Daily Broadside | Most Polls Skew Democrat and Are Probably 6 Points Worse Than Reported

Daily Verse | Psalm 27:8
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, Lord, I will seek.

Wednesday’s Reading: Psalms 31-35

Happy Wednesday my friends. Summer has hit the Midwest and we’re experiencing temperatures in the nineties this week. Hot and muggy. I won’t complain, though, because I was so done with the extreme cold of winter.

I try to stay current with Brandon’s popularity or, as it’s called by the polling firms, “approval ratings.” A new poll by Civiqs shows him underwater by 17 points.

That chart shows all respondents. It includes Republicans, Democrats and Independents. When you filter for Democrats only, this is what you get:

It boggles my mind to see that 70 percent of Democrats approve of the job Brandon’s doing (in a downward trend). I honestly can’t understand why only 12 percent disapprove. That’s less than have no opinion (17%).

Republicans are much clearer about what they think of the Resident.

Those supporting the GOP came out of the gate disapproving of Brandon and have only gotten stronger over the last 17 months. The 2 percent who approve are Never Trumpers and the writers at The Dispatch and The Bulwark. Oh, plus RINOs Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney.

Remember that only about 37% of the population is Democrat while 31% is Republican. The rest are Independents. That means that neither party wins without significant support from indies. Here’s what the poll tells us about them.

That’s quite a gap — a 45-point spread with an upward trend. As much as they hated Trump, Independents are realizing they’ve been had by the Democrats. Good luck closing the gap, Dems.

As bad as these numbers are for Democrats, it’s likely they’re even worse than being reported. According to this piece in the American Thinker, most polling firms “are systemically biased against conservatives.”

For three cycles in a row, there’s been this consistent pattern of pollsters overestimating Democratic support in some states and underestimating support in other states.  It happened in 2018.  It happened in 2020.  And the reason that’s happening is because the way that [pollsters] are doing polling right now just doesn’t work.

The author goes on to identify two intractable problems for pollsters: “One is developing an accurate voter turnout model that predicts who is likely to vote.  The other is getting an unbiased measurement of what voters think, known as a random sample.” Getting an unbiased measurement is difficult because Republican voters, in particular, don’t trust political polls.

The trust issue is a societal problem that has been building for many years.  Due to partisan infighting, some voters have lost faith in our national institutions; politics; and, by association, political polls. This issue affects conservatives more than liberals, causing a polling effect called partisan nonresponse or nonresponse bias.

After some additional analysis, he concludes with this:

If the polls are overestimating approval numbers for Biden and other Democrats, how bad is it? The political climate today is different since the 2020 election, but the Democrat poll bias seems intact, which was 4% nationwide. Since nonresponse bias, 4%, and registered voter bias, 2.6%, should be mutually exclusive, we can add them together. This gives us a total Democrat bias of roughly 6.5%.

What does this mean? Until pollsters switch to sampling likely voters right before the election, you can subtract a solid 6 percent from Joe Biden’s approval numbers. And if nothing changes before the election, any Democrat who leads by 3 percent or less is likely to lose.

If we apply that math to the numbers from the Civiqs poll above, Brandon’s approval numbers are potentially a dismal 27 percent. That’s worse than Donald Trump’s worst approval rating (29% in January 2021). And remember that Trump’s numbers were undoubtably biased in favor of Democrats.

I refuse to gloat. As we saw in 2020, our institutions are deeply infected with reprobates who have no hesitation in “fortifying” elections with dirty money, coordinated smear campaigns, and ballot stuffing. All I can say is that everything continues to point to a red tsunami in November.

I don’t think there’s anything that will change that trajectory either, not even the likely roll back of Roe v. Wade. Independents might trend more liberal in social issues, but they’re subject to the economic realities that every American is suffering right now. The electorate is reeling from inflation and rocketing gas prices, Brandon and company don’t have any answers, and Americans will vote with their pocketbooks.

In any other era, it would be a foregone conclusion that the Dems would suffer a crushing defeat this November. Unfortunately, all predictions of a red wave this fall come with an asterisk that says, “past performance is no guarantee of future results.”

Daily Broadside | Easter Bunny Terrorizes Old Man Talking Politics

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 17:9
The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 18-21

Tuesday and for those of you who subscribe or follow this site, I’ve added a “Like” button to the bottom of my posts. That means you can give me an anonymous thumbs up if you like the post for the day. So have at it.

