Daily Broadside | Our Only Option is to Go Scorched Earth on the Democrats in 2022 and 2024

Daily Verse | Isaiah 58:4
You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.

Wednesday’s Reading: Isaiah 60-62

Wednesday and the audacious attack on Trump under the flimsiest of legal cover in our multi-tiered system of justice continues to astound and shock. Any illusions that America as founded still exists was shattered with this latest in-your-face jackbooted stomping of precedent and the rule of law.

How anyone can still believe we’re not at least approaching DEFCON 3 is beyond me. If sabotaging 2016’s election results with the Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion hoax, the two counterfeit impeachment trials, the rigged and stolen election of 2020, the January 6 Reichstag fire and illegal sham trials haven’t convinced you that unconstitutional covert operations designed to short-circuit our liberties are being run out of formerly trusted institutions, I’m not sure what will.

What makes this even worse is who hasn’t been raided by the DOJ and its mini me, the FBI.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden: The FBI has been in possession of Hunter’s laptop since 2019, which contains evidence that Hunter used Joe’s position to conduct lucrative foreign business. He also cut his dad into deals and commingled their funds.

Hillary Clinton: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on a private server she likely used to hide efforts to use her office to raise money for her family’s foundation. She was infamously excused by the FBI…

Black Lives Matter: Amid evidence that the left-wing group has been abusing its charitable status, even liberal states issued warnings to the group. But though the movement’s scope is nationwide, the FBI or DOJ have yet to do anything about it…

By contrast, Trump allies past and present — such as Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and others — have been subjected to spectacular raids, often leaked to friendly media ahead of time, over relatively minor or unrelated allegations.

I’ve warned for years now that we were heading toward Civil War 2.0. The unprecedented invasion of a former president’s and most likely future presidential candidate’s and current private citizen’s home on the pretext of searching for “classified” documents from his time as president pushes us a great deal further toward that eventuality.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that was part of the calculus involved in planning the raid. The great danger is that some far-right activists or MEAL Team 6-types will take the provocation as permission to plot a counterattack. But as one of my favorite bloggers and pastors, Douglas Wilson, wrote in a discussion about this very thing,

“And so the takeaway lesson for conservatives is: don’t take the bait. Under no circumstances should we take the bait. I think I may have mentioned before that we should not take the bait.”

You should read the whole thing and you should also not take the bait. So should the extremes on the Right.

What we can do is really the only thing legally permissible right now, and that is to vote out the grifting ankle-biting dead weights who are part of the problem, who say they’re Republicans but act like Democrats. People like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and any of the 14 House Republicans and 15 Senate Republicans who voted to interfere with our Second Amendment right to bear arms because teenage criminals don’t obey our laws.

Fortunately, voting them out that seems to be happening, especially in races with Trump-endorsed candidates.

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.), one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump last year, has conceded in her tough primary contest against Joe Kent. Kent is a Green Beret endorsed by the former president and is expected to advance in Washington state’s all-party primary…

Herrera Beutler, who voted to impeach Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, would be the third such House Republican to lose in a primary this year, joining Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.), who was defeated last week and, Rep. Tom Rice (S.C.), who lost last month. Two Republicans have advanced — both from all-party primaries: Rep. Dan Newhouse (Wash.) and Rep. David G. Valadao (Calif.). Four others decided not to seek reelection.

The final House Republican to face a primary is Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who will go before voters Aug. 16. She faces a challenger running to her right who is backed by Trump.

I don’t believe that we can simply vote our way out of this but, apart from the unmentionable, it’s the only option we have right now. To some degree, it’s being effective. And at least one observer thinks the Deep State’s days are numbered:

But even if the Deep State were to succeed, they have already burnt their bridges by creating this precedent. The path is now wide open for either a returning President Trump or a newly minted President DeSantis to investigate Joe “The Big Guy” Biden and his possible history of pay for play. What a rich target, given Hunter’s lack of discretion about how the family became so wealthy on a government salary. Ditto for Nancy “I Rip Up State of the Union Addresses” Pelosi, the most amazing investor in stock market history. And what about those sexual harassment charges against old Joe?  No more “let the defeated opposition party leave town in peace” after they lose an election. When you play this high-stakes game, you had better come with very clean hands. While Trump may have been too much of a Mr. Nice Guy when it came to prosecuting his opponents, Gov. DeSantis can play hardball with the best of them.

Couple that with the ascendancy of conservative lawmakers and you have the makings of a tool that can be used to pry the shadow government out of its hole. And then whack it over the head.

The Democrats have demonized half the country’s voters for the last decade or more, with Barack Hussein Obama starting the practice with his “bitter clingers” epithet, followed by Hillary’s “deplorables” comment, and Brandon’s “dregs of society” insult. We’ve suffered their slights with patience, believing (perhaps naively) that we’d eventually have our say.

It could be coming, starting with the mid-terms and following it up with a strong showing in 2024. But the victories must be decisive and overwhelming. They must absolutely wreck the Democrat Party of Soviet Suck-ups. And we must put people in place who are willing to go scorched earth on those players and organizations that have acted like the tyrants they are.

