacation on a taxpayer-funded private jet while the same congressmen vote to increase his budget. Again.

No, the FBI must be rendered into component parts and distributed to the four winds…

…The FBI’s actions over the past six years make perfectly clear that the FBI is more than willing to serve as the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. It serves as its patron’s shield in matters large and small. It exonerated Hillary Clinton for her illicit server. It raided James O’Keefe and Project Veritas when Joe Biden’s daughter lost her diary. It eliminated investigation into Black Lives Matter and other black identity extremists because those pursuits annoyed the Democrats’ Congressional Black Caucus. It refuses even to utter the word “Antifa” while churches and pregnancy centers are fire-bombed. It continues to cover up for Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with enemy nations, along with his indulgence in criminal prostitution and drug abuse.

But the FBI has also served as the Democrats’ sword as well. It knowingly laundered the Russian collusion hoax, lying in order to secure FISA warrants. It ambushed the president’s sitting national security advisor in a nonsense perjury trap. The FBI hunts down January 6 protesters while dodging congressional inquiries about the role of federal agents in provoking the incident. The FBI ginned up a fake kidnapping plot in Michigan to instill fear of right-wing terrorism, manhandled the former president’s lawyer, and shackled one of his former high-level aides.

And it has now raided the former president’s home under a mere pretext, while the Democrats openly crow on cable news about using a political prosecution to prevent Trump from ever again being able to serve in office.

That’s what makes the raid on Trump so impossibly outrageous: the flagrant double standard the FBI and any number of other agencies flaunt in our faces. They don’t even pretend to be impartial and even-handed. In fact, they seem to revel in the fact that they’re only serving one team.

It’s been going on for years.

Did former president Clinton’s National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, who stuffed documents down his pants and in his socks, walked out of the National Archives with them, and lied about doing so, get raided by the FBI to recover any other potentially “classified” materials? No, he got fined and two years’ probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material.

Unlike Berger, Trump was the president, the chief executive and, as such, could declassify any documents he wanted. But the FBI decides to raid his home.

Victor Davis Hanson, one of my favorite essayists, puts it just as bluntly as the others:

The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.  

Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first. 

A massive phalanx of FBI agents swooped into the Trump residence while he was not home, to confiscate his personal property, safe, and records. All of this was over an archival dispute of presidential papers common to many former presidents. Agents swarmed the entire house, including the wardrobe closet of the former first lady. 

Note we are less than 90 days out from a midterm election, and this was not just a raid, but a political act. 

An October surprise in August. I wonder what they have planned for October?

The FBI interferes with and warps national elections. It hires complete frauds as informants who are far worse than its targets. It humiliates or exempts government and elected officials based on their politics. It violates the civil liberties of individual American citizens. 

The FBI’s highest officials now routinely mislead Congress. They have erased or altered court and subpoenaed evidence. They illegally leak confidential material to the media. And they have lied under oath to federal investigators.

It’s time to dismantle the FBI, tear out the studs, dig up the foundation and salt the earth where it once stood. There is no reforming it.

And Trump may be just the guy to do it because, well … this, which he and his team released the day after the raid.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | There’s A Lot About the Raid That Really Doesn’t Make Sense

Daily Verse | Isaiah 62:12
They will be called the Holy People,
    the Redeemed of the Lord;
and you will be called Sought After,
    the City No Longer Deserted.

Thursday’s Reading: Isaiah 63-66

Thursday and the FBI’s panty raid on Trump’s personal residence keeps getting weirder and weirder. As disturbing as it is, Very Important People are disavowing any foreknowledge of the event and the pretext for the raid itself is beginning to look shaky.

The first black LBGTQ+ spokespyrson insists that Brandon only learned about the raid from the newspapers (just like Barack Hussein Obama did with many of his scandals, including the Fast & Furious gun-running operation).

If that’s true, then heads should roll, don’t you think? I mean, they didn’t give the current Resident a heads up that they were going to raid his predecessor’s—and likely future opponent’s—home?!? For the first time in American history? Breaking with 250 years of precedent?


Oh, and even Merrick Garland supposedly didn’t know about the raid. “Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it.

Here’s the rest of the stuff that is looking hinky at this point.

  1. The judge who approved the warrant, Bruce E. Reinhart, is a former US Attorney who went to work for Jeffrey Epstein in the middle of the investigation, donated $2,000 to Barack Hussein Obama’s presidential campaign and PAC, and was appointed a Federal Magistrate. Nothing here that would suggest bias!
  2. The FBI was ostensibly looking for classified materials that Trump took with him after leaving office. Sources also said National Archives and Records Administration referred the case to the Justice Department, which recovered 15 boxes of classified materials from the home.  But the FBI had already looked through the boxes back in May and had not taken anything then.
  3. I they were looking for classified documents, then they were looking in the wrong place because “we’ve known for months now that the documents in question were already declassified by then-President Trump,” according to Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official.
  4. That Trump had the documents may have been the result of an administrative error outside of his team. “A legal source said that the boxes had been packed up by the General Services Administration and shipped to Mar-a-Lago when Trump left office in January 2020.

In the same Newsweek article above that distances Garland from the raid:

The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI’s deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.

FBI decision-makers in Washington and Miami thought that denying the former president a photo opportunity or a platform from which to grandstand (or to attempt to thwart the raid) would lower the profile of the event, says one of the sources, a senior Justice Department official who is a 30-year veteran of the FBI.

The effort to keep the raid low-key failed: instead, it prompted a furious response from GOP leaders and Trump supporters. “What a spectacular backfire,” says the Justice official.

The article goes on to say, “some 10-15 boxes of documents were removed from the premises. Donald Trump said in a statement that the FBI opened his personal safe as part of their search. Trump attorney Lindsey Halligan, who was present during the multi-hour search, says that the FBI targeted three rooms—a bedroom, an office and a storage room. That suggests that the FBI knew specifically where to look.”

They fail to mention that they also went through Melania’s wardrobe, which apparently wasn’t targeted, yet they specifically looked there.


The FBI needs to be disbanded and defunded. As does the DOJ and the IRS because what we’re witnessing is the centralization and consolidation of power in the hands of an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy—exactly what the separation of powers that our Founders so wisely created was intended to prevent.

I’ll say it again: America as founded is dead. There isn’t any going back; you can’t undo what has now been done. The Democrats are the enemy of the people and must be destroyed at the voting booth. As I wrote yesterday, it’s important that the Right doesn’t respond violently to the provocation.

If New York Times reporting is right — and they never err on the side of being soft on Trump — then this raid was over documents the National Archives thinks Trump should not have, or perhaps classified documents in his possession. That is not something the FBI raids major political candidates over — See, In Re Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. See, In Re J6.

It’s a distressing time to be a patriot but be patriots we must.