This has been making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it yet, take a gander at what anti-Americans like Mark Zuckerberg foisted on us in 2020.

The Resident looks completely startled by the “Easter Bunny” when the life-sized rabbit steps up to him while at the Easter egg roll at the White House. Just look at his face:

He looks like he’s just had a Jack-in-the-Box pop out at him. It takes a couple of parsecs for what he’s seeing to register. He is caught completely off guard and you can see his brain trying to decide: fight or flight? It’s like Putin showed up and Brandon realizes he’ll have to eat his words that Vlad “cannot remain in power.”

Seriously. Go back and watch it again. I’ll wait.

This isn’t a “gotcha!” moment; this is a costumed performer who interferes with some mouth mash Brandon is grinding through with reporters. It’s actually Brandon’s director of message planning, Megan Hayes, and apparently his message wasn’t planned.

So what, you say. You think I’m maybe being too nit-picky?

Here’s what happened at the start of the event. Make sure you have the volume up to hear what Doctor Jill Brandon tells him as he finishes his welcoming remarks.


And again, “wave.”

Brandon has to be directed and redirected throughout the event.

Here’s why this matters: If Brandon is cognitively unable to manage himself, WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?

All Brandon is right now is a script reader. And not a very good one, at that.

And here’s what it got him (and us):

CNN’s Harry Enten outlines new polls from Quinnipiac and NBC showing that Joe Biden has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump did at this point in his presidency, breaking Trump’s record for lowest ever recorded.

“It was always a thing, ‘Donald Trump had the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency,’ we did it over and over and over and over again,” Enten recalled. “At this point in his presidency, Donald Trump’s average approval rating is actually one point higher than Joe Biden’s which is 41%. Donald Trump at 42%. For a first-term president at this point in his presidency, this is the lowest.”

“This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn’t get there through the vice presidency.”

“Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter,” Enten said.

The talking heads of CNN look positively shocked. Their preferred candidate is more of a disaster than they could have ever conceived and it’s dawning on them that they own him.

82 million votes, you guys. Landslide victory, most ever in recorded history!

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

If anyone shouldn’t remain in power, it’s him.

Daily Broadside | Would You Be Able to Tell if Joe was a Sinister Commie Plot to Wreck Us?

Daily Verse | 2 Samuel 24:24
“I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”

Monday’s Reading: 1 Kings 1-4

Monday and for those of you who are reading through the Bible with me this year, we’ve completed the first quarter of the plan. You can download and print it here if you’d like to join us: Bible Reader 2022. Better late than never!

I know that I don’t have to convince any of you that Resident Brandon is, without doubt, the very worst man to ever hold the office we call “president.” He has been compared unfavorably to Jimmy Carter and to Barack Hussein Obama, who some claim are two of the worst presidents we’ve ever had. I’m not going to argue that claim either way, because the brain-dead moron we currently have in the White House has done more damage to these United States than any other in our recorded history.

Richard Condon’s bestselling novel, The Manchurian Candidate (1959), is a story about a platoon of U.S. soldiers fighting in South Korea who are captured by the Soviets and sent to Manchuria in China. There they are brainwashed to believe that one of their own members, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, single-handedly saved their lives in combat. After the war he is awarded the Medal of Honor when his story is told.

In reality, Shaw and the platoon were conditioned as part of a long-term operation by the communists to infiltrate the American government by planting one of their own in the White House. The plot is discovered, disrupted and the threat is eliminated, so we never see what would’ve happened had the communists succeeded in installing one of their own at the top of the American government.

But you know what? If Joseph Robinette Biden had been ambushed by communists and taken to a secure location where he was brainwashed by Soviet operatives who would install and activate him as their secret agent at the pinnacle of global political power, he’d look a lot like the blithering fool currently residing in the White House.

End our newly found energy independence by killing the Keystone Pipeline and end drilling or fracking on federal lands?


Beg dictators and hostile regimes to increase production and sell us their oil, even though we have enough in our own country to supply what we need with enough left over to export on the global market?


Drive up the price of gas, contributing to record inflation in the U.S., then release fifty million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve—meant to provide energy security in the event of a catastrophic event—even though there was no supply disruption, just high prices; then authorize an emergency release of another thirty million barrels, followed by the release of up to 1 million barrels a day for six months, or a total of about 180 million barrels—the largest release in the reserve’s history.


