Daily Broadside | The Rank Hypocrisy of the Left on Full Display in New Document Revelations

Friday the 13th. Black cats and bad luck, apparently. Meh.

So, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the Resident, who was found to have two different stashes of classified government documents; one at Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center (his “think” tank … *snort* *giggle* *LOL*), and one at home in his garage alongside his, get this, Sting Ray Corvette.

The Washington Post:

Robert K. Hur is a former U.S. attorney from Maryland who served as a senior official in President Donald Trump’s Justice Department. His appointment comes after lawyers for President Biden said additional classified material was found during a search of his home in Wilmington, Del. Garland’s decision means special counsels are reviewing the handling of classified material found at the homes and offices of both the current and most recent U.S. presidents.

Why is this important? Because it’s EXACTLY what Garland’s GestapoTM and the haters in Washington have been all over Trump about, but it’s arguably worse.

The documents are from when he was vice-president, not president. Only the president, as chief executive, has the power to declassify any document he so chooses. Biden was not vested with that power over these documents.

The Trump documents were kept under lock and key in an inner room in his estate. Biden’s were in two different places with minimal security — especially the set in his garage with his Sting Ray Corvette.

Trump knew what documents he had. Biden didn’t know what he had or how the documents got there.

They media is treating this as a nothing burger whereas with Trump it akin to treason. As Ace says, “Tucker Carlson pointed out that MSNBC’s pet pop historian Michael Bechsloss suggested that Trump should be put to death like the Rosenbergs, and former CIA director Michael Hayden agreed.” Think he’ll suggest the same for Biden?

With Trump, they conducted the first-in-history DOJ raid on a former president’s home, even though the documents were known. You think a SWAT team will be breaking down Biden’s door at his personal residence or nah?

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley, meanwhile, wrote directly to Garland on Wednesday saying “[i]n President Trump’s case, that retention [of documents] triggered an unprecedented raid on the home of a former president, rationalized with a thicket of partisan doublespeak. President Biden has not experienced anything remotely similar.”

“Every conservative out there is completely disgusted with the standard that exists in America when it comes to conservatives and everybody else,” he further asserted, per The Hill.

Just like Trump had classified documents at his home, so did Biden. The difference in how the media whores and the politicians are treating the two instances is all you need to know about our rulers.

I’ll be traveling this weekend so there will be no Broadside on Monday. Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | I’m Not the Only One Calling Democrats Liars

Daily Verse | Luke 5:1-2
One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.

Thursday’s Reading: Luke 8-11

Happy Thursday and welcome to the blog. Thanks for joining me this morning.

One of the claims I’ve made for years is that the Democrats are liars. In fact, I wrote about that less than a week ago, here. “But Dave,” you might say, “isn’t that a little strident? All politicians lie. Surely the Democrats don’t lie all the time.”

Allow me a little humble brag, as I call your attention to a commentary from Philip Carl Salzman, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at McGill University, Senior Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and president of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. In “When Was the Last Time That the Democrats Told the Truth About Anything?” he writes,

Lies, damn lies, and Democrat Party claims.

As a sometime registered Democrat, I was astonished to discover, once I retired a few years ago and started to pay attention to national politics, that just about every Democrat Party assertion fell in the range of deception through dishonesty to outright falsity. You know them all.

We call this “getting red-pilled.” It’s when the blinders suddenly fall off and you see the Democrats and their insanity for what it is.

Donald Trump is a Russian asset elected through Russian meddling. The Trump-Russian collusion hoax was the main talking point of Democrats for years. The “evidence” was a phony document paid for by the Clinton election campaign. The Democrat FBI misled the FISA Court into granting permission to spy on Trump affiliates. Top Democrat leaders, such as the shifty Adam Schiff, claimed repeatedly that they had conclusive evidence of collusion but never produced it. Even the Department of Justice’s Special Counsel and his large team could not, after two years of investigation, find any evidence in support of the collusion hoax.

As the Black Lives Matter riots destroyed American cities across the land, with Democrat voters assaulting police, massively looting, intentionally burning vehicles and buildings, and occasionally killing anyone who resisted, the Democrat media declared that the protests were “mostly peaceful,” even as buildings burned in the background. Democrats declared their fealty to Black Lives Matter, worked to release rioters who had been arrested, and donated $80 million to the self-declared Marxist Black Lives Matter organization. Democrat business executives and university officials declared their organizations’ support of Black Lives Matter, making public declarations and flying BLM flags.