After the raid at his home, Trump posted a video that captures what a majority of us are probably feeling.

I’ll leave Paula Bolyard with the final word.

Now that we see clearly what the problem is, where do we go from here? Sure, we can peacefully protest, send angry emails, or post diatribes on social media, but that’s not going to fix the problems that are eating away at our republic. The answer lies in winning elections. Decisively. First the midterms and then the White House in 2024. As I wrote last week, Trump did the country a great service by exposing the deep state and making Americans aware of the corruption within our government. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to drain the swamp — in part because it was constantly investigating him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last week dropped a political bomb on the ruling class by suspending woke Hillsborough County state attorney Andrew Warren, who had announced he would refuse to enforce Florida laws he didn’t like. Once we regain control of the White House and Congress, this should be our template going forward.

Daily Broadside | FBI Goes Full KGB in Raid on Trump Mar-a-Lago Home

Daily Verse | Isaiah 57:21
“There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Isaiah 58-59

It’s Tuesday and Monday, August 8, may very well go down in history as the defining moment that irreversibly destroyed our nation.

The unprecedented, unannounced raid on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home by our politicized law enforcement agencies drives home the reality that we no longer live in a country governed by equality under the law, but in a tin-pot dictatorship led by a corrupt cabal of powerful elitists who rule by selective intimidation and force.

There is no difference between what happened yesterday and the activities of the KGB in the former Soviet Union. This is all about destroying the political enemies of those in power.

Are our Norms now restored? Are the Adults back in charge? Are we happy with our current State of Affairs?

Here’s the Trumped-Up Charges that the FBI is angling to stick Trump with (my emphasis):

Early reports that the F.B.I. search of former President Donald J. Trump’s residence in Florida related to an investigation into whether he had unlawfully taken government files when he left the White House focused attention on an obscure criminal law barring removal of official records. The penalties for breaking that law include disqualification from holding any federal office.

Because Mr. Trump is widely believed to be preparing to run for president again in 2024, that unusual penalty raised the prospect that he might be legally barred from returning to the White House.

Specifically, the law in question — Section 2071 of Title 18 of the United States Code — makes it a crime if someone who has custody of government documents or records “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys” them.

If convicted, defendants can be fined or sentenced to prison for up to three years. In addition, the statute says, if they are currently in a federal office, they “shall forfeit” that office, and they shall “be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

On its face, then, if Mr. Trump were to be charged and convicted of removing, concealing or destroying government records under that law, he would seem to be ineligible to become president again.

This is today’s FBI: find some obscure law and conduct an illegal daylight raid to accuse a political opponent of a crime that would put them in prison for three years and disqualify them from ever holding any office in the United States.

How conVEEEEnient!

Funny how political persecution seems to only go one way in this country: against conservatives and Republicans.

This event will please the progressive Left and anger the conservative and, perhaps moderate, Right. This seems like a violation of decency and precedent. Donald J. Trump, while he has his faults, has endured more political persecution for the last 7 years than any other president. And he’s not even in office anymore, for peetsake!

Still, they persisted.

The forces arrayed against him include the unelected bureaucrats in the U.S. government, the Deep State operatives that infest our unelected alphabet agencies, the Democrat mouthpieces known as the Lame Stream Media, and any number of institutions that are saturated by cultural Marxists. In fact, they all worked together to “fortify” the 2020 presidential election against DJT and literally bragged about it in a national magazine.

Trump is, as usual, unbowed (Truth Social account necessary).

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.

The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level!

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House.

I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.

I will continue to fight for the Great American People!

What makes this so maddening is the clear double-standards that are in place. Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and dozens more hive scum in Washington D.C. break laws and skate all the time.

We all see it. The risk here is that this (intentional) provocation could send the Deplorables over the edge and we could have another January 6 event, which would give the bastards the justification to crack down even more. (Although, the way it’s going, I’ll bet in the not-too-distant future they won’t even search for a justification—they’ll just crack down to “prevent” some made-up crisis they tell us they’re averting.)

Don’t react.

Instead, stay calm.

And keep your powder dry.

Then vote for Donald J. Trump in 2024 as a giant rebuke to the out-of-control government leviathan.

Daily Broadside | Bombshell Email Reveals Who the “Big Guy” Really Is

Daily Verse | Isaiah 22:16
What are you doing here and who gave you permission to cut out a grave for yourself here, hewing your grave on the height and chiseling your resting place in the rock?

Friday’s Reading: Isaiah 24-27
Saturday’s Reading: Isaiah 28-30

Happy Friday and welcome to my last post for July 2022.

As I’ve written before, one of the biggest challenges writing this blog is that I run into limitations on my time when I’m required to be away and that’s happening again. I will be without access to the Internet next week, so the Daily Broadside will be on hiatus until August 8. I’m working on a solution to that dilemma, but not sure how it will eventually work out.

Before I sign off for the next week, I need to point out that we no longer have a fair and impartial system of justice but have rather a two-tiered system; one for the ruling elites and their people, and another for the peasants.

