Daily Broadside | Democrats Taking Out Republican Lawyers Through Lawfare

Welcome back, me!

Have you ever traveled with Amtrak? I have, several times, but will never take the train again. After a disatrous trip earlier this year (iced-over switches, stalled for hours on the tracks as other trains got preference, arrived six hours late), this trip was late, too, and then we got stopped for an hour on the local rails trying to get home.

Better to drive and be in control of the situation than leaving it to someone else. Costs about the same.

So we know that the Deep StateTM is using lawfare against president-in-exile Donald J. Trump, trying to overwhelm him with bogus charges that wouldn’t stand scrutiny in any other situation. They’ve also ganged up on others close to Trump including Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Steve Bannon.

But you know who else they’re ganging up on? Republican lawyers.

Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:

  • Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Arizona: 18 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Michigan: 16 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Nevada: 6 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Pennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be charged

In addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded. In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.

If these criminal charges stick because of corrupt judges and DAs, who will be available when we need to challenge the results of the 2024 election, which will undoubtably be just as corrupt as the 2020 election?

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

I encourage you to read the rest of the post at the link. The author lists dozens of lawyers who have been targeted and also features a video of Christina Bobb, a lawyer who is being charged.

We are living in a third-world dictatorship led by the Democrats and their cronies in the Deep State.TM I am more convinced than ever that the Democrat Party should be outlawed, since that is what they are: outlaws.

Daily Broadside | DOJ’s Case Against Trump in Jeopardy Because Jack Smith Doesn’t Have Authority To Charge Him

It’s going to be a short week. I missed yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well, and I’ll be out of town this weekend. But there’s so much material that I’ll be able to at least post some stuff that will make you want to tear your hair out.

Let’s start with the clown show that is all of the persecution by prosecution of Donald J. Trump. Besides all the inflated charges based on a thin-as-gruel layer-of-ice in the Sarhara, including Garland’s DOJ staging photos of the documents that Trump allegedly took illegally, it turns out that the man prosecuting Trump, Special Counsel Jack Smith, is in fact doing so illegally because he has no constitutional authority to do so.

The liberal news media is full of false stories about how Judge Aileen Cannon of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida has delayed former President Donald Trump’s trial unnecessarily for allegedly mishandling classified documents. But, in fact, the Biden Administration and its Attorney General, Merrick Garland, are themselves to blame for the current delay. Special Counsel Jack Smith claims to be an inferior officer of the United States, but in fact he holds no such office. Smith is a mere employee of the Department of Justice, and he lacks the power to initiate prosecutions. Lucia v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 585 U.S. __ (2018) holds that only officers of the United States can take actions that affect the life, liberty, and property of citizens.

Judge Cannon has asked for oral argument on June 21, 2024 on former President Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment on the ground that Smith was unconstitutionally appointed to his current job because he is not an inferior officer. Washington, D.C. super-lawyer, Gene Schaerr, has filed an amicus brief in United States v. Trump on behalf of former Attorney Generals Edwin Meese III and Michael B. Mukasey, as well as me and Professor Gary Lawson, arguing that Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed to be an inferior officer, and Judge Cannon has asked Gene Schaerr to participate in the oral argument, which he has agreed to do.

The Appointment Clause of Article II, Section 2 provides that: “the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.Jack Smith claims to be an inferior officer of the United States appointed by the Head of the Justice Department, but he is instead a mere employee.

It sure seems like Smith is unauthorized to charge “Trump with 40 felony counts, including allegedly violating the Espionage Act, making false statements to investigators and conspiracy to obstruct justice.” If it turns out that the judge agrees, Smith’s case will be dismissed and Garland will have to find someone else with the proper vetting to pursue the case. By that time, the election will be here and, God willing, Trump will have kicked this administration out on its keister.