Democrats endorsed the Black Lives Matter slander that the police everywhere were racist and that they murdered blacks freely and in great numbers, libels that were endorsed by Democrat politicians across the land. Many national and state Democrats advocated that every jurisdiction “Defund/Disband the Police,” and many jurisdictions did that, for example, New York, which cut its police budget by a billion dollars.

Salzman then goes on to describe the mountains of evidence that flatly refute the claim that police everywhere are racist or that they murder blacks in disproportionate numbers.

Continuing to list the lies, Salzman writes,

Which Democrat lie is more monstrous is difficult to decide, but the Democrat New York Times “1619 Project,” an extensive, multi-article campaign, is among the worst. The thesis is that America was founded to protect and advance slavery, that its founding documents, including the Constitution, were designed with this purpose, that the country has never been about anything but slavery, and consequently that the country was and is rotten from its foundation up. There are many specific theses, such as that American wealth was built on nothing but slave labor.

He goes on to mention the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop; the false claim that the COVID vaccines would keep you from getting or giving COVID; that the new voting laws in Georgia were “voter suppression” and “Jim Crow on steroids” (Georgia is seeing record numbers turning out in early voting right now: “It was already clear after Georgia’s primary election set new turnout records this spring, but it bears repeating once again: Democrats don’t tell the truth about voting rights“); that America is “systemically racist” and why that’s untrue; that both blacks and whites use marijuana equally; “the science-denying claim that men can become women and women can become men, and that men can become pregnant, and that mutilating children is ‘health care,'” and that “the border is secure.”

Allow me to add a few more:

  • Biden falsely claimed he did nothing to slow or stop oil production in the United States
  • San Fran Nan Pelosi rejected polls that “clearly show the economy and inflation as the top issues for voters in the midterm elections” and says the top issue for voters is abortion”
  • Anthony Fauci claims “he had nothing to do with the damaging policy” of shutting down schools during COVID, when his own statements clearly show he did
  • Brandon accidentally let slip that re-joining the Paris Accords and eliminating all fossil fuels to fight so-called climate change “isn’t going to matter” because global emissions are outpacing whatever reduction we could muster.

Democrats live in the world as they wish it was, not as it is. That’s why they deliberately lie about everything.

And, no, that’s not strident—that’s the truth.

Daily Broadside | Surprise! The U.S. Military is Rated “Weak”

Daily Verse | Luke 1:66
Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “What then is this child going to be?” For the Lord’s hand was with him.

Wednesday’s Reading: Luke 5-7

Midweek Wednesday and glad you are here.

In what country do you find the regime in charge actively undermining their own armed forces and degrading their ability to make and win wars, essentially making themselves sitting ducks for hostile forces to attack?

At one time, the United States had the most feared military in the world. But, starting under Barack Hussein Obama, our armed forces began a slow decline in readiness and competence. Remember when he replaced nearly 200 generals, colonels and flag officers in the U.S. military over five years with men and women who supported his socialist views in an unprecedented purge?

Here’s where that deliberate destruction has led us (paywall at The Epoch Times).

The U.S. military is at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests, according to an annual report released by The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based conservative think tank.

“This is the logical consequence of years of sustained use, underfunding, poorly defined priorities, wildly shifting security policies, exceedingly poor discipline in program execution, and a profound lack of seriousness across the national security establishment even as threats to U.S. interests have surged,” the report says.

You mean designing flight suits for pregnant women and integrating sexually confused men and women into combat units isn’t in our best interests?

You don’t say.

The report measures each branch of the military’s capability, capacity, and readiness on a scale of: very weak, weak, marginal, strong, and very strong. Here’s what they found for each.

U.S. Army overall score: Marginal (same as last year)

U.S. Navy overall score: Weak (down from Marginal last year)

U.S. Air Force overall score: Very Weak (down from Weak/Marginal last year)

U.S. Marines overall score: Strong (up from Marginal last year)

U.S. Space Force overall score: Weak

The Epoch Times’ story concludes,

Considering the branches together, the U.S. military posture is rated as weak. The report concludes that the current U.S. military force is at significant risk of not being able to meet the demands of a single major regional conflict while also attending to various presence and engagement activities.

Not only is our military woefully unprepared to fight a major conflict, but Dopey Joe has just further drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to ease gas prices in a bid to lull us all into voting for more of what he and his brand of junta are offering us.

