The Broadside | Mushhead Wants to Control the Supreme Court in Order to Save Democracy

Keeping it short this morning.

Failed career politician Joseph Robinette Biden, the first sitting president seeking re-election to withdraw from a presidential election, has decided that even though he’s incompetent to serve another term, he’s competent enough to demand changes to the Supreme Court, including term limits.

President Biden on Monday came to the LBJ Presidential Library to deliver a sweeping indictment of the U.S. Supreme Court, calling its rulings “dangerous,” its ethics code “weak” and its practices in desperate need of reform.

Biden, a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who oversaw numerous confirmation battles, said the court has become unmoored from its traditional role. “We live in a different era,” he said during a 25-minute address in an auditorium filled with hundreds of people. “In recent years, extreme opinions the Supreme Court has handed down have undermined long-established civil rights principles and protections.”

What he says “extreme opinions” he means decisions that go against the commie Democrats’ evil inclinations to tear down Western civilization and finish fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

Biden had long resisted calls to reform the Supreme Court, and the announcement Monday marked a major shift in his posture. After the addition of three justices nominated by Trump, the court has veered sharply to the right — overturning Roe v. Wade, ending affirmative action in college admissions and weakening federal agencies’ power by overturning a 40-year decision. The conservative majority also invalidated Biden’s student-loan forgiveness program.

Roe v. Wade was written as law, not as a judicial opinion. Most legal experts agreed that it was a terrible decision. Affirmative action gave preference to minorities in a policy that was essentially reverse discrimination. Federal agencies were never meant to have the power they have, making rules that have the effect of federal law, a power reserved to Congress alone. And Biden doesn’t have the authority to forgive student loan debt.

So, yeah, Democrats are ticked because their extra-constitutional lawmaking is being rebuked.

Only one line in the WaPo article rang true: “Conservatives argue that proposals like Biden’s stem from a dislike of the court’s recent rulings, not a genuine desire for reform.”


If Resident Brandon wants to accomplish his attempts to interfere with the Supreme Court, he’ll have to do it with a constitutional amendment. As Ace says, SCOTUS is “an independent branch of government which is co-equal to both the Congress and the executive and therefore answers to neither.”

In my view, this is the first step in a psyop, plowing the ground among the radical progressives to get the seeds planted. What Brandon wants won’t happen, not now, but that won’t stop the anti-American Left from agitating for it.

The Broadside | Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You President Putin and Vice President Trump!

OK Big Boys and Big Gurls, are we convinced yet that (10 percent for) the Big Guy can last another four years? Did you watch the Big Boy presser? That’s not me mocking Biden, that’s the press and the White House, who announced a couple of days ago that Resident Biden would be giving a “Big Boy” press conference after the NATO Summit on Thursday.

And Big Boy, did he deliver.

To be fair, he did realize his “vice president Trump” gaffe and tried to pass it off with some lame excuse about thinking too much about Trump. The point is, Biden’s brain is misfiring on all three cylinders that still work and there’s no coming back from that.

Not to mention that he’s been visited at the White House by a doctor (not Dr. Jill Biden!) who specializes in treating Parkinson’s disease. That came to nothing, but the White House didn’t make things easier for itself by not being forthcoming.

Last night’s attempt to reassure the public that Biden has more stamina than George Clooney (!) to fulfill the duties of being president has failed spectacularly again.

The Democrats’ self-inflicted dilemma is delicious to watch, but it’s anybody’s guess how it will end. Rumors abound that Barack Hussein Obama and Nancy Pelosi are working behind the scenes to pressure Joe to step down.

But if this report is anything to anyone, that may be easier imagined than done.

A CEO friend of President Joe Biden reportedly said that there is “no way” the president is dropping out, that he “hates” the party elite, and that he will tell them all to “f*ck off.”

According to Charles Gasparino, senior contributor to Fox Business and columnist for the New York Post, a CEO who knows Joe Biden closely said that the president will stay in the race and that he will not bow down to party elites.

“NO F*CKING WAY he’s dropping out,” the friend reportedly said.