It’s not hard to find examples: how about Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server that she used to illegally bypass our governmental system, potentially exposing classified information or top-secret documents to our enemies, especially China? Instead of being punished, James Comey let her skate with nothing more than a harsh rebuke. Anyone lesser—a Republican, maybe—who had done something like that would have faced criminal charges and been fined or imprisoned, or both.

How about Adam Schiff-for-Brains and his outright lies about the “evidence” he claimed to have that proved Trump colluded with Russia? Or Anthony Fauci’s claims that NIH never funded gain-of-function research?

If you or I lied to Congress we’d face the consequences, including jail time. Our dear leaders, however, continue to draw paychecks and lead institutions that investigate fake insurrections or demand universal compliance with virus protocols that destroy people’s lives.

Enter Hunter Biden.

On Thursday, Miranda Devine reported that the same day the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop (in 2020), including an email “from an executive at the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, thanking Hunter for introducing him to Hunter’s then-VP ­father in Washington” …

… panicked phone calls and messages started flying between Hunter’s business partners and their advisers, even as social media giants Facebook and Twitter moved to censor the story and lock The Post’s account, while candidate Biden went into hiding.

That was because the email undermined Brandon’s claim that he didn’t know anything about Hunter’s overseas business dealings, which put his presidential campaign in jeopardy.

But whistleblowers have now shared emails with congressional investigators in which one of Hunter’s business associates, James Gilliar, unambiguously calls Joe Biden “the Big Guy.”

“It would be crazy to do that with all the information and all the facts we have [but what happens if] they try to make it ‘Oh, we were never involved. That was [Joe Biden’s brother] James’ idea . . . and try to basically make us collateral damage?” the person asks Gilliar in a message provided by a whistleblower to Republican congressional investigators and obtained by The Post.

Gilliar is unconcerned about potential backlash from the Biden family and Joe’s campaign: “I don’t see how that would work for them,” he replies.

“I think in the scenario that he wins they would just leave sleeping dogs lie.

“If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”

The communication, obtained by The Post Wednesday, is significant because it bolsters the claim by ex-Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski that the Big Guy was a code name for Joe Biden.

The only person positioned to “win” or “lose” a campaign at that moment was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

The reason the identity of the “Big Guy” is important is because it adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that Joe Biden not only knew about Hunter’s international influence-peddling scheme, but allegedly was cut in for a slice of the profits.

In an email written by Gilliar to Hunter on May 13, 2017, the “Big Guy” was allocated a 10% stake in a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

“10 [percent] held by H[unter] for the Big Guy,” Gilliar wrote.

The evidence that Hunter Biden and his father are corrupt, grifting leaches on the body politic has been building for years. Now we’ve got strong evidence that the “Big Guy” is, in fact, Joe Brandon.


Where is the DOJ? The FBI?

Why hasn’t Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the overwhelming evidence we now have?

Didn’t “whistleblowers” cause the whole of Washington, D.C. to jump all over President Donald J. Trump on the thinnest of pretexts? Didn’t a whistleblower lead to his impeachment?

Where is the urgency to root out the corruption and self-dealing of U.S. presidents that Congress and the DOJ showed during the last administration? Aren’t they still concerned about our precious (*spit*) democracy?

No, they’re not concerned about any of that because Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the right people. Donald J. Trump is the wrong people.

Imagine if the situation was reversed: Donald J. Trump is still in the White House but the evidence the Post has concerns Donald J. Trump, Jr. Do you have any doubt that Congress, the FBI, the DOJ and every other alphabet agency would be all over it like white on rice?

I don’t.

If any of what we now know about the Biden’s is true (and there’s very little reason to doubt it is) then it raises all kinds of questions about just how beholden Biden and his son are to the Chinese or to the Ukrainians. Is Biden making policy decisions based on the money he got or is still getting? How much money did Biden make off Hunter’s deals with the Ukrainians or the Chinese while Vice President of the United States? What do the Chinese or the Ukrainians hold over him or Hunter?

The answers to these questions potentially rise to the level of treason and betrayal—certainly to an abuse of office—and there’s a lot more evidence that Biden personally profited from the corruption than what was cited as an excuse to impeach Trump.

No, the system of justice has been weaponized by the progressive elites—especially the Democrats—to punish their political enemies, while they themselves get away with crimes that under a fair and impartial system would remove them from power.

It’s part of the corruption that has moved our country away from a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And that has a lot of normal Americans wondering what it’s going to take to restore our rightful form of government.

Have a good week. I’ll see you August 8.

Daily Broadside | Most People Don’t Want a Rematch in 2024, But The Majority Don’t Like Where We Are Now

Daily Verse | Ecclesiastes 7:10
Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

Thursday’s Reading: Song of Songs 1-8

Happy Thursday, my friends.

Dots? Those aren’t “dots” — those are stains. Stains on the beauty and promise of America.

Fortunately, normal Americans — including many independents, and even some of the blue-stained Americans — are preparing to send a massive rebuke this fall.

