The Broadside | Nancy Pelosi Tells Republicans What She Really Thinks of Them

I’m continually amazed by how openly hostile Democrats are toward anyone outside their party. And how diametrically opposed our worldviews are.

AUSTIN, Texas – Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., suggested that “30%” of Republican voters will never vote for Democrats because of their racism, sexism and homophobia. 

Speaking at the 2024 Texas Tribune Festival on Saturday, Pelosi was pressed by podcast host Kara Swisher on why the presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump is so close.

“There are people who will never be, shall we say, inclined to support Democrats because of – they just have a different orientation toward women, people of color, LGBTQ, you know, they just are not ever going to be there,” Pelosi said. “So, say that’s about like 30% or something like that… of the Republicans. 

This is just sloppy thinking, typical of the progressive movement. “[T]hey just have a different orientation …” Ackshully, Nance, it’s YOU who have a “different orientation” toward those tribes you’ve created. Don’t forget that you and your party started this by pushing abortion, gay marriage and minority supremacy. Before you, our culture was quite stable.

Then, she just throws out a completely made-up “30% or something like that” of all Republicans. I know that both sides speak in generalities, but if you’re going to accuse your opponents of having a “different orientation”—a progressive term if there ever was one—then be factual.

“But here’s where I think we have to be as respectful and understanding as possible,” she continued. “There are people who are concerned. They have fear of globalization. They saw the factory down the road move overseas. They’re fearful of innovation. Their father is a truck driver, and now they’re gonna have auto-“

“Autonomous truck,” Swisher interjected.

“Yeah,” Pelosi replied. “And so the innovation, globalization, and they include immigration… So, understandably, these people have a concern about the future for themselves, but also for their children.”

Isn’t that generous and sensitive of Nancy, handling those with a “different orientation” with kid gloves? “Respectful and understanding as possible” … *spit* … as she led two sham impeachments and tore up Trump’s State of the Union behind his back on national TV.

She says we have “a fear of globalization” as though that’s silly, but then says, we “saw the factory down the road move overseas.” Well, yes. The factory down the road put everyone in that factory out of work so that the owners could reduce costs. Such contempt for flyover country.

And we’re “fearful of innovation.” No, we’re not. We’re fearful of government mandating such debacles as EVs which are unsustainable and a total scam. We’re not stupid—the energy to charge those vehicles has to come from coal or, better yet, nuclear energy. But the progressives are in thrall to Mother Earth, not everyday Americans.

It’s a way for ultra-rich liberals like Pelosi to get even richer, like she does trading on insider information from her position in the government. Don’t lecture me about how the rich “do not really want to pay taxes or have any regulation of clean air, clean water, any of that.”

Considering you and your liberal pals create the taxes and regulations from your perch above us all, I think we should be concerned.

She’s right that we have a “different orientation.” But it’s clear that she thinks we’re wrong in our view and she and her progressive Marxist troops are right in theirs.

And we do the same.

2 thoughts on “The Broadside | Nancy Pelosi Tells Republicans What She Really Thinks of Them

  1. Good article Dave. Now is the time to start thinking about putting our words into action … meaning we all have to VOTE! Did you know many Republicans don’t vote? That’s why we are losing elections. Here’s what’s important: Vote Early! Don’t wait to vote on Election Day! Republicans will save us Republican Precinct Committee people a lot of time and money to not have to call, text, email, go door to door to get out the vote! Once someone votes their name is taken off our list. Plus lots can happen on Election Day to stop people from voting: emergencies, sickness, bad weather, travel. So mark your calendars… Early in person voting starts in IL Oct. 21.

  2. Hi Dave, to see her and her friend Biden, banter about, saying all kinds of crazy things, leads me and millions of “deplorables” yes deplorables, to want term limits so we don’t have to listen to the ramblings of these crazy old demented fools. We deserve better!

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