“Joe Biden couldnt care less what the elite in his party thinks, what the elite fundraisers think or anyone else. He really hates them; he’ll take their money but he knows they look down on him as some rube,” the friend reportedly added.

“Plus he thinks he earned the presidency after trying so many times and there’s no way he’s giving it up to go down in history as a loser who dropped out because he isn’t tough enough. He only cares about his wife and family and he will tell everyone else to f*ck off,” the friend reportedly concluded.

Still, the Democrats are vicious and are skeered of losing power. Especially to Trump.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Brandon Wants to Import Palestinians Into US On Top Of the Millions of Foreigners He’s Already Forced On Us

Is there no limit to the destructive ends of this lawless “administration”?

White House considers accepting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees amid Israel-Hamas war

People from Gaza who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the US with refugee status

The Biden administration is considering welcoming certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees as they seek to escape war-torn Gaza amid the ongoing war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

Senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed in recent weeks the details of potential options to accept Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent U.S. residents, internal federal government documents show, according to CBS News.

One proposal involves using the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to bring Palestinians with U.S. connections who have escaped Gaza and entered neighboring Egypt, the documents reveal.

U.S. officials have also considered welcoming additional Palestinians out of Gaza and are processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, according to the documents. This proposal would have to rely on coordination with Egypt, which has thus far been reluctant to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

Say, has anyone asked Egypt why they are “thus far reluctant” to take in Gazans?

Never mind, I’ll tell you. It’s because more than 70 percent of Palestinians believe the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel was justified. Egypt sure as heck doesn’t want any terrorist sympathizers in their country.

But the hacks running our country know that bringing them here fits perfectly with their plan to undermine our stability and freedoms. I mean, just look at the Pax Americana currently being expressed at our universities in mostly peaceful anti-semitic protests!

Yes, please, more of that!

Oh, and get a look at more of the lawless population displacement this completely treasonous junta is conducting.

The DHS data shows that during an 8 month stretch from January through August 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via the program, with 80% of them, (161,562) arriving in the state of Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, & Tampa.

The top 15 cities migrants flew into, & the numbers during this 8 month window, are below. 1) Miami, FL: 91,821 2) Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 60,461 3) New York City, NY: 14,827 4) Houston, TX: 7,923 5) Orlando, FL: 6,043 6) Los Angeles, CA: 3,271 7) Tampa, FL: 3,237 8) Dallas, TX: 2,256 9) San Francisco, CA: 2,052 10) Atlanta, GA: 1,796 11) Newark, NJ: 1,498 12) Washington, D.C.: 1,472 13) Chicago, IL: 496 14) Las Vegas, NV: 483 15) Austin, TX: 171

I’ve attached the raw DHS data provided in the subpoena response showing all of the locations the migrants flew into during these 8 months in the chart below.

DHS also revealed in the subpoena response that as of October 2023, there was a backlog about 1.6 million applicants waiting for DHS approval to fly to the U.S. via the parole program.

Why do you think they’ve flown the trespassing foreigners into these cities?

No, wait, I’ll tell you. It’s because they 1) will be hard to find and deport, 2) will turn the cities blue and bluer, and 3) will further stress our economy and welfare system. It’s all designed to break us down.

We’re experiencing the overthrow of our constitutional republic in real time.

Daily Broadside | Easter Bunny Terrorizes Old Man Talking Politics

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 17:9
The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 18-21

Tuesday and for those of you who subscribe or follow this site, I’ve added a “Like” button to the bottom of my posts. That means you can give me an anonymous thumbs up if you like the post for the day. So have at it.

This has been making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it yet, take a gander at what anti-Americans like Mark Zuckerberg foisted on us in 2020.

The Resident looks completely startled by the “Easter Bunny” when the life-sized rabbit steps up to him while at the Easter egg roll at the White House. Just look at his face:

He looks like he’s just had a Jack-in-the-Box pop out at him. It takes a couple of parsecs for what he’s seeing to register. He is caught completely off guard and you can see his brain trying to decide: fight or flight? It’s like Putin showed up and Brandon realizes he’ll have to eat his words that Vlad “cannot remain in power.”

