Daily Broadside | The Ugly Truth About Speaker Pelosi

Daily Verse | Romans 11:25-26
Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.

Monday’s Reading: Romans 12-16

Last week Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek re-election to leadership among the Democrat caucus. She’s led the Dems since 2003 and was the first female Speaker in U.S. history. She held the gavel from 2007-2011 and then again from 2019 until now.

“And with great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

While she’s achieved some historic accomplishments, I say “good riddance.” The defining moment of her “leadership” for me came during Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech, when she methodically ripped up her copy of his speech while still on the podium after Trump had concluded his speech.

In that moment she disgraced her position of power and allowed whatever personal animus she had toward Trump to express itself publicly. Instead of the decorum the office deserved, she used the occasion to deliver a moment of ugly disrespect to both Trump and the millions of Americans who supported him.

It was childish, boorish and beneath the dignity of her office. It was also par for the course. She led two highly politicized efforts to oust him via impeachment, both of which failed. Her intent to smear him was evident when she said, “He just got impeached. He’ll be impeached for ever. No matter what the Senate does. He’s impeached for ever because he violated our constitution.”

Whatever personal vendetta she had, she had no right to use the political power she was entrusted with to persecute Trump.

Lots of people praise Pelosi for her tenure as speaker. I don’t. She was and is a disgraceful partisan hack who did more damage to the American political institution than any speaker before her.

She deserved to be gone long before now.

Good riddance.

Daily Broadside | No One But Dems Think Brandon’s SOTU Speech Was Honest

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 32:47
They are not just idle words for you—they are your life.

Thursday’s Reading: Joshua 1-5

Thursday and Resident Brandon’s State of the Union speech is being panned all over the internet. I’ve written before that Democrats lie all the time. I used to do a “Democrats Lie Daily” post on Facebook and was never at a loss for content. They lie, they obfuscate, they redirect, they avoid, they ignore. And Brandon did that in spades on Tuesday night, well beyond what I wrote about yesterday.

From Issues & Insights: Joe Can’t Change the Subject, So His SOTU Leaves Us Wishing to Change the President.

And it’s another time-honored tradition, this of crisis communications, that when you can’t change the facts, you change the subject.

There’s one problem: the facts of Slumpy Joe’s failures loom so large that even larding 11 minutes of characteristically stumbling (Putin will “never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people”) dime-store Churchill at his oration’s opening could only delay the moment of reckoning.

From The Federalist: 17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech. Here’s a couple of them.

Biden told Americans, “I will be honest with you, as I’ve always promised,” but The Federalist’s regularly updated lie tracker proves that claim is far from the truth.


Biden touted the rising U.S. job record as one of the highlights of his first year in office but failed to mention that the only reason the job rate is growing is that millions of people are returning to work after tyrannical bureaucrats shut down the economy for months in the name of stopping the spread of a virus.


Biden claimed that the solution to inflation is for businesses to “lower your costs, not your wages,” but anyone with a brain knows that in order to stay open, companies must raise their prices to pay for increasingly expensive goods. If businesses are forced to raise their wages, they will also raise prices for consumers who have to bear the burden or suffer the consequences of understaffing.

From The Patriot Post: SOTU 2022: Fact-Checking Biden’s Big Obfuscations and Lies.

Upon entering the room, Biden handed Speaker Nancy Pelosi the official copy of his remarks. She did not tear up the pages, one by one, as she did Donald Trump’s last SOTU remarks in 2020, when the state of our union was great. However, tearing up Biden’s speech would have been the best thing she could have done for her party’s midterm prospects. (BTW, our criminal complaint against Pelosi for tearing up that official document is still pending.)

From Based Politics: 3 Big Falsehoods in President Biden’s State of the Union Address. Here’s one:

During the State of the Union address, President Biden repeated his false claims that his agenda only involves increasing taxes on the rich.

“Under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes,” he said. “Nobody.”

This is completely false. Since taking office, Biden has put forward multiple tax proposals that would increase taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000.

These include a new tax on nicotine products which would hurt poorer Americans hardest, increased corporate taxes which workers would bear through lower wages, and more. Even liberal-leaning think tanks and analysts have acknowledged that Biden’s pledge simply isn’t true—and parroting it yet again at the State of the Union doesn’t change this.

From The National Interest: Biden Didn’t Mention Social Security During the State of the Union.

Another indication that the federal government isn’t prioritizing the health of Social Security? It was not mentioned in President Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night.