One and a half years since President Joe Biden took office, Americans give President Biden a negative 31 – 60 percent job approval rating, the lowest score of his presidency, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today.

Republicans (94 – 2 percent) and independents (67 – 23 percent) disapprove, while Democrats approve (71 – 18 percent).

Registered voters give President Biden a negative 33 – 59 percent job approval rating, his lowest approval rating among registered voters in a Quinnipiac University national poll.

Americans were asked about President Biden’s handling of…
• the response to the coronavirus: 50 percent approve, while 43 percent disapprove;
• the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: 40 percent approve, while 52 percent disapprove;
• foreign policy: 36 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
• gun violence: 32 percent approve, while 61 percent disapprove;
• the economy: 28 percent approve, while 66 percent disapprove.

Republicans loathe Brandon, while Independents aren’t far behind. Blue-haired, nose-ringed beta weenies who don’t know what a woman is still think he’s fab.

Roughly 7 in 10 Americans (71 percent) say they would not like to see Joe Biden run for president in 2024, while 24 percent say they would like to see him seek a second term. Among Democrats, 54 percent say they would not like to see Biden run in 2024, while 40 percent say they would.

More than 6 in 10 Americans (64 percent) say they would not like to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024, while 32 percent say they would like to see him run. Among Republicans, 69 percent say they would like to see Trump run in 2024, while 27 percent say they would not.

America doesn’t like either Brandon or Trump. But if Trump is the eventual Republican nominee, I will crawl naked over broken glass to vote for him. I would prefer mean tweets and $1.98 gas over the “undistinguished, comically malevolent, supererogatory, opportunistic” empty suit currently masquerading as the Resident (thank you, Michael Walsh).

Then there’s the most recent CNN poll:

Americans question President Joe Biden’s priorities in new CNN polling released Monday that highlighted widespread displeasure with the direction the country is heading.

The latest CNN poll showed that 68% of U.S. adults believe Biden’s priorities are wrong and that the president hasn’t paid enough attention to critical issues facing Americans, like the economy and inflation. This is up 10% from November 2021, when the data was last tracked, according to the poll.
– – – – – – – –
The data showed that 79% of Americans said the U.S. is doing “pretty or very badly,” and 34% said it is doing “very badly.” Only one percent of U.S. adults believe the country is doing “very well,” and only 21% think it’s doing “very or fairly well,” according to the poll.

Comparatively, in June 2019, the poll showed that 18% of U.S. adults felt the country was doing “very well,” and 57% said the U.S. was doing “very or fairly well.”

When respondents were asked how the country is fairing economically, only one percent of U.S. adults said it is doing “very good,” and 18% said it was doing “good,” the data showed. Over 80% of Americans told the poll the economic conditions in the U.S. were “poor,” and 41% said they were “very poor.”

In May 2019, the poll reported that almost 30% of U.S. adults said the economy was “very good,” and 70% said the U.S. had a good economy.

Note that in May and June 2019, the president was Donald J. Trump. Now, a year-and-a-half into Brandon’s residency, “U.S. inflation climbed 9.1% over the past 12 months since Biden told Americans on July 19, 2021, that the rising costs facing Americans would be temporary.”

American is back, baby!

In addition to Brandon’s cratering ratings, Trump is racking up the victories in endorsements. His record is 147-10 this year, and he’s been perfect in 22 states. The latest win was his endorsement of Dan Cox in the Maryland primaries over current anti-Trump governor Larry Hogan’s hand-picked successor, Kelly Schulz, in the Republican gubernatorial primary.

This may be the way to defeat the GOP career elitists who sit on their ample bottoms in Washington, D.C. and lift nary a finger to fight the Democrats — primary by primary, placing MAGA candidates in positions of power and getting them to D.C., where, if Trump is reelected, he’d have an army of Congresscritters to help him implement an America-first agenda.

That’s not to say that I prefer Trump as my candidate, by the way. I’d love to see Ron DeSantis throw his hat in the ring. But if it is Trump … I will do the needful.

Daily Broadside | If You Believe the 2020 Election Was Righteous, You Won’t Believe It Now

Daily Verse | Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Tuesday’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 1-6

Happy Tuesday, my friends.

The wheels of justice turn slowly here in the U.S., but turn they do, especially when there aren’t Democrats or progressive Marxist activists involved. After 20 months of calling any dispute over the 2020 presidential election “the Big Lie,” evidence that the Democrats and Joe Biden acolytes are “the Big Liars” is being documented amid revelations from courts and investigative bodies including, believe it or not, the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

John Solomon at Just the News (via American Greatness):

But with each passing day, new irregularities, security vulnerabilities and illegalities are being unmasked by bombshell revelations from courts, legislators and other investigative bodies like the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

The latest came last week when the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared that state election regulators had no legal authority to allow voters to cast ballots in mobile drop boxes, a jaw-dropping decision that invalidated the way tens of thousands of voters — many of them Democrats — cast their ballots,

From Phoenix to Detroit, and Madison to Austin, there are now nearly two dozen credible confirmations of problems that undercut the claims of bureaucrats, journalists and Democrats that the November 2020 general election was perfect. In fact, it was quite imperfect.