Tell citizens who can’t afford the high price of gas to purchase a $55,000 electric car.


Revive a very flawed and potentially very dangerous agreement (JCPOA) with an extremist anti-American foreign power (Iran) which is trying to develop nuclear weapons with which they can destroy the “Little Satan” (Israel) and the “Big Satan” (America) and solidify their hegemony in the Middle East.


Reduce barriers to entry including a wall, police powers, and a public health provision so that foreigners from third-world countries can invade our land unmolested, thereby driving down wages and increasing the welfare state, requiring more taxes from working Americans that are distributed to an imported welfare class dependent on the largesse of the government for whom they will keep voting.


Oppose any kind of law that requires voter identification, even though we require a photo ID to purchase airline tickets, buy alcohol, open a bank account, apply for welfare, apply for a job, apply for a mortgage, purchase or rent a car, get married, purchase an “M” rated video game, cash a check, buy a gun, or purchase a cell phone—claiming that asking for a photo ID in order to vote is somehow a violation of civil liberties or an attempt to prevent people from voting.


Support the indoctrination of our youth so that they loath themselves and the country they live in by teaching them to criticize everything around them. That way they aren’t motivated to defend the land they despise.


Support the indoctrination of our youth by exposing them to sexual perverts who want to groom them starting at five-years-old so that by the time they’re in college they’re mentally confused about who they are and reject the biological reality of their physical body. That emasculates the boys and forces the girls to defend themselves from men pretending to be women.


Alienate children from their parents by calling parents who protest what public schools teach their children “domestic terrorists” and keep secret from parents the grooming that goes on in the classroom.


Divide the American people by claiming that “systemic racism … is a stain on our nation’s soul,” implying that white citizens are morally bankrupt because of the color of their skin.


Reduce the fitness standards for our military services so that more women can remain enlisted, thereby reducing the military readiness of our armed forces.


These examples are more than adequate to make my point, every one of them chipping away at our cultural cohesion and national security. What’s the difference between this Joe Biden and one that was installed by our political enemies?

The commies could hardly have done worse if they’d planned it themselves.

Daily Broadside | Get Your Grubby Liberal Fingers Off My Country

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 15:22b
To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

Tuesday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 16-19

Tuesday and it’s hard to know where to start. I’m a once-a-day blogger right now and unless I become enormously popular and independently wealthy, that’s the way it’s going to stay. But there’s a thousand topics out there that could be covered skewered and I can only pick one each time I break out my keyboard.

There’s the war in Ukraine and the increasing calls for the U.S. to escalate our involvement. There’s the absolute insanity of men presenting as women winning in sports and women of the year honors. There’s Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the New York Times has finally decided was legit, so I guess we can all talk about it now. There’s Brandon’s virtue pick for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, who seems to have had “a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.” There’s the specter of renewing the tyrannical Chinese Lung Pox restrictions with the re-emergence of Dr. Faux Chi on the Sunday talk show circuit. There’s inflation and the high cost of gas, even though we could have it easily and cheaply if our government masters allowed it. There’s our southern “border” which is now just a concept, not a reality, in service to the “Great Society” of the 1960s. There’s the grooming of America’s children in public schools. And if those weren’t enough, there’s the Great Issues of Our Day being addressed by our do-nothing-good Congress, namely, hair discrimination and making Daylight Saving Time permanent—because those are the most pressing issues America is concerned about.

What’s a blogger to do?

Well, since the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat party is driving the chaos and irrationality of our current day madness, let’s pause for a moment to check on how they’re faring heading into the mid-term elections.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the elections for Congress were held today, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democrat. Just five percent (5%) would vote for some other candidate, but another seven percent (7%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

That’s fantastic news, even though the results indicate a two-point gain for Democrats since February.

The 11-point edge for Republicans in the latest poll is larger than Democrats enjoyed at any time during the 2018 midterm campaign, due both to greater GOP partisan intensity and a 19-point advantage among independents. While 94% of Republican voters say they would vote for their own party’s congressional candidate, only 82% of Democrats would vote for the Democratic candidate. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 46% would vote Republican and 27% would vote Democrat, while 13% would vote for some other candidate and 14% are undecided.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of whites, 28% of black voters and 48% of other minorities would vote Republican if the election were held today. Sixty-two percent (62%) of black voters, 36% of whites and 35% of other minorities would vote Democrat.

