Daily Broadside | The Democrats are the Un-American Party

Thursdays seem to roll around with predictable regularity, don’t they? (I know, I know … so do all the other days.) I guess the important thing on this Thursday is that today is effectively the end of the week since Independence Day lands on Saturday this year. Happy July 4th!

Of course, the Democrats won’t be celebrating Independence Day this year since it “glorifies white supremacy.”

If you follow me long enough, you’ll learn that I have very little no use for the Democrats. I’m not going to go through the gyrations of disclaiming my statement other than to say I’ve got a post drafted with more detail about why I despise the Democrat party. But the rest of this post will give you a feel for it.

The Democrats have turned on America, and the tweet above is a perfect example of what I mean. They’ve taken the occasion of Independence Day 2020—the 244th anniversary and national observance of remembering and celebrating our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, one of the greatest triumphs of world history—they chose that day and used it to lodge a grievance against Trump and anyone who is white.

Not only is “Now he’s holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore” a grotesque mischaracterization lie, it defames two of our Founding Fathers and presidents (George Washington and Thomas Jefferson), slanders the only president who can be said to have fought to end slavery in this country (Abraham Lincoln) and completely misses the point of the president who steered us through great economic growth at the turn of the last century (Theodore Roosevelt).

They used the occasion to further divide the people who live in this country into literal tribes (“Native communities”) by stoking anger and resentment between whites and native Americans. Further, the Democrats poured more fuel on the fire for calls to destroy national monuments, including Mount Rushmore. What they want to do to Mount Rushmore is akin to the Taliban blowing up The Buddhas of Bamyan in central Afghanistan in 2001.

Their tweet wasn’t a mistake, even though @TheDemocrats deleted it. That such a thought exists and gets expressed publicly by someone managing the Democrat party’s Twitter feed is proof positive of their desperate and delusional minds.

Combine that tweet with any number of other statements or proclamations since the 2016 election, and there’s no doubt that the Democrats have become the anti-American party. They are overt shame-hustlers who have devolved into a crypto-fascist movement that wants to consolidate power by suppressing any opposition while imposing a socialist regime on the freest country in the world.

The Democrats must be removed from power—every single one of them. If they retake the House and the Senate plus the presidency this November, I don’t know if America as we have known it will survive. The Democrats no longer represent anything resembling the historical United States of America.