The administration will direct the Energy Department (DOE) to auction the remaining 14 million barrels after President Joe Biden authorized the sale of 180 million barrels of oil in March to bring down gas prices, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the situation. The White House is desperate to lower the price of gasoline due to concern that high prices could weaken the Democrats’ chances of winning key congressional and gubernatorial races on Nov. 8.

The SPR is at its lowest level since 1984.

Norms restored!

Even evil empires have strong militaries and are ready to defend themselves from their enemies. Not us. The goal of the libs and #NeverTrump is to destroy the United States as founded while preserving their elite grifting status.

Soon we’ll all be speaking Chinese and chairman Xi Jinping will eliminate progressive virtue signaling—permanently. But, at least there won’t be any mean tweets!

Daily Broadside | It’s Looking Like a Red Wave But Don’t Get Cocky

Daily Verse | Mark 15:15
Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

Tuesday’s Reading: Luke 1-4

Happy Tuesday and thanks for reading today.

It’s only 21 days—three weeks—until Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2022. That’s shaping up to be the first slap of a GiANT rebuke to the ruling junta. Hopefully the second slap comes on November 5, 2024 when we toss the demented meat puppet out of office and into whatever nursing home he belongs in. But first:

On November 4, 1980, I was at the Republican National Headquarters helping the WTTG reporter cover election night. It was the most electrifying night of my life. I watched a giant electronic map of the United States go red in 44 states in what seemed like half an hour. Saw the faces in the crowd change from shock to elation amid screams of joy. Looking back, I view the two Carter incidents as omens of the seismic shift in American politics and culture that took place that night. Eight years of a strong, patriotic American comeback followed — accompanied by some of the best films and music ever produced — leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then George Bush came in and mucked it with his “kinder, gentler nation” idiocy. Nonetheless, I see similar signs of change now, and foresee a sharp turn for the better this November 8.

As awful a president as he was, Jimmy Carter was Ronald Reagan compared to Joe Biden. And I’m glad he lived long enough to relinquish the Worst President of All Time title. However, Biden is only a mindless shell — the conductor of an ugly, evil, anti-human philosophy that has burrowed deep into the United States, driven by the dark forces of academia, media — mainstream and social — and the entertainment industry. Its disciples could have won a permanent victory and made America another permanent failed state like Cuba and Venezuela if they had simply bided their time. But Donald Trump’s 2016 defeat of their unctuous presidential standard bearer, and his laughing at them for all to witness, wrecked their schedule and drove them mad.

They could no longer settle for rocketing inflation, exploding crime, homeless-ridden streets, open borders, a fentanyl death epidemic, and fabricated racial division. They had to go a rainbow bridge too far — pushing transgenderism as normal. Consequently, they lost formerly blue Virginia, and are about to lose several more states.

How bad is it for Democrats?

Republicans made massive gains with independent women in recent weeks as Democrats ramped up their messaging on abortion ahead of the midterm elections.

Forty-nine percent of voters plan to vote for the Republican nominee to represent their House district while 45 percent said they’d back their Democratic opponent, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll released Monday. Of particular note was a 32 point swing among independent women toward the GOP. In September’s iteration of the poll, Democrats boasted a 14 point lead among that demographic, but by October, Republicans held an 18 point advantage.

A THIRTY-TWO POINT SWING?!? Most polls are biased toward the left, so if there’s a 32-point swing, it’s likely that it’s even bigger than that. Like, BiGLY.

And independent women aren’t prone to vote GOP.

While Democratic officials and progressive commentators had suggested that the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade might lessen the expected electoral blow of the midterms, the swing toward the GOP among independent womenthe group most heavily targeted by Democratic strategists — suggests that their focus on abortion might be to their own detriment.

Abortion isn’t the winning issue that the pro-abort-crazy Lefties thought it was. To begin with, most of the country wants some kind of limits on abortion, while the extremists in the Democrat party want it legal up to when the baby is pushing out the birth canal. And they’ve hinted that that’s not where they’ll stop.

The biggest issue for most Americans, including “independent women” is “the economy, stupid,” not abortion.

“I’m shifting more towards Republican because I feel like they’re more geared towards business,” said Robin Ackerman, a 37-year-old Democrat and mortgage loan officer who lives in New Castle, Delaware, and is planning to vote Republican this fall.