You don’t say.

You Don’t Say.


See, when I questioned the outcome of the election, I was told, rather forcefully, that people were so sick of Trump that a record 81 MILLION OF THEM voted for Biden, the mendacious, racist political mediocrity who was on the wrong side of every issue during his career in the Senate, whose former boss told us not to underestimate his ability “to f*** things up,” and who couldn’t draw a crowd of more than a dozen at any “rally” he held during the campaign, who slurred his speech, was gaffe-prone, and hid after calling “a lid” at 1:00 p.m. every day.

No way.

When people don’t have a candidate they’re enthused about, they don’t vote. They aren’t motivated by the other team’s candidate to vote for their own. That’s why I don’t believe Biden got 81 million votes.

And now we’re beginning to find out where those “81 million” votes came from.

As American Greatness writes, “Just The News has compiled a comprehensive list of 21 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, with many of them coming from the handful of key swing states that ultimately determined the outcome of the race.”

Here are my top five of the 21:

ONE: The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled July 8 that “ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 election were illegal and harmed Wisconsin voters.” That means that the 570 drop boxes that received hundreds of thousands of votes were “were unlawfully approved by the Wisconsin Election Commission,” and every single vote that passed through those drop boxes are invalid (both Democrat (and Republican — ha!)). Trump lost Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes.

TWO: Hunter Biden’s laptop was a case of election interference. Solomon writes that more than “50 national security experts, countless news organizations and large social media firms falsely told American voters in fall 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop with damning revelations about Biden family corruption was Russian disinformation. In fact, it was a legitimate laptop already in the FBI’s possession, and Hunter Biden was already under criminal investigation before voters cast their 2020 ballots. The false narrative had significant impact: polling shows a majority of American voters believe the pre-election censorship of the story amounted to election interference,

THREE: 50,000 ballots in Arizona have been called into question after an extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate, “including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.”

FOUR: Given the narrow margins of victory and defeat, a not insignificant number of foreigners and other non-citizens were found on the ballot rolls in Texas (12,000), Georgia, and Wisconsin after audits.

FIVE: Ballot harvesting (a vote collection operation) in nursing homes in Wisconsin, along with a massive operation in Georgia, where an unidentified whistleblower said harvesters were paid $10 per ballot. Clearly illegal activity.

The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. (Proverbs 18:17)

I don’t know where any of this goes but, at the very least, no one can say with a straight face that the 2020 election was free from fraud.

Daily Broadside | Back in the Saddle Edition

Daily Verse | Proverbs 8:13
To fear the Lord is to hate evil.

Tuesday’s Reading: Proverbs 10-13

Happy Tuesday and welcome back, me!

My family and I had a good two-week vacation to the east coast where we spent time in the sun and surf off of South Carolina. The more time we spend there the more we think we’d like to live there someday.

Someday. But not today.

My thanks to Bruce Gust for his engaging and upbeat writing on A Biblical Approach to Politics. I’m blessed to have him as a long-time friend and brother in Christ who comes at life in much the same way I do. I’m hoping you found his thinking and insight as helpful to you as I did.

So, did anything happen while I was out?


Bruce mentioned one of the main developments in the opening to his blog post yesterday that happened right after I left: the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and sending the matter of abortion back to the states.

I won’t rehash the news here except to note that it’s particularly mesmerizing to watch the progressive leviathan writhe in agony when political or cultural decisions don’t go their way, thrashing in the extremes and then, once the cameras are off, standing up and going back to what they do best: criticizing and destroying anything good and noble out of their hatred for anything we’d consider normal.

Are women really going to “die” if a State prohibits abortion? Nope. Pregnancy is not a disease and abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother. Are States that prohibit abortion “forcing” women to carry their pregnancy to term? Nope. The body does that. Pregnancy is a naturally-occurring process that, based on the current world population, has happened at least 8 billion times. Killing a baby in utero is unnatural and used to be considered an appalling crime against humanity.

Let’s just call abortion what it is: after-the-fact contraception.

Let’s also call Roe v. Wade what it was: a wrongly decided, unconstitutional court case wielding nothing but “raw judicial power” that invented a right — and the law to support it — out of whole cloth. Or, as Samuel Alito put it, writing for the majority:

Not only was there no support for such a constitutional right until shortly before Roe, but abortion had long been a crime in every single State. At common law, abortion was criminal in at least some stages of pregnancy and was regarded as unlawful and could have very serious consequences at all stages. American law followed the common law until a wave of statutory restrictions in the 1800s expanded criminal liability for abortions. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, three-quarters of the States had made abortion a crime at any stage of pregnancy, and the remaining States would soon follow …

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives …

Roe found that the Constitution implicitly conferred a right to obtain an abortion, but it failed to ground its decision in text, history, or precedent. It relied on an erroneous historical narrative; it devoted great attention to and presumably relied on matters that have no bearing on the meaning of the Constitution; it disregarded the fundamental difference between the precedents on which it relied and the question before the Court; it concocted an elaborate set of rules, with different restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy, but it did not explain how this veritable code could be teased out of anything in the Constitution, the history of abortion laws, prior precedent, or any other cited source; and its most important rule (that States cannot protect fetal life prior to ‘viability’) was never raised by any Opinion of the Court party and has never been plausibly explained.