Seriously. Go back and watch it again. I’ll wait.

This isn’t a “gotcha!” moment; this is a costumed performer who interferes with some mouth mash Brandon is grinding through with reporters. It’s actually Brandon’s director of message planning, Megan Hayes, and apparently his message wasn’t planned.

So what, you say. You think I’m maybe being too nit-picky?

Here’s what happened at the start of the event. Make sure you have the volume up to hear what Doctor Jill Brandon tells him as he finishes his welcoming remarks.


And again, “wave.”

Brandon has to be directed and redirected throughout the event.

Here’s why this matters: If Brandon is cognitively unable to manage himself, WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?

All Brandon is right now is a script reader. And not a very good one, at that.

And here’s what it got him (and us):

CNN’s Harry Enten outlines new polls from Quinnipiac and NBC showing that Joe Biden has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump did at this point in his presidency, breaking Trump’s record for lowest ever recorded.

“It was always a thing, ‘Donald Trump had the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency,’ we did it over and over and over and over again,” Enten recalled. “At this point in his presidency, Donald Trump’s average approval rating is actually one point higher than Joe Biden’s which is 41%. Donald Trump at 42%. For a first-term president at this point in his presidency, this is the lowest.”

“This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn’t get there through the vice presidency.”

“Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter,” Enten said.

The talking heads of CNN look positively shocked. Their preferred candidate is more of a disaster than they could have ever conceived and it’s dawning on them that they own him.

82 million votes, you guys. Landslide victory, most ever in recorded history!

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

If anyone shouldn’t remain in power, it’s him.

Daily Broadside | Brandon is a Cockwomble and We Need Rescuing

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

Tuesday’s Reading: Deuteronomy 27-30

Tuesday and the first of March. In like a lion, out like a lamb?

I wish I had seen this before yesterday’s Broadside:

I know that’s Justin Brandeau pictured, but it applies oh, so very aptly to Joe Brandon. I still think “fool” is the most appropriate moniker for Biden, but “cockwomble” is now running a very close second.

While that’s funny, what’s even more hilarious is our Fool’s disapproval ratings.

Economic discontent is hurting [Resident] Joe Biden and his party’s midterm election prospects, with six in 10 Americans reporting inflation hardships, three-quarters saying the economy’s in bad shape and a nearly 20-point lead for the Republican Party in trust to handle it.

Biden has other problems, with underwater ratings for his handling of the invasion of Ukraine, a split on the pandemic and weak scores on personal attributes including leadership, handling a crisis and mental sharpness.

But 40-year-high inflation leads his headaches: Americans are twice as likely to say they’re worse off than better off under his presidency, by 35-17%.

The result: A career-low 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance overall, with 55% disapproving. That includes just 30% approval among political independents and 10% from Republicans. Even in his own party, nearly a quarter of Democrats either disapprove of Biden (19%) or are withholding judgment (4%).

That’s an 18-point spread.

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks did people think they were getting when #81MILLIONLOL voted for the cockwomble? I mean, at least Putin respects him, amirite?

I still can’t believe it was so close, it was close enough to cheat.

When will people learn that Democrats are little more than a political version of the mob, except that Al Capone dressed better?

Analyzing data going back to Harry Truman’s administration, only two presidents have had approval ratings this low heading into their first State of the Union address, which Biden delivers Tuesday. Those two were Donald Trump, at 36%, and Gerald Ford, at 37%. Disapproval has been higher, by a nonsignificant 3 percentage points, only for Trump. (More were undecided about Ford, then just five months in office.)

These people can’t quit Trump. How about Trump had the entire Washington and media establishments (but I repeat myself) working overtime to undermine his administration with the treasonous Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion hoax airing 24/7 on every channel?

Brandon’s got nothing but the entire Washington and media establishments (is there an echo in here?) blowing wind in his sails and propping him up and HE CAN’T EVEN TREAD WATER. So what’s his excuse?

Here’s Five Thirty Eight’s persistent calculation of all polls as of February 28.

That’s a 13-point spread between approve and disapprove.

Or here’s Real Clear Politics assessment:

A 14-to-19-point spread.

