Daily Broadside | Confused Guy Trembles With Fear Over Normal Men

Daily Verse | Luke 2:34-35
“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”

Wednesday’s Reading: Luke 5-7

Thanks for joining me this Wednesday morning, Broadsiders. I think goat cheese is the black sheep of dairy products.

A student at Oberlin College in Ohio named Peter Fray-Witzer wrote a Karen-y note and published it as an Op-Ed in The Oberlin Review last week. The essence of his complaint is that he lives in Baldwin Cottage, “the home of the Women and Trans Collective,” which was recently scheduled to receive new radiators. The problem? “Cisgender men.”

In case you’re not hip to the new language our children are being indoctrinated with, “cisgender” means “normal.” A “cisgender male” is a man who knows he’s male and likes women, or a boy who isn’t confused about his sex and likes girls. But, because we’ve got the woke nonsense of the alphabet community infecting our society with all kinds of weirdness, we now “need” a new word to describe what was once considered normal by 99 percent of us (and the other 1 percent were lying).

It’s another Marxist tactic to break down society, making what has been normal for thousands of years just one category among many to choose from. The ground is level under the heel of the tyrants.

Back to Fray-Witzer. Xir writes that Them were sore afraid of normal men entering They’s sacred space to install the radiators.

I was angry, scared, and confused. Why didn’t the College complete the installation over the summer, when the building was empty? Why couldn’t they tell us precisely when the workers would be there? Why were they only notifying us the day before the installation was due to begin?

What was there to be “angry, scared, and confused” about? Pretty straight forward: new radiators will be installed in your room tomorrow.

The next day, I waited apprehensively. The workers began installing in common spaces, and I could see immediately that they were all men. It was clear that the College had not made a special request that male workers not be allowed onto the upper floors of Baldwin. Predicting when they would reach my room was pure guesswork. I was trying to anticipate whether I would be in class when they arrived, or if I’d have to welcome strangers into my room only to be ejected to allow them space to work.

The tension. So thick.

Fortunately, there was an out.

I left for class, and by the time I had come back, they appeared to be done, though Polo Man warned me that they would return later in the week to check the insulation. Sure enough, they were back the next day. I felt mildly violated and a little peeved.

I mean, is it over yet?

Can I just note something here that many others have noted? Oberlin College is a private liberal arts school with a student body of 3,000 — which costs $80,000 per student, per year, to attend. Glenn Greenwald scorches the irony:

That’s part of the insanity of this story. It’s a perfect illustration of how unhinged one can be when reality is considered subjective.

Fray-Witzer is demanding that the school coddle Xir’s frailty and weakness. Normal people would say, “OK, got it. I’ll make plans to either be away from my room or I can handle a 20-minute repair job while I study or read.”

This is making a problem out of nothing, based only on Xim’s imagination.

I don’t know, maybe Fray-Witzer was on deadline and didn’t have anything else to write about.

All I know is that I’ve already written too much about it. Here’s the deal:

So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

— Genesis 1:27

Stop pretending you’re something you’re not and deal with your issues instead of demanding the rest of the world bend to your version of reality.

Seriously. Enough.

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Confused Guy Trembles With Fear Over Normal Men

  1. Dave, I must ask that you please respect my reality, and my fragile feelings.

    My preferred pronoun is ‘They’. As in:

    ” ‘They’ that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.
    ‘They’ shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    ‘They’ shall run and not be weary,
    ‘They’ shall walk and not faint.”
    Isaiah 40:31

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