The president did announce plans in December to improve Social Security’s online services, and while Biden touted various achievements of his administration’s first year, that was not among the ones mentioned. 

And one more from The Daily Wire: ‘F***ing Pandering 101, Full Of S***’: Border Patrol Agents React To Biden’s State Of The Union Immigration Claims. (Hey, I report, you decide.)

Former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf tweeted, “That mention of border and immigration security was lip service. Nothing more. No vision, no strategy. Just a wish list and another hollow push for immigration reform legislation. I think the President may have forgotten he has authority to fix the crisis NOW.”

As I wrote yesterday, the speech was focus-group tested and polled to get it just right. As Samuel Goldman put it:

The purpose of the speech was to bring independents who lean Democrat to their side in November. Centrist talk about bringing manufacturing home and cutting taxes and “fixing” the border are meant to alleviate the anxieties of the leaners or those who are ready to leave the Democrat party after getting red-pilled.

But we’ve seen enough to know what we’ve got. His speech will change nothing.

Daily Broadside | Biden Channels “America First” As His Numbers Tank

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 28:47-48
Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.

Wednesday’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31-34

Wednesday and it’s the morning after.

After what, you ask? After the terrible kabuki theater that was passed as a State of the Union speech last night by Brandon.

True, all SOTU speeches tend to be similar and have shriveled to simple laundry lists of topics du jour that have polled well (or not) among Americans. But listening to the Fool deliver an address that insults my intelligence adds insult to injury.

I can’t possibly cover everything in his speech, but let’s start with the most overt lie that he told all night when he said, “And unlike the $2 Trillion tax cut passed in the previous administration that benefitted the top 1% of Americans, the American Rescue Plan helped working people—and left no one behind.”

That trope, that Trump’s tax cut only benefitted the top one percent of Americans, has been disproved by countless outlets, including the Washington Post, which gave it four Pinocchio’s. Brandon has been pushing this lie for the last three years.

The fact that the Resident led with that lie when talking about the economy undermined any credibility he might have had for the rest of the speech. Why believe anything he’s saying? He’s willing to lie on national television to one of the largest audiences there is.

Brandon started the night by bragging about how the U.S. has worked with 30 other nations to “release 60 million barrels of oil from reserves around the world,” including 30 million from our own Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

That sounds like a lot, but the United States burns 20.5 million barrels of oil EVERY DAY. 60 million barrels is a whole three days worth of oil.

Joe failed to tell us how that 60 million barrels will “blunt gas prices here at home.” Here’s how it’s going on the world markets, which will eventually show up at the gas pump:

On Wednesday morning, global benchmark Brent crude blew past $110 per barrel, rising more than 5.8% to $111.09, its highest since early July 2014.

That 60 million barrels really impressed the market!

Hey, how about getting the Keystone Pipeline up and running? How about getting us off dependence on foreign oil like Trump made us? How about supporting fracking and drilling again instead of catering to the tiny minority of ecoterrorists that somehow punch above their weight?

A lot of his speech seemed very Trumpian and “America First,” which is a strange pivot for Democrats who spent four years demonizing Trump and his “nationalistic” policies. Brandon told us that we should bring manufacturing back home, and highlighted chip maker Intel, whose CEO was at the SOTU. Intel is going to build a $20 billion semiconductor “mega site” in Ohio.

I can applaud that. Should’ve been done years ago but it’s only because of “increasing automation in chip factories and potential government funding [that] Intel is able to reshore some of this manufacturing and still be cost-effective.”

Brandon also broke with his own party by addressing crime with, “The answer is not to Defund the police. The answer is to FUND the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities.” He has the audacity to pretend that #DefundThePolice wasn’t a Democrat thing.

Why the sudden change, Brandon? Could it be that Americans are sick and tired of the Democrat double-standard and are ticked that the Dems have made America less safe with their radical ideology?

The topic that aggravated me the most, though, was when Brandon brought up immigration.

And if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need to secure the Border and fix the immigration system.

We can do both. At our border, we’ve installed new technology like cutting-edge scanners to better detect drug smuggling.

We’ve set up joint patrols with Mexico and Guatemala to catch more human traffickers.

We’re putting in place dedicated immigration judges so families fleeing persecution and violence can have their cases heard faster.

We’re securing commitments and supporting partners in South and Central America to host more refugees and secure their own borders.

We can do all this while keeping lit the torch of liberty that has led generations of immigrants to this land—my forefathers and so many of yours.