Yeah, Brandon’s in trouble. And his catastrophic performance means we’re all in trouble. But it also means that citizens are ready to throw out the trash. We still have three years of Brandon to go, but we can start this November by kicking out the old party apparatchik political hacks on both sides of the aisle (looking at you, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney) who have destroyed our Constitutional order and have sat on their fat keisters for decades collecting their fat paychecks while they tell us what we can and can’t say, what we can and can’t do, who the winners and the losers are, and taking more of our money and freedom along the way while they attend all the best Washington parties.

It’s okay to be angry and to fight for what matters. While reading through Deuteronomy, I came across this passage:

But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. Do nothing to the girl; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders his neighbor, for the man found the girl out in the country, and though the betrothed girl screamed, there was no one to rescue her. (DT. 22:25-27)

The scenario implies that if the girl had screamed while people were nearby, she could’ve been rescued. And what do you think a rescue would’ve looked like? Rape is a violent crime that may require a violent intervention fueled by anger over the injustice.

Sometimes righteous heroic action is necessary.

If you love our country and want to see her prosper again, you might think about getting involved. Write checks and volunteer to knock on doors for constitutional-friendly congressional representatives and local elections. Reading blogs doesn’t count, not even this one, which is just a speck of light in a universe of bright stars.

Go. Do something heroic.

The wind is in our favor.

Daily Broadside | Leftists Are Going Full Nazi and You Should Pay Attention

Daily Verse | Genesis 50:19
“Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Thursday’s Reading: Exodus 1-6

Just before publishing I learned that Joe Manchin III (W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), joined all 50 Republicans in voting down the federal voting rights legislation in the Senate. So not everything is awful. But most of it is.

Thursday and if you’ve been keeping up with the Bible reading plan, we’re done with Genesis—and it’s not even the end of January! Hopefully you’re finding new things you hadn’t known before as you read through the scripture. If you’d like to join us on the journey this year, you can download the plan here:

I hope you’re reading it because you need to be sure of Who is unchanging and True in an age of deceit, betrayal and threats to the safety and freedom we’ve taken for granted in the greatest country ever founded. If you’re not sure in whom your ultimate confidence rests, let me jolt you into thinking it through.

Almost half of Democratic voters—48 percent—think the government should be able to fine or imprison individuals “who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.”

This is not the most astonishing finding of a poll just released by Rasmussen. Let’s go through the relevant points: Nearly the same percentage of Democratic voters—47 percent—think the government should be able to put a tracking system, like an ankle monitor or a locked collar, on people who refuse the vaccine. And 45 percent favor putting the unvaccinated in camps. Camps.

More than half of Democratic voters—55 percent—think people who refuse the vaccine should be fined. Fifty-nine percent favor confining all unvaccinated people to their homes. More than a quarter of Democratic voters—29 percent—think that the government should be able to confiscate the children of unvaccinated parents . . .

Is any of this Nazi enough for you yet? You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the Comité de salut public for opposing the “Law of Suspects”—the law that authorized the arrest of all suspected enemies of the Revolution and ushered in the Reign of Terror. You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the NKVD for “moral sabotage of the Soviet Union.” You are living next door to the people who would have called up the Gestapo and said, “My neighbor is hiding a Jew.”

Examine these historical personages from Revolutionary France or Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany (or Nazi France): It’s not just that they were following orders. On the contrary, they thought they were doing a positive good for society. They were eager to help rid their community of dangerous elements. They were proud of what they did.

Some of your Democratic neighbors will likewise be proud to lock you up, put a tracking collar on your neck, take away your children—all for the public good. These are people who would murder you for the public good. 

This is the poisonous rot that has leeched into our culture over the last few decades. And, lest you think that the government is just rattling their sabers without intent to use them, The US Army is set to conduct a “guerrilla warfare exercise” later this month in North Carolina where troops will battle against “freedom fighters.”

The two week “unconventional warfare exercise” will take from Jan. 22-Feb. 4 on privately owned land in a remote location which remains unknown.

