Daily Broadside | Popular Search Engines Are Sifting the Internet to Prevent ‘Wrong Think’

Daily Verse | Hosea 9:7
Because your sins are so many
    and your hostility so great,
the prophet is considered a fool,
    the inspired person a maniac.

Friday’s Reading: Joel 1-3
Saturday’s Reading: Amos 1-5

Friday, my friends, and the end of the week. I’ll be traveling over the weekend and won’t have a post on Monday but will pick up next Tuesday.

This morning’s post is going to be short, because I want you to take a few minutes and watch the following video (courtesy Ace of Spades). Were you aware that Google and Bing and Duck Duck Go are erasing the Internet? They are the top three search engines on the Internet, and their function, so we are told, is to search the Internet and bring you the information you are looking for.

But what if they decide that you shouldn’t see the information you’re looking for? What if they decide that not only should you not see that information, but that you should see only the information they think you should see?

It might look something like this (you only have to watch the first 4:00 or 5:00 minutes to get the point):

This is censorship at a macro level.

It’s viewpoint discrimination.

These “private” leftwing monopolies are making decisions about what information we are allowed to see and what information we are not allowed to see. So, for example, if you want to research January 6 from a conservative point of view—where do you go for that information?

If you’re not troubled by this, all I can say is, you should be.

Have a good weekend.