Daily Broadside | The US Ship of State is Swamped and in Danger of Sinking

I hate to miss posting, but this past week was absolutely packed with activity. One of the little’s is getting married this fall, and there were all kinds of tasks associated with hosting guests and putting on a bridal shower that was a beautiful event for all involved. We’re getting to know the future in-laws and some of their extended family, too. I’m slightly more of an introvert than extrovert so expending that much energy with so many people tends to deplete my reserves and will take some time for me to rebound.

But I couldn’t not post with all that’s going on in this bizarre country called the United States of America. At one time the envy of the world, it has been twisted into a grotesque, unrecognizable parody of itself, claiming all the virtues of a free society but acting like a third-world banana republic.

We’re being led by a doddering, angry, dementia-riddled, imbecilic fabulist whose natural language is lying. He’s bought and owned by the Chinese, the Russians and the Ukranians. He’s done nothing worth remembering in his fifty years in government, but we will remember him because of the immense damage he’s inflicted on the economy, politics and the culture in the two-plus years he’s been in office.

Our political elites have weaponized the Constitution and are conducting open lawfare on the previous president while ignoring the crimes of the current one and his family. Lawfare is even being conducted at the state level against conservative politicians, like Texas AG Ken Paxton.

We’re being swarmed with some 7 million foreigners who have crossed our non-existant border illegally without vetting and are actually shlepped around the country to large “santuary” cities, so much so that even hard-left mayors are complaining that they can’t handle the influx and are now asking citizens to open their homes to the invaders.

The Chinese float spy balloons over mainland US with impunity and are apparently behind an illegal biolab full of diseased mice, pathogens, blood, coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes and other infectious agents that was operating in secret without a permit in California, and an illegal police station in New York City to hunt down Chinese dissidents. We’re dependent on China for our pharmaceuticals. It’s shameful embarrassment to our sovereignty and safety.

The chucklehead in the White House printed $4 trillion and set off the worst inflation in 40 years. Interest rates have tripled and gas prices are doubled.

Our cities, once the envy and destination of the world, are turning into third-world $#!+holes full of crime and drugs, homelessness and death. Stores and businesses are closing because it’s unsafe to operate in those fetid markets.

Americans are fleeing “blue” states to “red” states in an effort to escape the insanity that progressives have unleashed in their states. We’re segregating ourselves into “rational” and “irrational” populations — and it depends on which one you identify with that shapes your definition of “rational.”

Our military is more interested in being woke than in being prepared as evidenced by dismal recruiting that has left us thousands of soldiers short. In addition, we are short on munitions and are far behind China in naval readiness.

As Victor Davis Hanson writes,

We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

There’s little that one person can do to fight the assault on our way of life. It will take a critical mass of citizens who have decided they’ve had enough and are ready to fight — and sacrifice for — the survival of America.

5 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | The US Ship of State is Swamped and in Danger of Sinking

  1. Hey Dave, Congratulations on Julie’s upcoming wedding! I remember her as a toddling 2 year old when I first resettled in Algonquin from Colorado ❤️ Regarding your quote from Victor David Hanson, he aligns with thoughts from Neil Howe who wrote The Fourth Turning. Basically looking at the cycles of history which repeat themselves approximately every 80-100 years. The cycles are made up of seasons or turnings. The 1850-60s and the 1930s were “4th turnings” in their cycle. . . Same as us today. Each 4th turning climaxes with something that fundamentally changes society. 1850-1860s climaxed with the Civil War, 1930s climaxes with WWII. Howe would advocate our 4th Turning will climax in late 2020s. Interesting read. This past week I’ve been reading I & II Peter. What is asked/commanded of us as Believers when we’re living in an era of moral decay, persecution, unrest.

  2. I’m pretty sure you said it all Dave ! It will be interesting to see how the majority of Americans, those that believe we live in the greatest country in the world, fight this evil garbage that is trying to take over.

  3. I agree with you Dave! The only thing I don’t see addressed is the church and how complicit it’s been! It has been bought by the elites and forgot it’s purpose! Only God is going to stop this and His remnant that looks to Him for what needs to be done will change this!

    • Tom, I fully agree with you that the Church has failed in following Jesus. A lot of it is biblical illiteracy — they don’t know what the Bible says and don’t know how to live it out. And in many cases the people of the Church have caved to the culture around them. Thanks for commenting.

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