Happy Monday. A bit of trivia to start: did you know that our planet Saturn has 145 moons? I didn’t. Last I heard it had, oh, I don’t know … six? Apparently Saturn has taken back the title from Jupiter, which also has dozens of moons.
Back here on earth, the intentional, planned destruction of the United States continues apace. The foolish, morally corrupt sock puppet playing “president” continued stirring up racial animosity with comments he made at Howard University over the weekend.
Biden gave the commencement address to the historically black college of Howard University on Saturday and turned on the pander up to “10” in his bid to win over his audience.
Biden discussed racism and said that hatred “never goes away” and only “hides under the rocks.” “A vivid demonstration when it comes to race in America, hope doesn’t travel alone. It’s shadowed by fear, by violence, and by hate,” he said.
Biden referenced the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017 and likened the scene to “the same ‘antisemitic bile’ that was voiced in the 1930s in Europe during the leadup to the Holocaust along with Nazi banners and members of the Ku Klux Klan,’” according to The Hill.
Biden said white supremacy is the most dangerous terrorist threat to the country. He said the battle against racism is “never really over,” but enough people come together to stand up to choose “love over hate, unity over disunion, progress over retreat” and against the “poison of white supremacy.”
He said the graduates he was speaking to represent the future who are going to be leading the country.
“In our lives and the life of a nation, we know that fear can shadow hope, but it’s also true that hope can defeat fear,” Biden said.
To compare a few hundred neo-Nazis gathering on a college campus to hundreds of thousands of stormtroopers marching through the streets of Berlin in the 1930s was not only idiotic, but it was also nothing more than an effort to pander to the lowest instincts of his audience. Instilling fear in black voters is a national obsession with Democrats. And that includes trying to identify “white supremacy” as the greatest terror threat.
“And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.” The audience laughed, knowing the only reason Biden made the statement about white supremacy was that he was addressing a black audience.
Actually, the only reason that Brandon scaremongers whites is because that’s what the brain trust pulling his strings told him to say.
Hear that, fellas? That’s the sound of our norms being restored! That’s what Democrats, the media, NeverTrump and all the institutions that gamed the 2020 election told us we needed, and now we’re getting our norms back, good and hard.
Biden is the very definition of a fool, someone who says whatever will score him the cheap political points and the financial grift he needs to keep his grubby hands on power.
He’s pander-ific!
It’s so interesting that he and his cronies are claiming that it’s white supremacists that are the gravest danger to our society, but we never see videos or large-scale demonstrations of this great white threat trotted out as evidence. Instead, the Left point to parents objecting to the indoctrination and grooming of their kids through pierced, blue-haired LGBT+ activists or CRT curriculum teaching them that 2+2=4 is racist and calls them “domestic terrorists.”
Brandon had to reach back five years to Charlottesville to find an example of “white supremacy” in which one person — a white woman — was killed. Really? Show me all the examples you have from the intervening years. Bring me up to date on the most recent incidents of whites stalking and beating blacks.
I’m not saying that whites don’t harass or beat or kill blacks. They have and they do. The worst one in recent memory was the inexcusable cold-blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery by two white men in 2020. They and a third man were all convicted of murder and several other charges.
But if there’s an epidemic of “white supremacy,” where is it? I can give you a few examples of just the opposite to show you what I’d be looking for. From Ben Bartee at PJ Media:
As evidence of the White Supremacy™ epidemic, Biden referenced the Charlottesville attack from 2017 in which one single person was killed, which was actually a white lady.
In 2017, in Charlottesville, Virgina, crazed Neo-Nazis… came out of the fields literally with torches, carrying Nazi banners from the woods and the fields… something I never thought I would see in America… Emerging from dark rooms and remote fields… Hate never goes away… it never goes away, it only hides under the rocks.
Just replace “Neo-Nazis” with Jews, and this totally could’ve been a Hitler speech.
It evokes imagery of a Zombie apocalypse movie or something. Where were these “fields” and “dark rooms” from which the “Neo-Nazis” emerged?
Biden didn’t specify how many of the “Neo-Nazis” in Charlotte were feds of the Ray Epps variety.
Try as one might, isn’t it weird that it’s literally almost impossible to track down a gang of White Supremacists™ beating up lone black people on the streets of America?
Yet, with just a few minutes on Twitter, one can track down clip after clip of “urban youths” beating the snot out of white and Asian victims.
Here’s a black man who just shot two white men in the back of the head in two different locations.

Here’s a black man cursing out a white couple and their child on a NY subway:

Here’s a black student knocking a white teacher’s aide unconscious:

Here’s a story of a black 15-year-old student sucker-punching a white teacher over a confiscated phone:

Here’s a story about a black female student pepper spraying a white male teacher over her confiscated phone:

Here’s a black man punching a white Macy’s employee for allegedly calling him the “N” word, which Macy’s strenuously denies.

Here’s a black man who killed three men because they were white:

When one thinks of white supremacy as a movement, as a “terrorist threat,” one thinks of organized whites marching in a show of force. Sort of like this:

What if that headline read, “An all-White group is arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC”? How would that play to the country? Would the DOJ open an investigation into them?
My point is that there’s plenty of black on white violence to be found with just a cursory look across the Internet but we don’t hear dire warnings of “Black Supremacy” as the the most dangerous terrorist threat to our democracy when it’s pointed out. Why not? I just showed you an organized militia that armed up and showed up during the mostly peaceful riots of 2020.
Here’s why: the cultural Marxists in power are trying — and succeeding — to divide our country on the basis of race. And Joe Biden is at the forefront of the effort. The tension he’s creating is spilling over into the hostilities above. But the only group labeled a threat are whites.
Show me the white supremacist epidemic you see.
We are tearing ourselves apart at the seams. Christians need to understand what’s happening, denounce the race-baiting of our leaders, and lead the way with love for people of all races. It is only in Christ that the divisions fall.
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-28)