A lot of people kept up the fight against abortion for these last 50 years. I remember my youth pastor going to protest at abortion clinics back in the 80s. Those who fought the monstrosity called “abortion” for decades deserve the greatest share of the credit for Roe’s demise.

But there’s another person who deserves great credit, and that is president-in-exile Trump. No matter what you think of him — and opinions vary widely on both sides of the aisle — he said he’d put originalists on the court, and he did. Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett were all appointed by Trump, and all three were key to overturning Roe v. Wade.

Who would have thought it? A big-city billionaire who turned out to be the most pro-life president in history. And his legacy, should he come to the end of his life having served only one term, will live on in the lives of millions who are born as a result of this historic decision made possible by his appointments.

Daily Broadside | New Holiday’s Origins Are Rooted in the Bible

Daily Verse | Psalm 53:1
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

Monday’s Reading: Psalms 55-59

Happy Monday. Apologies for the absence over the last few days — a collision of priorities meant I had to demote my blogging to concentrate on other matters.

If you are a dad, Happy (belated) Father’s Day. I enjoyed the day with all of my family — minus one who lives half a continent away. It’s nice to be formally appreciated once a year, and I’m grateful that it comes within the context of strong family relationships so that it’s not something done out of obligation but our of genuine love and respect.

We had an awesome pizza dinner and watched Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules.” If you haven’t seen it, I strongly encourage you to spend the $20. After watching it, you can’t say that the 2020 election wasn’t completely corrupted, if not outright stolen.

General Orders No. 3

Yesterday was also the second annual recognition of Juneteenth as a federal holiday. Uncle Joe signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law on June 17, 2021, and I have the day off today in honor of the holiday.

I didn’t understand until recently that Juneteenth is about commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans in the United States.

Juneteenth has been celebrated for more than 156 years, though its history is possibly lesser known than other American observances. Although the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed enslaved African Americans in Confederate states, went into effect in 1863, this document did not immediately end slavery. In fact, it took until June 19, 1865—more than two years later—to end the horrors of slavery in Texas. And slavery continued in pockets of some Union states until December 6, 1865, when the 13th Amendment was ratified and slavery was formally ended in America.

Part of the reason it took that long to reach Texas was that the Civil War was still being fought, yet the state experienced no large-scale fighting or significant presence of Union troops. Because of that, many southerners took their slaves and moved to Texas to keep them out of the war’s reach.

It took 2,000 federal troops two and a half years to arrive in Texas to take control of the state and to enforce emancipation. The man who led the troops and announced that 250,000 slaves in Texas were free was U.S. General Gordon Granger, who stood on the soil of Galveston Bay, Texas, on June 19, 1865, and read General Orders No. 3 (pictured above):

The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.

President Abraham Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation in January of 1863, freeing all slaves in the southern states, but it didn’t go into practical effect until the Union won the Civil War. You can’t enforce a law in a territory you don’t control.

It wasn’t until two months after Robert E. Lee surrendered in April, 1865, when the news got to Texas and the last enslaved African Americans were told about their freedom. And it was there, in Galveston, that the idea of Juneteenth took root.

While there was relief and joy in the immediacy of the proclamation, the former slaves started formally celebrating Juneteenth in Galveston the next year. Celebrations were initially held in churches, and “the original observances included prayer meetings and the singing of spirituals, and celebrants wore new clothes as a way of representing their newfound freedom.” They also included reading the Emancipation Proclamation.

The name, “Juneteenth” is a later designation. Throughout its history, the holiday has also been known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Black Independence Day, and Juneteenth Independence Day.

In the era following their liberation, however, African-Americans called their observance “Jubilee Day.” It refers to the biblical practice of every 50 years “when land was to be returned, debts forgiven, and enslaved people were to be set free. Announced by the loud blast of a ram’s horn, biblical scholars note, the Jubilee year was grounded in the idea of freedom, orchestrating an economic, cultural, and moral reordering of society.”

It’s based on Leviticus 25:8-55. Verse 10 reads,

Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.

One report explains,

At the time, Texas was the farthest state West and the last to hear of freedom more than two years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. As the news spread, the shock for some 250,000 enslaved Texans quickly turned to celebration. Juneteenth combines the words ‘June’ and ‘Nineteenth,’ but according to Tisby it was originally referred to as Jubilee Day – a biblical reference [to] the book of Leviticus, which tells the story of how the Israelites celebrated their freedom from slavery in Egypt. Faith formed the foundation of what would become America’s most recent federal holiday. 