Ackerman said she disagreed “1,000%” with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and erase the national right to an abortion. “But that doesn’t really have a lot to do with my decision,” she said of her fall vote. “I’m more worried about other things.”

Yeah, being able to afford food and shelter enable you to worry about abortion. You’ve got to start at the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid before you have the luxury of whining about matters that aren’t immediately affecting you personally.

My financial advisor told me yesterday that the current market, both stocks and bonds, are the worst they’ve been in 100 years. And that’s all pinned on Joseph Robinette Biden and the folks who wanted him to be president so bad they were willing to cheat to grab that brass ring.

He (and they) can swing from it.

Historically it’s the independent voters that swing elections one way or the other. Right now it looks like independents are swinging toward the GOP in a major way.

Just don’t get cocky. As I’ve written recently, you need to be donating, knocking on doors or volunteering at the polls. The worst thing to do is take a win for granted.

Daily Broadside | The Lying Liars Know We Know They’re Lying And They Don’t Care

Daily Verse | Mark 7:8
“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.”

Friday’s Reading: Mark 8-10
Saturday’s Reading: Mark 11-13

Friday and the end of another week. When we reconnect on Monday, we’ll be on the back half of October already.

One of the reasons I loathe the Democrats is their propensity for lying. It reminds me of what Jesus said about the devil: “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Lying comes as naturally to Democrats as breathing.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas backed up the Biden administration’s narrative last year that Border Patrol agents whipped Haitian migrants even after he knew the narrative was false, according to emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation and reported by Fox News.

DHS assistant secretary Marsha Espinosa alerted Mayorkas on Sept. 24, 2021, to a news article that said the photographer who took the images did not see any whips. “Espinosa highlighted the comments from the photographer where he directly says he did not witness any whipping,” Fox noted.

Mayorkas that same day nevertheless decided to join a Biden administration press conference that pushed the debunked narrative, and he even went so far as to call the images “horrifying” and an example of “systemic racism.” President Joe Biden, meanwhile, made a whipping motion with his hand as he said the photographs depicted “people being strapped.”

This isn’t an “unforced error” or some innocent misinterpretation of photographs. This was a deliberate hoax employed to reinforce and further the narrative that the US is irredeemably racist. As the NY Post puts it, Mayorkas must go: He smeared border agents despite knowing they hadn’t whipped migrants.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has to go. In a bombshell revelation, the Heritage Foundation obtained emails showing his own staff told him last year that reports of border agents whipping migrants near Del Rio, Texas, were false — before he went to the White House and publicly smeared his own agents as racists anyway.

Mayorkas flat-out lied. Just two hours after being informed the very photographer who captured the viral Sept. 19, 2021, pictures of mounted Border Patrol officers confronting Haitian migrants said no whipping occurred, he declared: “Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism.” 

This is an impeachable offence. We can’t have a peaceable and ordered society when those in charge deliberately corrupt the truth.

But as an executive I once worked for said, “Speed of the leader, speed of the team.” Here’s Brandon flat-out lying that we aren’t in a recession even though we are very clearly in a recession.

He and his whole illegitimate administration are trying to gaslight their way through the miserable state of affairs they’ve forced on the whole nation.

Let’s not forget his fabulism over his son Beau. President Biden incorrectly told an audience in Colorado on Wednesday that his late son Beau “lost his life in Iraq.” His son died in May 2015 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

His entire Residency is a lie. 81 million votes, the most ever in history, for this shambling poser!


It’s no wonder that trust in our government is now below 50 percent across all three branches of government.

A recent Gallup poll shows that less than 50% of Americans have trust in either of the three branches of government — President, Congress, Supreme Court — and that this marks the “first time that none of the three branches is trusted by a majority of Americans” …

For the Judicial Branch, 47% said they had trust in the institution; the Executive Branch only earned 43% trust; and only 38% of those surveyed said they had trust in the Legislative Branch. 

This isn’t the sole doing of the Democrats; Republicans rightly share blame for the lack of trust in our government. But the Democrats are shamelessly lying and don’t even try to hide it anymore.

We see what you’re doing. You know we see what you’re doing. And we know that you know that we know.

Why do we put up with this?

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | A former presidential candidate says “goodbye” to the Democrats

Daily Verse | Matthew 28:12-13
When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.'”

