Daily Broadside | Trump Candidates Win Bigly While Brandon Struggles to Stay Afloat

Daily Verse | Ezra 6:14
So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendent of Iddo.

Thursday’s Reading: Ezra 7-8

Thursday and while I’ve written several posts about the leaked SCOTUS opinion reversing Roe v. Wade and there are still a lot of ripples from that dastardly, unconscionable, cowardly, illegal and unAmerican act of sabotage, there are other things happening while we suffer under the fraudulent Brandon junta that need some daylight to encourage us.

The recent CIVIQS rolling job approval average shows that Brandon is underwater in 46 states. Might I remind you that we only have 50? That means the cockwomble in the White House is scorned by 92 percent of the country. The other eight percent in the four states where Brandon is loved are:

  • Hawaii: 49 percent approval, 41 percent disapproval
  • Maryland: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Massachusetts: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Vermont: 51 percent approval, 37 percent disapproval

What the heck is going on in Vermont that more than half of voters “approve” of the job he’s doing?

Overall, the poll showed Biden with only 35 percent approval from the respondents and a 55 percent disapproval, and ten percent who have no opinion. The poll showed Biden with net approval of negative 19.

Here’s Brandon’s perpetual popularity calculation over at FiveThirtyEight, where the gap is not quite as wide (10.5 points) but nonetheless disastrous for the “chief executive” of these United States. You know he’s not chief executive-ing anything.

And here’s RealClearPolitics favorability ratings chart from May 11 where he’s upside down by 9 points.

And still we’re expected to believe that Brandon totally got #81MillionVotes, you guys, because he was so wildly popular and would restore our norms and put the adults back in charge. The greatest fraud foisted on We the People in the history of these United States.

Meanwhile, as Brandon circles the drain, president-in-exile Donald J. Trump continues his streak as kingmaker.

Tuesday’s results make Trump-endorsed candidates 58-1 in the midterm primaries thus far, as all 22 candidates who received the 45th president’s nod in Ohio and Indiana won their races on May 3, while all 33 Trump-backed candidates in Texas either won their primaries or advanced to runoffs. Of the May 3 races, the most notable victor was J.D. Vance in Ohio, who earned the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate with the help of a late Trump endorsement.

The most puzzling of Trump’s endorsements is Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz over surging opponent Kathy Barnette. Oz is not a conservative; he has supported transgenderism, abortion and red flag laws, all of which are opposed by conservatives.

On the other hand, Barnette is a black conservative Christian woman who was conceived when her mother was raped at age 11 by a 21-year-old man. She is well within the margin of error in the polling.

Seems to me that Trump would do better endorsing Barnette. However, you can hardly argue with his record of 58-1 in the midterm primaries. The real test will be in November as Republicans try to heave the dead wood out of the swamp and gain veto-proof majorities so that come 2024, the table is set to permanently roll back the serious damage done by the anti-American communist stooges in the White House and the deep state.

On the other hand, Resident Brandon is slow on the endorsements. Not sure if it’s because he’s being selective or that no one wants him within spitting distance of their campaign.

Biden has made just four endorsements since taking office: Reps. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.), Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) and Shontel Brown (D-Ohio), as well as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who lost a bid to regain his old job last fall.

I’m guessing the latter.

This is all good news, for now. With the economy in decline, food shortages looming, inflation still up at 40-year highs, gas prices in the mid-four-dollar ranges, rising interest rates, mostly peaceful illegal protests outside of conservative Supreme Court Justices’ homes, a new Ministry of Truth headed by a partisan liar that is nothing more than a tool to go after conservative voices in the public square and so on and so on — it seems that even the liberals among us have had enough.

Let’s hope that holds true through the end of the year so that we can neuter Brandon and make him a lame castrated duck for the rest of his White House occupation.

Daily Broadside | New Poll Says “Anybody But Biden”

Daily Verse | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday’s Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1-3

It’s Wednesday and thanks for checking in this morning. I don’t know why, but sales of my Velcro jello mold have stalled.

Remember when Joe Biden “won” the 2020 presidential with a record 81 million votes? LOL I know, I know.