The so-called “gender gap” is nearly non-existent in the latest findings, with men (49%) one point less likely than women voters (50%) to prefer Republican congressional candidates.

Add to that the resignation of 31 Democrat House members (a 30-year high) and prospects for the party look bleak. The party in power typically loses seats in the mid-terms, but the economy and the incompetent moron occupying the White House are creating the right conditions for a wave election.

Of course, we’re still eight months out, we’re watching a smoldering fight in Ukraine with the potential to become a wider conflagration, and who knows what sort of evils the Left have in store for the November elections.

More than half of voters believe cheating affected the 2020 election and an overwhelming majority say the issue of election integrity will be important in the midterm elections.

You don’t say.

Well, I won’t be surprised if a toilet in a Blue State somewhere overflows and floods precincts in four or five surrounding states.

As I’ve said before, we have the wind at our backs. Don’t just read about what’s happening; donate money, volunteer time, and help America pry the pasty fingers of the Democrats off the levers of power before they completely destroy us.

Daily Broadside | Rich Guy Tells the Plebes It’s Patriotic to Pay More for Gas

Daily Verse | Joshua 11:20
For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Monday’s Reading: Joshua 13-17

Monday and we’re really beginning to feel the voter effect of #NeverTrump and the Democrats, and the insane globalist, racist, cultural Marxist, biology and science-defying, climate-terrified Covidiots who think utopia is just over the horizon if only we get rid of the historically reliable capitalist means that have created the once-greatest nation in the history of the world and replace them with a Tyrant.

They owe us an apology for their short-sighted and media-infected rejection of president-in-exile Donald J. Trump, who had gotten us back on our feet and made us energy-independent until the Fool they put in office cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and banned fracking on federal lands while demanding we all turn ourselves into lab rats for a medically-unnecessary jab for a virus that mainly killed the elderly and the obese while withholding proven treatments that would’ve save a lot of lives.

The allegedly 81 million Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 got played, hard. And they owe the rest of us a big apology, and a promise to never screw our nation over like this again.

Yes, Trump was a jerk. You know what he wasn’t? Dangerously incompetent. Or barely kept motoring with a personalized daily slushie of embalming fluid.

It’s time for the Americans who saddled us with this embarrassment of a president to realize that they did exactly what they self-righteously accepted from mass media they were saving our nation from: voting for a four-year national disaster.

One of my daughters sent me a picture of her latest fill up at a gas station, along with appropriate gratitude to the one who made it possible.

Gas is now over $4/gal. where I live and jumped to over $5/gal. where one of my other daughters live. She is now seriously thinking about moving to a lower-cost state.

Then there’s the self-righteous, no longer relevant George Takei, who’s worth $14M, telling us plebes to take one for the team. I won’t link you to this moron’s account, but the responses have been blistering, and rightly so.

It reminds me of a co-worker who once told me she was willing to pay more taxes to take care of illegal aliens. Government creates problems, frames fixing them as a moral virtue, then takes your money to “fix” the problems.

And if you complain, you’re EVIL.

The problem is … the problems are never fixed. And there are always more problems to be fixed, requiring more of your hard-earned money to fix them.

Meanwhile, our politicians laugh all the way to the bank.

These people are absolutely shameless, yet they claim to be champions of the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

You know who Brandon’s policies are absolutely decimating? Yeah, the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

I’m solidly middle-class, and I’m feeling the pinch. But the very people progressives claim to be fighting for are the very ones who can least afford this administration’s policies.

The Democrats are in for a shellacking this November but unless we take back all three branches of government, nothing will change. We’ve got to wipe the Democrats out—I mean, COMPLETELY OUT—in November, and then put Trump or DeSantis in the Big Chair two years later.

Then we need to go on a total law-making tear that lock in truly patriotic goals, like term limits, teaching authentic American history to our children, a balanced budget law, making socialism illegal, mandating voter ID and in-person voting on election day, completing the wall on our southern border, and outlawing the Democrat party.

I jest on that last one. Or do I?

If you want to see the change, get out there and either run for office yourself (start local) or work on behalf of a trustworthy candidate. Knock on doors and donate what you can.

It’s the only way back.

Daily Broadside | You Know Something Isn’t Right—And You’re Right

Daily Verse | Genesis 4:7
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Tuesday’s Reading: Genesis 6-9

Tuesday and we’re still getting used to thinking “2022.” How many of you can immediately begin saying “2022” and using it on official documents and letters? It sometimes takes me a good two or three weeks to start referring to the current year accurately.