Wednesday’s Reading: Mark 1-3

Hump Day again and also my ↯¡!#th birthday, formerly known as Columbus Day. Yeah, I’m a Libra, apparently known for being funny, intelligent, artistic, flirtatious and, um … not sure about this … indecisive.

Should I have included that last one?

Someone who is definitely not being indecisive is former Democratic Hawaii Congresswoman and presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard. Now former Democrat.

aN OcTObEr sUPriSE!

A couple of things about this. First, I am not a friend of the Demolition Demonrat DemoKKKrat Democrat Party. There is no making peace with them in their current form. They are a force for evil in this country and world, and I stand opposed to them with everything in me.

I know that comes as a surprise to many of you.

But I admired Tulsi Gabbard as a presidential candidate on the other side of the aisle. I didn’t agree with everything she stood for, but she was articulate, rational, independent and, most of all, she was reasonable. She served in the military and seems to have some level of patriotic spirit in her political make up. In other words, she’s someone I could see having a civil conversation with about national policy.

I remember thinking that she was more conservative in her politics than the rest of the party she belonged to, which makes her an extremist in today’s progressive world. Just listen to her and imagine she’s a Republican (which she is not as of this writing).

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”

“I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party,” Gabbard added. “If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.”

There’s literally nothing in there that I can’t agree with, including her call for independent-minded Democrats to leave the Democrat party. Please, yes, leave the party of anti-American Marxists.

And that’s the other thing about this. Even one of the Democrat’s own presidential candidates has found that the Democrats are a corrupt and extremist group. Plus she’s a woman of color who opposes anti-white racism and apparently believes in God!

I take this as just one more bit of evidence that the Leftist Asses (hey, I didn’t pick their party symbol) are scaring away the more moderate members of their party, including blacks and Hispanics. In fact, the latest polling shows Brandon is underwater on every one of the top ten issues voters are most concerned about.

President Joe Biden, who promised a more competent and unifying administration, is failing to reach at least 50% approval on any of the nation’s top 10 issues.

Overall, Biden is underwater like his ratings-challenged predecessor. In the latest Ipsos survey, 40% approve of the job Biden is doing as president, while 53% disapprove.

But his failure really stands out in how the public views how he is doing on key issues, including the economy and crime.

The issue he still gets the best grade on is handling COVID-19, but that is now below 50%, at 47%.

Note that they can’t help referring to president Donald J. Trump as though that somehow makes Brandon’s failings okay. Trump had the entire Deep State, MSM, social media, military and even his own children undermining him at every turn, while Brandon has every one of those institutions, plus his addict son, Hunter and his wife Dr. Jill Biden, EdD., covering for him and showing no interest in his morally corrupt character or his compromised mental health or his unconstitutional use of power.

So it’s even, guys, okay?

Only 33% of Americans “approve” of the way he’s handling immigration and the economy. That 33% is all of the illegal aliens included in the survey.

C’mon man!

The midterms will be a referendum on Biden’s presidency. I can’t wait until the Democrats get slaughtered (figuratively speaking!) at the polls on November 8.

That is if they don’t call for martial law because we’re exchanging nukes with Putin.

Daily Broadside | Have We Restored Our Norms Yet? Oh. Never Mind

Daily Verse | Hosea 4:12
My people consult a wooden idol,
    and are answered by a stick of wood.
A spirit of prostitution leads them astray;
    they are unfaithful to their God.

Thursday’s Reading: Hosea 8-14

Thursday and we’re at the halfway point of September. “Thirty days hath September …”

When I say that the Left is all about sowing chaos and shattering norms by forcing their warped vision of “norms” on the country, I mean things like Resident Brandon’s appointment of Dr. Demetre Daskalakis as the White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator.

This guy seems helpful and informative.

Oops, wrong media. My bad.

This guy seems … disturbed.

Just like “Dark Brandon” is the jokey side of the Resident, so here we have Dark Demetre. But this isn’t funny. The National Pulse has an in-depth article about Daskalakis.

Daskalakis is known for his efforts in the world of HIV and other diseases affecting the LGBTQ+ community, having attended New York University Medical School, followed by a residency, fellowship, and additional masters degree from Harvard Medical School. In an interview with The Atlantic in 2014, he said “I learned my bedside manner from East Village drag queens.” He attended Columbia University as an undergraduate and was a “general and religion double major.” Raised by Greek Orthodox immigrants in Arlington, Virginia, a review of Dr. Daskalakis’s social media presence reveals a penchant for pentagrams and other Satanic symbolism, The National Pulse can reveal.

