Daily Broadside | Like Magic: Close the Border to Illegals and Presto! The Backlog Goes Away Too!

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 30:6
Ask and see: Can a man bear children?
Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale?

It’s Tuesday my friends. Most people don’t know that my alter ego is a Scottish ax juggler who writes children’s books.

An article published on FoxNews.com makes a comparison between processing border jumpers in the southern U.S. versus the Afghan nationals who want to emirate to the U.S.

The Biden administration has moved to quickly process migrants streaming across the southern border but has not been able to speed up the processing times for Afghan interpreters and other allies who assisted in America’s 20-year war effort.

The White House announced last month that it will speed up asylum claim processing for migrants at the southern border, claiming in a release that they are seeking to “fair, orderly and humane” immigration system after the Trump administration policies “unjustly prevent individuals from obtaining asylum.”

The new policy grants asylum officers full authority to rule on asylum cases, allowing migrants to bypass the federal immigration courts that often are backlogged and have long wait times.

So we’re now streamlining the service to make faster decisions and cutting out the pesky federal immigration court system that are often “backlogged.” Hey, I have an idea! How about we REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ALLOWED IN THE COUNTRY FROM THESE THIRD-WORLD COUNTRIES? Wouldn’t that also “speed up processing times”?

If you go to the Department of Homeland Security’s website (dhs.gov), you can find the full text of the proposal: DHS and DOJ Publish Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Make Asylum Process More Efficient and Ensure Fairness.

The title is a dead giveaway that this is a woke proposal with the words, “Ensure Fairness.” Fairness? “Fairness” to whom, exactly? The people who legally enter the country legitimately looking for asylum, or the invasion over the southern border of third-world foreigners who come from who-knows-where to the land of plenty to live on handouts and displace the native population?

Population displacement is the goal, friends. Democrats will accuse me and you of “racism” and “xenophobia” and “hate” if you oppose their reckless open borders policies, which is rich coming from the loons running the country formerly known as America. The current administration outright lies when they write in their Blueprint for a Fair, Orderly and Humane Immigration System that they are “reckoning with the prior Administration’s cruel and reckless immigration policies, which exacerbated long-standing challenges and failed to securely manage our border.”

Under Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, anyone wanting to be granted asylum in the U.S. had to wait in Mexico — not in the United States — for their claim to be adjudicated. That relieved the pressure of more people pouring into our country and disappearing into the interior, never to keep their court date.

But Resident Biden and his sidekick Kamala are letting anyone in and then transporting them around the country to be deposited, sometimes in the middle of the night, as I’ve written about previously.

So I’m not sure how they can claim to be doing a better job than Trump when the Pew Research Center reports that Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high. I believe Trump was president for some portion of the last 21 years.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported nearly 200,000 encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in July, the highest monthly total in more than two decades.

The number of monthly encounters had fallen to 16,182 in April 2020, shortly after the coronavirus outbreak forced the closure of the southwestern border and slowed migration across much of the world. But migrant encounters have climbed sharply since then, reaching 199,777 in July, according to the latest data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the federal agency that encompasses the Border Patrol.

The July figure is the highest monthly total since March 2000 and far surpasses the peak during the last major wave of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border, which occurred in May 2019.

Our so-called leaders talk as though every citizen of the world has a right to apply for asylum here. Sure, everyone has that action available to them, I suppose. But we also have the right to shut off the spigot when we have a backlog and long wait times.

There is no “law” that says we must always and forever hold our doors open to anyone who decides they’re coming here. We Americans have the right and the duty to protect our borders, our citizens, our economy, and our way of life. No one and no group of people have the right to just let themselves in and settle down.

That’s not the way it’s supposed to work, but that’s how the junior commies have decided it will work. They are invested in flooding our nation with future Democrat voters to keep themselves in power, and they don’t care if they have to turn our country into a third-world sh*thole to do it.

Really, they don’t.

It’s past time we begin to think about kicking the Democrat commies out and taking control of our borders for good.