Jack Smith, however, was a private citizen, and not a sitting U.S. Attorney, when Attorney General Merrick Garland named him to be the Special Counsel who would investigate and prosecute Donald Trump. Smith’s appointment as an inferior officer was thus unconstitutional, and therefore the cases against former President Donald Trump, which Smith is prosecuting in Florida and in Washington D.C. must be dismissed. Again, Congress has never by law vested in the Attorney General the power to appoint inferior officers.


Thank God Judge Cannon has scheduled oral argument on President Trump’s motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump for misuse of classified documents by a Justice Department employee who has not been nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The judge should dismiss Smith’s case, and the Eleventh Circuit, and the U.S. Supreme Court should affirm that dismissal.

Smith should be prosecuted and sued for illegally bringing charges, along with impeaching Merrick Garland.

LOL. That’ll never happen.

Trump did nothing to deserve what he’s getting. This lawless administration is using lawfare to drain Trump’s finances, emotionally destroy him, and keep him off the campaign trail. And it’s doing so illegally.

But Trump seems to thrive in this hostile environment. He comes out swinging and uses the press to his advantage, basically getting in-kind donations with free media coverage that reaches millions and millions of people.

The persecution of Trump in all its forms is a travesty of justice.

Daily Broadside | The US Ship of State is Swamped and in Danger of Sinking

I hate to miss posting, but this past week was absolutely packed with activity. One of the little’s is getting married this fall, and there were all kinds of tasks associated with hosting guests and putting on a bridal shower that was a beautiful event for all involved. We’re getting to know the future in-laws and some of their extended family, too. I’m slightly more of an introvert than extrovert so expending that much energy with so many people tends to deplete my reserves and will take some time for me to rebound.

But I couldn’t not post with all that’s going on in this bizarre country called the United States of America. At one time the envy of the world, it has been twisted into a grotesque, unrecognizable parody of itself, claiming all the virtues of a free society but acting like a third-world banana republic.

We’re being led by a doddering, angry, dementia-riddled, imbecilic fabulist whose natural language is lying. He’s bought and owned by the Chinese, the Russians and the Ukranians. He’s done nothing worth remembering in his fifty years in government, but we will remember him because of the immense damage he’s inflicted on the economy, politics and the culture in the two-plus years he’s been in office.

Our political elites have weaponized the Constitution and are conducting open lawfare on the previous president while ignoring the crimes of the current one and his family. Lawfare is even being conducted at the state level against conservative politicians, like Texas AG Ken Paxton.

We’re being swarmed with some 7 million foreigners who have crossed our non-existant border illegally without vetting and are actually shlepped around the country to large “santuary” cities, so much so that even hard-left mayors are complaining that they can’t handle the influx and are now asking citizens to open their homes to the invaders.

The Chinese float spy balloons over mainland US with impunity and are apparently behind an illegal biolab full of diseased mice, pathogens, blood, coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes and other infectious agents that was operating in secret without a permit in California, and an illegal police station in New York City to hunt down Chinese dissidents. We’re dependent on China for our pharmaceuticals. It’s shameful embarrassment to our sovereignty and safety.

The chucklehead in the White House printed $4 trillion and set off the worst inflation in 40 years. Interest rates have tripled and gas prices are doubled.

Our cities, once the envy and destination of the world, are turning into third-world $#!+holes full of crime and drugs, homelessness and death. Stores and businesses are closing because it’s unsafe to operate in those fetid markets.

Americans are fleeing “blue” states to “red” states in an effort to escape the insanity that progressives have unleashed in their states. We’re segregating ourselves into “rational” and “irrational” populations — and it depends on which one you identify with that shapes your definition of “rational.”

Our military is more interested in being woke than in being prepared as evidenced by dismal recruiting that has left us thousands of soldiers short. In addition, we are short on munitions and are far behind China in naval readiness.

As Victor Davis Hanson writes,

We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

There’s little that one person can do to fight the assault on our way of life. It will take a critical mass of citizens who have decided they’ve had enough and are ready to fight — and sacrifice for — the survival of America.