My gut twists when I hear that empty rhetoric, the dead cliches, the completely insincere suggestion that he wants to “secure our border.” If he wanted to secure our border, he would’ve finished the wall that Trump started. He wouldn’t demonize our border patrol agents as mercilessly “whipping” border jumpers from their horses. He’d threaten the hordes that make their way up through Mexico. He’d stop flying them around the country and dumping them on unsuspecting communities in the middle of the night.

We’ve had nearly 2 million people illegally cross our border since Brandon took office, the most in 35 years. That’s enough people to be the fifth largest city in America, replacing Phoenix, AZ (Population: 1,743,469).

What’s really galling about all of this is that every problem Brandon brought up was created by Democrat politicians. The impact of Covid on developmental delays in children who were kept out of school and wearing masks; closed businesses; the war on cops and the spike in crime; the foreign invasion on our southern border—you name it, the Democrats created it.

Every. Single. One.

And now they come to us and tell us they are going to fix it with their solutions that will cost the rest of us more money.

It’s an outrageous scam.

I’m tired of being scammed. Aren’t you?

Plus, note that Brandon didn’t mention the January 6 protestors who remain locked up. I thought that was a slam dunk for them. Also, I didn’t hear anything about ending our involvement in Afghanistan. Wasn’t that a triumph of Brandon’s spectacular leadership?

Huh, how ’bout that. Nary a peep.

Finally, to top it all off, Brandon fairly yelled during the closing lines of his monologue, as though he were trying to inspire a football team at half time. Maybe he thought that’s what he was doing, because he ended his entire speech with “Go get ’em!”

Go get ’em?

Conclusion: nothing will change as a result of his speech.

Daily Broadside | The Government is Not “We the People”

Daily Verse | Nehemiah 9:35
“Even while they were in their kingdom, enjoying your great goodness to them in the spacious and fertile land you gave them, they did not serve you or turn from their evil ways.”

It’s Wednesday my Daily Broadside friends. The last accurate forecast was when God told Noah it was going to rain for forty days and forty nights.

It’s not what I know that Resident Biden and his illegal junta are doing to America that bothers me (although it does). It’s what I don’t know that they’re doing to America—out of sight, behind the scenes and on the weekends in the alphabet agencies and the war rooms and in their offices in the White House—that bothers me. And if what we do know is any indication about their intentions, what they aren’t showing us is probably 100 times worse.

Take, for instance, what many consider to be the most dangerous portion of Biden’s so-called “State of the Union” address on April 28. Watch:

Our Constitution opens with the words, as trite as it sounds, “We the People.” It’s time to remember that We the People are the government. You and I. Not some force in a distant capital. Not some powerful force we have no control over. It’s us! It’s “We the people.”

This is, without hyperbole, one of the most shocking statements any leader of our country has ever said. It’s possible that, in his foggy brain, he meant, “those of us in government are made up of the people” and, in that way, the government is “the people.” But he didn’t say that and the words he did use are unqualified: “We the People are the government.”

It is true that “We the People” are supposed to be the ultimate authority. We live in a nation that has a government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” as Abraham Lincoln said. But when Biden went on to say, “You and I” and “It’s us!” he inexcusably fused the two — the “government” and We the People — as one.


Joe Biden and those who write his speeches clearly don’t understand the U.S. Constitution or the intentions of our Founding Fathers. Or, if they do, they’re intentionally conflating the boundaries of government and “the people” as the tip of the wedge to start prying the original meaning out of the preamble to the Constitution. (I addressed this tactic in an earlier post, here.)

Our constitutional republic (not democracy) is a model of self-government, meaning the people are sovereign and the government is the servant of the people. The Declaration of Independence says,

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

The only task of government is to secure our rights with the consent of the governed. There are two entities, not one. The governed or We the People, and the government, who operates only with our consent and with only one purpose.

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.”

U.S. President John Adams (1797–1801)

Our government under Dementia Joe is not one of “the common good.” The government should never be in a position of telling us what we should do or imposing unnecessary restrictions on our freedom to pursue happiness. It has become what Adams said it shouldn’t be: for the profit, honor and private interest of a class of men.

If you don’t believe that, just look at how rich politicians become. See how Hunter Biden and the Big Guy have made millions off of their power and political cronyism. Note that we do not have domestic tranquility under this administration. We have asymmetrical justice and this administration is desperately trying to restrict our inalienable rights as Resident Biden divides the nation by race, sex and political beliefs.

Most of all, listen to how Joe Biden talks to you and me.