“Called Robin Sage, the exercise serves as a final test for Special Forces Qualification Course training and it places candidates in a politically unstable country known as Pineland,” reports the Charlotte Observer.

“These military members act as realistic opposing forces and guerrilla freedom fighters, also known as Pineland resistance movement,” said the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center.

Maybe they’re just practicing for when they help Ukraine defend itself against Russia?

As Chris Menahan notes, a similar Robin Sage exercise in 2019 showed resistance fighters displaying a flag that says “liberty.”

“They could tell these soldiers they’re battling the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans or other foreign enemies but instead they have them training to kill “freedom fighters” with “Liberty” flags,” writes Menahan.

The exercise will do little to dampen concerns that the Biden administration is launching a de facto ‘domestic war on terror’ targeting patriots and Trump supporters.


I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any good reason for our troops to be war-gaming a battle against us. I mean, besides BLM and Antifa, but they don’t wave the “Liberty” flag. On the other hand, Paul Eaton, a retired U.S. general and a senior advisor to the far-Left VoteVets, has reasons:

Eaton told NPR that military leaders needed to “war-game the possibility of a problem and what we are going to do” while warning that the United States is “compromised… as far as 39% of the Republican Party refusing to accept President Biden as president.” He suggested that a scenario in which the military is “compromised” needs to be “addressed in a future war game held well in advance of 2024.”

Remember when we held war games to fight our enemies rather than to purge our own people?

Eaton, a Hillary Clinton adviser, isn’t however worried about the 33% of Clinton supporters who claimed that Trump was not the legitimate winner right after the election, or the 56% of Democrats who viewed him as illegitimate a year later. Polls actually show that much higher numbers thought that Bush and Trump were illegitimately elected than the number that thought Obama and Biden were illegitimately elected. Should the military be purging Dems or holding “war games” to determine what will happen if Democrats try to live out their coup fantasies?

Hey, how come it’s only conservatives and Republicans that need to be purged?

Notice, too, that Eaton isn’t addressing an uprising with rioting and burning and looting and murder. He’s talking about 39% of Republicans who merely don’t believe Biden was legitimately elected. But that kind of thinking is now a threat that apparently needs to be addressed.

Are you awake? Don’t make the mistake of smugly dismissing all of this because “it can’t happen here.” It is happening here, right before our eyes.

Listen to Brandon and our current or “retired” military leaders when they talk about “domestic terrorists.” Pay attention when your military prepares to battle “freedom fighters.” We need to take them seriously because they’re telegraphing their intent. And you and I are the targets.

Daily Broadside | November Is Looking Good to Deliver a Reckoning

Daily Verse | Genesis 43:30
Deeply moved at the sight of his brother, Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep.

Tuesday’s Reading: Genesis 45-47

It’s Tuesday and in the midst of the catastrophic failure of Brandon’s administration and the assault on our nation by domestic Marxist forces there continues to be scraps of good news that we can point to that offer some hope of political relief. The latest comes from the Gallup organization with a report that shows a seismic shift in political preferences over 2021.

On average, Americans’ political party preferences in 2021 looked similar to prior years, with slightly more U.S. adults identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic (46%) than identified as Republicans or leaned Republican (43%).

However, the general stability for the full-year average obscures a dramatic shift over the course of 2021, from a nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter to a rare five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter.

How rare?

The GOP has held as much as a five-point advantage in a total of only four quarters since 1991. The Republicans last held a five-point advantage in party identification and leaning in early 1995, after winning control of the House of Representatives for the first time since the 1950s. Republicans had a larger advantage only in the first quarter of 1991, after the U.S. victory in the Persian Gulf War led by then-President George H.W. Bush.

The key here is independents.

Regardless of which party has an advantage in party affiliation, over the past three decades, presidential elections have generally been competitive, and party control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate has changed hands numerous times. This is partly because neither party can claim a very high share of core supporters — those who identify with the party — as the largest proportion of Americans identify initially as political independents.

Overall in 2021, an average of 29% of Americans identified as Democrats, 27% as Republicans and 42% as independents. Roughly equal proportions of independents leaned to the Democratic Party (17%) and to the Republican Party (16%).