Unfortunately, it seems as though Juneteenth has, at least in part, become detached from its roots and is now becoming a secular observance that isn’t satisfied with just remembering that the slaves had been freed after a long and bloody war that produced some 650,000 casualties. “The question becomes, what does it mean to celebrate that freedom gained, and what freedoms now are still being sought after?

That’s an open question that includes discussions of reparations and accusations of systemic racism and tension between the races. Dr. Ben Carson, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under president Trump, encourages us to learn from the past and to appreciate the present.

“Juneteenth is so important because it actually efficiently recognizes the emancipation of the slaves, and slavery was a horrible thing, there’s no question about it. But I think we need to recognize that slavery has been a part of virtually every civilization since there has been written history,” Carson explained …

He continued, “We in America have actually done something that no one else really did. That is, we had so many people who are opposed to it that we fought a Civil War, a bloody Civil War, lost a large portion of our population to get rid of this evil. And that says something about this nation as a people. We’re not all the same. We have a lot of different opinions but overall tendency was to move toward freedom and justice for people” …

“It would be very nice if a lot of the people who are complaining today about the United States could go and live in some other parts of the world for a little while, and I think they would have a tremendous appreciation of freedom we have and why it is so vitally important for us to not only understand it but to protect it for those who are coming behind us and particularly for our young people,” Carson said.

For now, the longest-running African-American observance is Juneteenth, which originally celebrated the end of slavery in the U.S. The celebration included singing spiritual songs, prayer meetings, and likely thanksgiving to God for their newfound freedom. That posture would be worth restoring on the day which commemorates the emancipation of our black brothers and sisters of that era.

Daily Broadside | Two Short Words Perfectly Sum Up Washington, DC

Daily Verse | Job 34:21
“His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step.”

Monday’s Reading: Job 35-37

Monday and off we go into a new week.

Over the weekend I upgraded my phone, so that may have had something to do with what I’m going to share with you this morning. I have a call blocker on my phone that silences calls that it determines are solicitations or nuisance calls. Most of the time, the call is shown as the number with a notation underneath that says where it originated from (i.e. Mableton, GA) or it is labeled “unknown,” which I think means the blocker can’t determine from where the call originated.

I’ve been getting a lot of (202) area code calls, which are from Washington, DC. Since they are silenced and none leave a message, I don’t know who is calling, but my guess it is the RNC trying to hit me up for a donation. All of those calls are labeled the same way, with the phone number and the notation that it originated in Washington, DC.

After I got my new phone set up, I got a notification of a call, but it didn’t follow the previous pattern. Instead, it showed me this:

“Scam Likely” — from Washington, DC. I almost bust my gut laughing.

Is that not the truth? If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that Washington, DC is nothing but a scam.

  • We need to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill.
  • Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” but not criminal in running her government emails through a private email server.
  • Trump is a Russian asset. Trump is a racist. Trump cheated on his taxes.
  • We need two weeks to flatten the curve.
  • The vaccines are safe.
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.
  • Joe Biden received the largest number of votes ever in American history.
  • The withdrawal in Afghanistan was carefully planned.
  • Inflation will only be transitory.
  • Current gas prices are because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

That little bit of serendipity on my phone summed up Washington in two words that I couldn’t have come up with in days of trying. It’s now my go-to phrase.

When it comes to anything in Washington, DC, these days, we should all pause a moment and think, “Scam Likely.”

Daily Broadside | Trump Candidates Win Bigly While Brandon Struggles to Stay Afloat

Daily Verse | Ezra 6:14
So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendent of Iddo.

Thursday’s Reading: Ezra 7-8

Thursday and while I’ve written several posts about the leaked SCOTUS opinion reversing Roe v. Wade and there are still a lot of ripples from that dastardly, unconscionable, cowardly, illegal and unAmerican act of sabotage, there are other things happening while we suffer under the fraudulent Brandon junta that need some daylight to encourage us.

The recent CIVIQS rolling job approval average shows that Brandon is underwater in 46 states. Might I remind you that we only have 50? That means the cockwomble in the White House is scorned by 92 percent of the country. The other eight percent in the four states where Brandon is loved are:

  • Hawaii: 49 percent approval, 41 percent disapproval
  • Maryland: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Massachusetts: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Vermont: 51 percent approval, 37 percent disapproval

What the heck is going on in Vermont that more than half of voters “approve” of the job he’s doing?

Overall, the poll showed Biden with only 35 percent approval from the respondents and a 55 percent disapproval, and ten percent who have no opinion. The poll showed Biden with net approval of negative 19.

Here’s Brandon’s perpetual popularity calculation over at FiveThirtyEight, where the gap is not quite as wide (10.5 points) but nonetheless disastrous for the “chief executive” of these United States. You know he’s not chief executive-ing anything.

And here’s RealClearPolitics favorability ratings chart from May 11 where he’s upside down by 9 points.

And still we’re expected to believe that Brandon totally got #81MillionVotes, you guys, because he was so wildly popular and would restore our norms and put the adults back in charge. The greatest fraud foisted on We the People in the history of these United States.

Meanwhile, as Brandon circles the drain, president-in-exile Donald J. Trump continues his streak as kingmaker.