I’m reading a newer book by Gary L. Steward titled, “Justifying Revolution: The American Clergy’s Argument for Political Resistance, 1750-1776.” It’s published by Oxford University Press and sets you back $74 on Amazon, which is a lot for a thin academic volume of 221 pages—92 of which consist of endnotes, a bibliography and an index. However, I have a driving interest in understanding how the Christian church of the 18th century justified supporting the American Revolution.*

We here in the contemporary U.S. are troubled by the increasingly authoritarian actions we’re seeing from our ruling class. I’m talking here not just about the Peking Lung Pox lockdowns, but things like the January 6 Select Committee that seems to be operating with lawless malice; the conspiracy to “fortify” the 2020 election—”in which state authorities openly flouted election laws and in which all manner of irregularities ensued;” the lawlessness that we see taking place in cities run by far-left Democrats and Soros’-supported state attorneys; the deplatforming of national politicians (who all happen to be Republicans, never Democrats; or who are experts who defy the official narrative) from techopolies like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube; and the deliberate scare tactics of a “white supremacist” terrorist threat that is never explained but only warned about; and a “free press” that is fully compromised.

What I believe we’re watching is the progression of the slow coup put in motion by the Obama administration after Donald Trump won the 2016 election. What we are seeing is the consolidation of power, inch-by-inch, by the anti-American progressive Left.

We are experiencing from our rulers an indifference toward our guaranteed liberties and constitutional rights, similar to what the patriots in the 1700s experienced when the British Parliament under King George III imposed first the Sugar Tax in 1764 and then the Stamp Act in 1765. Our ruling elite are over-reaching and getting away with it because of the cancerous rot known as cultural Marxism that has infected all three branches of government, and business, education, the sciences, the military, the press, the church and more.

In his column on Monday, Ben Weingarten writes about the J6 “insurrection”:

Consider how disturbing the treatment of Capitol rioters has been, no matter how contemptible the actions of the worst actors among them. There are people with no prior criminal record who participated in the breach now rotting in a squalid D.C. prison for months on end in pretrial detention, allegedly facing assaults, stuck in solitary confinement for hours a day and made to plead before judges before whom they repent their political views in order to try and garner their release. The process is the punishment. The cruelty is the point. The message to Americans is clear: You no longer live in a nation with anything remotely resembling equal, impartial justice. Enemies of the regime will be brought to heel; woke social justice warriors will get off scot-free. This is meant to both instill terror in and demoralize dissenters.

It also serves as a prior restraint on dissent because Americans know that every critical response the Ruling Class’ actions provoke will provide yet another pretext to turn the screws tighter in order to “save democracy.” We see similar themes in the pursuit of the perfectly peaceful political foes of the regime—the dozens and dozens of them—subjected to the Soviet justice of the lawless and limitless January 6 Select Committee.

What astonishes me is that Republicans on the hill have not risen up in loud protest. Normal Americans have been abandoned by both sides of the aisle. It really will come down to citizens having to make a difficult choice between acquiescence and resistance.

What will you choose?

*As I make my way through the book, I’ll take notes and eventually share with you what I learn.

Daily Broadside | Finally, a Defense of Trump’s Amazing Presidency

Daily Verse | Revelation 9:16
The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

Wednesday’s Reading: Revelation 10-13

Wednesday and we’ve hit mid-week already and the Left has already peaked with hyperventilation about “Let’s go Brandon.” It’s mind-numbingly absurd, yet there’s undoubtedly a method to the progressive madness that we seem to be surrounded by.

Into the cyclone drops a book by Peter Navarro, one of President Trump’s three senior staffers who stayed with him all the way from the election in 2016 to the end of his first term in 2020. In his memoir, In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year, Navarro reveals the disloyal staff Trump surrounded himself with, who ultimately became his undoing.

In Bruce Bawer’s review of the book he writes,

Mike Mulvaney, acting chief of staff, was a neverTrumper. Economic advisor Gary Cohn (now vice-chairman of IBM) “never saw an American job he didn’t want to offshore in the profane name of supply chain efficiencies.” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross operated on “transactionalist Wall Street DNA.”

