Daily Broadside | The Left is Burning It All Down

I often find myself mourning the death of historical, traditional America. I sit in my middle class home in my middle class neighborhood, enjoying the fruit of my labor, watching my children take their next steps into adulthood, thanking God for His grace and goodness, and it seems so … normal. It’s more or less what I grew up with and it’s what I want to leave to the generations who come after me.

Yet pull out to 50,000 feet and it’s anything but “normal.” Victor Davis Hanson, or VDH as he’s known, put his finger on it in his most recent column: “The Left is waging a full-fledged cultural revolution against traditional America. And the Maoist results are often as absurd as they are terrifying.”

He goes on to catalogue the catastrophe that the Left has wrought on the country, starting with the damning Durham report.

The summary confirms that our premier investigatory and intelligence agencies interfered in the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. 

Directors and high-ranking FBI officials lied under oath. They misled Congress. They altered court documents and deceived federal judges. 

The FBI hired a foreign national to gather dirt on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign—while he was being paid by the rival Hillary Clinton campaign.

The FBI contracted Twitter to suppress news stories. It kept the Hunter Biden laptop under wraps, even as former intelligence officials flat out lied it was likely “Russian disinformation.” That was a blatant effort to aid the 2020 Biden campaign.

Note that not one of the offenders have been called to account for their malfeasance.

Not. One.

This is not only the most egregious political crime in the history of the United States — yes, much greater than Watergate — it’s an outrageous betrayal of the social contract binding our country together. It’s a massive corruption of our legal and political system, which effectively demolishes the Constitutional order and makes us, what?

It’s not the United States of America.

VDH goes on to list the Black Grievance Grift that’s splitting us apart while the lead agitators enrich themselves; the political persecution of a young Marine who restrained a man threatening passengers on the subway — a hero in any other age now mortified as a vigilante with the perpetrator lauded as a victim of racism and oppression; and the degradation of athletic competition as biological males routinely beat female competitors in women’s sports. And then:

Under pressure from the LGBTQ activists, the Los Angeles Dodgers reinvited the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to celebrate Pride night at Dodger Stadium. 

Catholics and Christians had objected to the invitation because the group’s notoriety hinges on its sexualized and often pornographic mockery of Catholic ritual, the Holy Trinity, and Christian faith. 

The supposedly courageous group would never dare extend its street-theater blasphemy to other religious groups such as Muslims or Hindus. 

In a piece specifically about the Dodgers’ decision, Micah Meadowcroft writes that Christians, in particular, are no longer operating from a position of cultural strength, but weakness.

As goes baseball, so goes the country. America’s pastime may be much diminished from its golden age, but in a culturally fractured moment nostalgia makes it all the more important as a symbol. So it is worth noting, suggesting something of catacombs, when the Los Angeles Dodgers would rather offend Christians and sitting U.S. senators than risk the wrath of the homosexual lobby.


A decade, then, at least for one professional baseball organization, is how long it takes for pro-gay to become anti-Christian. This is baseball, recall; the team needn’t really have ever taken a public position on the sexual revolution, let alone prostrate, but here it is, and it says much more about American culture as a whole than about the Dodgers in particular. There was a culture war, once, and you lost.


But think for a moment about what has happened here. A large-market baseball team—an avatar of American culture and big business—was pressured by religious groups and a sitting U.S. senator to maintain a recently expected standard of public decorum. They did not protest a Pride Night and the Dodgers’ celebration of sexual expressivism, only an obviously anti-Catholic and even anti-Christian demonstration. This was a request for toleration from a position of weakness. And now there is no hesitation to trample. 

I encourage you to read the whole thing (both VDH and Meadowcroft). They don’t even touch on the open border with hundreds of thousands of foreigners being allowed to violate our sovereignty, the ramifications of which we can’t even imagine; the coordinated lawsuits against parents and schools for not allowing their children to be sexualized; the profound revelation that elections in swing states are in fact rigged (and there’s no strategy adopted for fixing it); the lawlessness allowed to go unchallenged in Democrat-led cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Austin, Portland and any number of hellholes in between; and much more evidence that this is not your father’s America.

David Harsanyi has thoughts.

The Los Angeles Dodgers’ apology letter re-inviting the anti-Catholic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to Pride Night reads like the unwinding of a grueling struggle session. And it ends in a predictably pitiful way, with the reactionaries promising “to better educate” themselves in the future.

In contemporary parlance, to “educate” oneself means allowing intellectually and morally stunted clowns — literally, in this case — to bully you. Because LGBT activists, like BLM activists, never need to be “educated” about anything. They have achieved enlightenment.

No, it’s the slack-jawed yokels who cling to thousands of years of intellectual and theological tradition who need lessons from the geniuses who spend Easter Sunday dressed in Virgin Mary drag, passing out condoms on a 13-stop bar crawl mocking the Stations of the Cross. The Dodgers are merely celebrating diversity by sponsoring a group that simulates sex scenes on crucifixes. Why are you fanatics starting another culture war?

Enjoy the long weekend.

One thought on “Daily Broadside | The Left is Burning It All Down

  1. While at the time the Watergate scandal was pretty heavy duty, what’s going on in our country today is so much more than that. What is frustrating, is back then several high ranking officials went to prison, but today not even one of these Marxists are concerned about prison time. We are better than this, so some how we have to hold this administration accountable!

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