Just when it seemed President Joe Biden could get no lower in the public’s political esteem, a new I&I/TIPP Poll of Americans’ preference for the 2024 Democratic presidential ballot is a shocker: Just over one out of five want Joe Biden back at the top of the Democrats’ ticket in three years.

A number of recent I&I/TIPP Polls (here and here) have documented Biden’s sharp decline in favorability with the public due to a number of issues, ranging from his leadership of the military, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the recent inflation surge and supply-chain crisis, the border crisis, and a number of other vexing White House issues.

Even so, no favorite has emerged among the large field of potential challengers to run against Biden in the 2024 primaries. The I&I/TIPP Poll gave respondents the names of 16 other possible candidates, asking “Who do you want to see run for president on the Democratic ticket in 2024?”

As mentioned, Biden was named by just 22% of those asked, while 12% mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, whose abrasive style, lack of preparation and revolving-door personnel changes have drawn criticism even from formerly friendly Democrats and the left-leaning media.

Biden and Harris with their corruptocrat commie cronies operate like they have a political mandate from the people to blow up America as we’ve known it. But whatever support they had has evaporated like coverage of Darrell Brooks from the MSM.

In fact, I’d wager that even 22 percent is higher than their actual base of support.

That number is easy to believe since it matches the number of people in a recent NBC poll who say that the country is headed in the right direction: “Just 22% of adults say we are headed in the right direction.” (I posted about that here.) I’m not insulting your math skills when I say that means that 78% of adults think we’re headed south.

Let’s go, Brandon!

Plus, small business owners are letting the Resident have it, too.

Just 34 percent of small business owners say they approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president, down from 40 percent in the previous quarter and 43 percent at the start of the year, according to the latest CNBC|Momentive Small Business Survey.

Small business owners tend to be Republicans learning, so its no surprise that Biden is more disapproved than approved. What makes the fourth-quarter polling results so startling is that virtually all of the decline in support for Biden came from independents.

Just nine percent of Republican small business owners say they approve of Biden, while 89 percent of Democrats do. Those figures are nearly unchanged from previous surveys.

Among independents, however, support for Biden fell from 51 percent to just 33 percent.

Fifty-nine percent of independents say Biden has been bad for small businesses and 60 percent say he has been bad for the economy.

It was a Democrat, James Carville, who famously said during the 1992 election between incumbant George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

Clinton 1992 campaign white board

Thirty years later, it’s still the economy. Hit people in the pocketbook through inflation and taxes, and you’ll lose their support every time.

Still, it’s hard to have much sympathy for those who voted for Joey Ice Cream Cone. They deserve what they’re getting. The rest of us, not so much.

On the other hand, imagine if Trump had been allowed to expand on his successes. We’d be energy independent, China and Russia would not be the military threats they are (although China always had the bioweapons at their disposal), the economy would be expanding and we’d have recovered our position as a superpower.

bUt … BuT … nO moaR mEan tWeeTs!

Only three more years to go.

Daily Broadside | Trump is More Than a Former President

Daily Verse | Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Thursday and I’ve been thinking about something I wrote a few days ago:

Waving a “Trump 2020” flag wasn’t stunning or brave. But it was a step of activism and I was able to express my opposition to the fraudulent Biden administration. Not because I want Trump in office (although I do) but because it’s an act of defiance against the ruling junta.

There’s a lot that’s unconventional about Donald J. Trump. He’s got zero verbal discipline, for starters. He just goes with whatever he’s thinking and lets it fly without considering that a leader of the free world might better off be judicious with his words. On the other hand, you know exactly where he stands on the topic he’s discussing.

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.”
— Proverbs 17:28

He’s brutal with the personalized pejorative. We all know them: Lyin’ Ted, Sleepy Joe, Low Energy Jeb, Crooked Hillary, Little Marco, Cryin’ Chuck and Shifty Schiff, to name a few. I confess to having enjoyed them applied to those I consider enemies of the republic, like Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff, but it really bugged me that he tagged Ted Cruz as a liar during the primaries without anything to back it up. But even I have to admit — inventing nicknames for those he wanted to beat was an effective tactic, taken right from the pages of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: “#13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize, and polarize it.”