The percentage of independent identifiers is up from 39% in 2020, but similar to the 41% measured in 2019. Gallup has often seen a decrease in independents in a presidential election year and an increase in the year after.

Statistically we have the same number of Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. So why do the Dems seem to have an outsized influence on our political affairs? It’s all about the independents.

Although a registered Republican, I philosophically became an “independent” during the 2016 presidential election and have only hardened my position because I’m disgusted by both parties; the Democrats for being a criminal organization akin to the mob, and the Republicans for being the political equivalent of the Keystone Cops i.e., a do-nothing squish foil for the Democrats.

I feel a lot like Kurt Schlichter who writes about the reckoning that the Republicans must deliver to the Democrats if they win back the House and Senate this November.

November is coming and what they have sown they shall reap. They have sown failure. They shall reap a House ruled by Kevin McCarthy and a Senate by the murder Turtle and the pain will begin – at least it better. The base is in no mood for hands across the aisle. Time to deal the pain.

Also, it will be fun to see Democrats fall in love with the filibuster again.

The reckoning begins in the House. We must have our vengeance, both to satisfy the reasonable craving for justice on the part of the base and to teach the Democrats that there is a price for crossing us. Ilhan Omar needs to get booted from her committees because she is as anti-Semitic as she is brother-curious. Toots Swalwell has got to go from the intel committee – you cannot have people who get suckered into tacky sex with mediocre-looking Chi Com honeypots on that board. And Adam Schiff must go too – he leaks worse than Biden’s colon at the Vatican.

But that’s not all. McCarthy must make the Dem poobahs pay. All the Democrats who worked for years and years to become ranking members of their committees? Throw them off their precious committees. Why? Because they let Pelosi screw Republicans. This is the price. All their dreams must die.

Exactly. I will be beside myself if the Republicans don’t deliver a smackdown on the Democrats. Not because I think it will change much, but because we live in an increasingly kill or be killed political world foisted on us by the ideological descendants of Stalin and Mao.

It’s long past time to clean out the rat’s nest that are the Democrats. Republicans may, once again, be given a chance to show some spine. They better take it.

Daily Broadside | I Hate Abraham Lincoln or Something

Daily Verse | Genesis 31:24
Then God came to Laban … and said to him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.”

Friday’s Reading: Genesis 32-36
Saturday’s Reading: Genesis 37-40

Friday and the end of the week. Anybody know if we’ve flattened the curve yet?

In preparation for this morning’s post, I came across a pithy sentence that sums up our current system of government rather succinctly (author apparently known but remains anonymous):

“The problem is not that the system has become corrupt, but that corruption has become the system.”

That’s it. That. is. it.

The reason we see so much corruption “in the system” is that the system has been displaced by a corrupt counterfeit so that it no longer functions like it was meant to. It’s not a system with some corruption in it; it’s corruption with some vestige of the original structure still holding it together. It’s like a Crusader’s sword that fell into the sea, only to be found 900 years later encrusted in minerals, shells and marine organisms. You can see the sword’s shape but that’s about the only resemblance it has to its original design. It’s been fully corrupted.

There are dozens and dozens of examples of corruption to choose from, but let’s look at one of the most recent.

Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona requested the infamous letter from the National School Boards Association comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists, emails published Tuesday revealed, demonstrating even further the Biden administration’s entrenched efforts to smear its political opponents as threats to national security.

Wut? A senior official solicited a fake dossier letter to gin up opposition to their political enemies?

That letter, which smeared concerned parents who showed up at school board meetings as domestic terrorists and urged the Department of Justice to use terrorism laws against them, was cited by Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland as the reason he directed the FBI and state attorneys to take action against “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” The NSBA later apologized for the letter, but that wasn’t enough to keep dozens of state school board associations from distancing themselves from the national organization over the debacle.

The idea that a member of the president’s cabinet secretly planted a political message in an outside organization, then acted on the request with the force of law under a pretense of neutrality, is scandalous.

Scandalous? Sure. But why act surprised? This is what our “system” produces and has produced for many years now. Decades, even. But we couldn’t see it as plainly as we do now. Trump blew all the circuitry running through the swamp and exposed it for all to see.

