Daily Broadside | A Word That Fits Biden Better Than Empathy

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 29:13
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.”

Happy Monday, my friends. In my opinion, sushi is best served in a vat of bacon.

I was hoping that the weekend would prove that last week was just a bad dream and there would be daisies and unicorns waiting for us this week.

Nah, not really. I knew that our most recent national nightmare was only getting started.

Joe Biden is a Failed Commander in Chief!

Turns out that the wretched fiasco in Afghanistan just keeps getting worse as the nation formerly known as the United States of America continues to suck at its basic responsibilities. Or, rather, the idiots running the place suck at theirs.

Rep. Michael McCaul, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Fox News the U.S. has no intelligence in Kabul outside the airport, marking a victory for the Taliban, Russia, China and Iran.


“We have no intelligence on the ground now,” he continued. “We are completely dark. With the exception of the airport we will be dark.”


“That is a victory, not only for the Taliban but for Russia, China and Iran because we can’t see their activities in the region anymore.”

Gee, who screwed up our intelligence, leaving our troops at the mercy of our enemies?

Numerous reports have indicated that the Taliban are tracking or killing anyone found to have connections to the U.S., despite promising to pardon them.

What?! I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that the Taliban would lie to us! SoME0nE sHUd riTe tHaT dOUn. Might come in handy later.

McCaul told Fox News that he pleaded with the Biden administration for months to evacuate interpreters and Afghan partners.

“They completely failed to do so,” McCaul said. “The intelligence community was very clear and had gave a very grim assessment about the conditions on the ground. The Biden administration chose to ignore that intelligence.”

This is what you get for being suckered into voting for empathy. We’re a nation of emotionally-shriveled lightweights who think they are literally being killed when their feelings get hurt. Empathy is great for a pastor or a counselor, but it’s not the trait you need when dealing with evil malignancies like the Taliban. And Biden, unlike president Trump, does not have a killer instinct — unless it’s chasing down white Americans. Then he’s all business.

“Listen, fat …”

“Empathy” comes from the ancient Greek ἐμπάθεια (empatheia), meaning “physical affection or passion or state of emotion.” Derived from ἐν (en, “in, at”) and πάθος (pathos, “passion” or “suffering”). It literally means, “in passion,” which might be expressed as Bill Clinton did: “I feel your pain.”

In other words, you can identify with someone else’s pain or feelings. I suppose if I were trapped in Afghanistan, I’d be thrilled that Joe could identify with my fear, anxiety and sadness.

Meanwhile, “Robert Charles, a former assistant secretary of state under President George W. Bush, told Fox News there could be as many as 40,000 Americans in the country.” Not just 10,000 or 15,000, which is alarming enough, but nearly three or four times that amount.

40,000 Americans in a country overrun by murderous Islamic jihadists. I wonder how Joe’s empathy is working out for them?

There’s another word that is derived from πάθος (pathos) and fits Biden and his administration better than “empathy.”

That word is pathetic and means miserably or contemptibly inadequate.

But his tweets are nice.