Daskalakis’s social media presence is disturbing, to say the least. Alongside his partner Michael MacNeal, the pair launched a “goth” gym in New York, which originally ran out of the high-profile Equinox gym chain, before spinning off into its own brand based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan: Monster Cycle.

Monster Cycle’s social media pages are full of references to Satanism, the devil, burning crosses, and pentagrams, and more. While the gym got fawning coverage from the New York Times (below) in 2014, its review on “SweatConcierge” made references to “alarming” imagery and “terrifying” co-ed locker rooms.

Daskalakis’s appointment is consistent with this administration’s hiring proclivities. From Rod Dreher at The American Conservative:

Are there any limits to the weirdos this Democratic administration will hire for important positions? You might have thought the baldheaded cross-dressing sadomasochist Sam Brinton was the outer limits (Biden appointed him to head an office within the Department of Energy). And, of course, transgender assistan Secretary of Health Rachel Levine:

Image: The American Conservative.

It’s bizarre. These men—all are biological males—apparently have strong capabilities in their areas of expertise but are perverted and just … weird. As Dreher asks, “Why?” Why does Brandon insist on elevating these people to positions of influence? I mean, he can appoint who he wants, but all three are sexually depraved in the extreme.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis cofounded a gym called The Monster Cycle. A Facebook post on that page from 2014 says, “We’ll Steal Your Soul.”

That’s what Daskalakis peddles.

And they call us extremists.

Daily Broadside | Poll: Majority Say Biden’s Pennsylvania Speech Designed to Incite Conflict

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 36:22
“It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name.”

Wednesday’s Reading: Ezekiel 37-39

Wednesday and the majority of voters think that Brandon’s harangue last Thursday night was a dangerous escalation of tension between the Democrats and the majority of Republican voters.

The poll asked respondents, “What is your opinion of President Biden’s recent primetime address to the nation in which he accused his political opponents of representing ‘an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic’?”

A new poll has revealed that a majority of Americans say that Biden’s prime time speech, delivered last week in Philadelphia before a blood red backdrop, was “a threat to this country,” a “dangerous escalation,” and was “designed to incite conflict.”

The poll, conducted by the Trafalgar Group for the Convention of States Action, found that 56.8 percent of likely general election voters said that Biden’s speech in which he designated MAGA Republicans extremists “represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amongst Americans.”

Over at Breitbart:

The following day after Thursday’s speech, Biden tried to walk back his dark speech that portrayed the Republicans as extremists who threatened the United States. “I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden replied when asked by reporters.

“When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol. They weren’t voting for overruling an election,” he backtracked. “They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.”


Walking those comments back on Monday, he said: ‘I want to be very clear up front. Not every Republican is a MAGA Republican. Not every Republican embraces that extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with mainstream Republicans my whole career.’

‘But the extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress have chosen to go backwards – full of anger, violence, hate and division,’ the president said. ‘But together, we can and must choose a different path: forward.’

That confusing and conciliatory tone only lasted so long. On Labor Day, Brandon again attacked American citizens who support Donald Trump and the America First agenda.

During his speech in Wisconsin on Monday, the president denounced the former president’s followers as ‘Trumpies’ and claimed politicians on the ‘extreme right’ of the GOP are ‘coming for your social security’ and destroying worker pensions …

And despite clarifying early on that ‘not every Republican is a MAGA Republican,’ he later painted the critic and his ilk as working to ‘destroy democracy.’

‘The biggest contrast from what MAGA Republicans, the extreme right…the Trumpies…is these MAGA Republicans in Congress are coming for your Social Security as well,’ Biden said.

Later, at a second event in Pittsburgh, Biden tore into MAGA once again, saying of Trump: ‘It’s clear which way he wants to look. It’s clear which way the new MAGA republicans are,’ calling them ‘very extreme.’

‘You can’t call yourself a democracy when you don’t count the votes that people legitimately cast,’ Biden said.

This is pure fearmongering. Notice that Brandon gave exactly zero examples of any of his accusations, with the only thing he might point to is January 6, which is so full of irregularities in how it occurred, and the extra-judicial treatment of what are really political prisoners in the Garland Archipelago.

Brandon is an undistinguished professional politician who accomplished nothing of note over 50 years in “public service.” Michael Walsh, whom you should read regularly, nails this evil man’s character.