Navarro, who’d earned a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard, was brought aboard by Trump to deal with the China trade situation and build up U.S. manufacturing. He supported full instant tariffs to wipe out China’s trade advantages. But the White House was packed with people who passionately opposed tariffs and were uncomfortably chummy with the Chinese. Jared Kushner? A “panda hugger.” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin? The “second coming of Neville Chamberlain” and as a “Judas” who’d made millions in Chinese business and who “simply couldn’t believe” that the PRC “posed any economic or military threat to the United States whatsoever.”

When virus deaths mounted in China, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s second-in-command Stephen Biegun, who’d been Ford Motors’ “offshorer in chief” to China, opposed a travel ban because he feared it would offend Xi. Living outside the Beltway but also exerting an outsized anti-tariff influence in the West Wing was the “Billionaires’ Cabal” – whose membership ranged from Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn (both heavily invested in Macao casinos) to Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink.

He goes after Faux-chi, too, saying that “Fauci conspired to keep the first of the COVID vaccines from being unveiled until after the November 2020 election – the goal, of course, being to deprive Trump of electoral victory; as a result, tens of thousands of Americans were robbed of their very lives.”

But he also gives some insight into what happened with the Bat Flu response:

Trump has been widely criticized for the slowness with which his administration recognized the seriousness of COVID-19. In fact, according to Navarro, the fault lay not with Trump but with many of his advisors. Larry Kudlow publicly pooh-poohed the virus. Mark Short did a lousy job as head of the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force. Navarro, for his part, corralled U.S. business leaders into helping combat the pandemic. Among this book’s heroes are FedEx CEO Fred Smith, who, while fiercely opposed to Trump’s trade policies, readily provided planes to ship desperately needed testing swabs from Italy to six U.S. cities. Other corporate good guys include Honeywell, UPS, and Pernod (which shifted its factories on a dime from making booze to producing sanitizer). Among the bad guys: GM, which, it will be remembered, had to be forced to manufacture ventilators. Worst of all: Big Pharma.

Finally, he gets at the 2020 election:

After the shock of the 2020 election loss, Navarro was also shocked by the defeatism of many of his colleagues. When Rudolph Giuliani insisted on challenging the results, many White House officials accused him of “grandstanding”; after Rudy was put in charge of that initiative, Jared Kushner and others tried to foil his efforts. Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell complained that she’d warned GOP bigwigs since May 2019 about the Democrats’ plans to steal the election, but had been ignored. Meanwhile one major inside-the-Beltway law firm after another passed on representing Trump in his vote-fraud case – such being “the hardball Globalist Swamp reality of Washington, D.C.”

Voter fraud was scarcely in Navarro’s wheelhouse. But just as he’d switched from trade to COVID, now, confronted by apathy and duplicity all around him, he felt compelled to throw himself into the job of “definitively answering the question of whether the election was in fact stolen.” Poring through mountains of material from the four states under dispute, he concluded that the election had been “stolen beyond any shadow of a shadow of a probabilistic doubt,” and wrote a report to that effect.

Unfortunately, others who were expected to serve the cause failed it spectacularly. Lawyer Sidney Powell, who kept making extravagant claims on TV about election fraud, never produced any proof, thus making the whole effort look bogus. Attorney General Bill Barr also proved a crushing disappointment. But the greatest betrayal was that by Mike Pence, who on January 6, acting in his role as President of the Senate when that body met to certify the November 3 vote, could quite legitimately have paused the certification to give state legislators time to investigate claims of fraud. Instead Pence ended up, in Navarro’s words, being “the Brutus most responsible both for the final betrayal of President Trump and the unceremonious burial of electoral integrity.”

I don’t know much about Peter Navarro, but this book seems like it would be a good read … especially regarding the 2020 election which was, without a doubt, rigged (i.e. stolen) to favor the Democrats.

Daily Broadside | Another New Poll Confirms We’re Done With Biden

Daily Verse | 1 Timothy 6:6-8
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

Friday’s Reading: 2 Timothy 1-4
Saturday’s Reading: Titus 1-3

It’s Friday and we’re headed into the weekend, although the communist junta running our country never rests. You can be assured that they’re aware they only have so much time to inflict maximum damage on our nation through lawlessness, lies, and the perversion of our core institutions like the military, our congressional norms, the Executive Branch, commerce, education, law enforcement, and the judiciary before the voters throw them out, (hopefully forever, but don’t bank on it), starting with the midterms in 2022.

Resident Biden continues to poll in negative territory, with more just-released polls:

[Resident] Biden‘s standing with Americans remains in negative territory heading into the final few weeks of 2021.

