Daily Broadside | Thanks for Stopping By. Buh-Bye Now!

Daily Verse | Amos 5:14
Seek good, not evil,
    that you may live.

Tuesday’s Reading: Obadiah

Tuesday and I’m back from a wonderful weekend in a very hot part of the United States watching one of my daughters play soccer and meeting the family of another daughter’s boyfriend.

I had no time to check in on the flaming dumpster fire called the Democrat party (I refuse to call them “Democratic” since they are anything but) and the idiocy they’re inflicting on the country, but I caught wind of what happened in Martha’s Vineyard, where Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent 50 (fifty!) illegal aliens who showed up in his state at the invitation of Resident Open Borders.

In one of the richest enclaves in the United States, they declared a “humanitarian crisis” because, “We cannot, we do not, have the services to take care of 50 immigrants.” I swear I am not making this up.

After only 40 hours or so, the island community called in the National Guard who whisked the nuisance group off to a military establishment. CNN then gushed a fawning headline, “‘They enriched us.’ Migrants’ 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha’s Vineyard.”

How aristocratic.

In reality, their concern appears to be solely about optics and virtue signaling. When Republican governors send 50 migrants unannounced to Martha’s Vineyard, it’s a humanitarian crisis that gets days of national media coverage. When 51 migrants who were encouraged to illegally cross the border by the actions of Democratic politicians die in the back of a tractor-trailer abandoned by coyotes in the Texas heat, well, that’s a statistic.

The move by DeSantis was brilliant because it exposed the raw hypocrisy of an elite that votes for people like Brandon who promise open borders, but never have to live with the consequences of the policies that are enacted.

In a single stroke, Ron DeSantis tore the mask of hypocrisy off the smug faces of the liberal elites who love crowing about the virtues of “diversity” and the evils of “whiteness” just so long as they don’t have to suffer any real-world consequences. “People who make and advocate certain policies,” Tucker Carlson said, “should at some point have to live with those policies.” That was the moral of Ron DeSantis’ bravura performance. God bless him for it.