After Joe Biden’s disgraceful speech last week —the worst and most deliberately provocative bully pulpit address in American history—many people have finally woken up to the very real threat threat [sic] of Leftist fascism (historically, there is no other kind) and its burning desire for civil war, and have begun asking themselves: what if this idiot is serious?

That Biden is, in fact, an idiot, is beyond dispute. For more than half a century this thoroughly nasty piece of work has been bullying, blustering, bragging, plagiarizing, insulting, sliming, and attacking his political enemies—which now apparently include anyone who opposes him and his criminal Anti-American Party—without any fear of reprisals whatsoever. 

I wish I could write like that, but I’m proud to say that I’ve been calling the Democrats a criminal anti-American party for years.

Here’s where Walsh really gets to work on what motivates Brandon:

The fact is, Biden is Fredo Corleone without the wit, charm, or brains: “I can handle things. I’m smart. It’s not like everybody says, I’m dumb. I’m smart and I want respect.” He is Ubu Rex without the self-restraint, a Roman emperor who judging from the two Marines outrageously stationed behind him actually trusts his Praetorian Guard. Like another National Socialist who instantly comes to mind, he’s forever mad at the world for not recognizing his talent and his genius and will show us who’s boss or die trying.

That is exactly what Brandon is. A clueless egotist who postures for the camera but is, in reality, a cheap, empty suit.

But he’s a cheap, empty suit with the power of the state at his right hand. That’s what makes him so dangerous. And that’s what the majority of Americans are hopefully beginning to discover.

Joe Biden is a menace to society and to our country.

Walsh continues:

Make no mistake: despite Biden’s walk-back the next day—for members of Congress, words have no lasting meaning— this was an evil speech and tantamount to a declaration of war on both conservatives and a Republican Party that, however poorly, represents them. It should have been immediately been greeted with articles of impeachment by the hapless, cowardly, and contemptible GOP, but of course it wasn’t. Biden and Left have backed the Chicken Party into a corner, from which they cannot fight back without giving MSM credence to the charges he just laid against them. 

Brandon can’t have it both ways. As I’ve written before, you have to take what these people say at face value, even if he “walks it back.” If he didn’t mean it, he shouldn’t have said it.

No, Bradon hates you if you’re a supporter of Donald J. Trump and of making America great again. He hates you if you’re an America-First American. He hates you if you question just how it was that the 2020 election was “fortified.” He hates you for your views and is trying to intimidate and silence you while motivating the true fascists in his own party to turn out and vote.

Remember, the majority of Americans think Brandon’s speech was “a threat to this country,” a “dangerous escalation,” and was “designed to incite conflict.” That includes a majority of both Republicans and Independents.

You must make yourself heard this November, which is only two months away—even if it’s just turning out to vote. And don’t forget that there are other ways to be involved.

Daily Broadside | We Are in Dangerous Waters and I’m Not Exaggerating

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 16:3
“‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says to Jerusalem: Your ancestry and birth were in the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.'”

Friday’s Reading: Ezekiel 20-23
Saturday’s Reading: Ezekiel 24-28

Friday and the end of the week. Due to a previous engagement, I didn’t have the pleasure of watching Brandon’s televised political ad from Philadelphia’s Independence Hall last night. I did spend some time watching a few minutes of it and then reading the entire transcript on the White House website.

That means today’s post may look lazy, but the truth is there are a lot of people out there who are smarter than me who had a chance to watch Brandon’s dark warning, so I’m deferring to them.

Long on accusation, short on specifics, Brandon’s convention hall speech was an outrageous vilification of Americans whose only crime is voting Republican. What kind of “president” says what he just said about half the country?

Here’s some salient observations from many conservatives on Twitter who watched.

From Trump himself:

And finally:

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Unoriginal, Undistinguished, Lying, Racist, Grifting Pervert to Defend ‘Soul of the Nation’ From Patriotic Americans

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 13:6
They say, “The Lord declares,” when the Lord has not sent them; yet they expect their words to be fulfilled.

Thursday’s Reading: Ezekiel 16-19

Happy September. While I’ve always associated this month with fall, that season doesn’t start until September 23. I have noticed it’s getting cooler in the evenings where I live. I expect that we’ll have a few days of Indian summer into October.

We can still say that, right? “Indian summer”? Or do I get cancelled for doing that?