The [so-called] president stands at 43% approval and 51% disapproval in a NPR/Marist national survey released on Thursday. A day earlier, a national poll from Monmouth University indicated a 40% approval and a 50% disapproval. Both surveys were conducted in recent days.

An average of all the most recent national polls compiled by Real Clear Politics puts Biden’s approval at 42% and his disapproval at 52%. The average included a large survey from The Wall Street Journal conducted last month that had the [resident] well underwater, at 41%-57%.

In the NPR/Marist report, they found that:

The [so-called] president’s approval rating was just 42% in this survey, tied with a late November poll for the lowest Marist had found since Biden took office.

What’s more, the intensity of disapproval is high — 38% said they strongly disapprove of Biden. That’s close to the territory that President Donald Trump resided in during his term. [Yeah, but Trump had a hostile media, the deep state, and Russia collusion working against him; not so with Biden. — dlo]

While the numbers are a sign of a deeply polarized society, there’s also evidence of lackluster feelings for the [resident] among even people in his own party.

For example, in the survey, while 76% of Republicans strongly disapproved of the job Biden is doing, only 38% of Democrats strongly approved.

Don’t forget that NPR is a left-wing mouthpiece, so any data they share is suspect. Plus, most polling groups oversample Democrats in order to skew results in favor of the Left.

Nonetheless, there’s no getting around just how hard Biden is failing. And don’t forget that only 22% of voters want Biden to run for reelection, and only 12% want Value Pick Harris to run again. Those are unfathomably grim numbers.

Biden’s poll numbers are about the only thing that’s encouraging about this administration.

Of course, we’ve had a couple of successes in blocking some of his more radical moves. His nominee for comptroller of the currency, Saule Omarova, withdrew her name from Senate consideration. “The comptroller of the currency,” writes CNBC, “regulates about 1,200 nationally chartered banks with total assets of around $14 trillion, representing two-thirds of the U.S. banking system.”

You may have heard that Omarova was born in the Soviet Union, attended Moscow State University, called for the destruction of the oil, gas, and coal industries and the elimination of private bank accounts in favor of the Fed holding your money. She’s a straight-up Marxist-Leninist.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong were she appointed to the office?

Then there’s all of Biden’s vax mandates that have taken it on the chin as court after court has blocked them because the U.S. Constitution doesn’t give him that power. Now it sounds like all his mandates have been blocked.

Although we might call them “wins,” they’re really only tactical victories, not strategic victories. Biden assaults the public with his extremist nominees and policies, and we have to act on the defensive to turn them aside. With a presumed Republican House and Senate after the midterms, he’ll be dead in the water (assuming we don’t get more Fake Conservatives like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney). In order to really get something done, we need to hang onto the majorities for the next couple of years and then win a convincing victory in the 2024 presidential election.

Unfortunately, there’s no guaranteeing a win because our elections have been compromised and the Democrats have tasted the spoils of cheating and foul play. You think they’re going to sit back, especially if Trump is the nominee?

Nothing seems to change by voting harder … but, still, we vote in the hopes that we can wrest our country from its enemies and avoid the inevitable bloodshed that will come if we don’t.

That’s not hyperbole, my friends.

Finally, I leave you with another bit of evidence that even though we live in dismal times, there are pockets of hope that some of our institutions can occasionally function and do the right thing:

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | What You See in Washington is a Mirage

Daily Verse | Jonah 3:10
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

Greetings my friends, and happy Thursday. What’s another word for thesaurus?

In yesterday’s commentary I wrote about Angelo Codevilla, noting that he had died a few days ago and the blogosphere in which I travel was full of tributes to one of our “foremost public intellectuals.” (Here’s another by Michael Walsh and another by Julie Ponzi with his final article for American Greatness.)

One Codevilla quote from yesterday’s post stands out in particular, in which he unapologetically declares that “the United States of America is now a classic oligarchy.” America’s economic, cultural, and political establishment holds power over its citizens, rather than the citizens holding power over those establishments.

It occurred to me that the power being wielded by this group has given rise to the current feature of our political establishment: we have no functional president.

I’m not referring to what many believe was a stolen election in 2020 (including me). Joseph Robinette Biden is the White House’s current resident. But no one who’s paying any attention to what’s happening can seriously think that Biden is running the show.