But the Democrats and Leftists and media monkeys don’t even care if we see it. All that matters to them is holding onto power long enough to retool the “system” to keep them in power. If that means tearing down the Senate filibuster like a statue of Robert E. Lee, then let’s do it. If that means labeling parents “domestic terrorists” for opposing the Democrat’s agenda, by all means, let’s do it.

And, if it means Brandon smearing half of all Americans as racists by offering a bizarre choice between racists and anti-racists all the way back to the mid-1800s, let’s do it.

Every official in America, [Resident] Biden said Tuesday, has a choice: “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [Martin Luther] King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” Seriously, he said that grandiloquent nonsense.

Mr. Biden’s speech in Georgia was a call to bulldoze the Senate’s filibuster to pass a rebranded version of H.R.1, a bill that would impose a federal election code on all 50 states, including forcing them to count late mail ballots that lack postmarks. If you happen to think that’s a bad idea, or that it’s unconstitutional, or that nuking the filibuster would hurt the Senate, well, then apparently you’re against Abraham Lincoln.

Not to make too fine a point of it, Brandon, but Bull Connor, George Wallace and (most likely, from the correspondence we have) Robert E. Lee were all Democrats. Lewis was a Democrat and King supposedly had Republican sympathies, but his party affiliation remains unknown.

Only Lincoln was a Republican—and you claim his mantle for your Marxist administration that engages in lawfare against innocent citizens?

The whole edifice is rotten. It needs to be torn down and the earth where it stood needs to be salted.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Even the Resident Agrees: Let’s Go Brandon!

Daily Verse | Jude 21
Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

Monday’s Reading: Revelation 1-5

It’s Monday and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day. I’ll be keeping the posts short this week as I take it easy between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but let’s finish strong on the Bible reading this week — we’ll be done on January 1 and be ready to start reading through it again on January 3.

Are you with me?

I’m not sure if you saw it, but Resident Biden gave us an early Christmas present by enthusiastically endorsing “Let’s Go Brandon” last week.

The New York Post writes,

“Merry Christmas and let’s go Brandon,” the father said as he signed off.

“Let’s go Brandon, I agree,” Biden said without missing a beat.

It was unclear from Biden’s reaction if he knew what the phrase meant.

“Let’s go Brandon,” is a less-vulgar stand-in for a jeer aimed at the Resident, who presides over a dismal administration that is hurting America. For Biden to not only repeat the phrase, but then to agree with it, only strengthens the perception of Biden as a useful idiot for the Left and a senile politician who doesn’t belong where he currently sits.

Daily Broadside | “Let’s Go Brandon!” and Why it Went Viral

Daily Verse | Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'”

Tuesday’s Reading: Matthew 26-28

Happy Tuesday, Broadsiders. I have a face for radio and a voice to match.

I’m assuming by now that you’ve all heard about the newest chant at public gatherings, including college and NFL football games, MLB playoff games, a boxing match, the Ryder Cup golf tournament and at Trump rallies across the country. What started as a vulgar expression of contempt for Resident Biden earlier in September took on new life when a NBC reporter was interviewing Brandon Brown, the winner of the Talladega NASCAR Xfinity Series race.

As you can plainly hear, the fans are chanting “F*** Joe Biden in the background,” but reporter Kelli Stavast says they are chanting “Let’s go Brandon!” This is either an honest misunderstanding (yeaahh no) or an incredibly agile attempt to salvage the interview by gaslighting the public.

Either way, “Let’s go Brandon!” has become an viral sensation because it mocks the fake news media while shrewdly replacing the ribald chant with a non-offensive phrase that everyone knows is a euphemism for the original.

It’s shown up everywhere, including a billboard:

a paging system at a major airport,

and, of course, in America’s paper of record:

Love it or leave it, the chant shows the pluck of Normal Americans who resent the cultural elite’s ignorance, incompetence and destruction of America as founded. It’s poking them in the eye and it’s funny.

For now.

I still think you should have plenty of ammo on hand, so get busy.