From The Last Refuge (aka The Conservative Treehouse):
“The raw and unfiltered President Trump is the best Trump. President Trump endorses Mo Brooks for the Alabama Senate seat; and smacks Mitch McConnell and his DeceptiCon crony Richard Shelby in the process.”

Trump is also one of the biggest narcissists I can think of. He boasts about himself and what he’s accomplished, often polishing his accomplishments with superlatives like “tremendous,” “biggest,” “best,” “amazing” and “terrific.” In 2013 he wrote on Facebook, “Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser — having a healthy ego, or high opinion of yourself, is a real positive in life!” The flip side is that he has accomplished some incredible things both in private and public life and, when he talks of them, he’s being factual. But he doesn’t demonstrate humility in leadership.

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
— Proverbs 16:18

Trump is pugnacious and always ready for a fight. I’m not sure I think this is necessarily a drawback. If you believe, as I do, that we are being forced into a defensive posture in the cultural Marxist’s war on the United States, then we need people who are willing to fight. As I’ve written before, Trump reminds me of what Mr. Lincoln said of Ulysses S. Grant: “I can’t spare this man. He fights!”

I say all of this because, while I say I want Trump in office, the truth is that, for me, Trump is a symbol of opposition to the corruptocrats in Washington, D.C. He was everything they aren’t: willing to put the American people’s interests before the interests of the ruling class. Domestically he brought businesses back from overseas, made us energy independent, presided over one of the hottest economies in our history with record employment, including for minorities, and a stock market on fire. Internationally, he pulled us out of the wealth-transfer grift, the Paris Climate Accords, he put Iran on notice, put the screws to China and brokered the Abraham Accords in the Middle East. He did all of this in one term and was still going strong when the not-made-in-a-Chinese-lab (wink wink) WuFlu was unleashed by the CCP.

I’d much rather have Donald J. Trump in the White House than the fraudulent dementia patient who sleeps in the People’s House these days. Trump’s not your typical politician, he gets things done, his heart is (mostly) in the right place, and he genuinely loves this country. I am deeply aggravated by the power the unelected bureaucracy has over us and the astonishing depths of foul play they engaged in (with no one — no one! — paying any price for the illegal things they did).

I support Trump for the simple reason that he symbolizes resistance to the State; that he stands for me and millions of other Normal Americans; that his ongoing presence reminds the Deep State and the Techopolies of their corruption; and that Trump may be one of the only men capable of standing up to the ruling class.

Do I wish that he was more refined? Sure.

But I’ll take the unrefined Trump any day over a man who leads with lies and wants to install a permanent socialist regime in the country that was once (and for many, still is — see Cuba) the greatest symbol of freedom in the world.

Keep America Great, America.

Morning Links

YOU DON’T LOOK A DAY OVER 29. 400-year-old Greenland shark ‘longest-living vertebrate’

Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as “young” as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old.

It means she was born between the years of 1501 and 1744, but her most likely date of birth was in the 17th century.

“Even with the lowest part of this uncertainty, 272 years, even if that is the maximum age, it should still be considered the longest-living vertebrate,” said Mr Nielsen.

IF YOU’RE IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, GET HELP. Authorities Brace For Increase In Domestic Violence

“Regardless, though, there’s absolutely no excuse to get physical with your partner. At a minimum, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate your need for some cool-off space. Force the issue if you have to, but do not allow yourself to lose control.

“If your partner is the one who might lose control, though, get away if you can. I have no idea if the shelter in your area is open or not.”


“So, four Democrat senators – Sens. Tammy Duckworth, Mazie Hirono, Elizabeth Warren, and Ed Markey – signed a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office of inspector general. They want an investigation to be launched into why the description has been changed.”

HOLY WEEK PRESENTS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONSIDER THE BIBLE’S CLAIMS. HARD FACTS: Is the Claim Jesus Rose From the Dead Just Another Fairy Tale Like the Easter Bunny?