He has the title, he has the trappings, and he represents our country on the world stage as America’s “president.” But that’s about it; he’s a symbol, a stand-in, a placeholder. He’s the folded napkin under the table leg to keep it from rocking. He has no moral authority, no history of success, no original ideas.

Worst of all, he is literally losing his mind. He can’t string together a sentence without slurring his words like a drunk. Did you see his horrible performance at the United Nations, trying to read a script prepared for him by his enablers?

And there there’s this: the White House staff interrupt UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson as they shout down reporters and shoo them out of the Oval Office.

Biden did not recognize any American reporters for questions during an Oval Office meeting with Johnson – and his aides cleared out journalists as they tried to query the president.

It’s a bizarre moment, but consistent with Biden often claiming, “they told me” he shouldn’t take questions, but then offers to take questions, leading the press and at least half of America asking, “Who the heck is running the country?!”

We have to assume that Biden is simply given his marching orders, delivers precisely what is necessary, then walks off into the protective arms of his aides and staffers.

The much, much more important question is, who are the junior commies who are putting words in Joe’s mouth? Who is the man behind the curtain that we should not see?

Imagine that there is no president and that policies, laws, guidance, international relations and more are being crafted by a group of unaccountable appointees representing the ruling class’s interests, and you wouldn’t be far off from the truth of the situation.

We don’t have a president—we have a pretender in office. And that realization should trouble us all.

Daily Broadside | Losing Their Grip They Squeezed Harder

Daily Verse | Isaiah 22:5
The Lord, the Lord Almighty, has a day of tumult and trampling and terror in the Valley of Vision, a day of battering down walls and of crying out to the mountains.

Friday and the end of July even though it feels like we just started the month last week. Let’s meet on the deck at 9:00 tonight. Shoes optional.

As we are carried further downstream by the commie tsunami in our country, Americans like you and me will have to decide when civil disobedience is required against the irrational and ever-changing mask mandates, vaccination pressure campaigns and the specter of vaccine passports. Resident Asterisk* insulted those of us who don’t trust anything he or his team say about the Chinese Lung Pox.

“If you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were.” The Resident thinks shaming people is a great way to get them to do something, so that oughta work.

CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky indicated this week that “vaccine passports” might be a “path forward” in the U.S.

When probed about next steps, Berman wondered if the CDC would ever “lean into” vaccine passes. Some countries in Europe now require “health passes,” or vaccination certificates, to gain access to things like bars and restaurants. The decision has prompted protests and backlash, with thousands taking to the streets in France earlier in July to voice opposition to the move.

“You know, I think some communities are doing that and that may very well be a path forward,” Walensky declared. “I do want to sort of comment that in some fully vaccinated venues, if they’re unmasked and there are a few people who are transmitting there … Overall it’s so very critical to just get the huge amount of disease in some of these areas down.”

Do you see the level of power and control that’s being suggested? Why doesn’t she just stitch a little yellow virus icon on our clothing?

To top it all off, her comments come as we’re finding out that this fraudulent administration is dumping illegals all over the country and that many of them are being allowed into the interior with Covid-19.

The individual reported that there was a large illegal family inside the restaurant, visibly displaying signs of sickness such as coughing and sneezing without making any efforts to cover themselves, in violation of basic health guidelines. The manager confirmed to the officer that they wanted the illegals to leave the restaurant, since everyone else inside felt “uneasy” at their presence.

Upon approaching the group, the illegals told the officer that they had been apprehended at the border by Border Patrol agents, where they tested positive for the coronavirus; nevertheless, they said they were released a few days later.

Sergeant Casas said in his statement that local law enforcement had never been informed of this development by federal immigration authorities. “No one told the city of La Joya. No one told the police department that these people were here, and no one told us that these people were possibly ill.”

And yet, the jackass who is currently sits in the seat of ‘the most powerful man in the world’ has the temerity to demonize unvaccinated Americans. “We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated, and they’re sowing enormous confusion. And the more we learn about this virus and the Delta variation, the more we have to be worried and concerned.”

Got it. So you and your team not only encourage border jumpers, but release them, WITH COVID-19, into the interior of the United States without a word to anybody, then turn around and start threatening mask mandates for the actual citizens of this country?!

These people are abusing their elected power and it is time to make them understand that they are not gods and we are not their servants. And by “we” I mean “we.” They need to hear from all of us that they’ve gone too far and we’ve had enough and we’re ready to fight the tyranny.

Have a good weekend.