Eh, doesn’t matter. I’m in this for the long haul and I’ll say what I choose to say when I choose to say it. The only way the progressive Democrat Marxists can be defeated is by refusing to play along with them.

Of course, that will entail some pain and sacrifice on the part of us who are already excommunicado in our current society. It’s appalling to think that normal, hard-working, patriotic, God-fearing Americans are now being denounced as fascists by a cabal of interlopers who are, in fact, truly fascist.

“Turning Point USA” founder Charlie Kirk isn’t having it.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many options when it comes to responding to Brandon’s smearing half of America as “semi-fascist.” You can sit there and ignore it. You can wait it out and hope you can vote him and his lot out (and believe that will take care of it). Or you can square up and resist with retorts of the truth. Maybe a combination of voting and the truth.

What we’re seeing is a concerted effort to delegitimize Americans who vote Republican. I don’t know who Libby Emmons is, but she has a few quality paragraphs in this post over at Human Events.

Biden and his administration are framing out an ideological war which puts Democrats in possession of the “soul of the nation,” and paints conservatives as fascists, bigots and any other insult they can come up with. The goal is to try to seize the moral high ground, only they are doing it on behalf of butchers disguised as doctors, groomers disguised as academics, and racists disguised as equity professionals.

When Biden spoke to Democrats last week and proclaimed that conservatives and Trump supporters are semi-fascist, his handlers knew exactly what they were doing. When Biden was asked what he meant with the comment, he said “you know exactly what I mean,” leaving explanations to flow from the podium in the White House briefing room.

“We have seen MAGA republicans take away our rights, make threats of violence, including this weekend,” Karine Jean-Pierre said when asked about Louisiana Senator Lindsey Graham’s caution against prosecuting former President Donald Trump, “and that is what the president was referring to when you all asked me last week about the ‘semi-fascism’ comment”…

Using the term “fascist” is a language game designed to paint the opposition as something they are not, and obfuscate the fact that it has been Democrats in power that have repeatedly and consistently limited the rights of Americans. Charlie Kirk rightfully noted that Joe Biden is a fascist.

As I wrote yesterday, “The net effect of casting the Right as something they are not is to taint any countermoves as evidence of their “extremism.” The Marxists hold power and their mouthpieces in the media dutifully parrot whatever they are given, so they’re able to assert whatever they want.”

“And have it amplified,” I should have added. Here’s David Marcus at Fox News:

Let’s be clear, Biden did not call Trump a semi-fascist, he said it about the “MAGA philosophy” embraced by Trump’s voters. Fascism is a particularly dehumanizing accusation. Its root word, fasces, means a bundle of sticks, stronger together than separate, and in which each individual stick is indistinguishable from the whole. A blow against an individual fascist is a blow against fascism itself.

That is to say, once you identify someone as a fascist, they are as good a target for harassment or violence as any other person who shares their beliefs. Not only is harassing Justice Brett Kavanaugh, or swatting Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene acceptable, so are attacks on your neighbor with the Trump flag on his truck...

In fact the fascist label is incredibly vague, a mishmash of Trump’s aggressive tone, the actions on Jan. 6 of a tiny, tiny fraction of American conservatives, and an increasing belief among progressives that to even question things like trans surgery for children or critical race theory in our classrooms makes one an unforgivable bigot.

Of course, the irony here is that an actual hallmark of 20th-century fascism was dehumanizing not just your political opposition, but the people themselves. How far a leap is it from saying I don’t want a conservative roommate, or date, or mechanic, to I think these people need to be silenced, punished or worse? History tells us that it is but a modest distance.

Biden is reading a teleprompter tonight at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where he’s to deliver a “speech” on the state of American democracy. I hate to keep bringing this up, but we’re not a democracy, so I’m unsure what he will be talking about, but here’s what the White House says:

[So-called ‘president’] Biden plans to deliver a prime-time address on democracy in the United States and “the continued battle for the soul of the nation,” a White House official told The Washington Post.

Biden is giving the speech at the same site where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were debated and signed, and “will talk about the progress we have made as a nation to protect our democracy, but how our rights and freedoms are still under attack,” the official said. “He will make clear who is fighting for those rights, fighting for those freedoms, and fighting for our democracy.”

Hopefully, he’ll tuck in some comments about how he is the Great Unifier he promised to be — just as soon as we all abandon our conservative principles and come to see things his way.