Is this not the statement of a dictator? He doesn’t have the “just power” to rule by fiat in our Constitutional republic — ever. That’s not how this works. But Resident Biden clearly isn’t bothered by the constraints that the U.S. Constitution puts on the government.

This is a prime example of the things we can see of the current administration.

It makes me wonder what we can’t see.

Daily Broadside | Biden Tells Country That White Supremacists Are ‘Most Lethal Terrorist Threat’

Daily Verse | 1 Chronicles 29:14
“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

A very happy Thursday to you, Broadsiders. Ignorance is something I don’t understand.

Can you believe that today is the 100th day that Resident Biden has been in the White House? It’s been one hundred days of radical malfeasance, lies and misdirection. And last night the Resident himself stepped up to the mic and gave a glowing report on the state of the “union.”

It was an odd event given that the chamber wasn’t even half full, and those who were in view of the cameras were social distancing with masks in place and giving each other knuckles and elbows in greeting. If I was there, I’d be giving knuckles and elbows, too, but not in greeting.

There was the historic seating of two women behind the Resident as he gave his speech, the first time in U.S. history that has happened. It’s just too bad that it was these two anti-Americans that held the seats.

Honestly, it had all the feel of a reunion of an iconic rock group you used to love, like The Who or The Rolling Stones, but in a mausoleum. You want it to live up to the hype and grandeur of what you remember, but it’s all just going through the motions and the players can’t deliver like they used to.

It just seemed like a lot of empty theater.

So what did Biden say? Well, it wasn’t so much a “State of the Union” speech as much as it was an “A List of All the Spending I Want to Do to Wreck the Country So Get the Bill to My Desk” speech. His theme was “Crisis and Opportunity.” He painted us as a country in crisis when he took the oath of office and now “America is on the move again” — whatever that means.

Biden touched on everything from the Chinese Lung Pox to eliminating child poverty to job creation to health care to bringing home our troops to white supremacy to gun violence to racism to the right to vote. In every case it meant taking more money while promising not to burden the middle class with more taxes.

He started off making an absurd claim that the Capitol Hill breach on January 6 was “the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war.”

I’d point out that the protesters were allowed in by the Capitol Police, they were unarmed and the only person killed as a result of violence was an unarmed Trump supporter who was summarily executed with a bullet to the neck by a still-unnamed Capitol Police officer. Biden called it an “insurrection,” which it clearly wasn’t. Not to mention all the lies about Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick’s death, which was hyped as the result of a thrown fire extinguisher when in fact he suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day later.

As Tyler O’Neil points out, “The Capitol rioters did break into the U.S. Capitol and vandalize it, stealing Nancy Pelosi’s rostrum. However, they did not kill anyone or stop the certification of the Electoral College vote in the 2020 presidential election.” It seems to have been a mixture of antifa agitators, Trump supporters and right wing agitators. On the other hand, how many thousands of anarchists raged through multiple cities over the last year, burning police stations and federal court buildings without being labeled extremists?

The moment causing me the most cringe was when he talked about the American Jobs Plan that includes building highways and bridges and railroads and he announced that Value Pick Harris would lead the effort. You mean the same VP Harris that you put in charge of controlling the border that’s really not under control?

Cue cynical, disbelieving laugh.

The worst of it all — besides the unfettered spending and intrusion of government into the lives of our children by suggesting that there be “free” pre-school education and another “free” two years of college after your standard 12 years of education for a total of 14 years of indoctrination — was when Biden said that white supremacy was now the greatest terrorist threat to the United States.

And, we won’t ignore what our own intelligence agencies have determined – the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.

Really? Exactly what does that phrase, “white supremacist terrorism,” mean? He didn’t define it and as a category, it’s rather vague. White supremacy means what, exactly? The Proud Boys? The KKK? White Evangelical Christians? Normal Americans who think the election was fraudulent?

And “terrorism.” Exactly what evidence do you have that such political violence is “the most lethal threat” to the our country? Show us the events, the body count and the massive plans you’re disrupting from these “white supremacists.”

This is part of a campaign to smear white, patriotic conservative Americans as a threat. Yes, there are white supremacists and yes, they occasionally commit some sort of crime. But they do not have the numbers to materially disrupt our safety and security. Therefore, that vague term, “white supremacist terrorism,” will be used to classify anyone who disputes or disagrees with the direction we’re headed.

Biden’s speech was mendacious, amounting to little more than a wish list that will take more money and more power from the people and transfer it to the government. It was a sad affair and makes me long for the day Resident Biden moves out.