Tuesday’s results make Trump-endorsed candidates 58-1 in the midterm primaries thus far, as all 22 candidates who received the 45th president’s nod in Ohio and Indiana won their races on May 3, while all 33 Trump-backed candidates in Texas either won their primaries or advanced to runoffs. Of the May 3 races, the most notable victor was J.D. Vance in Ohio, who earned the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate with the help of a late Trump endorsement.

The most puzzling of Trump’s endorsements is Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz over surging opponent Kathy Barnette. Oz is not a conservative; he has supported transgenderism, abortion and red flag laws, all of which are opposed by conservatives.

On the other hand, Barnette is a black conservative Christian woman who was conceived when her mother was raped at age 11 by a 21-year-old man. She is well within the margin of error in the polling.

Seems to me that Trump would do better endorsing Barnette. However, you can hardly argue with his record of 58-1 in the midterm primaries. The real test will be in November as Republicans try to heave the dead wood out of the swamp and gain veto-proof majorities so that come 2024, the table is set to permanently roll back the serious damage done by the anti-American communist stooges in the White House and the deep state.

On the other hand, Resident Brandon is slow on the endorsements. Not sure if it’s because he’s being selective or that no one wants him within spitting distance of their campaign.

Biden has made just four endorsements since taking office: Reps. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.), Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) and Shontel Brown (D-Ohio), as well as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who lost a bid to regain his old job last fall.

I’m guessing the latter.

This is all good news, for now. With the economy in decline, food shortages looming, inflation still up at 40-year highs, gas prices in the mid-four-dollar ranges, rising interest rates, mostly peaceful illegal protests outside of conservative Supreme Court Justices’ homes, a new Ministry of Truth headed by a partisan liar that is nothing more than a tool to go after conservative voices in the public square and so on and so on — it seems that even the liberals among us have had enough.

Let’s hope that holds true through the end of the year so that we can neuter Brandon and make him a lame castrated duck for the rest of his White House occupation.

Daily Broadside | Musk Buys Twitter and the Left Melts Down

Daily Verse | 1 Chronicles 17:20
“There is no one like you, O Lord, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”

Tuesday’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 21-24

Happy Tuesday and for once we have a story that offers not only a glimmer of hope for our conservative sensibilities, but also some entertainment bordering on not just amusement, but hilarity.

Twitter shares popped over 5% on Monday after the company’s board unanimously accepted Tesla CEO Elon Musk‘s $44 billion offer to take the social media giant private.

Under the terms of the agreement, Twitter stockholders will receive $54.20 in cash for each share of common stock that they own upon closing of the proposed transaction. The purchase price represents a 38% premium to Twitter’s closing stock price on April 1, the last trading day before Musk disclosed a 9.2% stake in the company.

So Musk buys out stockholders, who get a premium on their shares, and will take the company private.

Musk, a self-described “free-speech absolutist,” has been critical of the platform and its chief executive Parag Agrawal’s approach to free speech.

Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement. “I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential – I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”

Shareholders make money and Musk will make money, but the point of his takeover, he says, is that he sees Twitter as the “digital town square” where speech (opinions, fast takes, facts and news) needs the freedom to express itself without condition.

On the surface, that’s a good thing since Twitter is notorious for shutting down anything that goes against a Leftist narrative and for censoring a story (the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop) that should have had a measurable effect on the outcome of the 2020 election, i.e. 15 percent more votes for Trump.

Setting that aside, the best part is the meltdown happening with the Twitteratti and the Twitter-adjacent.

Those who are horrified that Musk now owns one of the most effective and popular means of mass communication in the world are worried that somehow, freedom of speech means that people on the fringe are going to get hurt.

Like, literally hurt.

Deborah Brown, whom Reuters describes as a “digital rights researcher and advocate” at Human Rights Watch, asserted: “Regardless of who owns Twitter, the company has human rights responsibilities to respect the rights of people around the world who rely on the platform. Changes to its policies, features, and algorithms, big and small, can have disproportionate and sometimes devastating impacts, including offline violence. Freedom of expression is not an absolute right, which is why Twitter needs to invest in efforts to keep its most vulnerable users safe on the platform.”

And who are these “most vulnerable users”?

But Michael Kleinman, director of technology and human rights at Amnesty International USA, sees trouble ahead: “The last thing we need is a Twitter that willfully turns a blind eye to violent and abusive speech against users, particularly those most disproportionately impacted, including women, non-binary persons, and others.”

Ah. The usual suspects.

Listen, I support banning users who use the platform to intimidate, bully, or threaten the welfare or life of other users, online or off. The problem is that the Left defines “intimidate, bully, or threaten” in terms that favor only its viewpoint and that often include speech that is simply anything they don’t like.

As usual, the Right can meme.


Good times.

It remains to be seen how many Lefties leave Twitter because Musk is now boss. I think it’ll be hard for them because they’re like crack addicts and need their daily fix of dunking on the Right in 180-character units.

And if they don’t like it, they can go build their own site.